Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 05

“Where are they taking him?” Izuku asked from inside the classroom.

“The principal first to inform him, then off to the police station.” Tanya said and Izuku caught his breath. “It's not what you think. It's long past the time that he had a specific talking to about quirk usage and to see what happens to those that ignore the warnings.”

Izuku looked confused and Tanya chuckled as she hopped back in through the window.

“Everyone wants people with quirks to work for the betterment of society, especially if they have strong quirks. People like him can't see past their own ego to notice he's actually causing more harm than good by acting like he does.” Tanya said and pointed to the classroom door. “Want to try going for lunch again? We don't need to leave our bags as bait this time.”

Izuku blinked his eyes several times before a smile appeared on his face. “You orchestrated that whole thing.”

“Not the beginning. That was all the hothead's doing.” Tanya said as they picked up their backpacks. “Once I got a feel for his character, it was easy to make sure that things progressed how they needed to go for me to kick his ass.”

“What's your quirk?” Izuku asked when they were in the hallway.

“Who needs a quirk to take that guy on?” Tanya asked with a chuckle. “Basic self defense and a distraction is all it takes.”

“But... his quirk...”

“You know it's current strengths and weaknesses.” Tanya said and his eyes widened. “Yes, I used your information to easily get around it.”

“You... you really did?” Izuku asked in a whisper.

“Yes, even though I would have found his weaknesses sooner or later. You just hastened his defeat by a few days.” Tanya said as they walked into the cafeteria. “It's on me, so help yourself to whatever you want.”

“Wh-what? No, I... I shouldn't.”

Tanya chuckled. “Think of it as payment for picking your brain.”

Izuku gave her an odd look.

“You and I are going to be talking a lot about your hobby, so I might as well feed you.” Tanya said and grabbed a few great tasting items. “Don't hold back, all right? We can always take what we don't eat and save it for later.”

Izuku saw her take two drink cans to put on her tray and two packaged dessert pastries.

“I almost always bring a snack when making a delivery. Just in case.” Tanya said.

Izuku grabbed one of his favorite dishes. He had never had enough from his small allowance to buy it, especially after Kacchan asked him to hand over what he had to spare. He didn't want to admit that Bakugo was stealing it from him.

Tanya saw his face and had some suspicions about why the boy seemed reluctant to let her pay for things. He either doesn't have a lot of money or ends up without money by now. She thought and slipped a few little things like an extra dessert pastry onto his tray while he was distracted.

It wasn't until they sat down at a table that Izuku realized that Tanya had paid and he had a lot of food on his tray that he didn't remember putting there. He thought about saying something about it, or even offering to hand over his money, when he felt her hand on top of his.

“Hand me the journal.” Tanya said and moved her hand to pick up her chopsticks.

Izuku nodded and pulled it out of his backpack. He handed it to her and she flipped to a third of the way through, placed it on the table, and ate with one hand without looking at the food as she read the page in front of her. He watched her between his bites of food as she looked genuinely intrigued about his work.

“Do you hunt them down to get this much information on them?” Tanya asked.

Izuku looked a little embarrassed. “I... um...”

“It's all right to be a fanboy.” Tanya said and didn't look up. “It should make your observations more detailed not less.”

Izuku nodded. “Incidents happen all over and I stumble across a lot more than most people.”

“I can see that. None of these heroes have much in common.” Tanya said.

“That's because most quirks are unique to each hero, even when they are classed as the same quirk.” Izuku said. “Even hereditary copies of quirks are different, despite everyone thinking they are the same.”

“Some get stronger or combine the powers of their parents to make an entirely new quirk that neither parent can explain.” Tanya said. “I saw one kid that had an extension quirk. He could make any body part ten percent longer. His dad could only do that with his arms.”

Izuku gave her a blank look for a moment, then started muttering. “If any body part can be grown by ten percent, then he could potentially increase his entire body's overall height by at least forty percent. It would be difficult to calculate his mass or determine if the lengthening only uses what's there or generates the connective tissue and bones...”

Tanya listened to the boy mutter over the qualities of the quirk she mentioned and she had to smile. Without a word, she flipped the journal to a blank page and slid it in front of him. Izuku produced a pen from somewhere and immediately started to copy down everything she said combined with his own thought processes.

She ate in silence and let him work through everything while also prompting him to eat as well. They finished as much as they could before the lunch bell rang again and packed up what they were saving for later. They walked out of the cafeteria with everyone else and she waited until they were in the less crowded hallway before she spoke.

“Remember what I told you earlier about your linear thinking.” Tanya prompted him.

Izuku sucked in a breath before he flipped open the journal again and his pen flew across the next page. “If he can increase his length sideways, backwards, and forwards as well...”

Tanya chuckled softly and led the boy back to their classroom. She wasn't surprised that there was a different teacher waiting for them. Izuku didn't notice as she helped him into his seat and then she sat beside him.

“Class is starting.” Tanya whispered and tapped the journal.

Izuku snapped out of his focus. “Oh! Right. Sorry.”

Tanya chuckled and pat him on the head, which made him blush, because no one had done that to him since he was a little kid. The last time it happened, he was five and his dad had been going overseas for work... and then never came back.

“If you bright individuals haven't noticed yet, I am not your normal teacher.” The man said.

Most of the students shrugged except for the two that sat in the middle of class with empty seats around them. Those two nodded, so he knew he would have at least two kids learning today.

“Well, let's get started. The math schedule says you're starting fractions. How far along did the other guy get last year?”

“We did up to common denominators.” Izuku responded.

“Good, then we can move on to uncommon denominators and equalization.” The man said and saw the confusion on a few of the faces. This is going to be a long day.

This is going to be a long day. Both Izuku and Tanya thought at the same time.


“Welcome! Welcome!” Inko Midoria said to Tanya, while the girl entered her home and took off what looked like expensive shoes. “Izuku has told me so much about you. He couldn't shut up, actually.”

Tanya looked at the boy standing beside his mother and his face was bright red. “That's understandable. He's the only one in our class that I can relate to.” She said and took off her uniform coat to hang up by the door.

“That's wonderful!” Inko gushed and waved her over to the living room. “Please, have a seat and I'll bring the food over to the table.”

It was a traditional Japanese table that was short to the ground and you either knelt or sat down to put your legs under it. Izuku sat down and slid his legs under it and still looked embarrassed.

Tanya didn't take pity on him, mainly because he had brought this upon himself. “What exactly did you tell your mother about me?”

Izuku blushed harder and ducked his head as he started to mumble.

Tanya chuckled and sat herself. Because she was wearing pants, she sat like Izuku did and put her legs under the table. Her sock-covered feet brushed across his and she had to hold in her laugh as his head looked like it was going to explode from the blood pressure.

“Here we are!” Inko said and brought in a heaping tray of food dishes. “I made enough for everyone, so help yourself!”

Tanya nodded and observed the woman as they ate. She could tell the woman was stressed by her nervous twitches and her overly excited countenance. Her long green hair was tied back into a ponytail and she was a bit shorter than the average. Tanya's eyes scanned the room and she saw the pictures scattered around. The woman had been a bit taller when the husband had been there and then he wasn't in the pictures and she started to shrink.

I think she's one of those cliche women that as they get older they become shorter and plumper. Tanya thought to herself and looked at Izuku's mother again. She already has the plumped part, apparently.

The three people ate the meal in relative silence and didn't speak until the three of them leaned back away from the table.

“The food was delicious, Missus Midoria.” Tanya said.

The woman blushed. “Please call me Inko. You're friends with my son and I hope you'll stay that way for a very long time.”

Tanya raised her eyebrows at that statement and Izuku's face burned bright red again.

“D-d-don't listen to my m-mom!” Izuku said and waved his hands in front of his chest in a panic. “You can be friends with me for as long or as short as you want!”

Inko laughed and stood up, stretched her short legs, then piled the empty dishes and plates together. “I'll leave you two to talk while I go clean the dishes.”

“I can help.” Tanya offered.

“You're our guest! You sit there to digest that food and enjoy talking to my son.” Inko said and carried the tray back into the kitchen.

When she was gone from sight, Tanya smiled. “I expected an interrogation.”

“M-mom's not like that.” Izuku said. “She just... well, she...”

“She's your mother.” Tanya said, completely understanding. “Did she ask you why I wear the boy's uniform?”

“Yes, and...”

“What did you tell her?”

“That you... you're too sophisticated to... to show the boys at school your underwear while wearing a skirt.” Izuku said, his face still bright red.

“That's completely right.” Tanya said and his blush faded slightly. “If I ever do show off my underwear, it will be by my choice and that person has to deserve it.”

Izuku's blush rushed back and increased in intensity.

“Come on, stuttering hero. Take me to your room and show me what you got.”

Izuku choked and coughed as he stared at her. “B-bub-b-buuuhhh...”

Tanya laughed at knocking Izuku's brain train completely off of its tracks. “I meant your journals.”

Izuku blinked his eyes several times as his brain rebooted.

Tanya stood up and did the same stretches than his mother did, grabbed his hand, and led him across the room. “Where's the bathroom? We need to wash up if we're going to handle your private things.”

“GAH!” Izuku gagged and coughed some more.

Tanya laughed again and she glanced into the kitchen when they passed it.

“Second door on the right, dear.” Inko said without looking. She couldn't let the girl see her delighted face. Not yet, anyway.

“Thank you.” Tanya said and led the insensate boy holding her hand into the bathroom. After a little coaxing, she had him wash up and washed up herself. “Your room?”

“N-n-n-next d-d-door.” Izuku managed to barely get out.

Tanya took his hand again, making his blush remain, and led him into his own room. She let out a bark of laughter at the superhero explosion that had happened inside it. She sat him on his bed and spent the next ten minutes looking at everything. She could feel Izuku's gaze on her as she made her way around the room. He was only ten, as was she; but, she was sure that he was looking at her ass in pants that girls normally didn't wear.

When Tanya was back at the bed and facing Izuku, she could see in his eyes that he knew she was going to judge him. “You're only a small fan of All Might, I see.” She joked with a smile.

Izuku's face was blank for a moment, then he smiled, too. “Maybe a little.”

They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then they both burst out laughing. The two of them collapsed onto the bed into fits of laughter and giggles for several minutes.

Just outside the room, Inko stood beside the still open door and she had both hands over her mouth to stop her own laughter. She had never imagined that Izuku would find someone that appreciated his devotion to quirks and heroes.

“Hoooo... hooo... hand me... journal one.” Tanya managed to say as she tried to catch her breath after laughing so hard.

Izuku rolled over on the bed to stand beside the bookcase, grabbed the first one, and laid back down as he handed it to Tanya.

“Thanks.” Tanya said and the two of them laid there on the bed as she read. “Tell me what you know about All Might's quirk.”

“It's all there.” Izuku said.

“No, you haven't updated this in a while.” Tanya said.

“I haven't?” Izuku asked, then thought about it. “Actually, I think you're right. Let me see it.”

Tanya handed it over and Izuku read through several pages of notes. “Stop thinking linearly.”

Izuku nodded. “Hand me a pen from the desk.”

“You want to stare at my butt without me noticing again?” Tanya asked as she stood up, intentionally not looking at his face to see the intense blush that had made another appearance.

She really shouldn't be teasing him so much; but, she thought it was hilarious and she did say she would only bully him as motivation. If she could get him over his shyness by blatantly provoking his thoughts, she would do it. She knew how to motivate people that would be useful to her and she always did it ruthlessly.

Tanya took several extra seconds to get the pen, pretending to fumble with it and bent over slightly to stop it from hitting the desk, then she brought the pen to the bed and laid down without looking at him. She held out the pen and had to clamp her mouth shut to not laugh as Izuku's shaking hand carefully took the pen from her without touching her fingers.

Ten minutes later, Izuku was done and handed the journal to her. Tanya took it and read through the additional notes. She nodded several times as she read through the updated analysis and smiled despite her thoughts. She remembered how her mother died giving All Might a power boost. What she didn't know was why her mother didn't get out of there after she did it. One boost took barely a second for her mother to perform.

“He has a power quirk that enhances everything.” Izuku said. “He can run at super-speed. He can punch so hard that it generates its own wind currents. He can also jump about half a mile and still control his descent.”

“That last is from practice, not his power.” Tanya said and Izuku nodded. “I assume he needs a flat surface and usually solid ground to land on?”

Izuku nodded again. “He's taken out entire houses on purpose when assaulting villain hideouts.”

“Hmm. Okay. I think I can work with this.” Tanya said.

Izuku turned his head to the side to look at her. “What do you mean?”

“I told you before. I'm going to be picking your brain over your journals.” Tanya said with a smile and turned her own head to look at him. “You and I are going to be great friends from now on, Izuku.”

There was a mostly concealed squeal of happiness from the hallway and they both knew who it was.

“MOM!” Izuku yelled.

There was a muffled sound of laughter as the pitter-patter of his mother's little feet ran away.

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