A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 36. Arrival at Town of Gesturia!

The carriage ran towards the blazing sun for an hour before stopping in the middle of nowhere as the woman handling the carriage looked at us and said, “Ya’ll wanna have lunch first?” with a lunchbox on her hand as the carriage moved off the road.


“It won’t interrupt our schedule right?” Kaleen questioned as the woman took off her hat and saluted.


“The scheduled arrival is still 30 minutes, ya’ll too impatient~!” the woman said before wearing her hat once more as she opened her lunchbox before munching without the usage of any utensils, she used her hands to eat which was not uncommon back on Asia where I lived in the past.


“Well… I kind of forgot to bring a lunchbox,” Mana looked at us and said as we smiled wryly before a saving angel appeared as Kaleen took out a lunch box that was about four layers tall from a bag she carried around.


“I have a few sandwiches that I personally made… want to try?” she asked, blushing as Flora looked at her with glimmering eyes.


“Sandwiches!” Flora said as Kaleen giggled a bit before opening up the lunchbox one by one and spreading them out on their seat as Flora stood up and sat beside them, staring at the sandwiches that were filled with all kinds of toppings from vegetables, meat, and some other ingredients.


“Please try some…” Kaleen said as Flora looked at her, nodding as she took a sandwich before taking a bite of it as she tilted her head.


“Flowa thenkz et iz mwisng swometwheng…” she replied as she continued munching before we looked at her with an embarrassed look. I don’t really know whether it is good ethics to say that to someone offering you free food but sure…


“It tastes different from Mwama’s…” Flora said as she looked at the sandwich before Mana interrupted as she asked, “Are you perhaps looking for mayonnaise and ketchup..?” before Flora looked at her with her eyes shining as she nodded.


“Mayonnaise?” Kate and Kaleen both inquired at the same time as Kaleen took two sandwiches and handed them to us as we took a bite of it. It felt a bit different without ketchup and mayonnaise, more like… it’s missing something… maybe dryish?


“Well, mayonnaise is a  kind of condiment that is usually spread around the bread to make it taste better. Ketchup is also the same, but ketchup is made out of tomatoes,” Mana explained as Kaleen looked at her with her eyes pinned onto Mana as if she had tasted her sandwiches before.


Now that I think about it, she does look a little bit familiar though I can’t remember from where I saw her, but I know for sure she is someone I most likely met somewhere and probably even talked a bit before.


“I see, do you have any specimens of this mayonnaise and ketchup?” Kaleen asked as Mana shook her head before disappointment could be seen on her face.


“Well, if you have time after this. The two of you could stay over at our place and try them out, Mana and I don’t mind having two people sleepover since we have about two guest rooms available,” I suggested before Kaleen’s eyes shone.


“Is that so, then I’ll take up your offer!” Kaleen said with suspicious excitement, but I decided to take it as her passion as someone who loves to cook even Mana sometimes acts like that after she got into cooking.


“Now, now. How about we finish up on our lunch?” Kate advised as we all nodded before continuing up on our lunch, eating up the sandwiches as time moved by before we were moving once more on the road as time flew by before the silhouette of a settlement came to sight.


It had large walls of bricks with two rivers passing by at the sides as guards stood by with fierce looks on their faces. They looked as if they were prepared to go into battle at any moment, their spears were on hand and their grasp on it was tight.


“Cool!” Flora shouted as she pointed at the wall as Mana and I both patted her head as she continued looking at the settlement with excitement as the carriage kept moving forward.


After a few minutes, the carriage soon reached the walls as two guards walked towards us, one to the left and another to right before questioning the woman in front, “Do you have any identification card and permit to enter?”


“Ya!” the woman said as she took out a golden tag that had the number eighty-three with the emblem of a spear and a snake wrapped around it. After seeing the emblem, the guards nodded before walking back to their station as we continued inside.


“London Bridge!” Flora said as she looked at the bridge in front of us, it was a fairly massive bridge that was all bricks. The bridge stood between a large river that surrounded the entire place with a magnificent European medieval city at the other side of the bridge.


It was this world’s variation of London Bridge which I remember adding as another joke, this bridge should have been made with strong enhancements that stops it from eroding, breaking apart, and losing durability… in a way, it’s an overpowered item that cannot be moved.


“Ya! We have arrived at the Town of Gesturia! Welcome!” the woman looked at us and said as we passed the bridge before the full-scale of the medieval town came into sight. It felt nostalgic, to be honest, the town didn’t change at all, even after living millions of years according to this world’s time.


It all looked the same as I wanted in the past, a town that carried the spirit of a medieval town with colorful buildings, red ceilings, and giant walls that spans all around the town. The streets were all out of red bricks, and the windows were made out of wood.


“The oldest town in the entire continent, Gesturia… A testament of how a civilization can stand the waves of time for as long as the people it hosts cares for it,” Mana said as she looked at the town that was blooming despite its age.


People who lived in the town didn’t think much about its age, according to what I read in books, the people of Gesturia love their town not because it is special, but because it is their birthplace, and they are willing to sacrifice to protect it.


After a few more minutes of passing by buildings, turning several streets. We soon arrived at the very center of the town where an old mansion stood. It was a white mansion that looked a bit like the white house since it was modeled to look like it.


Standing beyond the gate was a man that wore a thick black coat and a black hat together with a platinum-haired lady that had the ears of a leopard and the tail of one. Her tail had black spots and was gray in color.


The lady wore a dark-blue coat with a white dress and translucent black stockings with winter shoes. Her eyes were gray, she looked like a snow leopard.


“Ya! Take off!” the woman in the front said as we stood up and grabbed our things before one by one leaving the carriage compartment as we walked towards where the man and lady waited, smiling.


“Welcome to the Town of Gesturia, fellow Adventurers! I am the Mayor of this town, Shiko while this is my wife, a snow-leopard from the West, Leah,” the man bowed down and said.

I wonder who these two are (do not open unless you want spoiler)



While I am at it, might as well put (advanced chapters).

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