AngelSubzero - Douma's Adventures

Chapter 122: Chapter 122

They heard the sound of a stream of water when they got to the lower level of this area. It was dimly lit, the torches were flickering and the surroundings were stuffy. A few vines were seen hanging from the walls with obvious cracks on the pillars that reminded Douma and Chachamaru of abandoned ancient ruins.

"Hey there's a river somewhere here-"

"Wait Chachamaru, don't just wander off we don't know if there's someone or something hiding here." Douma warned him.

Chachamaru pouted and thought about what Douma had said. The blonde was right, not too long ago a snake ambushed them. A stream was no exception.

In front of them was numerous stone platforms leading to the other side of the vicinity. Below the stone platforms was water but the question was, how deep did the water go?

Douma stepped closer to the stone platforms and gazed at the still water hidden in the dark depths of this quiet place. The stream of water on the right being the only thing they heard.

"Having stone platforms here for no reason wouldn't make any sense." The blonde picked up a rock on the floor and threw it into the water right below one of the stone platforms. A soft splash and the rock was never seen again, Douma watched the rock sink into the depths without a trace.

Chachamaru gulped when the two of them realized how deep the water was. Throwing a rock into the water to test the depths, that was a smart move on Douma's part. If the blonde wasn't here, Chachamaru wondered what he would do.

"Come on we don't have much time to waste." Douma ran towards the stone platforms and stepped on the nearest one, checking on its endurance at the same time. These platforms were quite unstable, once they get on them they will have to hurry before they collapse or sink.

"Uh yeah." The bile in Chachamaru's throat made it harder for him to concentrate on which stone platforms he should land his foot on first. The trembles and giddiness he felt was another addition to his problems. Douma had already reached the sixth or seventh platform by now without trouble.

Douma glanced back and saw Chachamaru staring at the dark water below. "Are you just gonna stand there?" He said mockingly, of course this was as easy as pie for him, these stone platforms were nothing compared to what he has encountered, his speed was also a huge advantage for him to get around without breaking a sweat.

Hearing Douma's excruciatingly relaxed voice made Chachamaru furious. "No of course not. Why would I be scared? This is easy." The feline immediately stepped onto the stone platform, feeling the inferiority of its stability against his weight. This lack of security above the deep water made Chachamaru's blood pound in his ears.

He couldn't tell if this was fear or regret. Could he even turn back now? Everything felt far from each other. The feline stared at the next stone platform in front of him, contemplating on whether he could make it.

Then he strained his muscles and stepped onto the next stone platform and then the next, it went on until he reached the wall where he held onto the surface for support. Despite feeling a sense of security now, moving off was terrifying considering the fact that he had to leave this comfortable spot to face the dangers ahead. 

Douma stepped away from the last stone platform and turned around to check on Chachamaru's progress. He didn't need to make a guess as to where the feline was, it was obvious that he was far behind.

And clinging onto the wall where the water was flowing out.

"Chachamaru, how long are you gonna be standing there?" The blonde raised a brow, he didn't mean to pressure Chachamaru but they really couldn't hang around here all day. Besides the door to their next destination was right in front of them. It was a large door with carvings, whatever was at the other side must be very important.

With the commotion happening right outside his lair, the giant sat down on his throne. He knew the two guests were already here. They had done well navigating their way around the Aztec temple and getting away from those traps.

It was an accomplishment on their part and the very last one, because this next part was sure going to make them regret their decision of coming all the way here.

"They're close, but nobody will get pass me. Nobody." The giant growled, slamming his large weapon into the ground.

On the other hand, Chachamaru was still clinging to the wall beside him for dear life.

Douma crossed his arms over his chest and stood there waiting for Chachamaru impatiently. "The door is right here, I can just leave you behind. Maybe I should do that."

"Don't even think about it!" Chachamaru rasped. Then he noticed something crawling towards him on the wall. It was a spider that seemed friendly.

The feline smiled when the spider got closer to him. "Hey there little guy." The arachnid meant no harm, seeing the feline struggling to get across caught its attention.

Extending his paw, Chachamaru reached out to the spider that jumped on it. He placed the spider on his shoulder, happy with the friendship he formed with the bug.

"I made a new friend!" Chachamaru cheered.

The blonde didn't say anything he was waiting for the feline to get off that stone platform and start moving already.

Everything seemed calm, until Chachamaru moved slightly and nearly slipped off the stone platform when a part of it broke off and fell into the water.

The feline yelped and hopped over every stone platform that came after, dropping his torch into the dark water below. He maneuvered around the smaller ones that his feet could barely balance on until he got to the last one where he didn't hesitate to step off of.

Douma took a deep breath his worries fading away when that disaster happened. "That scared me." He said, glad that Chachamaru made it out of there in the most cinematic way possible.

"Yeah I'm never doing that again." Chachamaru said, catching his breath.

The giant narrowed his eyes at the door in front of him. He anticipated the arrival of his guests, this was the last straw. They better be prepared.

"This door isn't automatic which means we gotta bust it open." Douma raised his foot, getting ready to knock the door down.

"Two can play at that game." Chachamaru added, getting into the same stance.

The both of them got ready for the grand reveal behind the door that led to their final destination.

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