A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Ministry Of Magic Attack

Although Hagrid is very old, sometimes he looks like a child.

He likes magical creatures, especially the big, thick, strong ones.

According to Ollivander, Hagrid was fired and broke his wand.

William was very suspicious that the reason he was expelled was that he raised some strange “cuties” at Hogwarts.

This is definitely something that Hagrid can do, such as this three-headed dog that is illegally raised!

But what can be done? Who doesn’t have a special hobby these days? For example, the most widely circulated statement recently, isn’t it that Snape likes women’s clothing?

Ravenclaw never looked at others differently, even if Snape was really a womenswear tycoon.

So, William had to comfort him: “Hagrid, tell Professor Dumbledore quickly, he can easily settle this kind of thing.”

Dumbledore is always the tallest and thickest evergreen tree in the wizarding world!

With his ability, the British Isles and even the Europa Continent have nothing to do with them. A mere three-headed dog can’t even get on the table.

Hagrid nodded hurriedly, but it was unclear whether he had listened to William’s words.

After visiting the three-headed dog, the three of William told Hagrid about the class.

After gossiping for a long time, William asked, “Do Professor Snape and Professor Tywin have any grudges?”

Hagrid had lived at Hogwarts for half a century, and he knew most of what happened at the school.

Hagrid was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Who did you listen to, how could they have hatred?”

William quickly described what happened in the hospital. He told Cedric and Qiu about it a few days ago.

Hagrid was shocked when he heard it. He didn’t expect the professors to move their wands directly in the hospital.

In front of the little wizard William!

Hagrid stood up uneasily. He walked around twice, recalled for a moment, then shook his head and said, “I really haven’t heard anything about Tywin and Snape.

During school, Tywin was a student of Ravenclaw. He was very ordinary, too ordinary, the kind that could not be found even if he fell into the crowd.

Well, a bit of a nerd – not as famous as the Snape and James waves. ”

“James Potter?”

“Yeah.” Hagrid hesitated, wondering if he should tell William and the others.

“At that time, Snape and James had the Academy at the head, and there was a long-term friction, and at the worst, there was a big academy scuffle.

I remember Dumbledore was so angry that day, I’ve never seen him so angry.

That year’s House Cup competition was only halfway through, and Slytherin and Gryffindor were directly designated as losers. ”

“But James’ death has absolutely nothing to do with Professor Snape, but Sirius’ betrayal!” Hagrid almost growled.

“Dirty, stinky traitor!” Hagrid’s voice was loud, and there was a bark from the fireplace, and Louville seemed to be woken up.

“At school, Sirius and James were almost inseparable. When James and Lily got married, Sirius was the best man, and then they called Sirius Harry’s godfather.

But this **** guy has already betrayed us and joined the mysterious man camp! ”

Speaking of the mysterious man, Cedric shuddered.

A child of a wizarding family like him, he grew up hearing the name of the Dark Lord.

It is even said that when Cedric was one or two years old, Voldemort had not fallen, and he still left some memories.

Hagrid was a little excited: “I knew that the Black family are all Slytherins, and even if Sirius entered Gryffindor, he couldn’t change his personality!

It was his betrayal that killed James. Of course, he was also punished and entered Azkaban! ”

William asked tentatively, “So, as James Potter’s opponent, Professor Snape, he never betrayed James, and he has always been on our side?”

Hagrid suddenly stopped talking. He opened the fireplace and coaxed Lou Wei to sleep before he said:

“This is not something you little wizards should consider, remember, Professor Dumbledore just needs to believe him!”

William, Cedric, and Qiu exchanged glances, and they found that things were not so simple, at least there were some hidden meanings.

As the father of the famous Harry Potter, James Potter is known to everyone as a hero who died at the hands of Voldemort.

But Professor Tywin said that James and Voldemort died because of Snape’s betrayal… He should know something, otherwise why would he say that?

But this statement is so strange!

Professor Snape has always taught at Hogwarts, worked under Dumbledore’s nose, and was the head of Slytherin.

He certainly couldn’t be from Voldemort’s side.

Could it be that Snape betrayed James Potter and caused his death?

And Professor Tywin, who is James’s friend, discovered this secret, so he said that Snape was a betrayal?

William and Cedric were extremely puzzled.

But Hagrid stopped talking about Snape, and began to change the subject.

“The Gryffindor Quidditch team selection is today, right?” Hagrid scratched his beard.

“I don’t know if Charlie will find some good helpers, I like him very much – he is very good at magical creatures.

This is his last year at Hogwarts, and he hopes Gryffindor can win the title. ”

Cedric coughed in disapproval.

Immediately afterwards, he introduced to Hagrid that Hufflepuff had a higher chance of winning the championship in terms of the degree of running-in, the depth of the lineup, and the historical record.

Qiurao was interested in listening, and she also liked Quidditch very much.

William stood up, and he found a small piece of paper pressed under the warm cover of the teapot. It was a report clipped from the Daily Prophet.

—The latest report on a break-in at the Ministry of Magic.

Regarding the August 1st, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Division for Magical Creatures Management and Control at the Ministry of Magic, an investigation into the trespassing incident is still ongoing.

It is generally believed that this is the work of an unknown dark force wizard.

Cuthbert Mockridge, Director of the Department of Management at the Ministry of Magic, re-emphasized today that no magical creatures have been stolen.

The room searched by the intruder had in fact executed the illegally smuggled magical creature earlier in the day.

A spokesman for the Department of Management, Amos Diggory, said this afternoon: “There is no comment on what is stored in the warehouse of the Department of Management. It is better not to interfere in this matter.”

The attack on the Ministry of Magic was the most explosive news in the recent period, and it almost suppressed the rumors of Snape’s women’s clothing tycoon.

In fact, during the summer vacation, rumors of the attack existed. William once heard Lee Jordan mention it on the train.

At that time, everyone regarded it as a joke, but I didn’t expect it to explode recently.

In that newspaper, the words “Department of Fantastic Creatures” and “Illegal Smuggling” were also encircled by Hagrid with a red pen.

Hagrid circled for a reason.

Hagrid was taking William to Diagon Alley at the time of the August 1st attack.

Because of the price, Hagrid bought the three-headed dog Lou Wei from the Greeks at a high price a few days later, and the Greeks disappeared for a long time.

Hagrid began to worry, the Greeks attacked the Ministry of Magic first, and then sold the illegal smuggled magical creatures to himself!

If found out, Hagrid will definitely be imprisoned in Azkaban!

As for what the Ministry of Magic officials said in the newspapers, there was no loss at all… Can the official word be believed?

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