Zuko's Journey*

Chapter : *Notice*

I'm am conflicted if I should start the journey with Zuko being betrayed at the boat ride to the fire nation or at the catacombs of Ba Sing Se right after Team Avatar's defeat.

On the first scenario I will be able to beline to his destination, and also it makes more sense if he is betrayed on the ship and pushed out into the ocean.

The second scenario I have planned for Jin to join Zuko on this journey as well. And in this fanfic I plan on her being an Earth bender as well that learns with Zuko. But in this scenario I'm not sure how to exactly get Zuko and Jin into the location I want them to be, the middle of the ocean.

Haaaa ... Decisions.... Decisions

Please tell me what you think and give me your opinion on which route I should take.

I do love Jin as a character and it's a crime that she didn't get more screen time, so if you guys don't mind some fluff before the main plot points I have planned.

*Also disclaimer I do plan to smudge and tweek the lore and the original story itself a bit*

*Also another disclaimer excuse my poor grammar, I am trying a swing at this writing thing and I'm new, so some feedback is welcomed*

*Also another another disclaimer sorry in advance I'm also new to this app as well*

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