A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 37. The Suspicious Man and Lady.


The two looked a bit suspicious for some reason, or should I say, the mood around them was a little bit suspicious… how should I say it? The aura around them feels a bit dark, I don’t know why… I also don’t feel really comfortable with them.


“Pleasant meeting you, I am Kaleen and these three are my companions, Kate, Ayumi, Mana, and Flora, respectively. We came here after taking your quest about the sighting of a supposed High Ogre and wish to handle it before night,” Kaleen spoke before the man smiled.


“It is wonderful having adventurers like the four of you, though I truly wish from the bottom of my heart that the four of you shall take your time. How about we head inside for now?” the man suggested as I looked at him a bit suspiciously.


It was similar to a cliché I knew after reading plenty of novels back in my world. A noble corrupted, or possessed by some sort of monster, disguising themselves as a human and tricking the main characters or adventurers. And if this really is the cliché then I can guess who the culprit would be, it would be none other than the snow leopard girl next to her.


“As much as I wish to accept, we Adventurers uphold our goals and promises as such we would like to reject your offer and instead finish up our quest as soon as possible,” Kaleen declared as her right eye looked at me as if signaling something.


The man didn’t look that provoked after Kaleen declared our stance, instead the man maintained his smile as he looked at each one of us with a weird discerning look. I wonder if he is changing up his strategy, I want to take as much caution as possible.


“Is that so, then do you need an instructor or a guide towards the location sighted?” the man questioned as Kaleen shook her head.


“I would prefer to have a map instead,” she responded with a serious tone, her eyes weren’t taking any chances. They were filled with unbending seriousness.


“A map it is then, do you mind waiting a bit?” the man replied as Kaleen nodded before he walked back inside together with the lady as Kaleen looked at them for a few seconds after they left before looking back at us.


“You should have already been able to tell right?” she asked us in a soft, and quiet voice.


“I thought it was only me who was suspicious,” I replied before she shook her head as she pointed at her eyes that were shining silver.


“Kaleen has special eyes that can determine the flow of mana around someone, that’s why once she is suspicious of someone then that someone is really suspicious,” Kate said as she looked at Kaleen as if the two of them knew each other for a long time.


“Special eyes, do you perhaps mean The Jewel Eyes that are said to be the eyes that could see the unseeable?” Mana questioned as the two of them nodded.


The Jewel Eyes is not something I remember being on Solis which could mean that it is something special from this world. I wonder if the knowledge base knows about it. As if listening to my thoughts, a window soon popped up, showing all information about the Jewel Eyes.


The Jewel Eyes

This is a disease that prohibits one from seeing colors (colorblind) but in exchange for this blindness, the holder of The Jewel Eyes can see the unseeable. These holders can see the flow of mana, the aptitude of someone, and even the spirit of someone depending on how pure their eyes are.


Though most holders can only see the flow of mana of someone which results in the colorblindness being far weaker, for example, the lady before you can only see a watered-down view of the world but in exchange, she can see the flow of mana around her.


It seems like the consequences, or should I say the exchange for having the benefits is color blindness… I definitely do not want to be colorblind since I am someone who has a strong liking for the beauty of this world and its vivid colors…


“As you know, the man had this strange and dark mana around him. It wasn’t that visible since there was also a cover that stopped most people from noticing, the cover was ordinary mana, but beyond that was thick darkness…” Kaleen said before continuing, “I want all of you to take caution when entering the area, they provide, don’t hold back at all…”


“I understand, though what if an unforeseeable situation like teleportation occurs?” I inquired before she shook her head as she looked at the mansion with a serious glance.


“Teleportation won’t be possible when I am around as my eyes can see the flow of mana, as long as I can cut off a single thread of the flow, the spell will malfunction and collapse which is why I want the rest of you to take care of the monsters that might approach us,” Kaleen answered.


I see… that means this girl is not only someone who has mastered several weapon arts but is also someone who is practically invincible to spells. Is this the true definition of someone who is destined to be the main character?


“Anyway, just take my advice properly and we should be fine,” she said as all of us nodded before turning our attention back to the mansion as the doors opened with the man and the lady coming out with a papyrus paper.


The man and the lady walked towards our direction for a few moments before handing us the folded papyrus paper as we opened it up before a full hand-drawn map of the area came into sight. The map looked a bit different from the one I see on my mini map, but for the most part, all the important spots were properly drawn.


“The high ogre was first sighted in this area, then another report coming from another source reported that the high ogre appeared in this area. My greatest estimate after calculating the areas would be around this area…” the man said as she pointed at two circles for the initial reports and a large blue circle for his estimate.


All of the sightings were located in a forest which doesn’t make sense at all why someone would roam around a forest for no reason. All of it looked incredibly suspicious, the chances of this being the same cliché is already incredibly high.


“I see, we will head to the spot then. I hope you fulfill your promised reward,” Kaleen said as she hid the papyrus paper on her waist belt as the man nodded with a bright smile as we soon got back up in the carriage where the woman with a cowgirl hat waited.


“Yaaa~! That man looked suspicious, ya’ll still taking the quest even after that?” the woman questioned with a soft, inaudible voice after we entered the compartment.


“It’s an adventurer’s job to eliminate any potential threat,” Kaleen said as the woman took a deep smoke and breathed it out as she laughed.


“Ya know, I was once like ya’ll, taking quests and all that beautiful crap until my body couldn’t handle fightin! I love ya’ll spirits!” she said before patting the horse as the horse howled before the woman looked at us with a bright smile.


“Ya’ll better make it home properly!” she said before the horse started running down the streets as we looked out over the distance. Time passed by like the wind as we soon arrived before the forest in question after a short ten-minute ride.


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