Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 29

Tanya thought they were wasting way too much time by strolling down the wrong street. “This is not our assigned route.”

Mr. Flagrant gave her a stern look, then he flared his arms out wide and laughed. “We're supposed to show off to the masses! Show them what real heroes are like!”

“Irritating assholes wasting their time instead of dealing with the blatant crimes around them?” Tanya asked and heard several laughs from the civilians nearby.

Mr. Flagrant frowned. “Young lady, there's no need for such language.”

“Keep angering me and you're going to hear a lot more of such language.” Tanya said. “We're getting farther away from the central district, which is where we're supposed to be.”

“You are under my care and you will take my advice...”

“ZULU! Case Zulu!” Izuku's voice said in her ear and out of Mr. Flagrant's belt buckle. “Central District is under heavy gang war and blatant quirk usage! Everyone get your asses here NOW!”

Tanya's manic grin almost split her face as she turned to see a frightened Mr. Flagrant. “I see. So you intentionally avoided the most danger. I'll let Mr. Brave know.” She said and lifted up into the air.

The people around them saw her and gasped and pointed.

“See you back at the agency.” Tanya said and took off like a shot high into the air, changed direction, and disappeared. The sonic boom and shockwave shook several windows, startling everyone. Even Mr. Flagrant couldn't help but stare at the place where the young woman had disappeared from sight.

“I guess Mr. Flagrant is a loss?” Izuku asked as Tanya appeared in the sky above him.

“Completely.” Tanya said and drew out two pistols. “I'll clear a path on the right.”

“Thanks!” Izuku said and picked up Wiggleman without asking, then threw him right into the middle of the fight. His powers activated almost immediately and his body distorted and shook. The three gang members and one yakuza had no clue what was happening to them until his body latched onto them and shook them, too. They started to distort like the hero and anyone that tried to pull them away, were caught as well.

Tanya unloaded Door-buster shots and hit a dozen gang members and eight yakuza before she had a wide enough area for Izuku to get through. Izuku took advantage of this and ran at his best speed to get to the higher up gang members that were using their quirks to cause a lot more damage than the normal gang members were.

The other heroes weren't stupid and also took advantage of the opening to get to the main part of the fight. They tackled and subdued anyone that they could get close to, then quickly moved on. Tanya shot them and knocked them out, just in case, and she also chose to start taking out the other normal members. She didn't want to take any of the spotlight from Izuku as he tore through the leaders and lieutenants of each gang and yakuza members.

The heroes had happy faces as they pounded on the criminals that they had finally caught committing crimes and let themselves enjoy actually doing their jobs. It definitely showed in how quickly things were handled.

It was a complete massacre for the gangs.

Mr. Brave finally showed up and his eyes looked at the scene that was playing out in front of him. Tanya had just landed and kissed Izuku, then they started helping to tie up and secure the criminals. The heroes that worked for his agency were all talking animatedly and their interns had huge smiles on their faces as they helped Izuku and Tanya to secure everyone.

When they were done, almost a hundred gang and yakuza members were taken into custody and the Central District was packed almost solid with police cars and transport vehicles. No one noticed as the criminals were being loaded into the various transports that several of the gang members went missing. There were just too many for the cops to keep track of them all before they were recorded and logged into the transports.

“This was a productive first day!” One of the female interns exclaimed. “I've never felt so pumped up!”

“It's not going to be like this every day.” Tanya warned her. “I think this was just all the tension building up and finally letting go.”

Izuku nodded and didn't mention that it was them that did that.

“Where's Mr. Flagrant?” Mr. Brave asked as he came over to them.

“He was intentionally leading me away from the central district when Izuku's call came in.” Tanya said and a few of the heroes sucked in sharp breaths. “I told him I would let you know that he didn't let us patrol our assigned route.”

Mr. Brave sighed. “I assume you have GPS on your phone.”

Tanya nodded. “I'll send you the data.” She said and took out her phone and sent it with a single button click.

“You were already going to send that to me, weren't you?” Mr. Brave asked.

“Of course. I would normally wait until after the shift, though. That's when we have to write our reports.” Tanya said. “Unless you don't want confirmation that we actually patrolled our routes?”

Mr. Brave didn't say anything and thought about it, which was wise. He knew if he responded in the negative, the other heroes and interns would take his words to heart and he would lose the bare reports he normally gets. If he responded positively, he was going to be deluged with extensive reports and lots of GPS data that he didn't really need.

“Whatever you feel is appropriate to provide is fine with me.” Mr. Brave said. “The written summary is necessary and your word that you actually did the route is good enough. The GPS data is just confirmation for you and your assigned hero's schedule.”

Tanya smiled at that answer and gave Izuku a nod.

“We'll add it today, just in case.” Izuku said and sent his. “I doubt the rest of our patrol is going to be this exciting, so sending it now won't make any difference to the report tonight.”

That made the other interns laugh softly. They sent theirs and added their own thoughts about response times to Izuku's warning and getting to his location quickly.

“I think that should be a standing order.” Tanya said and everyone looked at her. “Anyone calling for help, we can track where everyone else is and then how long it takes to cross parts of the city to get to them. It will help us find better routes and improve reaction times to make everyone much better responders.”

“You're right, that is a good idea.” The second female intern said. “I'm adding a note to my report file.”

“Me, too.” One of the guys said. “Anything that can make us better heroes is great in my book.”

Izuku reached out and pat the guy's shoulder. “You just helped clean the streets of about a hundred gang and yakuza members, so you should be proud of yourself.” He looked at the other interns and then at the heroes, especially Wiggleman. “You should all be proud of what you did today.”

“You threw me at them.” Wiggleman said. His voice didn't hold any anger, though.

“Of course I did. You caught four of them right way with your powers and then five more when they tried to stop you.” Izuku chuckled. “You caught more of them than any of us!”

“About ten percent of them, actually.” Tanya offered without admitting her own contribution.

Wiggleman couldn't stop the smile on his face as the other heroes pat his back and congratulated him for doing such a good job. The police finished loading the criminals and thanked the heroes for handling the incident so quickly and keeping the damage to a minimum.

Mr. Brave looked at Tanya and saw her satisfied smile. He had seen the pellets by the downed gang members at the outskirts of the fight. She had kept it contained and didn't claim the credit. He wasn't sure why, though.

“Let's get back on patrol.” One of the other heroes said and the others nodded. Izuku held a hand out to Wiggleman and he took it, shook briefly, then they walked away. The only one that didn't move was Tanya.

“You're with me.” Mr. Brave said and they walked over to where Tanya's route was supposed to be. They stayed silent for the next hour, unless talking to the people. They answered questions, let them take pictures, and waved and smiled. Mr. Brave wasn't obnoxious about it, so it was a much better experience for Tanya. She hadn't had good experiences with the press before.

“Maintaining an image is important for every hero's career. Some even depend on it.” Mr. Brave said as they walked by a huge billboard with a life-sized Mt. Lady sprawled across it and holding a soda bottle.

“I see.” Tanya said and tried not to laugh at the perfect timing.

“I've never used your delivery service.” Mr. Brave admitted. “Have you ever delivered packages for free?”

“Yes. I'm not perfect. Some address are obscured by other buildings, some have convoluted numbering, and some clients intentionally give me difficult to deliver packages to get it there for free.” Tanya said and then smiled.

“What is it?” Mr. Brave asked.

“I do deliver those packages for the clients that make it difficult for me... once.”

Mr. Brave understood what she meant. “You blacklisted them.”

Tanya nodded. “No shipping company will touch them now because they are too difficult to deal with.”

Mr. Brave took a breath and let it out. “You ruined them.”

“No, I just refused to let someone manipulate me and get away with it.” Tanya said. “If they would take advantage of me on purpose, knowing that I need that delivery money to attend UA...”

“What will they do to the people that don't depend on it?” Mr. Brave asked, rhetorically.

Tanya nodded again. “Once word spread to the other shipping agencies about what they did, it was out of my hands.”

“You aren't saddened by that at all.” Mr. Brave said.

“No, why should I be? It's not my fault they are the way they are.” Tanya said. “It's their own choices and decisions that caused it, not me.”

“You brought it to light.”

“Yes, and you already know my stance on that. Any fault is theirs and they have to suffer the consequences, not me.” Tanya said and came to a stop. “I saw him yesterday outside the hero agency. He's carrying two concealed swords and a knife on his hip.”

Mr. Brave sighed. “We can't stop him and search like we're police officers.”

“The knife is right there. We can all see it.” Tanya said. “I'm not even mentioning the yakuza tattoos that give probable cause.”

“It's still the same answer.” Mr. Brave said.

“Can I just walk over there and annoy him?” Tanya asked. “If he attacks me, we can take him in, too.”

“You can't provoke an attack of opportunity.”

“I was just going to stop him from walking.” Tanya said.

Mr. Brave shook his head. “You can't unlawfully detain him, even if you suspect he's going to commit a crime.”

“He's already committing several crimes. I'm just trying to figure out what you think is a suitable one for arresting him and won't get me into trouble.”

Mr. Brave sighed again and pointed down the street. “Keep walking, please.”

Tanya gave the yakuza member a glance, saw his smug smile, and did as her hero mentor ordered.

The rest of the hero shift passed by quickly, even after stopping for lunch for an hour, and they went back to the hero agency.

Everyone was there and they all sat down to fill out their reports, added in the details they thought necessary, and then enjoyed eating supper together. Everyone's moods were high, thanks to the huge gang bust that morning, and the conversation was fast and light-hearted. When the meal was over, Izuku and Tanya went to their rooms, or one room really, and locked the door.

“How long should we wait to go out?” Izuku whispered as he sat on the bed.

Tanya sat on his lap to let him hug her. “At least three hours. We should set our alarms for two in the morning and go full stealth.”

Izuku nodded and one of his hands lightly rubbed her thigh. “I got four of them and one of them is the one you picked out.”

Tanya let a grin out. “If we see that other yakuza that keeps taunting the heroes here, we take him, too.”

Izuku's grin matched hers. “I read your report. Mr. Brave's hero name is a complete fabrication. He should be Mr. Administrator or Hair Blade Guy.”

Tanya chuckled. “It's a useful power... if the villains don't wear anything that could block blades.”

“He can always go for the face and eyes.” Izuku said.

“Nope. He's too squeamish for that. Also, a lot of villains and heroes wear face coverings.” Tanya said and reached up to tap his visor. “What made you think to attach it to the cap instead of wearing them like glasses?”

“Practicality.” Izuku said.

“How so?”

“The nearly invisible strap keeps the hat on my head.” Izuku said. “I didn't have that while wearing just the visor.”

Tanya slipped her hat off and then pulled his off. “Izuku, are you prepared for tonight?” She asked, her hand lightly touching his cheek.

“If what you said is true, and I have never doubted your word, then this is the start of your revenge.” Izuku said. “I don't think he will say anything or give up any information, though.”

Tanya nodded. “This is to make a point. A very pointed point.”

Izuku nodded as well. “We are partners in all things.”

Tanya felt a fluttering in her heart and she didn't question it this time. She let it fill her as her ice blue eyes flickered to gold several times. She leaned forward and kissed Izuku passionately as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Izuku kissed her back enthusiastically and they stayed like that for several minutes.

When the kiss eventually ended, Tanya was breathing a little heavily and she felt a very prominent bulge pressed to the side of her thigh.

“N-n-not... not yet.” Tanya whispered as her eyes flickered back and forth, then they settled on ice blue.

“It's all right.” Izuku said and hugged her. “I think there's a brick wall in the bathroom I can use.”

Tanya chuckled and then laughed.

Izuku gave her a kiss on the cheek and they sat there for quite some time. They didn't even bother trying to go to sleep and waited for the right time. When it arrived, the two of them changed into their stealth outfits, applied new contacts to protect their eyes, and loaded up on the equipment they would need.

Izuku put a very heavy desk in front of the room's door before he and Tanya jumped out the window.

They had a mission to start and gang members to interrogate.

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