Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Ballroom Blitz

Late during the night at school, a female student is running from something in the darkened halls. She runs past a large bullet board full of missing Drone posters. Her crashes into some lockers and holds her arm in pain. Then the Solver symbol appears on her glasses and they shatter.

The girl comes to a stop as her vision blurs without her glasses. She looks around in fear and spots something down the hallway, but it disappears as the light flashes above it. She tries to see through her broken glasses and notices a security camera turn around and face the wall.

She looks back down to see Doll a little ways down the hall. Doll uses her Absolute Solver to tear the girls right arm off. She then summons a cleaver, multiplies it times three, and kills the girl.

Later Doll returns home, stepping on a robotic roach. She tosses her bag to the side and uses Solver to pull books out of it. She puts the books on a nearby shelf.

Then she grabs a paper and pen and crosses a girls name, Kelsey, off a list, which is a Prom Queen list and all the names on it are crossed off.

"Мам, Пап, я вернулась" [I'm back, Mom, Dad.]

A hoard of cockroaches swarm in the kitchen.



In the POV of Izy she crawls back as Y faces her. He suddenly turns around and a large yellow X on his face stares at her as he drools yellow liquid.

Then Y suddenly disappears in a flash and the Eldritch J looks above Izy as it laughs and crawls down towards her. Then suddenly we see it rip Khan in half and crush Uzi's head.

Then in another flash Y is eating at the body of Uzi and he looks up to her. Suddenly large appendages shoot out from his back, similar to the Absolute Solver's claws. Y then stands up and lets out a stretch as he lunges at her.

Then everything freezes as a yellow tinge appears on everything. Then the Absolute Solver symbol appears in her vision it flashes in her vision several times, then freezes as a ring forms around it.

In the real world Izy's sleeping as her visor glitches yellow several times.

S̵̬̺̚l̵̤̽͐é̷̱́ḛ̴̮̂͌̀ͅṗ̵͖ ̴͍̤́̌̆M̷̘͌̍̏ö̶̠́̓̃d̷̩͉̟́ḙ̴̳̙̉

She suddenly wakes up and shoots out of bed, holding onto her head as she takes several deep breaths.

"What..." Izy looks around and everything flashes yellow for a second. "...was that?"

She then hears loud groaning from behind a poster, that has the hole. As the school day goes on, Izy has a worried look on her face while Uzi just groans. Then in gym she accidentally hits her sister in the face with a dodgeball. Then at the end of the day the two sisters are at their lockers, which are right next to each other. Izy and Uzi both have to stand on a stack of books to reach their lockers.

Izy reaches inside her locker and stops as she notices her right hand shaking. She then looks at her hand and clenches it, while her shaking slowly comes to a stop.

Rebecca walks by and knocks Uzi off the small stack of books she was standing on to reach her locker door.

"Meeting Brad in an hour." Rebecca says to her friend. Uzi takes one of her books and hurls it at Rebecca. "Can you imagine going to prom alone?"

Uzi's book hits Braiden instead who walks from around a corner.

Trevor laughs. "Ha, I'd be like, 'I don't deserve happiness.'"

Izy rolls her eyes and looks back into her lock to see the Absolute Solver symbol, with a ring around it, on her hand and on a floating book. Izy swiftly slams her locker shut as the symbol disappears; her eyes hollow. She blinks a few times and shakes her head to calm down.

Uzi picks up her book and her sister goes over to her. The two go to leave but notices some missing persons poster, mainly how many their are, causing their eyes to hollow.

They then look over to see a janitor cleaning up an oil spill, then upwards to see a security camera glitching. Uzi then starts cackling and grabs the papers off the wall and runs down the hall.

"Confused and questioning head tilt." Izy tilts her head, then follows after Uzi.

Uzi enters her room, still cackling and with Izy behind her, she goes to put the posters on her ceiling. But to Uzi's shock, the papers that were on her ceiling before are now gone.

It turns out Khan had taken them and placed them in a closet labeled 'NORI's KOOKY INSANE STUFF'. As he leaves, he spots Uzi sulking in a corner, with Izy sitting beside her reading a book.

Uzi then turns to Khan and stomps towards him. "My crazed ramblings! Stay outta my freaking room!"

Izy's visor glitches and she slams her book shut. She gets up and walks over to the two.

Khan puts a hand on Uzi's shoulder, but she pushes it off. "Personal space for very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a..." He consults his manual titled 'Maintaining Insane Daughter Unit.' "...'non-optional family support structure'."

Uzi smacks the manual out of his hands. "I'm sorry for Izy and I being vulnerable for five seconds, okay?"

Izy raises an eyebrow and looks at her sister.

Uzi stomps past Khan, grabbing Izy's hand and dragging her with. "You were never there for me. For Izy. If you wanna help now, stay distant." Khan doesn't respond. "I'm going to talk to N and Y." She and Izy come across a pair of skeletons wearing dresses. "W-Whaaat is this?"

Khan smiles and puts his hands on his hips. "Prom dresses; child's small, and extra small." Izy's eye twitches. "You're both grounded forms seeing those bad-influencey Murder Drones."

"Huh?" Izy and Uzi's eyes hollow.

Khan walks towards the door. "But I talked to your teacher to find you two classmates to go with tonight!"


Khan opens the door, revealing Lizzy and Doll.

"'Sup, freak and shorty." Lizzy greats. "Prepare to be popular."

Doll waves to Izy, and said small Drone gives a small confused wave.

"I'm chaperoning!" Khan gives a big smile.

Uzi screams at all this, Izy gains an question mark and exclamation point on her face.


In the frozen wasteland Y sits on the hood of a car as he looks up to the night sky. His visor glitches a few times.

"Absolute Solver..." Y mutters. "That name makes my head kinda hurt, not the good kind either. "...Is there a good kind of hurting? ...ANYWAY, I feel as if I'm not some superhero, I feel as if I'm... the villain. I know I used to be a very serious Drone, but now I'm like a kid Drone. I don't know why or how, but something in my servos is telling me that I shouldn't be buddy buddy with those Worker Drones..."

Y growls sad. "With Izy..." He then  remembers Izy being scared of him, making him more sad. But then he smacks the sides of his face. "NO! I can be friends with them... Even if they are a little on the crazy side. That Uzi girl is kinda weird honestly." he then turns to a frozen skeleton next to him. "Girls, am I right?"

Y stares at the skeleton for a few moments, and its head falls off. Y picks it up and puts the skull back on.

"...A-Absolute So-Solver...Ả̴̰͆b̴͙͔̟̈̕͠-̷͓̻͎́͗A̴̲̩͑͘b̵̮͚̔͜-̷̮̱̖̍̾A̵̩̔͘̚b̴̻͚̏s̷̼̝̆͋͠o̴̧̎͌͠l̷̡̗̚͝ũ̷̟̺͎ț̸̞̈̀́e̶̦̠͇͐̂ ̷̼̥̙̃S̴̡͈̫̈́͘̚ở̵̬͓͆l̷̬̮̉́̓-̸͔̠̏̎̆S̴̞̀̚͠ͅò̷̲͕̼̎l̷̩͋́͘-̸̗̼͑̍S̵͖̘͚̍̉̌ȏ̸̗l̸͎̣̚ṳ̸̡̀̈́t̴͓̳̍͛-̵̠͂͂i̶͔͆̽o̵̠̭̠̓n̷̞̂-̶̛͚̪̯̍ì̸̼͚̠ó̷͍̳ņ̸̟͉̃-̷͔̳̈ͅi̵̡̙̺͘o̶̼̍̈́n̴̺͑͌ͅ" Y's speech glitches as text appears on Y's visor.

Reboot at 45%

Y's visor glitches as his eyes reappear. "I wonder what N's up too."

Over in the Landing Pod of the Corpse House, N is looking at three skeletons. One wears a red, sparkling dress, another wears a black tuxedo, while the last wears a red tuxedo.

N sighs. "I DO want to be dapper..." He groans and goes dramatic. "But, no!" He sighs and motions to the skeletons. "That's why you had me find these? We can't interact with the workers anymore, V." N then flashes back to when Uzi denied his help. "We're too dangerous..."

"Uh, exactly." V smiles. "We show up fabulous, the sad purple one and the small purple one, lets us in, cause they have no friends, we kill everyone and pop their little heads off."

N frowns. "I'm not freeing you for prom murder, V. J went Holo-spooky-snake-crab,-" His eyes hollow. "-and we may we grew up in a haunted mansion!" He leans over V. "Aren't you worried we have no idea what we even are?!"

V doesn't responds right away as she pushes N away.

V's eyes hollow as she turns her chair away. "Promise me you, Y and those two purple things will stop prying into that stuff?" She looks at the mirror Uzi broke with her Solver ability. "If you free me now, I promise we'll only kill what we need to survive. Just you, Y and me, N."

They look over to the nearby key.

Back with the sisters. They, Lizzy, and Doll are at Doll's house.

Lizzy is grossed out by her surroundings. "Ugh, Doll, do you ever clean?"

" Я повесила простынь. Они спят" [I put a sheet up. They're sleeping.] Doll states.

Uzi avoids stepping on a bug. She starts to get freaked out by the place. Izy grabs onto her sister's hand as she starts to get scared. The two then notice many small red lights coming from the dark kitchen. The two sisters eyes hollow in fear.

Uzi then speaks up as her eyes return to normal. "Hey, so, thanks for having us,-" The master key card appears in her hand. "-but now that my dad thinks we're here, we're actually gonna--"

The sisters turn to bail, but the door slams shut. They turn back to Lizzy and Doll.

"You're hilarious." Lizzy points to the sister, then looks at Doll. "They're hilarious. You both should get ready." Doll gives the sister a thumbs up. "You're gonna look so cute -- in a brave way."

Uzi and Izy turn to the side and Doll seemingly appears in front of them. Creeped out, Uzi looks down at a trash can next to Doll, which contains more missing Drones posters.

"Ванная по коридору налево." [Bathroom is down the hall to the left.]

Uzi backs away slowly, hissing through her teeth as she gives a thumbs up. Izy blinks a few times before giving a thumbs up with hollow eyes.

Meanwhile back at the pod.

"Uh..." N turns to V. "V, if you're hiding something, we can figure it out together." V's eyes hollow as she looks down. "Even if we each only have pieces. Please, what do you kno--"

V slices N's head off.

"What's best for you. Even if you hate me for it." V takes off out of the pod.

In the frozen waste land Y lays on top of a car's roof.

"I totally could sell so many Popsicles around here!" Y shouts to the empty air. "With all the Worker Drones, I could FORCE THEM TO BUY MY POPSICLES!" He goes into hunt mode while saying that, then returns to normal. "Sales would be through the roof."

Y smiles as he closes his eyes. Then after a few quiet seconds of just wind howling, he reopens his eyes.

"What are popsicles?"

As all that goes on, Uzi and Izy are in the restroom. Izy puts on a red red with frill sleeves.  Uzi has her dress on as well.

  Uzi has her dress on as well

"Extra small... stupid dad..." Izy mutters as he smooths out her dress, which fits perfectly.

Uzi looks at herself in the mirror, when her left eye suddenly acts crazy as the Absolute Solver Symbol appears. She covers her eye. "Easy, robo-satan. Not this mirror."

"I think you've broken enough-" Izy starts, but the mirror breaks and she sighs.

"Not my fault!" Uzi huffs as she climbs up to the mirror, and suddenly hears voices from the other side.

Izy tilts her head as she climbs up next to Uzi and listens in.

Lizzy's muffled voice is heard. "Dude, no one will notice them missing. Just do your thing, and I'll let in V. We'll see you there."

Izy's eyes go hollow and shake in fear. Her right eye suddenly changes into the Solver symbol with a ring around it and the light above her rapidly flickers.

"What the f-" Uzi mutters as she listens to Lizzy.

Izy covers her right eye and the symbol goes away. An exclamation point appears on her visor.


The two sisters then hear something else, a dripping noise. They look over and see blood dripping from the tub. The two sisters look at each other in slight fear, before climbing off the sink.

They go over to the tub to investigate. Uzi pulls back the curtain causing her to gasp, and Izy to vomit oil onto the floor.

Back at the Corpse House, N wakes up screaming.

N gets up. "Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no...!" As he leaves, he looks back at the skeletons. The dress is gone. He then tries to leave again, then looks back. "No, no time!" N leaves, but then peeks his head back down. "Dapper N."

Meanwhile, Uzi and Izy are disgusted to find Doll's tub filled with corpses, broken mirrors and photos covered in blood. Izy wipes some oil away from her mouth.

The two hear footsteps approaching and they look up at a ventilation shafts. Izy pulls out her lucky screw driver with hollow eyes.

"Never leave home without it." Izy mutters.

Doll enters the bathroom, only to find that the sisters have escaped by building a ladder out of the broken mirrors in the tub.

"Как они по-русски любят говорить... 'Ой, я должна была предположить, что кто-то сможет убежать через вентиляцию, используя выброшенные зеркала как ступеньки.'" [As they say in Russian... "Whoops, I should've predicted that someone could escape out of a ventilation shaft using discarded mirrors as stairs"]

In the frozen waste land Y blows raspberries as he kicks his feet in the sky, as he lays on top of a car.

"I wonder... what do coconuts taste like... Why do I want a coconut..." Y mutters to himself. "I feel the need to clean something."

N suddenly smashes into the ground nest to him, wearing a black suit. The red suit is in his hands.

The red suit is in his hands

"Y!" N shouts. "No time to explain, put on the suit! We've gotta go save Uzi and Izy!"

Y looks at the suit and his eyes narrow. "Dapper Y."

"Dapper Bros!" N gives a thumbs up.

"Dapper Bros!" Y shouts as he throws his arms up.

The two hug and laugh as they jump in circles. "Dapper Bros!"

Then they both clear their throats and N holds out the suit. Y swiftly grabs it and spins around and puts on the suit. He adjusts the black tie and rolls up the cuffs.

N nods and gives Y a thumbs up, and Y returns it. The two stare at each other, then go back to back and holds up finger guns.

"...Dapper Bros...." The two say as digital sunglasses appear on their visors.



Uzi and Izy both make it outside the colony and run away in fear. Then N and Y crash down onto the ground in front of them, sending the two sisters flying back onto their backs.

N stands up and wipes some snow off his shoulder, while Y fixes his collar and tie. The two sisters look up and spot the Disassembly Drones.

"N/Y?!" The sisters shout.

"Uzi/Izy?!" The Murder Drones shout.

The Murder Drones go over to the girls.

"Why are--"
"You look-"

"How did-"
"I, uh---"

Then Uzi speaks after the four keep trying to talk at the same time. "We think something bad---"

"We could help." N rubs his head as he turns around and slightly walks off as he mutters. "But you both probably don't want us to..."

Y looks down and rubs his arm.

Izy swiftly speaks. "N-No, we r-really need to help."

Uzi nods. "Of you two... being there... with us..."

Y slightly jumps as Izy grabs his hand, she looks up to him with a small blush. "...Please." She asks.

Y looks down at Izy, and a blush grows on his visor as he rubs the back of his head. "I-I, uh... YES!"

N then brings everyone into a hug. "Dapper buddies!"

Izy chuckles with a smile, making Y start to laugh. Uzi nudges N away, but is still happy to be friends with the two again.

Back at the prom, everyone is either having the time of their lives or are bored out of their metaphoric skulls.

A student gets elbowed by his date for doing the robot dance. There's a bowl of punch, but it has a sign that says "Punch Bowl. Decoration Only. You will super die."

People cheer on Thad as he breaks it down on the dance floor. he gives a wink to the Teacher, who only rolls his eyes and takes a drink from a flask. Khan looks around, nervously, as he can't find his daughters. He then looks up to the time and notices it's slightly past 9 PM.

A spotlight shines down on the dance floor and moves over to the stage as Lizzy walks onto it; people cheer and applause. "Okay, listen up, nerds. We're doing this a little early, but since the entire prom court 'mysteriously' disappeared, your queen by forfeit is, uh... this."

V, wearing a red sparkly dress, drops in; terrifying everyone.

V, wearing a red sparkly dress, drops in; terrifying everyone

"Oh, we're gonna die!" A Drone shouts.

Khan gasps in shock as V cackles.

"Easy, judgy-bots." Lizzy calls out. "V's my friend." A projector screen slides down and projects an image.

" A projector screen slides down and projects an image

Lizzy continues. "She's done with the Murder, or whatever. We've been hanging." The projector shows more imagines of Lizzy and V 'hanging out'."

"Yes, best friends. So easily manipulated..." V behind cackling, but then stops. "Prom queen?" She looks at a nervous Lizzy, then over to the crown that's supposed to be given to her. "Ugh..."

In the crowd, Doll holds a the Prom Queen lists, and chuckles evilly.

"So, forgive and forget, or I'll get my dad to dock your freakin' grades!" Lizzy then points to a Drone. "And you can't sit with us, Rebecca."

The spotlight shines on Rebecca. "Fine! I forgive her." She crosses her arms. "Settle."

Everyone applauds.

"She's quite cute, though." A drone says.

"Clap harder, losers!" Lizzy orders and everyone does.

"Your dress is really cute." Penny crowns V.

"I... Uh..." V is confused and slightly annoyed.

"Speech, speech!" The crowd chants.

Khan tries to leave, but the doors are sealed shut by Doll's AbsoluteSolver. "Not... the doors...!"

"I'll kill everyone after?" V questions herself as she walks up to the microphone. "It's not vain. It's ever sinister..." V waves to everyone as they cheer for her.

As V's about to make her speech, Doll begins to unleash her AbsoluteSolver and kill her. Before she could, Uzi, Izy, N and Y crashed down behind her.

"Ah ha!" Uzi shouts. "Unhand then, you fie-eeeeeeend-?" Everyone is staring at them awkwardly. Izy's eyes hollow as she clutches onto her screwdriver. "I'm confused."

Y waves to everyone. "Hello, everyone." A few wave back.

Lizzy turns to V. "On second thought, you're way hotter than Doll. Run, idiot!"

Before V could move, Doll unleashes her AbsoluteSolver and forces a piece of rebar through her arms. As everyone flees for their lives, Lizzy is thrown to the side and Penny is crushed by the AbsoluteSolver.

"Привет, Ви." [Hello, V] Doll greets.

Doll makes V flashback to when V killed Doll's mother.

"Ладно, тебе всё понятно." [Anyway, you get it.] Doll summons another rebar that pierces through V stomach.

V frees her right arm and fires a machine gun at Doll, but the bullets either hit her AbsoluteSolver shield or curve around her. Doll then summons her cleaver and flings it at V, severing her arm. She then summons a fan blade down.

"Holy crap, what is she doing?" Uzi asks.

"This is not how I expected the n-night to go." Izy mutters.

"This isn't what I expected at all!" N shouts.

"Maybe we should... help?" Y questions.

Uzi lets out a long groan.

Doll flings the fan blade at V. Just as she braces for the worst, N swoops in and kicks the blade to the side. Y lands next to N as Izy throws up Doll's cleaver into the air and Uzi kicks the blade towards Doll. Doll uses her AbsoluteSolver to block the attack.

This removes the AbsoluteSolver on the door, letting everyone escape. Khan watches from outside the open doors.

"Вы двое действительно встанете на сторону Дронов-убийц? Я не единственный, кто потерял из-за них семью." [You two would really side with the Murder Drones? I'm not the only one who's lost family to them."

"Bite me!" Uzi shouts.

"Yeah!" Izy throws up her right arm, which is holding onto her screwdriver.

"Whoever started this wants us to fight. I'm not dealing with anything well, but I'm done dealing with everything alone." Uzi looks at N, and they smile softly at each other.

Izy looks back at Y and he gives her a thumbs up. She gives him a determined look and also gives a thumbs up.

Uzi then continues. "We move forward together, or not at all."

V's gaze softens on the two sisters, and Khan grows a small smile.

"Как мило... Но мне твоя помощь не нужна." [Cute, but I don't need help.]

Doll's AbsoluteSolver pierces through N and Y and she launches the blades at their way.

"Oh, I've been impaled." Y looks at the rebar through his leg.

Y and N shove the sisters to the side and give them both a thumbs up, before the blades strike them and send the three Murder Drones back against the wall and cut into pieces.

Khan tries to rush in and help his daughters, only for Doll to re-seal the doors shut using AbsoluteSolver. Doll summons a pair of knives and hurls it towards the sisters.

Izy stands up and kicks one knife away and uses her screwdriver to pair the other into the air. Uzi catches the parried knife.

Izy stares at herself in shock. "Wow, that was cool." She and Uzi fist bump, then move towards Doll.

Doll holds out her hand to sue AbsoluteSolver on the sisters, but she gets an error message.

--// Error: absoluteSolver_trn
[like objects non-interactive]

Doll gasps and grits her teeth. She summons another knife and throws it towards the girls, but Uzi parries it with her knife. Doll's eyes hollow as she starts to back up.

Meanwhile, with the Murder Drones, N reaches over for a crawling arm.

"Is this---" He questions.

"Mine!" V snatches the arm away from N with her mouth.

Y slams his severed arm into his socket, giving a wet squelch as it reattaches.  His visor glitches a couple times.

Lizzy walks over. "Ew. You look like garbage."

V, with her arm in her mouth, yells at Lizzy. "You frickin' traitor!"

Lizzy grabs V's arm out of her mouth. "As if you weren't using me to try and kill everyone, Ms. Petty." She looks at V's arm. "Where does this freaking go?"

"Thank you, Lizzy!" N says.

"Shut up, loser!" Lizzy and V say together.

Back on the dance floor Doll throws a couple knives towards the sisters and they parry them both. One of the knives lodges into the music board playing music, making it slow down and intensify.

Doll grabs her knives and throws them at the sisters. Izy yelps and jumps back onto a table while Uzi back flips onto the stage. Which Uzi then kicks the Microphone stands at Doll.

Doll stops the stand before it hits her and starts multiplying it. Uzi chuckles as he starts walking towards Doll, only to be pinned to the ground a several microphone stands.

"Uzi!" Izy jumps towards her sister, only to be sent to the ground by a microphone stand. Which pushes onto her throat, causing the girl to gag.

Doll picks up her knife and multiplies it several times, and hurls them towards both the sisters. But they are saved by their respective Murder Drone using their wings to block the attack.

Y rips the microphone stand off Izy and helps her off the ground.

"Th-Thank you!" Izy takes several deep breathes.

Y grabs Izy and spins around as several knives fly past them. He then dips her low as another pair of knives fly overhead. Izy gains a blush as this happens. Y then lifts her up and spins her away, while holding onto her hand, as several more knives fly by. He then spins her back towards him and holds her close.

"Man, I have some moves!" Y chuckles as he ducks under a knife.

N uses a missile to send Doll flying.

Izy then notices some Oil dripping from Y's chest and her eyes hollow. "Are- Are you okay?"

Y looks down at Izy and smiles. "Yup, never better!" He lets go of Izy and turns towards Doll.

Y laughs as his arm suddenly changes into bubble blowers, his eyes hollow as he looks down at them, and blinks a few times. "Uh..." He shakes his head and points a blower at Doll. "Haha! You shall fear me and my bubbles!" He blows some bubbles. "I see you're frozen in fear, and you should- Is that a table?"

A table slams into Y, as Izy lunges towards the ground. She then yelps and rolls to the side as more tables fly in.


Izy the hops off the ground and uses her screw driver to block a couple knives, her yes hollow as she looks at the knives that land next to her.

Izy then grabs a knife. "Uzi!" She throws it towards Uzi, who then kicks the knife towards Doll and knocks Doll's bracelet off her arm and she turns around to stare at it.

Uzi kicks Doll while she is turned away. Izy runs up next to her sister and points her screw driver at Doll. Doll begins to unleash her AbsoluteSolver, only for a bullet to fly through the middle of her visor.

Doll falls to the ground, lifeless, to reveal V standing behind her with an X on her face and a smoking gun.

Izy stares in shock as she lowers her arms.

"V, we needed her for answers!" Uzi shouts.

N and Y walk over to V. Y straightens his head as some cracks on his visor repair.

"What?" V asks. "She's fine. U-Uh..." They all look at the dad Doll on the floor, as oil shoots out from her gunshot wound. "A little tuckered out."

N then points to V and shouts. "V did that on purpose! She's hiding mystery stuff and being over-dramatic about it!"

"N! You suck!" V punchers N.

Y punches both and V on the back of the heads. "HEY! Be nice!"

"YOU!" Uzi shouts, making the three Murder Drones point at each other, accusingly. Uzi picks up Dolls house key. "Lucky for you, we're not done yet."

Text appears on Izy's face.

Oh boy...



Uzi, N, Izy, Y and V arrive at Doll's house with the lights off. N turns on the lights.

"Uh-oh..." Uzi mutters and Izy covers her mouth.

"Hehe. Nice." V smiles.

"Ohhhh..." Y blinks a few times.

The kitchen is covered in oil, insects and Drone body parts. V starts to munch on an arm. Y kneels down and dips his finger in some of the oil on the floor.

Uzi takes the arm out of V's mouth. "Ugh, self respect!" The give spread out to snoop around, with Izy and Uzi in the kitchen. "Why would a worker drone..." She gets oil on her fingers. "Was she eating them?"Uzi places the arm into a container holding two more.

Izy picks up a leg off the ground and stares at it. Izy's visor slightly glitches yellow, but she just sets the leg on the kitchen counter as a high pitching ringing echoes in her ears as she notices oil on her hands.

Meanwhile, N uncovers two corpses at the dinner table.

N hisses through his teeth. "I think we found her folks."

"Literally didn't even taste that good." V picks her teeth with her claws

"V, you kinda suck."

V giggles. "Yeah, I'm not doing okay." She eats a bug.

Y sticks a severed finger in his mouth and chews. "Eh, I've had better." He swallows and picks up a bug and eats it, causing him to gag.

N looks back to the kitchen to see the two sisters take their fingers out of their mouths and wave to him. They climb over the kitchen counter, with N's help and investigate the corpses.

Izy grabs a name tag off one of the corpses. It says Yeva 048. It's Doll's mother. Y's visor glitches slightly.

Suddenly, Doll teleports in behind them and begins to repair herself.

"Как раз к ужину." [Just in time for dinner.]

Everyone turns around as shots are fired. Uzi and Izy stop the bullet with their AbsoluteSolver, Izy's has a ring around it. Izy's visor glitches as her symbol appears on her right eye.

Doll stares at the two in shock. "Я... мне жаль... за вас двоих..." [I... I'm sorry... for you two...]

The three Murder Drones stare a the sisters in shock. The bullets ricochet.

"Если я найду то, что ищу, то и тебе помогу." [If I find what I'm looking for, I'll help you too.]

"What?" Uzi questions as Izy looks down at her hands in shock.

"Извини" [I am sorry.]

V flies up to attack.

Uzi brushes towards Doll. "What? Oh, don't you dare!"

V fires missile towards Doll, but she teleports way.

"Guh, I hate it HEEERE!!!!!" Uzi shouts towards the heavens.

Y looks over to Izy, to see her staring at her hands in shock. He goes to move towards her, but his visor glitches for a second and he stops. He gives Izy a worried look.

"Staring at hands in fear." Izy mutters.




In the frozen waste land a Worker Drone, Reid, is digging through the snow, where he finds his missing glasses.

"Ah, that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now." Reid puts on his glasses.

Reid looks up as a Murder Drone Pod comes hurling towards him. He gets out of the way, only to get thrown back by an explosion of a second pod. He survives only for a third pod to arrive.

The pod's passenger comes out and slices Reid's head off. It's Tessa, certified technician for JCJenson (IN SPAAAAAACE).

It's Tessa, certified technician for JCJenson (IN SPAAAAAACE)

"Righty-o." Tessa puts her sword on her back. "Work to do. Eh, J?" J flies in next to her, newly rebuilt and reprogrammed. She hands Tessa her key chain. "Maintenance work..."

Tessa presses a lock button and her pod locks up with a couple beeps. Tessa and J walk off into the city.



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