Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Benefit (Revision)

There was a knock on the door, and two worms walked in one after the other.

Jingshan looked up, the female in front must be the current ruler of the Song family, and the male in the back was the purpose of his trip, Song Bai.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, the appearance and charm of the two brothers were quite different.

The female worm is tall and walks windy, with the shrewdness of a businessman between her brows.

The male worm is tall and straight, and walks slowly, as if he is an outsider in this world.

Is there such a big difference between a male and a female child? I couldn’t help thinking of the eldest son and the second son, and the headache came again.

Allen hurriedly stepped forward and held Jingshan’s hand, with a respectful tone, “I didn’t know you were here, but I’m at a loss to welcome you.”

Song Bai was much simpler, nodded and said, “Father-in-law.”

Jingshan withdrew his hand and gave Song Bai a salutation, which was considered a courtesy.

He didn’t talk nonsense, and cut to the chase: “I’m here because of Sardin’s accident.”

Jingshan pushed the two documents in front of Song Bai, “The top one is the compensation from the Xiao family to you, and the bottom one is the additional conditions I want to discuss with you. For three years, you cannot divorce Sardin.”

Song Bai didn’t even look at it, and pushed it to Allen. Allen looked at the terms listed inside, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

It is definitely a lot of money to make Allen tempted.

Song Bai stared at Jingshan: “This junior has a doubt, and I want to ask my father-in-law to explain.”

The tone was not polite.

Allen put down the document in his hand and looked over nervously. After all, Song Bai was a junior, Jingshan was an elder, and he was a big man from Kyoto. He was really afraid that Song Bai would annoy him and become a loser.

Jingshan was not displeased by Song Bai’s disrespect, and said, “What are you wondering?”

“What is the motivation for these rewards given by father-in-law?” Song Bai looked at him closely.

Jing Shan smiled, “When Xiao Er made this kind of thing, he naturally wants to compensate you. After all, we are our godsons.”

“What else?” Song Bai followed closely.

Allen threw the documents on the table completely, ready to take his younger brother back at any time, lest Jingshan’s anger hurt him.

He nervously looked at each other between the two male insects, but Jing Shan remained calm and undisturbed.

“Also,” Jingshan seemed to be lost in thought, “this is an internal matter of the noble family, and it is not something you can understand.”

It seemed that he was really a little embarrassed, and Alan was very surprised that a big man from a Kyoto family actually wanted to explain various things to his younger brother.

Surprisingly, Song Bai simply agreed.

As an author, Song Bai is not omnipotent. For some characters, even though he could write their reactions, he could not accurately analyze their psychology.

Jingshan was definitely the one that gave him the most headaches.

He was the male father that Sardin depended on most besides Song Bai. But Jingshan has been fighting for his ambition all his life. He was born at Wei Mo, and met Xiao En at the funeral of the Xiao family’s new male head. At that time, the Xiao family was about to fall. It was he who proposed the idea of taking the role of a female as the head of the family. He even ignored the numerous ridicules in the Kyoto circle at the time and joined the Xiao family, and became a husband overnight with Xiao En, who had never met before. Later, with the help of the Xiao family’s power, step by step, he reached the center of politics.

However, how can a character who lives only for ambition gain the dependence of a delicate and sensitive child?

Does he really have love in his heart?

This was the question that Song Bai was still confused about when it was over.

Now, the question has an answer.

Jingshan was very pleased that it went well, he clapped his hands, and the housekeeper walked out with two young and beautiful Asian females holding a black box in her hands.

“I heard that you rejected the punishment from the Ministry of Justice, but Sardin still has to be punished.”

Song Bai frowned, “I have already refused.”

In other words, this one will also be rejected.

“I really think about him, it’s better to put it on him, otherwise the military will come later, I don’t know what’s more strange.” Jingshan took out a bracelet from the box, “The punishment ring can restrain at most His physical strength, and the hero has absolute control over the punishment ring.”

The two bracelets fell into Song Bai’s palm.

He thought about it and accepted it.

In the hands of control, he can at least control the degree of danger and ensure that Sardin is not injured.

As soon as Jing Shan signaled, the two beautiful females came behind Song Bai.

Song Bai narrowed his eyes: “This is…”

“Compensate for your female servants. I brought them carefully from Kyoto. They are absolutely soft enough to fall down with a slight push.” At the end, Jing Shan showed an inexplicable smile.

The subtext makes it clear that these two female females will not happen to hurt him like Sardin did again.

The two female females just saw Song Bai’s face clearly, and their faces were slightly red.

They had never seen such a good-looking male.

Song Bai felt a headache, and this was where Jingshan confused him. He clearly loves Sardin, but he sees that Sardin falls into the national malicious public opinion and does not lend a helping hand. The compensation to his uncle is also a means of giving to the female servant that may make Sardin jealous.

“The worm from the army is coming, I’ll go first.”

After putting away the documents signed with Song Bai and Allen, Jing Shan shook hands with Song Bai, feeling the different strength from his hands, Jing Shan narrowed his eyes.

“My uncle pays a lot of attention to physical exercise.” The males are mostly engaged in business and politics, and their physique is spoiled, but he has felt the subconscious control of people who have practiced martial arts all year round from Song Bai. felt.

“No, when did you exercise?” Allen looked at his brother in confusion.

“It’s just started recently, and I haven’t practiced for a few days.” Song Bai indifferently withdrew his hand and smiled.

However, in his previous life, he practiced for 20 years under the grandfather of the curator of the martial arts hall.

Jing Shan gave him a deep look and turned away.

Song Bai still looked at the two female females with a headache, and asked a few questions. After learning about their situation, he suddenly asked Allen, “Brother, do you still lack secretary assistants?”

Allen was happy because he picked up a golden mountain, frowning, “I have enough secretary assistants, you can just take it home and go back to the Internet to register as a maid?”

Song Bai shook his head firmly, what a joke, one satin in the family can’t handle it, and if there are two more, he won’t be able to fly out of the sky?

When he got up to leave, Ellense sent him a letter from Kyoto University.

“The one-year suspension is over, and the school informs you to go back to class in the new semester.”

Two years ago, my parents passed away due to misfortune on the way to visit Song Bai, and the original body has been unable to come out, so it is logical to take a year off from school.

Song Bai signaled that he knew.

Before leaving, he was passing by the military head-on. Allen finally reminded him to remember to take the lady to the chamber of commerce a week later, and closed the door completely.

Jingshan was walking slowly in the garden, and Sardin came around from the path and said hello, “Hello, father.”

Jingshan walked in front, and Sardin followed behind, “Your fact this time is too reckless. If it weren’t for your lordship and mercy, it would have been a prison disaster.”

“Yes, Sardin knows.”

Sadin said cautiously, “Father, did you say anything?”

“Xiao En said, I don’t have any hope for you anymore.” Jing Shan said lightly.

Sadin’s face instantly turned pale, even paler than when he heard all the news before, and even his perseverance pace was a little shaky.

The male father is one of the few warmths in Sardinian’s childhood, while the female father is a monument that always stands in his heart.

At that time, in order to marry the male master, he promised to give up the position of the head of the family, and the female father was disappointed enough with him.

It turned out that this disappointment could go further and completely lost hope.

“Little Er, your hero is a good one.” Jingshan patted Sadin on the shoulder, “I hope you can go on according to your own ideas, always.”

“Yes, father.” Sardin clenched his fists.

He has always been relentless in the things he has identified, and he has no hesitation.

Just like, insisting on going to the battlefield and marrying the hero.

He chooses his choice.

Never regret.

Looking at the distant back of the second son, the housekeeper said, “Master, I went to inquire. Auntie has recently surrounded a female, who is the young master of the Qi family.”

“I’m worthy of fighting with my son?” Jingshan smiled, “Go and beat Brother Qi and let him take care of his nephew.”

In the evening, Song Bai learned about the meeting with the military from Allen’s excited tone. Surprisingly, the purpose of the military’s trip was surprisingly the same as Jingshan’s. It was to retain the rare genius position of Sadin. The military even opened green channels for Song’s properties in quite a few places. Allen was so excited to see him. No smoking.

He smiled and told Sardin about these things, but Sardin remained calm until he mentioned attending a business party, and his cold expression was full of surprise.

After all, Xiongzhu didn’t take him to public events in Jiangcheng before.

Song Bai was still waiting for Sardin to reply, and when he raised his head, he inadvertently glanced at the lips that were as light as cherry blossoms.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that it must be suitable for kissing.

Not knowing what was wrong with him, he quickly shook his head: “I’ll let the housekeeper make preparations later.”

The words seemed to be somewhat inexplicable.

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