Along The Path Of Vengeance(Sasuke/Mha)

Chapter 47: Chapter XLVII: 1A vs Visitors

The first one to make a move was Lee who jumped into a kick, "Dynamic entry!"

Kirishima blocked it but was sent skidding a few meters. He shook his arms out, "Man he packs a punch!" He rushed in and went for some punches, but Lee dodged with grace and grabbed Kirishima's arm, flipping him over himself. However, Kirishima landed on his feet and went for a huge punch at Lee.

Lee blocked it, but it shattered something. Some of the girls covered their mouths and Momo said, "Did he break his arm?"

Sasuke replied, "That didn't sound like a bone crack."

Kirishima reeled back frowning, "Woah! Sorry, I must have punched too hard."

Lee smiled and rolled up his green sleeves above his bandages, allowing crumbled pieces of his weights to fall to the ground, making small craters. "No need to apologize. I'll have to take that as a sign to let loose," he side-eyed Gai and Gai nodded.

"Show them everything you got, Lee!"

Lee proceeded to undo the other three weights on each limb and tossed them to the side, with each one sounding like a wrecking ball crashing into the floor.

Kirishima and a lot of students gawked at them. Midoriya asked, "How heavy are those things!?"

Gai crossed his arms with a proud smile, "Those weights weigh as much as him. I'll have to make sure to increase them when we get back home!"

Naruto scoffed, "Bushy-brows is tough!"

Kaminari exclaimed, "How can someone move around like that with all that weight?! You gotta be messing with us, he totally has some kind of super-strength quirk."

Gai snickered, "The only power Lee needs is the power of youth! He's just a very physically gifted boy."

Lee dove at Kirishima's feet and kicked him into the air. Kirishima barely had time to harden in response and felt a small crack in his hardening, 'Wow, I would have thought the weights were the reason I felt so much force behind those hits, but he hits even harder now!'

Lee jumped up and axe-kicked Kirishima into the ground, summoning a smoke cloud. Through the smoke, Kirishima recovered and punched Lee through the smoke. He barely dodged, his cheek getting cut on Kirishima's jagged skin.

He smiled, "I'm glad you can still keep up! You're a strong opponent."

Kirishima replied, "Same to you, you're super fast, but it's gonna take a lot more than that to put me down."

Kirishima hardened his whole body and got into an exchange of punches and kicks with Lee. Lee was able to dodge all of Kirishima's hits and land some blows, although they wouldn't do more damage than leaving small cracks in his armor.

Jiro said, "He's done a good job of keeping up, but there's really only so much you can do without a quirk. It doesn't look like he's gonna make it any further in the fight than this."

Gai shook his head, "You're judging too early, pay closer attention."

Lee started focusing all of his hits on Kirishima's side, weaving and landing kicks and hooks in there, putting more and more small cracks in his hardened skin until he broke through and sent Kirishima rolling on the floor.

Lee's knuckles were bleeding, but he smiled and Tsunade got ready to call the fight, but Kirishima stood up cracking his neck. "You got me good there, but I still got more up my sleeve."

Kirishima's skin hardened even more, more than anyone had seen before, 'Red Riot Unbreakable!'

Lee wiped the sweat off his brow, "You truly are amazing."

Naruto whistled, "Redhead over there is looking like The Thing."

Sero asked, "The Thing?"

Midoriya stated, "It's a hero from a really old American comic book before quirks were a thing… I can't remember the name of the comic book though…"

He put his hand under his chin and Sero said, "Either way, this fight is fantastic!"

Midoriya paused and looked at him, "... Say that again?"

Lee and Kirishima dashed at one another. Lee weaved past his first punch, going for another hit to his side, but it didn't make any cracks, and he cringed in pain.

Kirishima managed to grab him by his collar and gut-punched him before suplexing him. Lee was left gasping on the ground and Kirishima stood over him with his guard up.

Minato cringed, "That was a nasty hit."

Naruto said, "Bushy brow is done for."

Tsunade started to raise her hand, but Lee kicked up off the ground and backflipped away from Kirishima. Kirishima's brows raised, "You can still keep going?"

Lee closed his eyes and stood up straight, "Sorry, but I don't intend on losing."

He wiped some blood off his lip and put his hands down in front of his hips before facing all his fingertips towards each other and taking a deep exhale.

Neji narrowed his eyes, "What's he doing?"

Gai answered, "He's going to go all out now and unlock the gate suppressing all his youthful energy."

Naruto tilts his head, "What does that even mean?"

"What it means is that Lee is going to access 100% of his muscle strength!"

Tsunade crossed her arms, "You're saying he's getting rid of the protective block on his nervous system? Do you know how dangerous that is? It's there for a reason."

Gai only smiled, "We're fully aware of that, and that's why I keep telling you people how physically gifted Lee is. He'll be fine."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes, "Fine... but if I think he'll cause himself any permanent injury I'm calling the fight off."

Lee's visual appearance didn't change at all, but he held himself differently and his eyes were laser-focused. Without warning or a windup, he blitzed Kirishima and gut punched him.

Kirishima reeled over, but recovered and managed to grab Lee's arm. He tried to clothesline him but Lee uppercut him before he could connect. Lee followed up with a roundhouse kick to the head, sending him spinning toward a rock pillar. Kirishima rubbed his head and noticed a small piece of his rock skin falling off. 'No way!'

Before he could recover, Lee appeared in front of him and landed an assault of punches and kicks, making his body bounce back and forth against the rock column as he created a bigger and bigger crater into it with Kirishima's body.

The students gawked and Naruto cheered, "You got bushy-brow!"

Iida remarked, "His speed is amazing!"

Asui put a finger under her chin, "Looks like Kirishima is done for this time."

Midoriya scribbled in his notebook, and Gai yelled, "You're doing great, Lee! Don't extend the fight! Finish it!"

Lee's bandages unwrapped and he wrapped them around Kirishima before kicking him high into the air and yanking on them, sending him head first into the ground, making a crater.

A smoke cloud covered the sight of the two as the students watched on in anticipation, and when it cleared, Lee stood over Kirishima, this time with him unconscious.

Tsunade called the fight, "Lee wins!"

Midoriya muttered to himself, "To think that someone without a quirk could do that much damage to someone as tough as Kirishima..."

Momo said, "I hope Kirishima is ok."

Sero rubbed the back of his head, "Glad I didn't try to place any bets."

Tsunade and Sakura jogged over to the pair of fighters and Aizawa squinted, "That looked too excessive."

Tsunade hovered her hand over Kirishima's head, and a faint green glow appeared. "Besides bruising he's fine."

Sakura looked over Lee as he blushed from her being so close. "I can heal, stand still for a minute." She didn't notice and placed her palms over his, healing them in a second as all his pain faded. His face turned red, but she turned to Aizawa, "I don't think they got carried away, they're both fine."

Minato added, "Besides, both Tsunade and Sakura can heal people with their quirks. Even if anything bad happens they can heal it."

Aizawa replied, "You make a fair point... how does their healing work though?"

Minato answered, "It works by using the excess life energy/vril in themselves and in the air and using it speed up the healing process hundreds of times over."

Aizawa slowly nodded, "Got it… alright, you can continue on."

Lee closed his eyes and thought, 'Sakura is so beautiful... Perhaps I can...' He opened his eyes, ready to shoot his shot, but she was already gone, back with the rest of the students. He pouted and sighed, returning to Gai's side who gave him a pat on the back, "You did great out there. I can see you being the strongest man in China in the future already."

Lee's forward was replaced with a smile, "I'll go even further than that! I'll aim to be the strongest man in Asia, maybe even the world!"

"That's the youthful spirit I like to see!"

Sasuke thought, 'No doubt about it. He's strong. He has his own gifts though, and a good sensei to go with it. Midoriya couldn't have been like that.'

Tsunade laid Kirishima on the ground and announced, "Next up is Ojiro and Neji!"

Hinata said, "Good luck, Neji."

Naruto slapped his back, "Yeah, give him hell!"

The two students strolled to where Kirishima and Lee stood before and Neji asked, "Is it correct to assume you use martial arts based around your tail?"

"Pretty much. Don't underestimate me, though."

"I see; for the sake of fairness then, I'll tell you my quirk," he pointed at his eyes, "My quirk's name is Byakugan. I can see through everything, including your pressure points, and I can send short bursts of energy out of my hands."

Ojiro replied, "Pretty ironic that someone who looks blind can see everything."


Tsunade stated, "Alright you two, get ready, set, go!"

Ojiro flipped on his tail and used it to propel himself toward Neji, who blocked an incoming kick.

Neji's eyes tensed and the veins popped on his cheeks as he went to strike Ojiro's leg. In response, he pivoted on his tail into a spin kick, making Neji back up. "Wise choice, even a glancing blow from my gentle fists can be debilitating."

Sweat fell down Ojiro's brow as he observed him cautiously, 'I can't take any risks in this fight! One misstep can leave me handicapped.'

Hagakure cheered, "You got this, Ojiro!"

Neji stated, "If you won't come, then I will."

He dashed forward with an open palm that Ojiro parried, but he didn't let up. He comboed into an assault of blows, putting Ojiro on the back foot closer and closer to a pillar.

When Ojiro almost had his back against the pillar, he pistoned off it with his tail into a fast side-kick, but Neji anticipated it and grabbed his leg, throwing him behind himself.

Ojiro recovered by bouncing off his tail, but he sagged as his leg stayed limp. He gritted his teeth and tried to move it, but it wouldn't budge.

Uraraka asked, "What happened to him? He didn't hit his leg."

Hinata answered, "Neji is really skilled at close combat, anyone without range is at a disadvantage."

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, Neji has nasty technique, he couldn't beat me, though!"

He grinned proudly and Minato commented, "Having clones helps in close combat a lot, but yeah. All Neji needs is a brief touch of his opponent to disable a limb with a burst of energy. I didn't say anything when they matched up, but the odds were against Ojiro."

Hagakure swung her hands around, "That's like, so unfair!"

Todoroki added, "Out of all of us, Ojiro is likely the worst one for him to fight."

Tokoyami replied, "Agreed. He has no effective way to counter."

Neji dashed at Ojiro who bounced off his tail and swung his limp leg at Neji. The move caught him off guard and Neji barely blocked it. "Good strategy to use your already limp limb, but this fight is over. You can't move as quickly anymore, and you're in range, you can't escape my 8 trigrams."

"8 trigrams?" Ojiro tried to brace himself, but it made no difference as Neji put one palm forward before spinning and poking him with 2 fingers in his pressure points.

"2 palms! 4 palms! 8 palms!" Neji's relentless assault went on, hitting every pressure point in Ojiro's body as the crowd watched the spectacle. "16 palms! 32 palms! 64 palms!"

Ojiro was sent flying and yelled in pain before landing on his back. Tsunade instantly called the fight, "Neji wins!"

Kaminari called out, "Hold on a minute! He might get back up!"

Minato shook his head, "He won't be able to move for a while. He got hit in every pressure point in his body."

Neji picked up Ojiro and carried him over to the group. Shoji asked, "Neither Sakura nor Tsunade can heal that kind of thing?"

Sakura answered, "He's not technically injured so no."

Neji laid down Ojiro and said, "You were a good fighter; my quirk just so happens to counter any close-range fighter."

Ojiro chuckled, "I almost feel set up, but good fight. Thank you. Hitting pressure points in a fight is really effective. Even though I can't see them, maybe you could teach me some pressure points to aim for before you go?"

Neji smirked, "If you recover fast."

Kirishima stirred awake next to Ojiro and looked around, "What happened?"

Ojiro answered, "We both lost."


Lee answered, "Yes, but you were a great opponent."

Kirishima chuckled, "Felt like I was fighting Iida... maybe I should start wearing weights…"

Kaminari rubbed the back of his head then crossed his arms, "Jeez, glad I didn't volunteer to fight. First this guy beats up Kirishima without a quirk, and then this guy comes in, disabling pressure points or whatever…"

Bakugo stomped forward, "You idiots are making us look bad! Come on, we're down 0-2!"

Kaminari pumped his fists, "Clutch up for us, Bakugo!"

Bakugo smiled and cracked his knuckles, "I plan to. Come on tribe boy! I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Gaara turned to Nezu and Nezu translated, "He said he looks forward to a good spar with you."

Gaara did a slight bow before the two of them moved to the middle of the rocky training grounds. The cork on his gourd popped off and sand slowly pooled around Gaara.

Bakugo noted it and Tsunade called out. "Begin!"

Bakugo flew towards him, "DIE!" He blasted Gaara's face but was blocked by sand while Gaara kept his arms crossed.

Bakugo grunted and dodged tendrils of sand that tried to reach out for him, Midoriya scribbled in his notebook, 'A quirk that manipulates sand... is it limited to just sand? What can he do with it once he catches someone with it?'

Bakugo weaved past some sand tendrils for a while, slowly making his way closer to Gaara before blasting him in the front and weaving around, blasting him from each side. Gaara blocked every blast without much difficulty keeping an eye on Bakugo. The explosions would blast the sand away, but more would float up in its place.

Todoroki said, "He doesn't even have to move to fight, Bakugo might tire himself out at this rate."

Sasuke crossed his arms, "He'll switch things up. He's an idiot, but a smart fighter."

Kaminari said, "Never thought I'd live to see the day Sasuke said something nice about Bakugo."

Bakugo gritted his teeth and closed his fist while putting his palm against it, "Don't just stand there, asshole! AP shot!"

His explosion finally penetrated through the sand this time as Gaara was sent skidding across the ground. Uraraka exclaimed, "He got him!"

Gaara stood up, and his face looked like pottery with a crack in it as it looked like his skin peeled off before being replaced with more sand. His poker face never disappeared as he said something in his language. Uraraka tilted her head, "Or not?"

Shoji asked Nezu, "What did he say?"

Nezu scratched his head, "I'd… rather not translate."

Bakugo raised a brow, "What the hell?"

Minato rubbed his chin, 'Does he create a protective layer around his skin using the sand he manipulates? That's practical... it's probably good natural sunscreen against the sun in Pakistan, too.'

Sand spun around Gaara for a while until it solidified into a sphere. Bakugo gritted his teeth, "You're gonna start hiding now, huh?" He jumped at the sphere, "AP shot!"

The explosion only put a dent in the sphere that quickly shot out as a spike, cutting Bakugo's arm. The spike turned into a tendril that wrapped around Bakugo's arm and slammed him into the ground a couple of times. Leaving him yelling in pain.

Minato wondered, 'Can he see through that sphere?'

Kaminari pulled at his hair, "No way we're about to go 0-3!"

Kirishima replied, "Have some faith in Bakugo!"

Bakugo managed to blast the tendril away and wobbled to his feet as more tendrils and spikes shot out at him. He breathed heavily as blood trickled down his arms. He glanced back at the UA students and saw the worry on Deku's face while Sasuke maintained a neutral expression.

He glared, staring at Gaara. He thought, 'It's all or nothing now, and I'm not losing here, asshat!'

He weaved through the sand attacks, and slowly spun more and more as he got closer and increased in speed with closed palms, 'Made this move to deal with the Susanoo, this sand sphere is nothing! AP variant, Howitzer impact!'

A concentrated exploding torpedo in the form of Bakugo blasted through all of Gaara's sand and destroyed his sphere, sending him halfway into a stone pillar that almost collapsed, but Sasuke held it up with a large Susanoo hand.

Tsunade examined Gaara, who was unconscious and covered in sand, before calling the fight, "Bakugo wins!"

Sakura ran out to heal and carry Gaara while Class 1A cheered for Bakugo. Sasuke did a small clap for him, and Bakugo sneered with his hands in his pockets, approaching the class.

Kirishima gave him a high-five, "Hell yeah! You got us our first win!"

"Like I'd lose to someone standing still the whole match. You better not fuck up the momentum either, Deku!"

Midoriya tensed up and smiled before nodding, "I won't!"

Sasuke said, "Good luck."

After Sakura laid Gaara next to Nezu, she walked out to the middle of the training grounds with Midoriya.

Sasuke side-eyed Naruto who returned the look, their hearts sounded and Sasuke thought, 'One more round until I fight this guy.'

Midoriya looked at Sakura frowning. She remarked, "Don't go easy on me just cause I'm a girl, I'm not fragile."

He waved his hands, "I wasn't thinking anything like that!"

She smiled, "Good then. I wanna see what All Might's successor has to offer."

He reeled back, "Huh?! How did you..."

She tilted her head with an amused expression, "I didn't, it was just a theory Grandma and Minato would talk about, but thanks for confirming."

She stuck out her tongue, and Midoriya's face palmed. 'I gotta stop doing that.'

"Don't worry, there's no reason for me to tell anyone," she backed away from him and widened her stance. "Oh and one last thing, from the footage I've seen, I'm pretty sure I have more strength than you."

He blinked, "Huh?"

Tsunade raised her hand and swiped it down, "Start!"

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