Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 21 Camp

Chapter 21 Camp
The next day, the muck truck was driving on a remote road, with lush grass on both sides, and some plants with severe mutations had already grown on the road. Maybe after a year, these plants would occupy the road and destroy the human race that is the road. His great creation is erased.

"Are you saying that the convoy is going to Lishan City? It's not close to us." Wang Jin said sitting in the carriage, opposite Yan Manyi.

"That's right, the army said that the Lishan City Government has built a survivor base. There are 10,000+ survivors in it, and there are a large number of troops stationed there. That's where we went to go. It's not safe to stay in the wild for a long time." Yan Man Yi Dao, because of the meal last night, made his attitude towards Wang Jin much better, and answered Wang Jin's questions one by one.

"Lishan City is 300 kilometers away from us. Are your convoy sure of arriving?" Li Yue jumped out of the upper bunk and asked without confidence.

"So what if we are not sure, we have no other place to go now. If we are stationed, we will be small, and the ammunition of the army will be exhausted slowly. This is also very dangerous for us. Now the combat effectiveness of the army can protect us It is not impossible to reach Lishan Mountain by trying to catch up more for safety." From Yan Manyi's words, Wang Jin heard that the other party had no idea.

Li Yue touched the horn left by the mutated cow, looked at Wang Jin who was thinking, and waited for Wang Jin's decision.

The horn in Li Yue's hand was one of the combat products harvested from the mutated cow yesterday. It was about forty centimeters long, slightly curved, and covered with spiral textures. It was not only hard but also very sharp.

Ever since Li Yue saw the horns, she couldn't put it down. It happened that her original pair of scimitars were damaged due to too many battles. Wang Jin gave her the pair of horns. This made Li Yue very happy, and hung the horns on his waist. Never leave the body.

"It doesn't matter whether we go to Mount Li or not. Anyway, we didn't have a goal before, so it's good to have a place to go now." Now his strength is not weak, even if he encounters any invincible danger, Wang Jin is sure to escape .

"You are in such good condition now. You have food, drink, and a bed to sleep on. You don't have to be burdened. There are two mutants who don't need to be afraid of danger. Naturally, you don't have anything to worry about." Yan Manyi looked at the environment in the carriage with an envious tone. A little sour.

Li Yue looked at everything in the carriage with a very proud expression. This was the result of everyone's joint efforts.

The front part of the muck truck compartment is used to load materials, and the rear part is equipped with beds for people to rest. Because each muck truck has a higher body, it adopts double-layer beds, so there are eight beds in total.

The beds are covered with quilts and pillows, and three fans are hung on the roof of the aisle in the middle of the car. Because there is a small diesel generator, there is no shortage of power, and these fans can dispel the stuffy heat in the car.

Of course, in addition to the luxurious interior decoration, this muck truck is full of ferocious defensive weapons on the outside, and the roof is magically filled with flower pots, with many vegetables planted inside.After so many days, the green vegetables have sprouted and grown into small seedlings, which can be eaten in ten or so days.

This is the idea that Du Yuyan came up with. At that time, there were some vegetable seeds in the harvested materials. Du Yuyan looked at it as a pity, and thought of this method as soon as he had an idea. Use flowerpots to plant soil and vegetables, so that you don’t have to worry about the road. I ate the vegetables.

Although this makes the muck truck look very nondescript, from a distance it seems that the muck truck has hair growing on its head, but it is green hair.

At that time, He Youxi also joked that we pioneered the innovation of putting hats on cars, and we were still green hats.

This is also a good thing for Du Yuyan to do for the team. Du Yuyan is usually very silent, and his sense of presence in the team has always been low. He did not expect to come up with such a ghostly idea, which made Wang Jin very pleased.

"Brother Wang, we are almost at the camp that the college students said, should we be careful?" He Youxi climbed down from the roof ladder and asked Wang Jin.

Wang Jin learned about the situation of most of the camps through Yanmanyi before, and knew that the controllers of the camps would not confiscate the supplies of ordinary people, and did not impose any personal persecution or restrictions on the survivors, so he waved his hands and said: "No need, The camp we went to is under the control of the army, I have learned about it, it’s not a big problem, just be on guard.”

Within a few minutes, the convoy had arrived at the camp, and Wang Jin climbed onto the roof of the car and set up a pergola to look out.

It is said to be a camp, but it is no different from the slums in Africa, no, it should be said to be worse than the slums.

The camp was built on an open space beside the road, and it was full of dilapidated and leaky tents, and small nests made of wooden boards. What’s more, a hole was dug in the ground, covered with weeds and dead leaves, and then covered with branches. Just huddled inside to escape the cold of the night.

Most of the people in the camp looked numb, full of pessimism about life, hunger made them seldom move, and most of them hid in their dilapidated dens to reduce physical exertion in order to survive more time.

Soldiers in military uniforms and armed with rifles stood guard on the outskirts of the camp. Although their uniforms were no longer clean, their weapons were no longer brand new, and their bodies were no longer in good health, they still stood upright and stationed at the camp with serious expressions, without any slack.

Wang Jin's convoy has attracted the attention of the army from afar. The huge triangular shovel, the heightened and thickened iron plate that protects the car body, and the two sides of the car body are seven or eight meters long and half a meter wide, which are extremely sharp. The six moon blades.

When these two modified steel monsters appeared, their deterrent effect was extraordinary. In addition to the army, many survivors were also alarmed, and got out of the tent to point and guess at the cars.


As the brakes sounded, Wang Jin got out of the car with everyone, and more than 20 swift beasts followed Wang Jin. At this time, he should show his strength and hide all his strength, just like pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. It will only make people peep and treat you like a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Although Wang Jin is not afraid, he hates trouble. Wouldn't it be better to reduce the trouble? Wang Jin is confident in his own strength, and no one dares to attack him casually.

Seeing these ferocious swift beasts, the soldiers at the gate became nervous and pointed their guns at Wang Jin.At the same time, the two heavy machine guns also turned their muzzles and aimed at the Velociraptor.

Being pointed at by so many guns, He Youxi, Jia Ding and others were very scared, and they dared not move forward.

Wang Jin winked at Chen Dong and Li Yue, Li Yue tightened his police uniform, inadvertently revealing the guns around his waist, while Chen Dong put down the iron pillar on his shoulders.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound, and the ground was smashed into a big hole by the iron pillar, and the surrounding ground was cracked like a spider web. This strange force that does not belong to humans made these soldiers' eyes widen again, and their expressions became more alert. a bit.

The swift and ferocious beasts surrounding Wang Jin also gradually dispersed, and they lowered their bodies, as if preparing to charge.

Just when the two sides were guarding each other, hurried footsteps came from the camp. A soldier with a square face and a serious expression came out, followed by more than a dozen guards. Down, came to Wang Jin.

The Chinese-faced soldier looked at the heavily armed muck truck, then saw the ferocious swift beast and Chen Dong who was waving hundreds of catties of iron pillars like nothing. He straightened his expression and asked, "You, mutants?"

"That's right! We heard that your convoy is going to leave the mountain, and we are here to join you." Wang Jin said, Yan Manyi walked over from behind and said, "Battle Commander, they are the survivors we met outside. When I told them about the camp, they decided to join in.”

A staff officer behind the Chinese-faced soldier walked up to Yan Manyi, asked for some information, checked a notebook in his hand and found that there was nothing wrong, and nodded to the Chinese-faced soldier.

"Let's get to know each other again. I am the battalion commander of this army, Xu Gang. You are welcome to join us." After receiving the reply from the staff officer, Xu Gang stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face.

"Wang Jin, the leader of this team." Wang Jin stretched out his hand and shook the other party's hand. The other party's palm was very rough and covered with calluses, and one could feel that the palm was very strong.

After understanding the situation, Xu Gang waved his hand to the soldiers to put down their guns and move out of the way, and Wang Jin also put away the beast. Both sides were smart people and understood that cooperation would benefit both sides, and conflict would not benefit anyone.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of the soldiers and the curious eyes of the survivors, Wang Jin drove the muck truck into the camp.

The camp is very large. Although there are more than 1000 survivors here, there are still many open spaces. The main reason is that these survivors are basically gathered together. Body temperature through the cold night.

Finding a shady open space under a big tree, Wang Jin stopped the car here, and everyone got out of the car and started to pack up and get busy.

At this time, Yan Manyi led the group of college students to Wang Jin's side, and said, "Since you have arrived at the camp, we will not bother you anymore. I have told you all the rules in the camp. As long as you follow them and don't mess around, Nothing will happen."

Wang Jin nodded, and winked at He Xin, and soon, He Xin took out a piece of wrapped beef from the car, about twenty catties, and handed it to Yan Manyi.

Seeing Yan Manyi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refuse, Wang Jin said to her, "Don't rush to refuse, this beef is your reward. After all, you helped us to the camp, and there is nothing I can give you. A little bit of our heart."

He Xin also persuaded: "Yes! You also know that we are not short of food now, so you can take this beef. It is not so easy to find food in the wild. Next time you encounter danger, there may not be someone who can help you .”

Yan Manyi held the beef in her hand, her eyes were a little moist. The two days of field experience let them know the preciousness of food. She wanted to refuse, but she couldn't say anything.

Just like what He Xin said, this food is very important to them. It can allow them to spend a week safely without worrying about food. Yan Manyi not only for herself, but also for her companions to survive in this last world. These two words were abruptly blocked back.

Unable to refuse, the only reward Yan Manyi could give was the two ordinary words of thank you. Seeing these beefs, several college students were overjoyed and kept saying thank you.

Saying goodbye to Wang Jin and others one by one, the college students turned their heads three times at a step, gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared and returned to their nests.

(End of this chapter)

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