A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 148. Mock Battles!


We soon reached the manor after a little while of travel, the town was bustling with people who were returning back from work. A lot of the houses were now rebuilt from scratch, making the entire town look more modern with glass windows instead of the ancient-looking wooden windows. It was like one of the best tourist attractions one can find.


“Do we have anything to do within the next few days?” I looked at them and asked before they simultaneously shook their heads.


“Your schedule for five days is free, my lady. You can do whatever you like within those five days unless something urgent comes up,” Tanya replied as we entered inside the manor, sitting down on the couch a little bit exhausted.


I was having a little motion sickness, but it was still endurable. I prefer to fly over a carriage nowadays… I also don’t have any knowledge about how to improve the carriage since that was not my expertise, so I could only wait for Kaori to suddenly realize the pains of a carriage and fix it for me.


“How about the four of you, do you have any work that I can help with?” I asked while looking up at the ceiling with a bitter expression. It was supposed to be my free time, yet I felt a bit bored after working dozens of times.


There was hardly any entertainment in this place, though I could prepare for a meeting with Flora and the others soon which I do hope Kaori will bring them through official means like an official visit here, so we aren’t limited inside my room.


“Other than some paperwork that was meant to be done by us, there really isn’t anything we can satiate your boredom with, milady,” Raeliana responded as I sighed.


I guess there is one way to satiate my boredom—the adventurer’s guild which is indeed a little different from the Kingdom Guild back on the other kingdom. I could run around some dungeons for fun and raise my rank while I am at it, maybe earn some pocket money as well since monsters sell well.


“Okay then! I will go on a little trip for five days, no one should follow me!” I said in a loud voice which froze all of them as they looked at me with creepy glares.


“Milady should stay in the manor, or if you even want, please bring at least Tanya with you. We can’t risk having milady go around by herself without any bodyguards…” Raeliana stared at me in the eye with gloom on her face.


“I do have my ‘personal guard’ with me, that should be enough… right?” I replied before she looked at me with doubt.


“We haven’t seen this ‘personal’ guard of yours, milady. How can we trust someone that we haven’t seen yet? At least let us see a single skill of hers once and that would be more than enough for us,” she responded back which made me smile bitterly.


“Then—how about you battle with this guard of mine in a moment? I won’t be watching since I already know the outcome already, the three of you can battle with her at once if you even like. That should be fine, right?” I asked before her eyes turned to me with suspicion.


“Okay, we will fight against her in a three versus one. If she is indeed as strong as you describe her to be then we will allow you to go alone as long as she is with you otherwise, you will be staying in your room for five entire days. Is that a deal?” she inquired before I nodded while standing up and stretching my arms wide.


“I will head back to my room then, the three of you can head to the garden in the meantime. I will call her to be there, Tanya can come with me,” I looked at Tanya who nodded as the others nodded in agreement before the five of us separated.


After reaching my room, I soon looked at Tanya who already knew the procedure as she left the room and made sure to lock the door tightly before I soon switched to my vampiric form, hiding all the important features of a vampire while dressing myself in another dress.


The dress I wore was a simple, gothic, white dress that matched my height perfectly. It was a dress that I never wore once, so they would know little about it. I didn’t wear a hood this time since the hood wouldn’t work in a dress like this.


“Indeed, I look cute…” I complimented myself one more time before opening the balcony as I flew up in the air, flapping my wings in my bat form towards the garden before landing behind them as I reverted back to my vampire form.


The three of them didn’t even realize I have arrived. Faron and Lia both carried a sharp, silver sword in their hands that I hope doesn’t affect me since I heard from stories that vampires are weak against silver, though Faron and Lia weren’t the ones that gave me a stronger feel, rather it was Raeliana.


Raeliana only carried two wooden short swords but the aura she gave off was like that of a warrior who has killed hundreds to thousands of people. Her bloodlust was thick which was giving off this immense pressure that would make ordinary people kneel.


“How long will it take for the three of you to notice me?” I laid myself back at a tree while speaking in a loud voice as the three of them turned around in surprise. They were all using detection spells which weren’t able to detect me because of the anti-magic passive skill.


All of them were visibly surprised though, which I can tell since they weren’t able to detect me this whole time and for me to suddenly appear here, relaxing must have been a shock for them as Raeliana looked at me with a serious expression, “You are indeed as strong as milady has said, but how confident are you against the three of us?”


“A hundred percent.” I replied while condensing my trusty scythe, swinging it around a few times before lowering the tip to the floor, “That question should have been mine, though. How confident are the three of you on defeating me?”


“I have to say, with all of us combined, the chances of us defeating you would still be around fifty to sixty percent,” Raeliana replied.


“Are you sure? I think all of you combined at the same time will have zero chance of even lasting a minute against half a percent of my strength. Even that Guild Master here couldn’t sustain for even thirty seconds,” I smiled confidently.


“Enough talk, are we here to battle, or are we here to discuss?” Faron spoke in a serious voice as I chuckled before taking up my scythe once more and twirling it around like some kind of toy before pointing it at them.


“All of you can come at me first, I will give the three of you five attacks combined before I will start my strike. It will be my loss immediately if a single attack of yours can manage to get past my scythe,” I smirked before Lia sneered as she immediately took up her sword with visible anger.


You could tell at a glance that she was moving out of impulse from being insulted as she dashed towards me while thrusting her sword in my direction. It looked fairly weak which made me smile bitterly as I immediately parried it with the edge of the scythe before sending her flying back toward them through brute force on the sword.


“That was way too weak, come at me. All at once,” I looked at them with a bored expression.


Maybe because of what had happened to Lia, Faron and Raeliana hesitated a bit before the two of them looked at each other and nodded as their figures suddenly vanished, reappearing in front of me as I quickly reacted by blocking their swords with the scythe.


Raeliana was the more troublesome one since she had two weapons, her other weapon tried to bypass the block by heading the other way, but it was futile though since the scythe was long and with a little bit of force onto the scythe, I managed to push the other two weapons back while blocking the incoming attack.


“That was four attacks now, one more and it will be my turn to finish this up,” I yawned.


The two were obviously at a loss over what to do before they started whispering with one another a certain strategy which made me bored again as their figures disappeared once more. My body could feel one at my back left corner while another one in my front right corner.


“Impressive,” I smiled while docking as the sound of two swords hitting each other echoed throughout the garden before I started my counter, swinging the back of my scythe straight onto the person on my back’s stomach while kicking the one on the front with my foot.


And that was how the game ended, the one at the front was Raeliana who was foaming while on the back was Faron who was knocked unconscious. It felt a bit boring indeed, there was hardly any adrenaline while fighting.


“To think that the three of you could hardly withstand ten seconds from my attack, this is a bit… pathetic?” I looked at them with a sigh before dematerializing my scythe, “It wasn’t much of a battle than I was expecting…”


“If the three of you want to become stronger, try fixing your coordination more. That brat who was immediately knocked out from my defenses is way too impulsive and weak, while the other two are pretty much useless.”


“You saw the first brat come to me, since the two of you already knew she was going to fail, you should have taken the opportunity to hit me from the back but that wasn’t what you did. Instead, the two of you were too cautious and ignored the opportunity thinking I could defend against that when my scythe doesn’t extend that long,” I closed my eyes in disappointment.


Heaving a heavy sigh, I looked at the three of them with annoyance, “The main objective was to pass through my scythe which means if the two of you managed to strike my back during that first moment then it would have been a win, I expect more the next time I come here…”


After that little tip, I soon flew back into my bat form, heading inside my room where Tanya was already waiting with a cup of hot chocolate. She had a warm smile on her face as she said, “You didn’t just fight them because you wanted to have fun, right?”


“What do you mean?” I looked at her with a bitter smile.


“You wanted to give them some tips and also to see how they would fight against an opponent like you in this form, if you didn’t want to give them some tips then you wouldn’t have given them that five strikes head-start,” she added.


I feel like Tanya was some kind of detective in her past life if that even exists, indeed, she was correct. If I didn’t want to see how they would fight then I wouldn’t have given them a head-start like that but then again, it was all for my amusement.


“Don’t delve too much into everything I do,” I smiled before reverting back to my human form as she looked at me with a warm gaze, “Prepare a bath for me and also my pajamas. I will go to sleep now.”


“As you wish, my lady,” she smiled before following my instructions as I took a quick bath before heading to bed.

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