A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Quidditch Training Ground Brawl

Seeing that Hagrid was restless, the three of them comforted a few words, then said goodbye and walked back to the castle.

Their pockets were heavily filled with rock cakes, and out of politeness, the three of them were embarrassed to refuse.

Walking on the road, William asked, “What do you think?”

Cedric shook his head: “William, the three-headed dog couldn’t have been stolen from the Department of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic.

I have never heard my dad say that there are magical creatures like three-headed dogs that have been seized. ”

Cedric’s father is Amos Diggory, who works for the Department of Fantastic Creatures and was the spokesperson for the interview.

Whatever happened to the Ministry of Magic, he would tell his son Cedric!

But before the attack, Cedric had never heard of the three-headed dog being seized.

The most important thing is that after the day of the attack, he did not listen to his father mentioning the attack on the department.

Could it be that a gag order was issued that day?

The key question is not here either. The attack happened on August 1st. Why was it only recently revealed by the Daily Prophet?

What is the Ministry of Magic hiding?

William found that things were starting to get interesting.

The three discussed it all the way. When they came to the Quidditch training ground, the selection of Gryffindor was still in progress.

However, it was different from the cheerful scene that I imagined. The whole training ground was noisy and seemed to be fighting.

“What’s the matter, did something happen again?” Qiu looked at William suspiciously.

“I don’t know.” William shook his head, then sighed, “Qiu, next time something happens at school, don’t look at me, I didn’t do it!”

“But where I found you appeared, there would always be some accidents.”


“The situation seems to be serious.” Cedric looked around for a while and said in a serious tone.

He seemed very worried, but in fact he didn’t know how happy he was.

Although it is not good to say that, as a competitor, Cedric, of course, hopes that the selection of the Gryffindor team will have such a small problem.

Charlie Weasley’s strength is recognized by the whole school as strong. Professor McGonagall has shown off more than once, Gryffindor may have another national team player!

With such a captain, every academy will not underestimate Gryffindor.

William, Cedric, and Qiu barely squeezed into the crowd. Someone was indeed injured. It was a girl named Angelina Johnson.

Angelina and Cedric, the twin brothers, are all second-year students. She has long black hair and a long ponytail, looking extremely tall and beautiful.

But at this time he was lying on the lawn.

George’s nose was covered in blood and appeared to have been hit.

Fred held Angelina’s shoulders, shaking violently, calling out her name.

The girl fainted in a daze.

Well, William thinks she is more likely to be stunned by Fred.

Fred got to his feet angrily, to beat Cormac McLaggen.

Qiu pulled a Gryffindor girl and asked about the cause and effect.

Things are simple.

Angelina was vying for the Chaser position. She threw ten pitches, scored a beautiful eight, and was admitted to the team by Charlie Weasley on the spot.

Angelina, probably of Star-Lord and Indian blood, stood on the training ground excitedly and danced awkwardly.

Originally everything was fine, but McLaggen stole a Comet 250 from nowhere while everyone was dancing the square.

McLaggen, who was very confident in his flying skills, hit Angelina uncontrollably ten seconds after he left the ground.

Angelina was surrounded by the crowd at that time, she was dancing a dance with the characteristics of exotic grassland.

“Give me a look,

Hot and hot.

The man who sets the horse,

You are mighty and majestic,

The galloping horse is like a gust of wind…”

McLaggen is indeed like a gust of wind… Let’s face the gust of wind!

Angelina was knocked out. Fortunately, there were many people around, so she had enough buffer.

George was not so lucky. His nose was hit by the oak pole of Comet 250, and a lot of blood flowed out like a gurgling stream.

Fred angrily walked up to McLaggen, and everyone was pulling him!

If there is another brawl, Gryffindor’s academy score will definitely reach a negative 100 achievement.

This score is not far from the lowest record in history, and Professor McGonagall will probably be mad!

With a piece of paper in his nose, George said in a humming voice, “Okay, okay, Fred, I’m fine.

Brother, don’t be so excited, my injury will heal soon. ”

George thought that Fred was avenging him, and he was moved to not want it. The ball of paper fell, and a lot of nosebleeds came out again.

Fred was stopped, and McLaggen’s guts seemed to be back.

He began to accuse Charlie loudly.

“You are the captain, but you can’t take care of everyone’s safety. This is your responsibility.”

“What, you’re saying it again.” Charlie Weasley rolled up his sleeves to reveal the strong muscles inside.

Compared to Charlie, McLaggen looks like a thin rib.

“Is this man crazy?” Cedric said.

“Probably yes—he burned Heloise’s hair in class.” Qiu replied.

As the captain, Charlie was completely impatient, he said loudly: “Mr. McLaggen, please leave, according to the regulations, only second-year students can participate in the selection with Quidditch.

If you don’t leave, I will advise Professor McGonagall to permanently ban you from participating in the Gryffindor Quidditch team selection. ”

McLaggen’s face flushed, he took a few steps back and sneered: “Drive me away? Forbid me to participate in the selection? I will tell my uncle that he is acquainted with the director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic…”

He cursed: “You once again lost your chance to win the championship!”

McLaggen ran through the crowd~www.readwn.com~ but was tripped, and William saw that it was Heloise’s outstretched foot.

Her hair has grown out, and she wears the lion hat given by Professor McGonagall on her head. She seems to like it very much.

McLaggen stood up and patted the dust on his body. He suddenly trotted and picked up the club that Fred dropped not far away.

For reasons known only to him, McLaggen took a hard blow at the Quaffle, and the ball was sent flying.

Charlie was checking Angelina’s injury, the red Quaffle crossed a beautiful trajectory and hit him on the head, he passed out…

The crowd screamed, and everyone became confused again.

The Quaffle bounced high and smashed towards William.

William took out his wand, he originally wanted to use Fragment, but temporarily changed his mind.

“Wadi Wasi!”

Under William’s control, the Quaffle turned straight and quickly shot towards McLaggen’s thigh.

McLaggen saw Charlie get knocked down and wanted to run back to the castle quickly. The Quaffle hit his thigh and he tripped on the ground, rolled a few times, and hit a club.

The Quidditch field became chaotic. Someone went to leave the training ground to call Madam Pomfrey, and someone checked Angelina and Charlie’s injuries.

As for McLaggen… He screamed and was dragged back into the crowd.

He began to be covered in big men.

————I am the separator of the big man McLaggen————

(McLagan: My uncle is familiar with Director Auror. As long as there are a lot of readers who voted for it, even if he fails, he can become an Auror.)

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