Year 403

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: His Offer

*Translations are provided by Skylar. 

Shit, shit, shit, shit. 

This wasn't supposed to happen. 

The leading man stepped closer, but the grass only pulled Planet deeper in. Sol seethed from the trees, adjusting Moon on her shoulder. Planet and the grass were so perfectly still that Sol felt the trees holding their breath. 

The man stepped forward, crouching towards Planet. The Dragon stepped away, offering a kind gaze to them both. Sol summoned a knife behind his back, ready to throw. 

Planet moved herself the slightest inch backward, as the man extended a hand to her. "Forgive me for my Dragon. Venul is the curious one of the bunch." 

Planet didn't move. Even from here, Sol could hear the men's whispers. 

"Is she a statue?" 

"Hasn't moved one bit." 

That blind pustule of a man. Sol complained. 

The man stepped closer to Planet. Sol snapped his vision towards him and threw the knife. 

It cut through the air, jumping between rays of light until it sailed past the man's hand, blood popping, and paused before Planet's shoulder. Sol held it up through a ray as she stepped out, summoning another knife behind her back. 

"Step away from my sister," he ordered. 

The man returned to Planet and saw she'd vanished, reappearing behind Sol. 

"Se ete laxau," she whispered. I'll take him. 

Sol passed Moon into her arms and waited for her to sit with him before he stepped forward and directed her Embodiment form into her arms, which vanished and was replaced with two balls of light molded from the rays above. 

When others saw this, they would run in fear, screaming monster and freak. Unfortunately, this had the opposite effect. 

The men whispered among themselves, putting the pieces together. 

Planet doodled a rune into the ground: "idika" for famous.

Sol nodded before she yelled. The men had surged forward, falling to their knees and trying to kiss their feet. 

"What are you doing?" Sol cried, trying to jump away. She moved the balls of light towards them and they screamed as they tried to look up at them. 

Planet performed another subconscious act, using the earth as one would shake out a bedsheet. The waves carried the men behind their leader, who hadn't moved when they'd run. 

"A brother?" the man whispered. "That explains your bravery." his gaze turned to Moon. "Why is he asleep?" 


"That is between us," Sol snapped, cutting her off before whispering to her in Elven. "Yus ete awyeka woultyeit ne, fyor." Do not tell him anything, flower.

"Elven?" one hissed. 

"Why do they know Elven?" 

The man's eyes turned to their bodies. "Elven uniforms…simple ears…heavier than usual…Who are you three?" 

Another tapped his shoulder and whispered in his ear. The two watched as his eyes widened as he discovered the news. 

"The Triplets," he whispered. 

"Ay, veriki, zikiete." Sol sighed. "Yus mi nizaabe ckleet oski-yukisk! Yuse obiritan uyliuxa anmi skartan!" Ah, fuck, Planet. You could've run with me! Now we've been found again!

"Fem-ta yuse e zirta jieran vøren kop xin-an, bodkir?" Planet asked, still shivering. "A muri se etiervi-" How did we end up in the last Elven town, then? As far as I know-

"Ijero yuse nâren lerik, ne, et mi nâren vinar. Mi ne woulyiet kop boliki lekisk." Moon pushed us there, no, he pulled me there. I had no tell in that.

"Se yus e sev verai kop peris pik-deywe woenâr vise ako, farøn jødil os, hzerven delak os e zirtan nek ywed yus luamni!" Of course, because I should turn to you whenever we decide on a new community. You're not even awake half of the time! 

"Viern, zikiete." Sol said, snapping his fingers impatiently. "Estene viern enamni føbirk. Yu e zirtan nizaabe kipbi." Villages, Planet. They are named villages. Get with the times. 

"Yu swe-odswe verikiz femii henerve! Yu se yweka levinril kop mi alakizien devisk?" Four hundred fucking years, you idiot! Do you expect me to remember everything thrown at me?

Sol removed a calf, turning it to light to play within her hands. "Se zeilan ne-wil zee- HANDS OFF OF OUR BROTHER NOW, YOU VERMIN!" A shame I cannot…

He rolled himself into his Embodiment form, expanding as big as the space would allow, hovering over the sweating men, and one who had reached for Moon was now disintegrating under the flames. The Dragon, meanwhile, leaned forward to smell. 

"Release him." Planet ordered from behind her. 

Sol sought out her location and doodled runes into the side of the ball, which, when translated to the Skartan Zirtan a Woulti, read "This would be scarier if you were an Embodiment, too." 

"Whatever offer you are requesting," Planet started, showing Sol the hand-sign for uveri. "My sibling firmly rejects it." 

"Your…what is that? A sibling?" a man spat out the word foreign to his tongue. "What does that mean? He was clearly a boy." 

Sol let flames come from his sides, forcing them towards a few heads whom had come close and began to stick to her. 

"Are you done?" Planet asked. "E ruvia fliz anmi? Ezt kir menira anmi." Is the Dragon okay? She's quite near.

"Vemir, lenik." Sol snapped, falling into his Wizardly body. "E ruvia fliz dokri an. Keitik eztene anmi zee-tet derøm enwoultye." Quiet, sister. The dragon will be fine. Studies say they're fire-resistant. 

"Yuze boliki e jirâu kipik torâ purø oz tervien kop eztene ne-eipal zikara uveri urdup." Fuck you, and didn't we agree that the Elves have limited knowledge on them?

The leading man stroked his Dragon, staring at them all. "It seems like you're fine by yourself." 

"Clearly." Sol snapped. "Now if you'll excuse us-" 

"-which is why you'll need a mentor." 

"I'm sorry, excuse me?" Sol stared at him, confused. "Excuse me? You've just said we're well off by ourselves." 

"Precisely. You need guidance through the wild." 

"We're well," Sol said. "Nothing would hurt us." 

"Except for Giants." Planet cut in, counting them off her fingers. "Or those birds. And we can't anger the Deities. Plus-" 

"Zerki tra-tarati." Smart-ass.

"Solely you." 

The man kept talking, stroking his nearly nonexistent facial hair. "I know a good tutor, an old friend of mine. According to your uniforms and language, you've been living with Elves for nearly a hundred years?" 

"Why should you care? Shall I iterate once more? We - forgive me, for my sister is dense - I have no intentions of leaving with a stranger." 

"Solar." Planet whispered. "Pli-kett." 

"Air? The air? What about-?" 

"Dukropi, yus zerki. What is the word for sky?" Above, you ass.

"Dlegeti?" a third voice whispered. Sun? 

"Ten minutes, Ijero." Sol hissed. His blinks were becoming heavier. This wasn't supposed to happen now! "I just need-" 

The sun began to sink towards the horizon and Sol suppressed a yawn. Shit. 

The men watched in fascination as Sol grabbed for Planet's shoulder, the tiredness growing by the second. 

"Mi râiko zirtan edeillâ." Sol hissed. "Megik tasil fiurai nøkar lixâ?" I need more time. May Seventh answer this prayer?

"Yuze ne menira vakk vâned yubiyar ek ah, yus tasil tiervi." Planet said. We are not nearly strong enough to affect their magics, you know this.

A man looked at them. "Is this when your souls switch?" 

"Biadøn…Sorry," Sol slammed his jaw shut, forcing her eyes open. "What does that mean?" 

"It's storytelling. Your souls switch at each dawn and rise. It's your schedule, is it not?" 

"Interestende," Planet said. "Alas…"

Sol could hear nothing more as he slumped into Planet's arms, asleep. The last thing she saw was Moon shifting on the ground and opening his blue-gray eyes to stare at the scene before him. 

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