the protagonist, a seemingly ordinary Astronaut, awakens in a vast, otherworldly landscape. He is caught between the boundaries of two parallel universes, where the laws of reality are warped and fragmented. This strange realm is filled with ancient, cosmic entities and forgotten gods, with their omnipotence creating an oppressive atmosphere. The protagonist begins to experience fragments of his previous life, realizing that he was once a human but now exists in a new form that no longer fits the constraints of his original identity. The reader is introduced to the protagonist’s inner turmoil, as he grapples with his existence in this liminal space.
As he navigates through this disorienting world, the protagonist encounters beings who represent different facets of existence and fate. Among them is an enigmatic figure, a manifestation of a deity whose intentions remain unclear. Their interaction sparks a sense of foreboding, as the protagonist is forced to confront the horrors of a godless existence and the manipulation of divine forces. The chapter ends with a looming sense of destiny and the unraveling of what it means to be caught in the web of divinity, setting the stage for the dark journey that lies ahead.
Tragedy of Divinity novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Sliverpheonix_ . Read Tragedy of Divinity novel online for free.