Yu Sha

Chapter 872: Time flies like the wind

Latest website: Chu Weiyang's figure is wrapped in five-color jade, and now it is shining in the boundless and thick veins of gray jade.

The Taoist looked at the seemingly endless gray jade veins with no end in sight. There was a nine-section bamboo staff that did not sense any turbid evil aura at all. The same Five Yun Tianluo Umbrella also appeared. I have never sensed any light and spiritual essence.

It seemed to be some strange existence outside the Qi.

It was an independently condensed substance that Chu Weiyang had never come into contact with before.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the pure and simple light revealed a thick gray aura, which instantly intertwined and resonated with the gray mirror in Chu Weiyang's hand.

The continuous trembling itself could not be easily eliminated even by Chu Weiyang with the strength of his wrist.

And this also means that this connection itself must point directly to some indescribable essence of the gray mirror.

This gray mirror is from the past year, when the corpse of the Buddhist cultivator fell from the sky. Suddenly, with half a broken jade slip, it pressed across the dome of the entire realm of cultivation in the Three-Yuan Realm. This brought The Dragon King of Yushu, who was taking a step beyond the barrier, faced a real "catastrophe".

Therefore, in the midst of such lightning, in order to save the destruction of his body's Dao Fruit, and in order to save his body's life from being scattered, he had no choice but to swallow the altar of the demon clan's blood sacrifice, and with the power of the Five Elements Rotation, Using the form and spirit as a seal, all the remains of Buddhist cultivators holding the origin of Jian Hanzhi's soul were sealed in the cycle of time.

In this way, you will have a gray mirror hanging over the Baoping River for a long time.

To be more careful, in fact, this round of gray mirror can be regarded as the reality of the seal formed by the Yushu Dragon King with the changing power of the glorious time, but equally, it can also be truly regarded as the Yushu Dragon King. The remains of the demon body.

After all, on this gray jade mirror, you can still see the fine dragon scale patterns on the edge.

Moreover, later on, when the Jade Snake recited sutras and transformed the Miaoshu Dragon King Buddha, the so-called continuation of vitality and creation was only in the process of refining the three elements of the spirit, which caused the original Buddha to practice annihilation. The physical body attains Nirvana and is rejuvenated. It is a brand new soul of the King Buddha that is resurrected from the corpse of the Buddha.

It is precisely because of this that the Miao Shu Dragon King Buddha was finally able to break free from the cracks in the gray mirror, and then imprisoned himself in the ancestral palace of the old demon clan.

In the process, the gray mirror itself was left behind.

Regardless of any concept, the Yushu Dragon King of the past has actually perished.

The gray mirror held up by Chu Weiyang is actually the remnant of his physical body.

And it is precisely based on this understanding.

When Chu Weiyang looked at the gray jade veins that were constantly intertwined and resonating with the gray mirror in his hand, the intertwined tremors became more intense, but in an instant, Chu Weiyang seemed to have guessed something. Not only did he no longer continue to witness this change, but on the contrary, Chu Weiyang suddenly pulled away at this moment!

Even though his figure was wrapped in gray jade, Chu Weiyang still recorded the way he came, and it was at the moment when Chu Weiyang turned around and turned back.

Suddenly, the connection between the same gray jade mirror and the current gray jade vein seemed to be intensifying and finally reached its peak.

Apart from the tremors, some kind of change seems to be really happening!

In this flash of lightning!

But Chu Weiyang never had any big fluctuations in his mood. He just wanted to take precautions, to prevent what he had just guessed from happening, so he retreated. With just a breath of news, he would Stopping in the rock wall again, you can watch the changes from a distance.

And it was precisely when Chu Weiyang's idea suddenly came to him.


Suddenly, in such an indescribably deep abyss of rock formations, wrapped in the long-lasting five-color jade flower, Chu Weiyang felt the tangible feeling of a wisp of breeze blowing over his body.

Where does the wind come from in this rock formation? Where does the wind come from that can blow to me through the five-colored jade flowers?

Just when Chu Weiyang had such an idea, the Taoist's power remained unabated and he was still controlling the escape method. In the process of the breeze blowing that didn't seem to affect his body shape, he suddenly crossed with one breath. , standing straight at the edge of the rock formation.

But it was also at this moment, when the gray jade veins were no longer wrapped, when the breeze was no longer blowing, when Chu Weiyang stood on the same spot, and his body and aura were connected to the nature of heaven and earth again.

The Taoist was stunned for a moment.

Not one breath, but half a breath!

Between heaven and earth, only half a breath of time passed by in the process of crossing.

After all, Chu Weiyang, who grasps the meaning of the rotation of the four seasons, has the clearest understanding of the changes in time between heaven and earth, and there cannot be a slight deviation.

But similarly, in a Taoist state of cultivation, where three magical fruit trees anchor the three realms of yin, yang, and spirit, there is almost no illusion in this world that can teach Chu Weiyang to be in a trance and lose himself in it. .

Even the Baihualou Taoist method, which can confuse people's minds, cannot have such an effect on myself!

It was at this moment that Chu Weiyang realized what he was feeling.

That one breath is real, but the half breath is also real.

In this moment of crossing, I have truly experienced one breath of time, and this has not changed. But similarly, the one breath of time that I have experienced is actually a kind of condensation, in fact, it is half of the world between heaven and earth. Rest scene.

When he thought of this, Chu Weiyang suddenly realized what the breeze that had just blown over his body was!

"It's the power of time!"

It is not the so-called power of the natural passage of time and years, but just like the condensation and manifestation of the power of Sumeru that can be extracted from the universe of heaven and earth. This is the actual power that can be condensed and revealed in the process of change of time and time. strength.

The years are like the wind.

What really happened at this moment is really connected with what Chu Weiyang guessed just now!

It's not like he has never experienced anything like this!

The reason why Chu Weiyang was able to distinguish such strange changes clearly in this flash was because in the past, when Chu Weiyang was still at the beginning of his cultivation, he had attended the banquet of the old Dragon King in Yushu. Above, I have experienced the mysterious power of change that is almost the same as time interlacing!

The old Dragon King of the past used a breath of real time to stretch out for an extremely long time, allowing him and Chu Weiyang to talk around and finalize some transactions and gifts directed at the Snake Elder.

The two of them had spoken a lot of dialogue to each other in that long and real world, and Chu Weiyang had thought about it very carefully and for a long time. In the end, the years and years that had been truly experienced were revealed to the old Dragon King. Under the influence of the power of Ku Rong, it only lasts for a moment in this world.

What Chu Weiyang experienced at this moment was just more silent and more majestic, but it was just the same. With the wind of time, half a breath of time was extended into one breath.

What's more important is that Chu Weiyang was still able to freely operate the Five Elements Escape Technique during this process, and was still able to freely complete the transfer of his body's Dao Technique.

If you can use the method, you can also practice it.

Chu Weiyang can still understand this truth.

And just when he thought of this, Chu Weiyang lowered his head again and looked at the gray mirror itself, which was increasingly buzzing and trembling due to a certain distance. The Taoist's increasingly calm eyes were It suddenly became brighter.

"Time is like the wind, time is like a shuttle, if... time can be like a shuttle..."

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