Archon of Danmachi

Hunt For Evilus VII

Seeing Revis actually collect the fetus and getting away, Nox was slightly surprised. He hadn't really thought she would be so successful, especially considering the way things were going but once he considered the matter more carefully, it was not really that surprising.

'Well then . . . Things did turn out differently from the original series that's for sure . . ." He thought before stealthily giving chase.

Lune and Lefiya were a bit in shock as Revis could have very easily killed them in that short amount of time if her objective was not the Jeweled Fetus.

Ais was both feeling fortunate that her lack of capability did not get her friend and new acquaintance killed but at the same time, it was Ais so there were few things that induced more self hatred in her than having her weakness and lack of capability thrown in her face by reality.

The sword princess truly despised her own weakness and getting played and beat by an opponent so thoroughly, it made all of the great and speedy progress she had made in recent times feel quite worthless and woefully insufficient.

After all, Revis had not only taken a very important clue for the great spirit related secret that possibly connected to her mother, the red haired creature had also successfully played her by hiding her true strength until the critical moment and with a small shift, she could have easily killed both Lefiya and Lulune.

Leaving the girls behind to their thoughts, Nox was quietly following Revis while pondering on the exact reason for things to go so smoothly for Revis.

He soon realized that by his own hand, he had removed the uncertain factor that delayed Revis enough in the original series while also making the Fetus' retrieval impossible.

'Ais got stronger but so did Revis making the gap in their abilities very similar to the one meant to exist in the first place but I stopped the fetus from reacting to Ais' spirit magic by isolating it with a barrier.' Noth thought to himself.

'That was the most critical change that completely changed the course of the whole encounter.' He determined.

In the original series, the Fetus reacted to Ais even more strongly since she had a worse handle on her spirit based nature and it eventually awakened fully and parasitized a nearby Violas amongst the ones Revis had tamed brought with her later calling them to be a distraction while she went about her business.

This had the effect of preventing the success of her original goal which was the fetus' retrieval but it also allowed the red haired creature to associate Ais with Aria, erroneously thinking that they were one and the same.

As he original mission was a bust, Revis then changed her targets to "Aria" who she had discovered, aiming to bring her back to something or someone, maybe Enyo but it was never really explained in detail. Due to this, she was delayed and ended up getting overwhelmed by the reinforcements that arrived later.

With Nox making a mess of things however, the fetus ended up not awakening, allowing Revis to safely retrieve it and due to this, she did not realize that Ais was connected to the Aria she had heard so much about and as a result, she saw no reason to stick around.

Owing to this fast withdrawal, the red haired creature did not have to deal with nay coming reinforcements.

All in all, it was a resounding success for Revis  . . . That was if not for the rather ill intentioned individual stalking her with perfect stealth.

Originally, Nox was planning on catching her alone and taking the Jeweled Fetus but he was currently having second thoughts on the matter.

'I'm rather curious as to how Enyo, or should I say Dionysus, is handling communication with Revis and Olivas Act. In the original series Ein, one of Filvis' halves, took care of the role of in between but since I have already added her to my fold, such a thing is definitely not possible.' Nox pondered.

'Well, if I still want to take it, it's not like anyone can stop me.' He internally shrugged.

'Might as well follow this cold beauty and see who is currently acting as the go between, if anyone is fulfilling that role at all.' Nox casually decided and so, he kept trailing the completely ignorant Revis who was unknowingly guiding him towards her "comrades".

Truth be told however, he doubted the woman would care much, or anything at all, for those so called "comrades".

The one and only things that drove her cold self who had lost all her emotions and memories in the process of turning into a Creature, leaving on perpetual cold boredom behind, was the connection she shared with the origin of the Jeweled Fetuses, the Demi Spirit.

Although the connection brought her much annoyance at times, that the only emotion she still showed in any capacity, said connection was also the only thing that gave her otherwise empty life meaning.

Considering that, what else was she supposed to do? If she did not feed that connection, she might as well just waste any in the face of the meaninglessness of her existence.

Olivas, her foolish companion thought himself and her as "The Chosen" of their lady but she knew better.

They were tools, nothing more but, as that was the only thing she had, a tool she would be, the greatest of tools even. And so, Revis always gave it her all during jobs, fulfilling her duties to the letter.

The current day however, was destined to by that of her greatest failure however, even though she herself would only come to realise it later.


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