Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Spending Time With You

A robotic cockroach skitters on the ground, as a pair of yellow eyes watch it. The roach notices the yellow eyes and turns to them. Y watches the roach intently... before Y suddenly eats it.

Y chews a few times before gagging. "Eewww..."

"Y!" Izy shouts.

Y tenses up and looks back to see Izy standing down the hall with an annoyed look. Y blinks a few times before shooting up and saluting.

"On my way!" Y smiles as he skips down the hall to Izy.

Izy huffs as she crosses her arms. "Don't get distracted on the tour!"

Y smiles and pats Izy's head. "Yes, ma'am."

Izy blushes. "Bite me!" She stomps off and Y follows.

The two arrive at her locker. "This is where I keep my stuff for school!"

"Ohhhh." Y nods as he rubs his chin.

Then the two at Izy's class and they stand in front of the class.

"This is where I go to class." Izy informs.


"Izy." The Teacher calls out. "The assignment is an essay about the effects of pollution."

Izy blinks a few times as Y waves to the teacher. "So not a Murder Drone sent here to kill all of us, and drink all our oil like the vampires they are?"

"No, and show and tell isn't tell next week."

"Ohhhh..." Izy's eyes hollow as she looks around, then to Y, who waves to her. "Huh..."

Later the two are in the gym.

"This is where we have gym!" Izy informs as a dodgeball flies past her head.

"OOOH... What's a gym?" Y asks.

"Um... A place where you have active activities."

"Ohhhh... Like killing?" Y goes into hunt mode, scarring the students in the room.

"NO!" Izy starts pushing Y away from everyone. "Please don't kill my fellow students."

"Aww...." Y exits huntmode.

"Next place!"

Later Y looks around at Izy's room staring at all the different posters on the wall and tools on the floor. He then notices Izy put her lucky screwdriver on her work bench.

"Hey." Y calls out and Izy looks at him. "Why do you always carry that screwdriver around?"

"Tilts head with questioning intent." Izy tilts her head, then looks at her screw driver. "It's my lucky screw driver, it's saved me many times."

"A... Lucky screw... driver?" Y questions as he narrows his eyes.

"Yup!" Izy gains a proud look. "Never leave home without it!" Her eyes then change into stars. "Wait, do you want one?!"

"Um... sure?" Y shrugs his shoulders.

Izy squeals and zips over to her desk and starts throwing tools around, looking for the right one. Y bobs and weaves through several tools flying towards him. Until a wrench slams into his face, causing his visor to glitch.

"AHAHA!" Izy shouts. "Got it!"

Y slams his visor a few times and his eyes reappear. He looks in front of him to show Izy holding a screw driver, with a purple handle, towards him. He slowly grabs it and looks at the screw driver.

"Um... thanks?" Y puts the screw driver into his pocket.

Izy nods several times quickly. "Yup, yup, yup. Anytime. Now let's watch some movies!"

Y tilts his head. "Movie?"




Izy and Y sits on the girl's bed as they watch a movie on a small screen. Y is very invested in the movie as Izy slightly hides behind a pillow as they watch a horror movie.

A loud scream is heard from the TV and Izy yelps and hugs onto Y. Y snaps out of it and looks down to Izy, who look up to him.

Izy grows a blush as she looks at Y in the eyes, and the Murder Drone also grows a blush.

"Uh... Sorry." Izy slides away as her eyes hollow.

Y looks down as his eyes hollow in nervousness. "It-it's fine."

The two look at each other and try to speak, but they just nervously laugh as they nearly speak over each other. They look away and Izy hides her face behind a pillow. Y nervously taps his pointer fingers together.

"I... uh..." Y starts. "Thanks... for everything today."

"Anytime." Izy peaks out from behind the pillow. "It's nice someones interested in my hobbies and the stuff I do."

Y turns to Izy and smiles. "I'm glad to have a new friend to talk too!"

Izy's blush grows on her visor and she stuffs her face into her pillow again. "I-I do too!"

The two remain quiet, until Izy slides over to Y without looking. Y tenses up as Izy puts a hand on top of his. He looks to her and sees her smiling up at it.

"Even if you are a Murder Drone, you are a really good friend." Izy states

Y's visor glitches for a second and he gives her a smile back. Suddenly the door slams open and the two shoot away from each other.

"It's bed time kids!" Khan informs. "You got a school trip tomorrow, so you'll need all the sleep you can get." He stares at Y for a second. "Now if you try anything, I'll take you out just like I had to take out my wife when she was hit with Nanite Acid!"

Khan slams the door shut and the kids eyes hollow. Izy then yawns, making Y yawn. Y then starts to climb up the wall with his claws, making Izy confused.

"What are you doing?" Izy asks as text appears on her face.

So weird

"I'm going to bed, what do you think?" Y asks. "Going to sleep." He hangs off the ceiling like a bat.

"Not up there you're not!" Izy pouts. "Come down here, you're sleeping like a normal Drone."

"What, why-" Y stops as he notices Izy glaring heavily at him and he hops off the ceiling.

Izy pats the bed beside her with a blush, Y slowly walks over with a small blush and sits on the bed.

"Lay down silly." Izy says as he lays down with her back turned towards Y. She closes her eyes and enters sleep mode.

Y watches Izy for a few seconds, before laying down with his back turned to her. He closes his eyes and enters sleep mode.

Though sometimes in the night Y ends up rolled over and hugs Iz from behind. Yellow drool falls from his mouth as he peacefully sleeps. Izy has a smile on her face as she sleeps as well.



1085 words

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