You always knew(vol-1)

Chapter 10: Ep10: Missing Moon.

Of course something broken can't be fix again.

Well I took a day off from work and school. 

  My precious brothers are playing just a regular day for them. Because they have no idea what's happening around.

And I promise to myself and them I'd never tell them about all of the things happened in their childhood... I don't want to give them worse memories at all. It's for them to never know about mess.

Anyhow I waited all day for my parents hoping maybe one of them will show up but nothing..

Some days and then weeks passed just like that no one came to check on us.

Now Moon is almost 5 years old and He started to go to school with me.

The problem is that Tyin is just a few months old and when both of us are at school no one is  there to take care of him. I don't know what should I do?

For few days I managed to left Tyim to the place I work.

But that's not a permanent solution.

Another problem came along.

One day Moon's class teacher called me and said

"your brother's name is registered in my class but he didn't attended last few classes why? Where is he and why is he not attending his classes?"

I was wondering I see Tyin everyday going to his class so what's happening where is he now?

As it was recess time started to search him all over the school I was getting worried. My brother is missing and I can't tell anyone.....

I searched in all classes and Toilets and cafeteria.

Oh my where are you moon?

Finally I went on the 5th floor to find him and he was sitting in the store-room alone...

I ran towards him and hugged him. My actions tried to ask him are you OK Moon?

What are you doing here?

I understand He was a kid after all. He was kinda all alone in that school.

Well he told me that he was afraid to go back in his class because all other kids don't talk to him and treat him differently because he doesn't have parents.....

I looked at him I was helpless and hopeless. I wanted to tell him that I'm always here for you and with you Moon don't worry I'll never abandon you like our parents did. But I couldn't speak and he was to young to understand all of those words.

We went back to my class.

from that day he used to sit with me in my class. When I went to his teacher to his fee she was kinda rude to me and yelled at me

She said " get out of my class and give Moon's fee to your class teacher Apparently your brother don't like to sit in my class leave NOW!"

she startled me that moment and I realized Moon is still too young he is not ready for school yet.

(Few days later)

One day I came home from school

Mrs Hyin jin the Twin kid's mom went out of town with her dogs and kids so I didn't had to go to work.

That very same day someone knocked at door. Maybe I'm imagining it.

No  someone actually knocking at the door.

I wonder who is at the door.

I opened it and it was my amma.

Oh my it's been a while since I saw her.....

Deep silence continued between me and amma.

What now???

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