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Title: The Dragon's Heir: Rebirth of the Wizard King
Title: The Dragon's Heir: Rebirth of the Wizard King
After a long life of battles, triumphs, and peace, Harry Potter dies surrounded by those he loves, believing his journey has come to an end. But fate has other plans. Reborn in the volatile world of Westeros, Harry awakens as a member of House Targaryen, a distant heir to the Iron Throne, in a realm of dragons, rivalries, and treacherous politics.
Armed with the wisdom and magical prowess of his former life, Harry must navigate the Seven Kingdoms' brutal power struggles. Though his magic is diminished in this world, his cunning, courage, and experience as the Boy Who Lived grant him a unique edge in the deadly games of politics and war.
As House Targaryen teeters on the brink of destruction, Harry wrestles with the knowledge of his new family's bloody legacy and the shadowy future of Westeros. Will he alter the course of history, steering the realm toward unity and prosperity, or manipulate events from the shadows, ensuring his survival at any cost?
But even as he rises, dark forces awaken, sensing his presence. With dragons at his side and his wizarding powers evolving in unexpected ways, Harry faces a dire question: will he be the savior this world needs, or its harbinger of chaos?
Title: The Dragon's Heir: Rebirth of the Wizard King novel is a popular light novel covering Anime & comics genres. Written by the Author KingAlexander1 . Read Title: The Dragon's Heir: Rebirth of the Wizard King novel online for free.