Astra Wilson, a demonologist from Los Angeles, embarks on a groundbreaking expedition with her partner, Marcus Ryan, to uncover an ancient occult temple buried in the Egyptian desert. Hidden within the temple lies a mysterious sword, believed to be a key to a gateway to Hell. When Astra accidentally activates the sword with her blood, she unwittingly awakens its dark power. She takes the sword to a British museum, where it is unknowingly stored—until the sword's activation triggers a partial opening of the infernal gateway.
Demons pour forth, possessing the dead and turning them into vessels of destruction. This cataclysm begins in Egypt and quickly spreads across Britain and the rest of the world, plunging humanity into an apocalyptic nightmare. The demon-possessed corpses infect the living by marking their hearts, slowly killing them and paving the way for more demonic hosts.
Astra and Marcus join forces with a band of survivors, determined to end the demonic plague. The demons seek the sword to fully open the gateway and unleash the full forces of Hell upon the mortal world. As Astra uncovers the devastating truth—that her actions caused the apocalypse—she learns the only way to close the portal is by sacrificing herself.
In a harrowing race against time, Astra fights to recover the sword and make the ultimate sacrifice, but not without losing those she holds dear. Though her heroic act succeeds in halting the first apocalypse, her story does not end there. Astra returns, transformed into a demon driven to orchestrate a second, even deadlier apocalypse that threatens to annihilate humanity.
Now, the remaining survivors must confront their former ally, battling not only to stop her but also to restore her humanity before the forces of Hell consume the world entirely.
Gahena novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Xaviter_Steel . Read Gahena novel online for free.