Chapter 9: Training With The Best
A few weeks had passed by.
The city was bustling with shouts of joy and excitement. The golden palace stood over city serving as it's most famous landmark.
Shiebe: Look at all the people out there. It sure is busy ain't it.
Shiebe laid in is room admiring the view outside. It reminded him of the last moments before his life was taken before his father. This time it was different he wasn't feeling a sense of despair as he did back their.
Shiebe: Come in.
-Let's hope whoever is coming in doesn't plan on taking my life-
It was a butler looking rather tired.
"The Lord is requesting you to the main throne"
Shiebe: I see. Thank you
-Seem like training is about to start. This time i'm going to make a name for myself in this world.-
Shiebe navigated himself throughout the huge palace until he found himself at the throne room where Zaneff was already there along with Eros.
Eros: Perfect. Now we need to wait for the others.
Shiebe: Others? who else is coming .
Eros: Well I did mention that I was looking for prodigies right. A close friend of mine found two kids about your age with extraordinary powers and are sending them here. They should arrive any minute from now.
The thought of others joining them at the palace made Shiebe a bit nervous. He was just fine with him and Zaneff being there and was afraid that these other kids could ruin what they had.
Then footsteps could be heard from behind.
Eros: Ah here they are.
Shiebe and Zaneff turned around to see these new guests. Accompanied by guards one kid entered the room. Purple long hair, blue eyes. Black wings on his back. Black horns pointing from his head. A cocky smile on his face.
???: Hm. So you must be Shiebe and Zaneff....and I assume you're the Monarch Of Life Eros Juvebuilo.
Shiebe: You seem to be well informed.
???: Of course I am. You guys are the talk of the town.
Eros: Is it just you Maz. What about Julius and Mona.
Maz: It seems they couldn't make it this year. Something about their village dealing with a war or something but at least you have the strongest one here.
Eros let out a sigh before standing up from his throne.
Eros: The three of you follow me to the garden. That's where your training will begin.
They all headed for the garden.
Eros: Alright. Before we begin I want to see the true extent of your powers. Shiebe, Maz and Zaneff. I want the three of you against some of my beasts. Work together to beat it.
Maz: Yeah, Yeah we get it man just start already.
Shiebe: Hey don't talk to him like that. He's a council member and the King of this place.
Maz turned towards Shiebe giving him a cold stare.
Maz: I talk however I want to anyone I want. Don't tell me what to do.
Zaneff grabbed Shiebe's shoulder and leaned towards his ear.
Zaneff: Forget him, it's not worth it....
Eros: Alright, Alright. Let's start. 3, 2, 1....Go
Slowly an army of about 60 beasts raised up from the ground. The first one to act was Maz.
Red Lighting followed where the boy went. He defeated them simply by punching them.
Maz: Too easy man I thought you were stro-
A punch connected with his back sending him flying towards another group of beasts away from the one Shiebe and Zaneff were dealing with.
Maz: --?!
Shiebe: Man talk about cocky. There was no way you could have handle them all by yourself. Come on grab my hand let's do this together.
-When dealing with these types of characters it's better to act like the bigger and better man. Although most of the time they reject your offer-
Maz: Get your damn hands out of my face. I can do this alone.
Shiebe: Are you stupid you saw what just happened you obviously can't do it alone.
Maz: You calling me weak?! I'll fucking kill in a think you could provide me with any real support!
Shiebe grit his teeth and clenched his fist. This was the first time in his life that he had felt such anger towards a person. His emotions started to mess with his head.
-That goddamn cocky piece of shit. I'll be the one to kill him!. Who the hell does he think he is.-
Maz: What's wrong? Scared?
Shiebe stayed silent avoiding eye contact with him.
Maz: I knew're weak..don't ever tell me what to do again you understand!
Maz Standing up looked at Shiebe's face seeing if his taunts had gotten to him but instead he was met with an unexpected reaction.
A smile emerged on Shiebe's face.
Shiebe: Fine. Do what you want... I can't waste my time with a small fry like you..My life is way too important for bullshit like that.. Good luck.
Shiebe walked away heading towards Eros and Zaneff.
Zaneff had dealt with the other Z-Mon's whilst Shiebe and Maz were talking.
Eros: I see. That will be all for training today. Meet me again here next week. The real fun will begin....oh and Shiebe don't cause trouble with Maz.
Shiebe: Yeah whatever
--Eros left the garden
Zaneff: What's with him.
Maz was still standing in the same place where Shiebe confronted him. He looked pissed off.
However it didn't bother Shiebe.
Shiebe: Who cares let's g-
Shiebe's words were interpreted by a shock of power that filled the air. It was immense and powerful. Slowly looking back he saw the source of the power.
Maz stood there as red markings started to cover his body. His eyes now red and his hair even longer than it was before.
Maz: Shiebe......You....Are....My...Enemy.....I must eliminate you
Shiebe: Zaneff! Call Eros.
Zaneff nodded her head and ran to go get Eros.
Maz smiled as he charged at Shiebe. His speed was outstanding making it hard for Shiebe to keep and eye on him.
A barrages of cuts attacked Shiebe. Causing him to bleed from all over his body.
-Huh. W-what the hell. I'm bleeding? That bastard. Is he trying to kill me for real?!-
The moment that Shiebe had realised that Maz was trying to kill him his mind went blank for a moment.
The wind blew, making the tree sway towards Shiebe's direction.
Clouds that covered the sun emerged from nowhere. It created a dark atmosphere similar to when Shiebe first used his syreum.
Shiebe looked at his hands covered in blood. He grew more and more angrier. He didn't know why but it was as if something that shouldn't have happened had just occurred. The anger built up from earlier started to emerge but stronger.
He got on his knees covering his face with his hands.
Maz watched this happen but did not proceed to attack. It was as if something was telling him that he would die if he were to attack now.
Shiebe's hair slowly turned from crimson red to white.
He finally stood up and removed his hands from his face. His wounds are now gone.
Shiebe: Hey Maz. Do you know what it's like to be alone? To be depressed? To have your own parents hate you?
Maz: What are you saying? What language is that?
Maz: Maybe we've gone a bit too far. It doesn't suit you to be acting like this I can tell that much about you. Plus that power will kill me if you unleash it. I'm sure you don't want that.
Slowly Maz's words started to make sense to Shiebe. At first he couldn't understand what he was saying. It was like when he was first reincarnated here. He slowly regained his mind back. Then his vision became blurred.
Shiebe: Your strong you know t-
Before he could finish his sentence he had passed out.
His hair turned back to normal
The tree's stood still
The dark clouds disappeared