This story revolves around the struggle of warriors to rebuild a war-torn world and restore the destroyed realms. The central plot focuses on a powerful dark force, Lian, who had devastated various realms, spreading chaos and division among them. After Lian’s defeat, Wu Mei and her companions embark on a journey to visit the destroyed realms and work towards their restoration.
They travel to different ruined cities and villages, collaborating with the survivors to rebuild. This journey is not just about repairing physical damage but also about restoring morale, planting seeds of unity, and rebuilding trust among the people. Along the way, they face numerous challenges—distrust, anger from the survivors, and internal conflicts within themselves.
The core theme of the story is unity, trust, and rebuilding. It highlights that even in the face of destruction, there is the potential for new life and hope. Wu Mei and her team realize that rebuilding the shattered realms isn’t only about repairing what’s visible but also about reigniting hope and belief in people’s hearts.
Our fantasy youth novel is a popular light novel covering Eastern genres. Written by the Author 3DRAMAfan . Read Our fantasy youth novel online for free.