Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 2 (1)

Great Holy Land (1st)

We continued our flight through the air for some time before the resort came into view. This place must be the pride of this world.

From our vantage point in the sky, we had the ability to take in the full view of the resort. The numerous luxurious mansions dotted the landscape. They were all on par with the most expensive mansions I’d seen in the capital of Kalis. This place must be reserved for only the upper echelon of society.

The high-class restaurants and other facilities for the nobility in Kalis were also matched by those present in the resort. This world is equivalent to medieval times in my own world, so the nobility face no restraints when it comes to living lavishly and this resort is a prime example of that.

I can’t wait to experience it.

We landed near the entrance and I presented the sealed letter I had received from the King to a small group of maids. Almost as soon as the letter had been read, a small gathering formed around us and began to show us around the resort. The scene reminded me of a procession for medieval nobility.

The person at the head of the procession was an elderly man who seemed in good spirits.

We were surrounded on all sides by both maids and butlers. All of the maids were young and attractive without exception while the men were all handsome with great bodies. Dozens of them formed lines on either side of us.

“This here is the amusement center and just further down the way is….”

The elderly man explained each place we visited as we continued our tour but not much of it registered with me.

My attention was solely focused on the maids’ short skirts. The skirts they wore here were far shorter than the skirts the maids wear at the academy. Even if they’re just standing normally, I can still catch a glimpse of their panties peeking out from beneath the hem. Barely visible panties from all angles is enough to make any virgin lose his composure.

My son has been at full attention since the moment I saw them.

Luckily, the jacket I’m wearing is long enough to hide it.

I’ll never go outside without wearing this jacket.

During one summer back in my original world, I visited another company for a meeting. After the meeting had concluded, I was casually standing around when I randomly got an erection while I wasn’t wearing a jacket. My entire body was covered in sweat as I attempted to hide it. A random erection is the nightmare of any man.

“The Penny Empire at least has some nice things.”

Drill-chan spoke casually about the resort while being totally unaware of my erection.

The sight of her heaving breasts caused my son further pain. The way her breasts swayed from the slightest movement was like pouring oil on a fire. This virgin wants to fill her vagina with cum. Burn, burn, unattainable womb.

“Yes, well, that’s to be expected of something borrowed from His Majesty.”

“Ara, amazing, You have connections I knew nothing about.”

“If you say so.”

“I figured you’d just asked Liz to loan it to you.”

“That’s not going to happen with the way she is now.”


Drill-chan didn’t hesitate to express her approval of my connection with the King.

It’s nice receiving her praise. I’ll gladly accept any and all interest from the opposite sex offered to me. True love would be nice, but if it comes from money, connections, or from something else that’s superficial, I’ll happily accept. It doesn’t matter as long as I have a girl interested in me.

The word girl is important there.

It’s getting to the point where I’ll accept any girl.

I blame Academy City.

More specifically, I blame the shotachinpo.

My parameters may have changed, but I’ll still hold out for a virgin.

“By the way, do you plan on restricting me to my room?”

“No, you’re free to do as you please.”

“…eh? Is that okay? You’re sure?”

“I read the letter the King gave me myself and it said I’m allowed full access to all of the facilities here. You’re my guest so that privilege extends to you.”

“Fu~n? I never knew you were so important….”

“If that’s how you want to take it.”

I feel like she’s got a point.

It made me think that when I return to the capital, another annoying job will be waiting for me. I doubt the King would give me such a handsome reward without at least some strings attached. Which is why I’ve given Drill-chan permission to live as lavishly as she pleases in order to get my money and time’s worth.

When you go to a buffet with someone that eats a lot, you know you’ll get your money’s worth.


Even so, the King at least acknowledges my achievements and rewards them appropriately. He’s definitely better than any boss I’ve had before. As long as you’re getting results, you’ll be compensated adequately.

Anything more would be a fantasy.

Upper management will only do enough to keep their subordinates just happy enough that they’re willing to suffer through the mundane tasks of everyday office life.

“Is something on your mind?”

“I was just thinking about something.”


Incidentally, I’ve noticed that the many maids and butlers surrounding me have been casting the occasional glance toward me.

I’m sure they’re curious about what relationship exists between Drill-chan and myself.

There’s clearly a substantial age difference between us.

Maybe I should use this opportunity to appeal to Drill-chan.

“Well, if you’d like, we can explore the resort together tonight.”

“If you’re not careful, you might fall in love with me.”

“…that would be quite the curious turn of events.”

“I’ll leave my schedule open tonight for you.”

I’ve arrived at this distant resort with a noblewoman from another country. It would be all too easy for rumours to start to spread about the two of us. Even though we are far from Dragon City or the capital, it’s not impossible for these rumours to reach there. I think the best way to prevent this is to kill any potential scandals before they start.

I was fully expecting her to refuse, but the answer she gave me was a surprise.

“I wonder? Fufu~, I guess I’ll allow myself to impose.”

Drill-chan’s eyes narrowed as she spoke.

The Kimoronge didn’t even offer any resistance.

Why do I feel like I’ve made a mistake?

“…just so we’re clear, I have someone I like already.”

“Fufu~n, you better not be thinking about using me to make yourself look good, okay?”

“I think if I were to try, you’d make sure it ends in failure.”

Damn it.

My attempt to appeal to her ended in a pathetic failure.

Well, whatever.

It still feels nice to be played with by her.

I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve felt unbelievably attracted to Drill-chan recently.

“And this will be your accommodations for the duration of your stay..”

The tour of the facilities continued as we spoke.

The elderly man gestured for us to enter through the large double doors.

I wasn’t expecting there to be such a grand entryway to our room..

Through the doors was a large room reminiscent of a lounge found in the most luxurious modern hotels. I don’t know how anyone could call this a just a room. The entire place must be at least 100 tatami mats in size.

I’m not sure I’d be comfortable sleeping in such palatial accommodations.

“If you find the room lacking in any way, please, do not hesitate to ask one of the staff and they will happily assist you. The tour only encompassed the main building but the rest of the surrounding land is also reserved for your exclusive use. Please, relax and enjoy your stay.”

“I understand. Thank you for your hospitality.”

He perfectly fills the role of ‘tour guide.’

I’m sure he’s worked here for many years and has the entire layout committed to memory. His mannerisms and movements even seem rehearsed. Considering his role, he may even hold a noble title. I should be mindful of what I say around him and how I treat him.

“I know you’ll only be staying with us for a short time, but I look forward to serving you.”

I pulled a small beautifully decorated leather pouch from my bag and presented it to the elderly man. I prepared this in advance with the expectation that tipping was the norm as it is when you travel abroad in my world.

He curiously titled his head and asked,

“…and this is?”

Maybe I was mistaken.

Well, I guess I’ll just smile and nod.

“Everyone, if you please.”

He still looked confused as he directed the majority of the staff to leave us.

The only people left in the room were the Kimoronge, Drill-chan, and myself. The only members of the staff that remained behind were the most beautiful maids and the best looking butlers.

“Araa~? Are the rest of you not leaving?”

“We will stay here to attend to the needs of Baron Tanaka and his guests. If there is anything you need, we are here to assist you. We look forward to serving you.”

In response to the butler’s words, the maids and butlers all bowed in unison.

The coordination is so cool.

“Fu~n? Then, the butlers may leave.”

“Of course, madam.”

The ikemen butlers left the room without any hesitation following Drill-chan’s instruction.

From my busamen perspective, this is the ideal scenario, but what is Drill-chan planning?

“I’m going to play with Gerosu alone! Come along, Gerosu!”

“As you wish, Master!”

Drill-chan left through another door leading further into what was essentially our home while we’re here. The Kimoronge followed closely behind her through a pair of sliding doors. They disappeared from sight leaving me with no idea where they were going or what they planned on doing. I can’t be sure, but I’d imagine there are more bedrooms further in the house that I have yet to see.

Maybe she’s being considerate towards me? But it is entirely possible she just wants to ‘play’ with her loyal servant. Their exit left me alone in the main room with the group of gorgeous maids.

This is bad. I think I’m the hardest I’ve ever been.

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