Aka Amy

55. Initiation (Tess)

content warning: gets a bit lewd

"So how should I do this?" I asked as I piled the cookies up on a plate. "Do I bring this into the bedroom? Leave it on the kitchen counter? Or just hand you the plate?"

I felt equal parts anxious and silly, like my emotions didn't know whether to be scared or excited, if I should treat this as a solemn situation or just take it relaxed and casual.

It seemed like Amy wasn't sure how we should handle things either, she looked as conflicted as I felt. Maybe even more.

After a few seconds she finally shrugged, "I guess it depends where you want to do the rest of the ritual stuff? If you want to head straight to the bedroom we'll leave the offering here? Or if you want to do the ritual stuff in the living-room, maybe we can put that out on the balcony?"

"Wait what?" I frowned. "You don't want your cookies and wine with us for the ritual?"

She blushed as she admitted, "If there's a plate of my favourite cookies sitting in front of me I'll be tempted to start snacking on them. They'll distract me."

I suppressed a laugh, "Ok first off that's adorable. Second off, they're your cookies so what's wrong with you eating one or two of them?"

She mumbled something about secret Goddess stuff, though I was starting to suspect she was just using that as an excuse to get out of anything that was too embarrassing or that she didn't have a good answer for.

After thinking it over I decided, "Well I don't want to put them out on the balcony. They'll attract birds or bugs or something, it'll be a mess to tidy up. So how about I leave them on our dinner table?"

I added, "I'm not sure how much space we'll need for the ritual, but if we can't fit it in the bedroom then we can start in the living-room, and just try to ignore the snacks so you're not tempted."

"Ok," Amy agreed. "I'll set up the candles out here."

While she was getting them out of the closet I poured a glass of ice-wine, then left that and the cookies on the table.

As I put the wine bottle back in the fridge I teased, "Maybe we should set up a permanent altar to you, then I could put the cookies and wine there? We're going to be doing this more than a dozen times a year after all. We could put it on the wall just under the TV."

"That'll be hard to explain when we have guests over," Amy replied as she lit each candle one at a time with a lighter. "I think it'd have to go in the office or the bedroom, if you were going to set up a permanent altar. Maybe something temporary or portable would be a better choice? Then you could put it away when it's not in use."

I grimaced, "I was just kidding. But maybe that's not a bad idea?"

A moment later I offered, "Why don't you let me finish lighting the candles while you go get changed?"

"Changed into what?" she asked. "I don't have any fancy robes or anything. And I already said you didn't need to wear fancy robes either."

I rolled my eyes, "I feel like it helps set the mood, ok? And I bought this white gown specifically for your ritual last summer, if you recall. I've only worn it the once, I figured this was a good excuse to wear it again."

Amy was still wearing the knee-length black dress she had on when we went out for dinner earlier, except she'd taken off her heels and stockings. Actually I was pretty sure she'd taken off everything else too, so like me she didn't have anything on under her dress.

By that point there were enough candles lit that we could see without the lights, so I went around and turned them all off. And when the last of the candles were burning, Amy put the lighter away then the two of us ended up standing facing each other next to the living-room sofa.

"So what now?" I asked, in a voice that wavered a little more than I liked.

It felt like I had an army of butterflies in my stomach, but half of them had passed out from nerves or stress. I had no idea what to expect, though I was pretty sure Amy was as clueless as me. I wouldn't be surprised if she was winging the whole thing. Or if she did have a plan, maybe she'd based it on one of her video games or something similar.

My girlfriend glanced around, then got a pillow off the sofa and dropped it on the floor in front of me. She obviously saw my quizzical look in the candlelight as she explained quietly, "For your knees."

That made me blush and grimace. I used a cushion off the sofa last summer, but that's when I thought I was summoning a tall statuesque Goddess from another realm. I still wasn't sure how I'd feel about having to kneel before my cute occasionally-subby girlfriend, but I knew I had to try. That was part of her requirements after all.

I took a deep breath then asked, "So does that mean I need to get down on my knees for you? Is it time?"

"Not just yet," she replied. Then she took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes and stated, "Nothing we do tonight is forever, there's no life-long till-death commitment. But once it's finished, it won't be easy to undo. So I'm going to give you a few opportunities to change your mind before it's over, and the first one is right now. Tess, you sure you want to go through with this?"

There was no hint of her earlier nerves or hesitation, and no trace of amusement or silliness either. From her tone and expression I knew she was reminding me, we were about to do something serious and potentially life-changing.

I gulped, took another deep breath, then finally responded. "Yes, I want to go through with it. I'm ready."

My girlfriend nodded once, then I felt Her presence. And it was overwhelming.

It reminded me of when we had April over and She showed off a bit of Her divinity, except She must have been holding back that night because this was so much more. It was like comparing one of our candles to a supernova.

The power coming off Her was so great that my legs went weak and I practically fell to my knees. I was grateful She'd put the pillow in position ahead of time. In fact I very nearly ended up prostrated before Her, it was that overwhelming. And in that moment there was no doubt in my mind whatsoever, before me stood a Goddess.

This was the almighty Goddess from another realm I was expecting last summer. She was Amethyst, a Divine being, and the sense of power I felt radiating from Her was only matched by the love I knew She felt for me.

I briefly thought about looking up at Her, but the idea fled my mind almost as quickly as it arrived. I was unable to raise my eyes past Her midsection, the divine energy I felt from Her was so strong I simply couldn't bring myself to look at Her directly.

"Theresa Cleary," Amethyst's voice was just a whisper but it sent shivers up and down my spine and left my body tingling in certain sensitive places.

After I got past the physical sensations I felt a moment of confusion, since that wasn't my name. My last name was actually Fuller. That was my bio-dad's family name, it it was my mom's surname when she was still married to him. I knew the Goddess knew that too since we'd talked about it a few times. I told Her I'd thought about changing it, but I never got around to it.

Hearing Her call me Cleary made sense though. I was never really a Fuller, I was a Cleary through and through. Just like my granny, and all the other witches and wise women who honoured Amethyst through the ages.

She spoke again, another soft whisper. "Theresa Cleary, I have chosen you to be My cleric. Do you accept this invitation?"

Once again Her words sent shivers through my spine and left me tingling. And maybe a bit wet. My heart was starting to race and I realized I was breathing hard. It left me sort of glad She was only whispering, but I couldn't help wondering what it would feel like if She spoke at a normal volume.

I still couldn't bring myself to look up at Her, but I gulped and tried to reply. "Yes A... Yes my Goddess."

The best I could do was mumble. I found Her name stuck in my throat, it was impossible to speak it aloud while I was overwhelmed by Her presence. Part of me wondered if I should be bothered by that, but mostly I just accepted it. I knew it wasn't going to be forever, it was only during these times I had to worship Her.

In that same soft whisper the Goddess asked next, "Do you swear your faith, loyalty, and obedience to Me your Goddess?"

Like before Her words had a physical affect on me. They almost seemed to dance over my skin like they were physical things, until they found their way inside me where they sent more shivers up and down my spine and left me panting and needy.

It wasn't till after the physical sensations had passed and I processed Her words, that a small part of me hesitated at their meaning. That hesitation only lasted a few moments though, I knew what She was asking me to agree to was actually less creepy than some of the old traditional wedding vows. My Goddess didn't say anything about forsaking others, or owning my soul or heart, or swearing myself to her until death.

I took a deep, slightly shaky breath before whispering my answer, "Yes my Goddess, I swear it."

"Then hold out your left hand," She stated, while my body continued to tremble from the effects of Her words.

"Give me your hand, and accept the symbol of your faith, the representation of our bond, the source of your magic, and a token of My love."

I gulped again but raised my left arm up and out towards her. I could feel my hand shaking slightly as I waited for her to take hold of it.

The Goddess left me waiting a few more seconds as She cautioned, "This is the last step. After this, the ritual will be complete, and it will be much harder to change your mind. Are you certain, Theresa Cleary?"

I hesitated again for a second or two as I thought once more about what we were done, and the oath I'd just sworn. None of it scared me off though, I was prepared to go all the way. So I nodded, "Yes. I'm positive."

A moment later I felt Her hand on mine, it was the gentlest touch but even that light contact sent more shivers up and down my spine while all the nerves in my body seemed to sing with joy. I was barely aware of something sliding up one of my fingers, before She let go. My arm dropped back down down to hang limp at my side.

"It is done," the Goddess whispered, and Her overwhelming presence finally receded.

I was left weak and panting, still kneeling on the pillow. My mind spun at the experience, but one clear thought stood out.

I'd heard the word ecstasy used in conjunction with religious experiences before, but I never really understood that until now. And I wasn't sure if that's what religious ecstasy felt like for anyone else, but those few minutes with my Goddess left me weak, panting, and dripping wet. I knew my pretty white gown was going to need to be washed, and probably the pillow I was kneeling on as well.

That thought left me blushing, but a moment later I forgot all about it as I suddenly remembered she did something to my hand. I blinked a few times as I focused, and found myself staring at a ring with five stones set in a row along the top, on the third finger of my left hand.

The band was a silver coloured metal, but I knew it wasn't actually silver. It had a deeper lustre and I had a feeling it was white gold. The stone the middle was larger than the others and I was positive it was a diamond. On either side of that were two small purple stones. Amethysts, obviously. And finally a pair of smaller diamonds sat to either side of the two amethysts.

As I looked at it I felt something deep inside, and my eyes widened slightly. She said it was the source of my magic and I suddenly understood how that worked. Like discovering a sixth sense or an extra limb, I now had access to something I'd never known before.

My Goddess had granted me four spells, from a simple cantrip to something miraculous. And I instinctively knew how to use them.

The simplest was a fire spell. It was strong enough to set a few candles alight, and it took an hour to recharge after I used it. It was a bit of a parlour trick, but it was also useful.

The second was another parlour trick, a simple conjuration. I could fill a glass or two with wine, but that one needed a whole day to recharge. So I wouldn't be hosting any wild parties with free drinks for all, but like the first it would help me demonstrate that magic was real.

The third was actually useful, and it fit my title as Amethyst's cleric. It was a healing spell, and it was strong enough that I'd be able to mend cuts and sprains and minor fractures. That only required an hour to recharge, so I could use it a few times a day if necessary.

And the fourth was the big one, the one that would let me perform miracles in Amethyst's name. It was a transformation spell, that would let me grant someone their true form or their ideal body. It was also the most demanding. I needed the subject's consent and cooperation, their belief in Amethyst, and their understanding and desire for the spell to work. And even with all that, I could only use it once every fortnight at most.

My mind was still reeling from all the new knowledge when something else struck me. I was still staring at the ring, when I remembered the last thing the Goddess said the ring represented. I looked up at Amy, where she was standing before me.

She'd been watching with a little smile on her face while I gawked and marvelled at the ring, but now that I was looking at her she asked, "How are you feeling Tess? Are you ok?"

I nodded, then finally exclaimed "Amy, this is an engagement ring!"

My girlfriend smiled and shrugged, "Sort of. You and I are bound, for as long as you wear it. If you remove it that bond will be broken and you'll lose the magic and the connection to me."

"Don't worry about losing it accidentally though," she added. "Now that it's on, it's actually really hard to take off."

I looked back down at it again, and a wide smile settled on my face. "So it's more like a wedding ring than an engagement ring? Either way we're joined together and I love it!"

She smiled back, "Then rise my cleric, and let us retire to the bedchamber. It's time to consummate your new relationship with your Goddess."

I rolled my eyes and started to get up, but I wobbled as I discovered my legs were still weak.

Amy reached out to help, and I was startled to discover her touch still had the same effect on me even though she wasn't radiating divine power. More shivers shot through my body and I felt even weaker and even more needy. That caused me to lean against her, and the increased contact made it even worse. Or maybe it was even better?

My small cute Goddess of a girlfriend ended up princess-carrying me into our bedroom, while I moaned and quivered in her arms. And all I could think about was how much fun this was going to be once she finally got me into bed.

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