Zhu Yuanzhang: I Forbid The Sea, But The Sun Never Sets On The Sea

Chapter 83

Chapter 82: Return, Flickering Success (Subscribe)

Lan Yu’s agreement has undoubtedly solved one of Zhu Bo’s biggest problems, and there is no need to worry about this aspect.

And more importantly.

Lan Yu was able to enter Qiongzhou.

So keeping the blue jade will undoubtedly become an ironclad matter.

And that’s the most important thing.

compared to the financial system.

Compared with getting enough talents, Zhu Bo attaches the most importance to this one.

Three days passed quickly.

When the morning sun shines with a little morning glow.

Above the port of Jinling.


Most of them want to follow Zhu Bo to Nanyang.

And the most striking among them are the wealthy merchants in the city.

“Brother Wang, you are actually interested!”

Liu Yuanwai looked at the middle-aged man who came over, and his expression couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then a golden light flashed away in his eyes.

“Haha, Brother Liu, if you are interested, don’t allow me to intervene. 35

“This is not authentic!”

Wang Yuanwai also opened his mouth with a smile.

Behind the two of them was a large box.

At the same time there are many people.

For this voyage, the two of them can be said to be fully prepared.

Not only did he directly deposit a large amount of money in the Royal Bank of Daming, but he also contracted a transport ship for Zhu Bo today.

The cost is of course not cheap.

The price of Zhu Bo is straightforward and public.

For a transport ship, the charter price is twenty gold dollars.

And only the price of going, the price of returning is extra.

Even for the wealthy merchants in the capital, they are considered to be very expensive.

But all the wealthy merchants who went to Qiongzhou Mansion gave the money without any hesitation.

Because they know that once they can enter the South China Sea, this fee can be earned back almost several times, or even ten times the harvest.


But Nanyang.

Now that the sea ban has been promulgated, it is conceivable how huge the value of the South China Sea is.

And for Zhu Bo.

Join these people.

The most direct manifestation is not income.

For him, income is not really that important.

But the perfection of the system.

With the participation of these tycoons.

The system of the whole Nanyang will be perfected rapidly.

And that’s what he’s most concerned about.

It is also where he is most noticed.

If it weren’t for not charging, there would be a lot of problems, and he didn’t even think about charging.

Of course even for a fee.

He has hundreds of ships.

When the day sailed, it was almost full.

Only the only ship he had left on purpose remained.

As for the purpose of this ship.

Of course, it is to carry him and the Lanyu family.

In Zhu Bo’s great trick, and Lao Zhu’s ventilation in advance, Lan Yu’s family finally decided to go to Qiongzhou Mansion with him to help him train troops and solve the problem of pirates.

above the port.

Lan Yu brought his three ladies with him.

This is not caused by Zhu Bo’s flickering.

Since Mrs. Lan was coming, Lan Yu simply brought her other two ladies with her.

At the same time, there was a child who looked seven or eight years old.

Even Zhu Bo couldn’t help but glance at it in surprise.

Obviously, this one should be Lan Yu’s son.

And his own son.

He was also a little surprised by this. He didn’t expect Lan Yu to bring the whole family with him.

And this is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

“Lord Tarzan, please~~!

Zhu Bo leads the blue jade.

Then stepped into the ship.

At this time, Lan Yu was not as bad-tempered as before, nodded, and walked towards the ship.

After everyone boarded the ship.

The ship set sail immediately.

Begin to gradually enter the Yangtze River.

on the ship.

Zhu Bo originally planned to go to his cabin to sort out the next plan, but was stopped by Lan Yu.

The two entered the cabin.

Lan Yu looked at Zhu Bo with a solemn expression.

“Boy, do you know what the Way of the Soldier is?”

The words opened, and Zhu Bo’s brows couldn’t help raising his eyebrows for a while.

But don’t be indifferent.

After thinking for a while, he spoke up.

“Soldiers, the important affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival and death, must not be overlooked. Therefore, the scriptures use five things, and study them to calculate their feelings: the first is called Tao, the second is called heaven, the third is called earth, and the fourth is called General, the fifth is the law. The Tao is to make the people agree with the superior, so they can die with them, and live with them, without fear of danger.

He did not choose any deviant words, but directly said a paragraph of Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

“Bullshit, don’t hit me sloppy, kid!”

Listening to Zhu Bo’s words, Lan Yu couldn’t help snorting.

Facing Lan Yu’s cold snort, Zhu Bo was a little embarrassed.

Immediately, he turned slightly more serious.

This time he thought for a while before slowly opening his mouth.

“Sun Tzu said: Soldiers are tricky. Therefore, they can show what they can’t, and show what they can’t use. When they are near, they show far away. When they are far, they show close. Overwhelm all those who are soldiers, those who do not defeat others are soldiers, and those who will win in battle are those who are soldiers.”

The words were sonorous, and what was said made Lan Yu’s heart fluctuate instantly.

Lan Yu’s meaning is obvious, to test and teach him, and also to prepare to instruct him.

As for the so-called soldiers, this time Zhu Bo is no longer sloppy, but directly expressed his views.

He has a system.

He doesn’t look at anything, soldiers, tricks, he looks at absolute strength.

It’s like he pushed the entire Chen Zuyi horizontally.

When his strength completely crushes the opponent, then all the problems, once tactics and strategies are meaningless.

Because absolute strength is the best tactics and strategy.

If it is impossible to win, there is only one truth, that is, there is no absolute strength.

“Good boy, you are really domineering!

“But you know, why you are the general trend, and why you must win the battle!”

“There needs to be a strong army, and the strength of the army lies in governing the army.

“Government to control chaos is to say that provincial officials are combined with their posts, and the quality of the text is the same. If there is no continuous flow, there will be chaos and knots. If the fibers are not cut, they will become evil. Therefore, those who govern a country do not lose the rules of the circle, the square does not lose the rules, the foundation does not lose the end, and the government does not lose the way, everything can be accomplished, and its merits can be guaranteed.

Lan Yu looked at Zhu Bo in surprise, but he didn’t expect the person in front of him to have such a boldness.

But only surprised.

The words quickly opened, and he began to talk about his understanding of the army and the way of soldiers.

As for Lan Yu’s explanation, Zhu Bo did not refute, but listened carefully.

The person in front of him is the master of the entire Ming military family.

This one’s teaching, he dare not consider it useless.

Even if he still pushes hard, it is the root of all problems.

But if it can be easier to push horizontally, it is also a very good choice for him.

for the rest of the time.

Sapphire tells him about the army, governing the army, and wars every day.

Occasionally take exams.

In this regard, Zhu Bo can be said to be extremely serious and solemn.

Dare not to have the slightest neglect.

And time is also inadvertently, slowly passing, and in the blink of an eye, twelve days have passed.

Zhu Bo’s fleet.

Depart from Beijing.

Enter the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River enters the sea, and the South descends.

all the way down.

This time only less than twelve days.

The ship has already arrived in Sanya Bay.

Several months passed.

Sanya Bay is becoming more and more prosperous.

Plus the commonality with Nanyang.

And Qiongzhou Mansion is completely unified.

The development of the entire Sanya Bay has undoubtedly reached a new level.

Today, there is no trace of the fishing port. If it is not certain that this is not Guangzhou House, everyone may think that they have arrived at Guangzhou House, and it is still Guangzhou House a few years ago.

Now that the ban on the sea has been issued, even the Guangzhou prefecture has now been depressed.

But Sanya Bay has become more and more prosperous.

A series of figures walked through it, and everyone was extremely excited and joyful.

Those who have been immigrated are undoubtedly even more so.

For them, it is almost like opening a new world and opening a completely different life.

Compared with the poverty and hunger in the inland of Ming Dynasty, what they have here is a life that they can’t even imagine in their dreams.

When the ship docks.

The crowd came to the deck.

Seeing the bustling port below, one’s eyes could not help but light up.

Even more so with those tycoons.

If they were still a little uneasy and a little uneasy before, but when they saw such a busy (money) port, all they were left with was excitement and excitement.

Even at this moment, they saw a lot of profits floating towards them.

And compared to their excitement.

The moment Sapphire appeared in the port, her eyes were fixed on the soldiers patrolling the port, and her eyes instantly turned to Zhu Bo.

Compared with other people who are concerned about the surrounding people, these soldiers are the most attractive to Sapphire.

But it was because of the attraction that his face changed constantly at this moment.

I don’t know what kind of thinking I got into.

“” “Lord Taishan, the boy still needs to go to Fusang to find the magic medicine, so I will leave the training here!”

“Master Wang will cooperate with you!”

“When I come back, I will listen to your teachings! 35

Zhu Bo felt a little guilty, but he spoke quickly.

He was about to slip away.

“His Royal Highness, I’m still ready to go, this is ten thousand miles away!

Madam Lan was a little worried and couldn’t help but speak.

Wanting to persuade, but thinking that Zhu Bo was looking for magic medicine for the prince, Mrs. Lan suddenly didn’t know how to persuade.

(The first update, fooling Sapphire over here, the protagonist needs an existence to expand the territory, no one is more suitable than Sapphire, and Sapphire is so dead, it feels too unworthy.)

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