In a fractured world where noble houses cling to the fading legacy of their ancestors’ magic, rebellion brews beneath the surface. Lynx Fenwyk, a baron’s son with mismatched eyes hinting at dormant powers, finds himself caught between the struggles of commoners and the suffocating expectations of nobility. Together with his poised cousin Vera Astrielle and the secretive Veryl Astrielle, Lynx stumbles upon a dangerous truth that ties their families to the roots of the rebellion.
As Queen Seraphina Caelum tightens her grip to restore the royal family’s fading magic, and the enigmatic rebel leader Kael Thornwyck rallies the oppressed, Lynx and his cousins must navigate a web of deceit, forbidden magic, and their families’ legacies. Their awakening powers thrust them into a choice: uphold the system that binds their world or ignite a spark that could burn it all down.
"The Flame’s Ascent" is a tale of loyalty, power, and the pursuit of truth, where every decision shapes the fate of a kingdom on the brink of change.
The Flame's Ascent novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author a_tiny_alex . Read The Flame's Ascent novel online for free.