Along The Path Of Vengeance(Sasuke/Mha)

Chapter 46: Chapter XLVI: Foreign Student Visit

Sasuke and Midoriya practiced their moves in the training room. Sasuke's Chidori fizzled out, and he turned to Midoriya, "Any luck?"

He shook his head, "No, I've had trouble bringing it out."

"Is it cause you could have hurt someone badly during joint training?"

He nodded, "I think so, I'm afraid I can't control it if it comes out again."

Sasuke approached him, "You should try it now, do you think you could hurt me with it?"

Midoriya raised his fist, "No! I don't know."

"It'll be better for you to control it sooner rather than later when you need it. Think of it as a future asset to protect people, alright?"

Midoriya looked back up at Sasuke and nodded, "Alright... I'll try."

He strained his hand, remembering the recent feeling of the tendrils coming out of them, and tried to force that same stimulus. After a moment, Sasuke saw tiny black tendrils come out that didn't move.

"... Couldn't hurt a fly with those."

The tendrils receded and Midoriya said, "I'm trying over here!"

Sasuke waved him off, "It's a good start. Let's try to continue from there."

They continued to train for another hour and trained together each day of the week until the day of the foreign students' visit finally came. Class 1A gathered in their homeroom excitedly.

Momo said, "I wonder how different their costumes are in other countries."

Mina looked up at the ceiling, "You think any big-name heroes will come with them?"

Uraraka added, "Come to think of it, will they even know Japanese?"

Principal Nezu entered the classroom with Aizawa. "Good morning students. Our guests have arrived and are on their way. Tomorrow, they'll be with Class 1B, but for today, you'll be introducing them to our facilities. I trust that you'll all represent UA with dignity and-"

-There was a loud crash as a spikey blonde teen in an orange and black jumpsuit jumped into the classroom, getting out of the grip of a pink-haired girl who tried to restrain him, "This place is awesome! Believe it!" He turned to the class, giving everyone a full view of his whiskers and hair like Bakugo's, "Yo, Class 1A! I'm Naruto Namikaze, the future top 1 hero! What's-"

—Naruto was cut off by Minato teleporting next to him and covering his mouth. He rubbed the back of his head and smiled, "Sorry for my rowdy son everyone."

Sasuke's eyelids hung low, 'That one's gonna be annoying.'

Half the class shot out of their seats and Sero shouted, "The number 2 American Hero!"

Hagakure shouted, "Omg! Is he single?"

Jiro replied, "Do you not see his son right there?"

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes met each other briefly, and it was like there was a brief spark between the two before looking away.

Minato looked up at Tokoyami and teleported to his side with his fist up for a fist bump, "I see you kept that marked paper. Good to see you again."

Tokoyami returned the fist bump, "Likewise."

Aoyama placed his hands under his chin, "He twinkles almost as much as me."

Shoji replied, "He might have you beat there."

Kaminari and some of the other guys surrounded him, "Tokoyami!! You've been holding out on us! Why haven't you ever told us you were buddy-buddy with someone like the Yellow Flash?!"

Sero added, "We never knew you had clout like that!"

Mineta shouted, "Enough about men! Do you guys not see the hotties over there?!"

Mineta pointed at the front of the class as the seven other students entered the class. All wore their own cultural clothing. The first student of interest was a pink-haired girl with a diamond mark on her forehead. The next were two dark-haired students who looked related and had pupilless grey eyes. Followed by them was a boy with a pinnacle haircut, a bundled-up guy with glasses, one with a bowl cut and bushy eyebrows, and lastly, a red-headed pale boy with a large gourd on his back.

Mineta had hearts for eyes but was left drooling when he saw Tsunade enter the classroom, his eyes glued to her chest, "106... I can tell just by looking at them..."

Kaminari's brow furrowed, "Huh? Looking at what?"

Tsunade gave a thumbs-up and wink to Tokoyami, and Mineta scoffed, 'Even Tokoyami has a game?!'

The last person to enter the class was what looked like an older version of the bushy brow kid. As they lined up in front of the class, Aizawa announced, "Since everyone's here now, do you mind introducing yourselves before we begin?"

Naruto started first, "I'm"—

—"They already heard your introduction, idiot!" The pink-haired girl cleared her throat, "I'm Sakura. I came here from Germany with my grandma," she gestured to Tsunade with a big smile, "I can't wait to get to know you all!" Sakura scanned over the class and blushed when she saw Sasuke, 'He's so hot!'

Mineta yelled, "Same here!"

Sakura got the ick and her smile faded instantly. Next up was the pupilless girl, "Hi I'm... Hinata. Thank you for having me here."

She did a slight bow, and the boy next to her spoke, "My name is Neji. Me and my cousin came here with Naruto from America. Thank you for having us," he also did a slight bow.

"My name is Shino. My parents were born here, but I'm from Australia."

The next boy yawned, "Name's Shikamaru; I came here from Brazil. My grandparents were born here though."

The teen with bushy eyebrows spoke up, "My name is Lee! I look forward to what youthful challenges the UA students have to offer! I'm here with Gai sensei, we came over from China!"

The last to speak was the redhead, "My name is Gaara. I come from the Kalesh tribe in Pakistan."

Midoriya wrote down in his notebook thinking, 'These guys look tough! What could Gaara be keeping in that gourd?'

Asui said, "It's really convenient everyone happens to know Japanese already."

Nezu replied, "You're mostly correct, although Gaara doesn't know Japanese, he just used a translation app to memorize a few lines, so I'll be translating some things for him."

Aizawa cleared his throat, "Now that introductions are finished, we should start with a tour of the facilities. Class rep, can you lead?"

Iida shot up out of his seat, "Yes, sir! I will ensure that our guests receive an efficient tour of our facilities! Please, follow me, everyone!"

After they left the class and went around, certain students naturally gravitated towards others. Shino, Gaara, Neji, Hinata, and Shikamaru stayed near the back of the group with the more reserved students. On the other hand, Lee stuck by Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo.

Lee said, "You're in great shape, Kirishima, what kind of quirk do you have that needs a body like that?"

Kirishima hardened a hand, "I can harden my body. It's simple, but it gets the job done. How about you?"

Lee smiled, "I don't have a quirk."

Midoriya's ears perked up, "Seriously?"

Gai cut in, "He's very serious. He may not have a quirk, but his youthful spirit burns brighter than any other teen I've seen!"

Lee added, "It's true, but I haven't let that fact hold me back from becoming a hero!"

Kaminari asked, "Wait so... how are you a hero in training then? It's not dangerous fighting out there without a quirk?"

"It is, but with the power of youth and extreme physical training, any barrier can be bypassed! I've gotten by on my martial arts and strength training with Gai sensei... all day and sometimes all night; I train, train, and train some more! Now that I have my provisional license, I'll train harder than ever!"

Midoriya stared blankly, lost in thought, 'He's gotten this far without a quirk?... if All Might never came along, could I have been like that?' He recalled his whole school year and tried to imagine being quirkless, 'I can't see myself having even begun if I didn't have One For All...'

Kirishima almost cried, "That's... beautiful... you're so manly, Lee!"

Bakugo asked, "Yeah yeah yeah, pretty words but how the fuck is someone without a quirk making it that far into a hero course? What the hell are you guys doing over in China?"

Gai smiled, "Maybe you'll see Lee in action later. Despite not having a quirk, Lee is very physically gifted, you'll all be surprised at what he's capable of."

Iida guided them through the Cafeteria and dorms building and the entire time, Sakura stole glances at Sasuke a lot, inching closer to him throughout the tour, "So I saw you get first place in the Sports Festival. That's super impressive."

She twirled her hair and held her hands behind her back. Sasuke side-eyed her, "Thanks."

Mina started keeping a close eye on the two and Sakura nudged closer to him, brushing shoulders while they walked, "We have something similar back home in Germany. You think you can show me some of your techniques you've been learning later? Maybe I could show you some of mine!"

Before Sasuke could get out a word, Mina slid between the two with a beaming smile, "Hey baaaaaaabe, remember when you helped me improve my fighting technique? That was great training." She turned to Sakura with an oblivious expression, "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?"

Sakura gave a weak smile as her eyes twitched, "No not at all... babe?"

Mina hugged Sasuke, "Yup! Maybe we could all train together later. I'm sure you have some interesting techniques."

Sakura strained to maintain her smile, "That would be... great." She almost gritted her teeth, and Tsunade giggled to herself, watching the interaction."

Naruto, who heard everything, snickered, "Struck out already, Sakura?"

"Shut it, Naruto!" She punched him through the door Iida was about to open.

"And this is the computer L— What is the meaning of this?!"

Naruto landed on a table, making a mess of the computers and he rubbed his head. Sakura played with her hands, "Hehe, sorry."

Iida stated, "We must clean this up before we continue!"

Shikamaru sighed, "What a drag."

A few minutes after the tour continued, they passed by some of the sectors developed by Cementoss and listened to the stories Iida gave on the significance of certain places. Neji said, "Your facilities are quite impressive, although the American ones are larger."

Naruto walked backward with his hands behind his head, "Yeah, but the tech here is way cooler. Why don't we have huge robots back home? We just fought each other for our entrance exam."

Neji answered, "Safety measures. Besides, one of the participants had a hacking quirk. It would have been unfair.

The tour finally came to an end as Iida led them all to the training grounds, "And this is where most of our practical exercises happen."

Aizawa announced, "We'll stay here for a while, so consider it free time to demonstrate your quirks."

Shikamaru yawned looking around, "Hope they don't make us train here."

Tokoyami asked, "What does your quirk do?"

Shikamaru's shadow stretched out to Tokoyami and made him feel stiff. "Shadow Paralysis. I can hold people or things in place, make them mimic movements, and some other things."

"Interesting... I also use a shadow of sorts," Dark Shadow appeared from Tokoyami's uniform mid-paralysis.

Shikamaru's tired eyes lit up a little, "So it's immune to it? Good thing I didn't plan on sparring then," the shadows traveled up Tokoyami's body and briefly grabbed Dark Shadow before receding back to Shikamaru.

Tokoyami informed, "There's another student with similar powers in 1B. His name is Shihai. you two might be able to learn something from one another."

"That so? What's his quirk?"

"He can merge into any darkness, he even briefly controlled Dark Shadow after merging with it."

Shikamaru rubbed his chin and shrugged, "Sounds interesting. Guess I'll end up seeing him tomorrow either way."

Farther away, Uraraka asked Tsunade, "How do you guys know Tokoyami?"

"He helped us take out a terrorist organization once."

"Her eyes went wide, "What?! Is that legal?"

Tsunade rubbed her chin, "I think? Hawks brought him along so I assume so."

Gai's eyes lit up looking around as he snickered, "Excellent! This is the perfect playground for the springtime of youth! Aizawa, if the students wish, are they able to demonstrate their strengths on each other?"

Aizawa replied, "As long as it doesn't get too out of hand."

Gai pumped his fists, "Perfect! Make your sensei proud, Lee! Show them your grit!"

Lee bowed, "I will, Gai sensei!" He turned to Kirishima, "Kirishima, I'd like to show what I can do."

They smiled at each other, "Hell yeah! Let's get it on!"

Naruto palmed his fists, "I like the sound of that! Let's all fight one for all!"

Neji shook his head, "Always so impulsive. This should be organized properly."

Bakugo smirked, and his palm crackled with explosions, "If we're all fighting, then count me in! I'll kick anyone's ass!"

Shikamaru stated, "Hard pass."

Shino said, "Same."

Hinata looked down, "I didn't come to fight..."

Tsunade stepped forward, "Woah guys, no free for all. If you're gonna spar then let's make this more interesting."

Minato stepped forward next to her, "Like one-on-one matches with the visitors vs the UA students."

Midoriya spoke up, "I'd like to join in for that."

Minato said, "Great, how about we get a raise of hands for everyone that wants to participate?"

Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara, Bakugo, Midoriya, Lee, Kirishima, Neji, Sakura, and Ojiro raised their hands. Sakura frowned, seeing that Mina didn't raise her hand.

While they discussed the matches, the rest of the students continued their own conversations. Hagakure spied on Shino and said, "Shino... were you talking to bugs?"

Shino side-eyed her, "Yes, my quirk revolves around communication with insects, sorry if that comes off as-"

"That's cool! We have someone who talks to bugs, too! Well, he can talk to animals in general, but still."

He fully turned to her, "Is that so? Who would that be?"

Hagakure called out, "Hey Koda! Come over here for a sec!"

Koda nervously walked over and Shino observed him, "You can control animals with your quirk, correct?"

Koda nodded and Shino raised a hand. A swarm of insects flew out and made aerial patterns as Hagakure reeled back, "Eek! You just have those living in your clothes?!"

"Some of them, although they also live in my body, are ready to help me at any time."

Hagakure covered her mouth, "Omg..."

Shino had the insects walk around the ground and spoke, "Can you show me what you can do with insects?"

Koda slowly nodded and got on the ground in front of the bugs, whispering something to them. After a moment passed, he stood back up and they walked in circles around him.

After prolonged silence, Shino said, "Excuse me miss, if you had to rank your classmates based on strength, what would it look like? Where would Koda place in there?"

She rubbed her chin and replied, "Oh, um, let's see... Sasuke is totally number one, then Bakugo at two, Todoroki at three, Midoriya at four, Tokoyami at five, six or seven could be Iida and Mina... I can't think of the rest, but Koda would probably be, like, bottom five."

Koda rubbed his neck, and Shino nodded, "I see. Back in Australia, I'm at the top of my class," he faced Koda, "Considering you can control all animals, you should be able to rise closer to the top of your class."

Koda didn't reply, but he listened intently. Hagakure scratched her head, "Ehhhh I wouldn't go that far. Our class's top five are super super strong."

He replied, "Does all that strength matter when a venomous insect paralyzes you? Or you get bitten with a sting more painful than any punch?"

"There are bugs that can do that?"

"Hundreds. I have at least five of every versatile species of insects back home," he turned to Koda, "My main point is you aren't utilizing your full potential. If you can control animals, you shouldn't have to verbally speak to them. They should be an extension of your will. Are you following?"

Koda stopped playing with his hands and nodded. While they continued to converse, the students who wanted to spar talked things out. Minato said, "Ten students, that's perfect. Try to figure out who you guys wanna match up with."

Kirishima and Lee dapped up and Kirishima stated, "I already know who I want to fight!"

Naruto pointed at Sasuke, "Hey, emo!"

Sasuke winced and snapped back, "I'm standing right next to you! You don't have to yell, idiot."

"Yeah yeah yeah you bastard, I saw how you did at the Sports Festival. I wanna see what you got in a fight, believe it!"

He showed off a challenging grin that Sasuke couldn't stop himself from returning. He thought, 'Why does this guy feel different?' "Fine, if it'll shut you up you're on."

Ojiro approached Neji, "I like your style, how about we spar?"


Bakugo pointed at Gaara, "I'll take on no eyebrows over there."

Kaminari teased from a distance, "Are you sure you don't wanna fight the girl?"

"Shut the hell up! I don't need you dickheads calling me lord woman bomber again!"

Midorya and Sakura stared at each other. "I guess that just leaves us then," he offered a hand to shake, "Let's have a good spar."

She accepted it, "Let's."

Minato stated, "That's settled then. As for the order of matches, Lee and Kirishima can go first, followed by Neji and Ojiro, Gaara and Bakugo, Midoriya and Sakura, and Naruto and Sasuke in that order."

Naruto pouted, "What? Dad, why am I going last?"

Minato shrugged, "I wanted to give the others a chance to shine first, don't worry, you'll still fight."

Naruto sighed, and Lee and Kirishima marched to the middle of the training room, away from everyone else. Tsunade cleared her throat, "Just make sure you two don't hurt each other too badly. You win by making the other unconscious, submit, or if I or one of the other adults deem you your opponent, you can't continue. Understood?"

They both nodded and got into fighting positions. She continued, "Alright, remember to have fun... and begin!"

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