Archon of Danmachi

Hunt For Evilus VIII

She and Olivas were tools, nothing more but, as that was the only thing she had, a tool she would be, the greatest of tools even. And so, Revis always gave it her all during jobs, fulfilling her duties to the letter.

The current day however, was destined to be that of her greatest failure however, even though she herself would only come to realise it later.

After following Revis through a network of secret passages throughout the Dungeon, making it difficult to even tell what floor he was on due to the uniform environment and lack of monsters, Nox finally tracker to a reasonable large chamber where Olivas and someone else.

'Is that a white Ein?' Nox internally questioned with a puzzled look.

"Were you successful?" The color inverted Ein questioned the red haired creature on arrival.

Revis did not bother replying and just took out the jeweled fetus she had recovered, placing it on a nearby stone table that had been carved out of the environment.

The the robed and masked figure reached out to it but Olivas who seemed to be entranced by the fetus as soon as Revis showed it suddenly snapped out of it.

"Stop Zwei!" He exclaimed and the mysterious robed figure stilled before turning their gaze onto him.

'Zwei? Well, Filvis was Ein which I believe stands for one in german so her replacement going by zwei which is german for two makes all kinds of sense I guess.'

He had tried to peek past the robe with his magic but both it and the mask seemed to be magic items of good quality, they themselves could no avoid being exposed for what they were and their functions but said functions, including protecting the user's identity, were unfortunately still effective.

So, while keeping an eye and ear out for what was going on, Nox quickly began to make some adjustments to his scrying magic. After all, since he could tell exactly how it worked, his Arcana could provided the means to  get around its protection.

Back to the situation between the three co conspirators though, Olivas had kept talking.

"The seed is not yet ready to fully bring about our lady's avatar. It must feed more." The bona fide Demi Spirit zealot claimed and considering the Demi Spirit it had created in the original series, which was very underdeveloped, he was probably right.

'Though with all the changes, I thought it would be a greater threat than what it was in the original which should mean a higher maturity . . . Well, maybe he's lying, maybe that's something that did not experience change.' Nox though.

'Still, I need to get my hands on that thing for research, otherwise I won't be able to properly evaluate any situation where one of them is involved.' He concluded. All the while, in the back of his mind, he was rearranging his spell at lighting speed.

"I will take care of it." Zwei responded to Olivas' statement.

"You may have been chosen by our lady but you serve a different master. I will not hand over the seed to you." Olivas countered.

Revis tired of the discussion and left the stone chamber, just as Nox finished upgrading his scrying spell and, with a quick and stealthy use of it, he finally managed to see who was behind the mask and robe.

'Well well. Predictable enough but I suppose it is so because that would make the most sense considering who Enyo actually is.' Nox thought to himself when he saw the face behind the mask.

'Though I wonder how he managed to get past the low success rate for transforming adventurers in creatures . . . It's no possible he just went for it and it happened to work first try right?" He questioned.

"I didn't hear about any recent deaths in his familia and I do keep an ear out so either he didn't do it by trial and error or he just happened to get it right with a single try . . . Unlikely." Nox pondered in hiding.

'Well, it can all be investigated later. First things first, time to recover the Jewel Fetus and get out of here, I've got what I wanted for now. Then I guess I'll go and talk to Filvis about her successor.' He decided and sprung into action.

He creeped up to the table, his stealth magic having improved to the point it completely isolated him from the environment. He actually needed to rely on magic to move around and sense things when he use it at full capacity because he could touch, feel, hear, smell or even see anything.

Since he would be getting so close to the enemy though and he did not want an altercation right then, that was exactly what he did.

Taking advantage of the argument between Olivas and Zwei taking their attention well, Olivas was just ranting at Zwei who occasionally spoke up to make some reason hear, only to get ranted at even more, Nox swiped the Jewel Fetus and swiftly absconded with his prize.

Once he was safely away, he teleported to his extradimensional lab before receiving a message from Riveria, sent out to everyone. She had called for a meeting and Nox immediately assumed it was about Ais' encounter with Revis. He was partially right.

Meanwhile, shortly after he had left the stony chamber where Olivas and Zwei were having their "discussion", Revis walked back into the room because the waste of time and effort was starting to get to her and asked a critical question that froze them all in place.

"Where is the seed?"

Olivas and Zwei immediately turned towards the table, being stupefied by the obvious lack of a Jewel Fetus that both of them were quite sure about not having touched it.

Realizing her two associates had not moved it, Revis' expression uncharacteristically changed from her usual cold and bored face to a grimace of failure.

"I was followed . . ."


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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