Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 27

Almost 3,000 words.

After searching through the majority of their offers for most of the class, Tanya and Izuku narrowed it down to three agencies. One was a small independent one that was run by the Rabbit Hero, Mirko. She didn't have anyone else working there, except for an assistant, and she had a huge area to patrol. It would fit right into Tanya's high scouting position and Izuku would fit right in with Mirko's speed.

The second one was a very popular agency in the capital city and had about fifty heroes working for them. It had a high profile on social media and even had their own media crew for coverage to sell to the television news stations. It would be great to increase their popularity and exposure to the world.

The third one was a medium level agency with ten heroes on the payroll and their patrol area was right in the middle of a city that was near a potential high crime area. They had a lot of gangs and yakuza activity there, which made it a very tempting target for both Tanya and Izuku to hone their skills. Unfortunately, it would reduce Tanya's long range attacks to medium and short, which meant that she would be limited to pistols and only an occasional shot with one of her modified rifles.

“How did you get yours paired down so quickly?” Uraraka asked, a little exasperated. “I'm still reading the headers for the offers!”

Izuku chuckled. “I'd like to say it's a trade secret and we can never reveal it.”

Uraraka almost vibrated as she waited to hear what it was.

“We chose the areas we want to patrol and picked through only the agencies near them.” Izuku said and Uraraka's mouth dropped open. “Yes, really. We know we can make a difference wherever we go, so we picked areas with the most exposure and the highest crime rates.”

“But... what about...” Uraraka stopped talking and thought about it. “Hold on, I think you're on to something. Rather than trying to prune down hundreds of offers, I should pick the job I see myself doing and where it would be. With those limits in place, the number of agencies nearby or available drop significantly.”

“You got it.” Izuku said and glanced over at Bakugo. “Kacchan, if I can make a suggestion...”

“You're going to anyway, so go ahead.” Bakugo said and crossed his arms.

Izuku grinned. “Go with Todoroki to Endeavor's Hero Agency.”

That made both boys turn their heads to stare at him with shock on their faces.

“Endeavor's the number two hero...” Izuku started to say.

“...and he's an asshole.” Tanya added with a grin.

Izuku chuckled. “Yes, and he's also got a handle on his temper and knows his stuff. He couldn't become the number two hero if he didn't. The both of you have specific reasons to choose his agency. Todoroki because it's his father and knows how to harness excessive power properly and Kacchan because he can learn how to harness his confrontational personality to actually help him become a hero.”

Todoroki sat back and he couldn't help but agree with Izuku's observations, despite not wanting to. He hated his father and didn't want to spend extra time with him; but, he really did know everything about being a hero.

Bakugo clamped his mouth shut on the insult trying to come out and tried to not scowl about it. He sat back and considered Izuku's words, despite not wanting to. Izuku never lied, so Bakugo knew that if there was anyone that could help him adjust his penchant for shouts and berating people, it would be Endeavor.

Tanya gave Izuku a nod just as the bell rang. “We have five minutes to find a quiet place and come back for the next class.”

Izuku nodded and they left the room at a fast walk.

Mina, Uraraka, Momo, Toru, Tsuyu, and Jiro exchanged looks, then ran out of the room to follow them. They knew what was going to happen and wanted to be there. Two minutes later, they knelt in front of an empty classroom and listened at the door.

“This amount of money is ridiculous!” Izuku nearly shouted. “Is Momo's mother fucking insane?!? I can't believe that...”

The girls crouched outside the classroom slapped their hands over their mouths and laughed at hearing the nice, quiet, and unassuming Izuku as he cursed like a sailor. Even Momo was having a hard time trying to keep her composure.

“Are you done?” Tanya asked when her friend finally finished his rant. “You are taking that money and you are going to give your mother a vacation while we are at the summer training camp.”

Izuku laughed. “Mom will never go without us.”

“Are you sure?” Tanya asked.

“You've been at my house enough to know my mom won't go anywhere and leave me home alone when she can be there in case I need her.”

The girls listening in let out muffled 'aw' sounds.

Tanya sighed. “All right. The camp isn't for the whole summer. We can take the money and the three of us can go.”

“Really?” Izuku asked.

“I think there's a nice resort near Mt. Fuji that has an outdoor hot springs bath or something.” Tanya said. “I made a delivery there once. It's a nice place.”

“Then that's what we'll do.” Izuku said.

The girls heard what they thought was a kissing sound, which meant they had to get out of there fast. They scrambled around and ran for it to get back to class.

“They're gone.” Izuku said. “Do you think Momo will take the hint?”

“About arranging for us to stay at her family's resort? Probably.” Tanya said and took his hand as she led him from the room. “How much do you want to bet that some of the girls will show up as well?”

“That's a sucker bet. You know they're going to beg to come along when Momo tells them it's her family's place.”

“We can mention our trip in class if you want.” Tanya said with a knowing smile.

Izuku laughed. “I didn't even bet and you're already wrecking the odds!”

Tanya gave him a brief manic grin, because one of their difficult to find targets was going to vacation at the resort. “Did you expect anything less from me?”

Izuku shook his head and they walked in silence back to class and went inside.

True to her word, during geography class, Tanya mentioned Mt. Fuji and the plans to go there after the summer training camp. That set off the girls and even some of the boys because of the idea. Of course, Momo mentioned that her family owned it and that made them all talk even more intensely about it, with the whole class eventually agreeing to go and meet there.

Tanya gave Izuku a smirk and he chuckled at her completely destroying the odds of the bet that he was too smart to take anyway.


A few days later, an incident in Hosu City caused a huge stir in the hero community and Principal Nezu himself came to Class 1-A to talk to Iida Tenya. His brother, the Pro Hero known as Ingenium, was in a confrontation with a supposedly new villain named Stain.

One of his legs was damaged and he barely got away; but, his pro hero career would be over. Unable to run like he used to, he retired and would need months of physical therapy to try and get the normal use of his leg back.

Iida was devastated. His famous brother, someone he looked up to and was inspired to be like, had been forced to no longer be the hero he was meant to be.

Izuku stood and walked over to him to put a hand on his friend's shoulder. “Iida, we're here for you.”

Iida looked up from his desk into Izuku's eyes. “Izuku, I... my brother, he... he's why I'm here.”

Izuku smiled. “Then don't disappoint him. Take an internship at his agency and let the people know that the Tenya family see the safety of the people as a personal task that they will strive to meet, no matter what.”

Iida made his hands into fists and then he smiled. “You're right. Tenyas don't give up. My brother might not be a pro hero anymore; but, he has always been and will always be, my hero.”

“Make sure you tell him that.” Izuku said and nodded to Nezu. “Sir, I assume Iida has a few days off?”

“He does.” Nezu, the mouse-like being said with a nod. “I even have a car ready to take him right to the hospital.”

Iida shot to his feet. “Thank you, sir.” He said and bowed deeply, then turned to Izuku and bowed as well. “Thank you both.”

“Gather your things and I'll walk you out.” Nezu said and Iida quickly did so and left the classroom.

Izuku walked back to his seat and Tanya was already leaning over to whisper.

“Good work getting him out of the revenge mindset.” Tanya breathed. “We'll need to do some research on this hero-killer villain.”

Izuku couldn't stop the manic grin from appearing on his face briefly. “More evil for us to clean up.”

“I think we just found out where we're taking our own internships. The third option.” Tanya whispered and lightly touched his cheek before she leaned back to sit properly at her desk.

Izuku nodded and didn't say anything else as the class resumed. The students had to pick their hero names and both Tanya and Izuku had chosen them a long time ago.


“I promise, Tensei. I won't go hunting for the hero-killer.” Iida said at his brother's bedside in the hospital.

Tensei sighed in relief. “Thank you, Iida. I know you want to find him and bring him to justice; but, you're barely halfway through your first term at school. You've been involved in a couple of things, yes. Are you ready for a pro hero's duty? Not yet.” He smiled and held a hand out. “I'm confident that you will be, with more experience. You're a Tenya, after all.”

Iida took the offered hand and nodded. “Tenyas don't give up.”

Tensei nodded back and let his brother's hand go. “You actually called me your personal hero.” He chuckled. “I didn't know I had such a fanboy in my own brother!”

Iida laughed as well. He knew telling his older brother would raise his spirits. “You better use it to get better as quickly as you can! My admiration can't wait that long, you know!”

Both of them laughed for several minutes.

Their parents stood just outside the room and had listened to everything. They were very proud of their two boys and knew that the both of them were heroes in their own rights.


Two days later, a woman's voice yelled through the pro hero agency and she started to run through the place. “They both accepted! THEY ACCEPTED!” She shouted and then talked constantly as she told each of the ten heroes and several of the interns that they were getting the winners of the UA Sports Festival for their two week internships.

Everyone was excited about that, especially the agency's founder, Mr. Brave. His assigned area for hero work was rife with gang activity and yakuza members getting away unpunished. Having two warm bodies to pad out his patrol schedule was a welcome development.

“What are their hero names?” Mr. Brave asked.

“Colonel Degraff: The Eternal Soldier and Captain Midoria: The Super Hero Soldier.”

Mr. Brave half-frowned and half smiled, which looked odd on his face.

“What is it, sir?”

“They are claiming to be soldiers.” Mr. Brave said. He wasn't sure why that kind of unnerved him.

“Maybe they are just really disciplined.” She offered and her boss nodded.

“Perhaps.” Mr. Brave said and looked down at his desk and the papers there. “Give me a hand integrating them into the patrol schedules for their time here.”

“Yes, sir!” His assistant said and sat down to work out the best way to utilize the two powerful teens.


The time passed quickly as the students prepared to go to their hero agency internships. They had all chosen what they thought was the best options for them and packed their suitcases and hero costumes. Tanya had a slightly bigger case because of her rifle and she strapped it to her back to keep her hands free. She debated offering to deliver everyone's things to their hero agencies and decided not to.

“So, this is it.” Uraraka said as they all gathered at the main train station. They were each going to different cities for the next two weeks and most had different trains to board.

“We still have our cell phones.” Toru, the Invisible Girl said. “We can text each other whenever we want.”

“Yeah, but...” Uraraka looked at Izuku and Tanya. “'s not going to be the same not seeing you guys every day.”

“Ribbit!” Tsuyu said, almost as a laugh. “It's only for two weeks!”

“I'm still going to miss you all.” Uraraka said.

“Group hug, girls!” Mina said and pulled everyone nearby over and tried to give them all a hug at the same time.

Izuku had somehow ended up in the middle of the hug and was now surrounded. He didn't fight or struggle, because he knew they wouldn't like it if he did or complained that he was getting a group hug from them. He felt someone's hand on his butt and he quickly grabbed their wrist to stop them. He looked down and saw the wrist was attached to Tanya's hand and let it go.

“Good boy.” Tanya whispered in praise and Izuku blushed.

The girls all let go at the same time and saw Izuku's red face.

“I knew that would work!” Mina said proudly, which made the other girls giggle and laugh softly.

A train pulled into the spot behind them and it was the right destination for Tanya, Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo. Both Endeavor's and Mr. Brave's agencies had premises in Hosu City.

“That's us.” Izuku said and picked up his suitcase. “We'll see you all in two weeks.”

“Bye, guys!” Uraraka said and waved. Mina put an arm over her shoulders and waved, too.

“Have fun.” Momo said and then she smiled wickedly. “If you have any more ideas my mother likes...”

Izuku sighed at his remembered reaction to the last check he received and Tanya laughed.

“Come on, you.” Tanya said and took his hand to bring him onto the train.

Bakugo and Todoroki were right behind them and sat at a respectful distance away.

Izuku and Tanya sat down and waved at the remains of their class as the train closed up and pulled out of the station. It was going to be a bit of a long ride and Tanya relaxed into Izuku's side.

“Do you have any other ideas?” Tanya asked, teasingly.

Izuku smiled and took out a folded piece of paper. “I don't know how effective it will be as a military asset, though.”

Tanya opened the paper and read what it said. “You made a concussion grenade?”

“You gave me the idea during the sports festival when you fought that girl with vines for hair.” Izuku said. “It uses successive explosive waves of force to create a stun effect and it's practically without shrapnel. I think they can tinker with it and make the casing fold back or something and remove the physical danger completely.”

Tanya looked it over and she wasn't surprised that it was similar to some of the prototypes she had seen on her old world. This world was a comparison of contrasts. They had robots and not AIs. They had some high technology devices and yet they weren't widely used or available. The normal population seemed to be at a certain level and no one was trying to change that.

People who innovated for the entire populace were few and far between, with most inventors wanting to make things specifically for heroes and specialized in that, instead of making everyone's lives a little easier or raising their standard of living.

“When do you want me to send it to Momo?” Tanya asked as she used her cell phone to take a picture.

“Before her train leaves, so she knows I had something when she teased me about it.” Izuku grinned.

Tanya laughed softly and sent the picture. “Do you want to bet on...” Her phone buzzed and she shook her head. “I didn't even get to say the conditions.” She looked at the text and chuckled. “She's pissed that you let her tease you.”

“Of course she is.” Izuku said and rolled his eyes. “Tell her I liked the look on her face when she did it and I didn't want to ruin the moment.”

Tanya quickly sent the text and there was nothing for several moments. “Now we can bet on how long...” Her phone buzzed again and she huffed. “Dammit!”

Izuku laughed and looked at her phone. “No, I'm the one that's lucky I already have you.”

“Do you?” Tanya asked with a smirk.

“I'm your partner in all things.” Izuku said, repeating his promise.

“Poor Momo. I'll let her down easy for you.” Tanya joked and sent another text. It buzzed immediately. “No competition at all, right?”

Izuku hugged her with one arm. “None.”

They sat in silence for the rest of the trip and just enjoyed being there with each other.

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