Yandere Dating System

Chapter 10

“So, your sister is a rather protective lady.” The woman, Angela, commented with a laugh as they walked into the kitchen. 


AIden felt it a pain to explain the complicated relationship so he just agreed. “She can be a handful. I’m sorry for her behaviour.”


Seriously. Naoko got jealous easily, it seemed. He’d noticed bits of it before, too. Was it a kind of motherly affection, though, or something else? Whatever it is, it looks like she’d been holding back on it up to now. By which he means, the original Yuuji didn’t interact with Naoko much and that was likely because the woman had been staying away for whatever reason. And it appeared that she used his “amnesia” as an excuse to come back into his life. She was too eager around Aiden for it to not be that way. 


She must’ve really been dying to be with him again but had cause to stay away. Yet if she did, why’d she so readily let go of that now? Maybe someone else had been telling her to keep her distance instead. And again, she’d used this whole incident as an excuse to ignore them. Which, if so, made him question if this third party even knew that she was interacting with “Yuuji” again.


This would all make sense if his theory of Yuuji being the son of a wealthy family was right. GIven the boy’s title as an Heir, that did look like the case. Whether Naoko was the boy’s mother from an affair or just a guardian sent to watch over him didn’t really matter. He thought it was the second thing, however. Though honestly unless it caused him trouble he didn’t mind who Yuuji was or who was watching him. He was content to ignore whatever family the boy may have been a part of.


AIden would live his own life. He didn’t want to be involved in any Great Family politics. His past life had that and it really was only a bunch of trouble.


He did away with that line of thought as soon as it popped up. He let his mind wander as he stared absently ahead. He took notice of Angel’s small back. That perfect hourglass figure that led down towards a peach-like rear.


She really is quite shapely, Aiden thought. Among all the women he’d been with, how many had curves at this level? An aura like this? He felt his heart stir again. Aiden caught her scent on the air as she trailed forward. She smelled so sweet and looked so fair. 


Had he been his original self he’d have her naked and kneeling for him within half an hour. Maybe less. And keep her occupied for triple that. 


Picking up women was never very difficult when you had an attractive face and a glib tongue. Sometimes he wouldn’t even bother with charm. There were women who’d happily leave with a man like him with just a sentence. And how dirty that sentence was usually dictated how debaucherous the rest of the night would be. 


Humans were simple. Creatures of lust, every one. You just had to know which ones were honest with that, or how to make them honest. A lot of men could spot the former and take initiative. AIden often favored doing the latter.


He shook such things from his head and quietly sneered at himself. You’ve only just met and you’re already thinking of how to get her in bed.


Well, technically that wasn’t what he was concerned with. The how wasn’t in question, it was what he’d do to once she is. He could think of a few choice sins.


 What happened to ‘she’s dangerous’? 


He never did learn how to hold back. He did suppose he could try, though. Besides, what could he do with a body like this anyway? He’ll indulge all he wants when he can look down and see his cock instead of his stomach. 


“No worries, I didn’t really mind. Anyway, here’s where the magic happens. I already took out some ingredients for you. I know what I said over the phone but you can make anything you want. As long as it tastes good!”


Aiden saw a variety of utensils and labeled plastic containers sitting atop a long table. He glanced over them. 


If I’m going to do this, I may as well do it to impress.


“Do you have any syrup cake, by any chance? Some ice cream?” He suddenly asked after grabbing a large bowl. 


“Oh, sure. I actually made some syrup cake the other day. Ice cream? We don’t have many flavors to choose, but the freezer is down that way if you want to take a look. I’ll go get the cake.” She pointed towards a hallway to her left.


Before she went back through the door, he posed another question. “Any plastic wrap?


“Top shelf. There!” Another point. 


He nodded and set to work. 


Aiden took a round cake pan and lined it with the plastic wrap. Once done he took to the freezer and searched. It was in good condition, very neat. Not much inside, which was somewhat expected for a bakery. They’d try to bake things and sell them on the same day and only freeze some dough. Even then they would use everything as soon as they could to retain flavor and freshness. 


He saw a few gallons of ice cream on a shelf along the wall. LIke she said, there weren’t many options. But he did find the basics. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry. The strawberry even had pieces of fruit in it. 


He took all three and found Angela coming in with the cake. It was a decent sized cake, round and about as large as a big plate. It was perfect, just the size he needed.


“Great, thanks. Do you have a microwave?




“How big is it?


The woman eyed the gallons of ice cream. “It can handle one of those with room to spare.”


Aiden nodded and moved towards the microwave without another word. He spend a few minutes softening each of the ice creams. Once they were done he set them aside and took a knife from the table.


He grabbed the syrup cake and carefully cut off the top so that it was perfectly level.


Then he went back to the  softened ice creams. He grabbed a large spoon and scooped them out the vanilla, placing it into the round cake panl lined with plastic wrap. Once the bottom was covered with about an inch of ice cream he evened it out and then layered the strawberry on top of it. Then the chocolate. After that was done he left to place the dish into the freezer to firm up. 


Angela watched all his movements with curious eyes. “ Just what are you making?” 


He smiled mysteriously. “You’ll see.” 


Angela puffed up her cheeks. “No one likes a tease, you know.”


A snort. “They would if I were as beautiful as you.” He replied. 


Angela wrinkled her nose at him. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”


“What flattery?” He raised a brow. “I’m always dead serious when complimenting a beauty.”  Alright, alright. Yes. He knows. He said he’d attempt to keep a distance. But a little flirting hurt no one, and fuck if it wasn’t one of his worst habits. He couldn’t help it.


Only thing is he wasn’t sure how she’d take it. He thought back to the guy from the convenience store who looked at him with a noticeable disgust.  And the kid out front who looked to have frowned at his appearance, too. 


Yeah, he definitely isn’t the playboy he used to be. Not in this body. He couldn’t be that ugly though, right? He was fat, but he shouldn’t be too hard to look at anymore. Though, he had to admit. Some women might take the words badly.


If a handsome man said it, it was flirting. If an ugly man said it, it was harassment. Such was often the case, sadly enough. 


But it seemed Angela wasn’t such a person. She smiled and waved him off. “Okay, maybe flattery will get you places.” She laughed, as pretty as a skylark. “You know, despite your appearance you seem to have quite the tongue on you. Do you have a lot of sisters?”


He thought about Jess first. And to an extent, Rumi. “Two. Not many but enough.” Rumi wasn’t much of a sister, he supposed, but that may be the role she ends up in. 


“I thought you’d have at least that many, yeah. Boys with multiple sisters tend to be able to easily speak with women. Must’ve gotten used to it.”


“Yeah. I guess you could say that.” The reason wasn’t what she thought, but he certainly nerver felt awkward talking to a girl. 


“Anyway I’ll let you do your thing. Be sure to amaze me, you hear? Being all secretive like this, you’d better!” 


“Just watch.” Aiden was confident as he grabbed some sugar and water and placed it into a sauce pan and set it on the stove over medium heat.  He could hear his brother’s voice in his head as he worked. 


Remember, the secret to this dish is the Italian meringue. It’s the heart and soul, got that? Don’t mess it...and the syrup seized. Great.


The boy had hurled various obscenities after the third failed attempt at the meringue. So much so that AIden wanted to clap him over the ear. But the boy’s need for perfection served AIden well now, he’ll give him that. 


Thanks, Ty. Never thought I’d start to miss your nagging.


Thoughts of the brother he’d never see again began to make his throat itch. Forcing down the sour feelings, he focused on the task at hand.


If he got distracted and messed this up, he had a feeling Ty would somehow sense it and curse him. 


Aiden took six eggs and separated the whites before placing them into a conveniently placed automatic mixer. He set it to low to start, then grabbed a lemon and cut it in half before squeezing some drops into the bowl. A few minutes later and the sugar syrup was starting to bubble and gain some color.


Once that happened he took it off the flame and set the mixer to a higher setting. The egg whites were already starting to get to a soft peak, which is exactly where he wanted it. He began slowly drizzling the syrup into the egg mixture. 


“Oh, a meringue.” Angela peeked over his shoulder. “And look at that, it’s so glossy!” 


Aiden nodded. He took the finished meringue and placed the bowl over her head. Caught by surprise, she squeaked and duck, raising her hands as she expected in a thick white foam. She closed her eyes on instinct, only to hear a faint laugh. 


She opened one eye lid warily. She saw Aiden standing there with a smile on his chubby face, taking some sort of sadistic pleasure in her distress.


“Now this,” He began arrogantly, “ Is a meringue.”


Angela blinked. What the…? It was so...firm. It didn’t drip down at all! Look at it, it’s like it was glued to the bowl! 


She was a bit stunned. She never made a meringue that well.  Her’s were not bad by any means, but they were always at least a bit runny. Like a whipped cream, really. But look at his! It was so shiny and fragrant! So soft, yet firm! Just looking at and smelling it tempted her. She wanted to just dip her head in the bowl and lick it clean. 


This was sure...a King amongst meringues! That tone he’d used was actually deserved! He really had made a rather exceptional dish there.


And with it’s appearance she was already starting to understand what he was making. 


With the meringue done Aiden waited a few more minutes before taking the ice cream out of the freezer. Then set the round cake pan into a large bowl of warm water just to make the ice cream easier to take out. After it was, he removed the plastic wrap.


He next took the syrup cake, placed it onto a large plate, and toped it with the layers of ice cream. Finally he grabbed the top piece of the cake that he’d cut off earlier and set it atop the ice cream. 


Now for the finishing touches. One the ice cream sandwich was made he covered it entirely in the meringue and took a fork to make some designs. A few raised peaks. Swirls. Just added some overal texture.


And lastly, he asked Angela for a blow torch and lightly charred the meringue all around.. 


As soon as the flame hit, the dish burst with a delicate fragrance like caramel. 


He set the torch down and said, “I present to you...a Baked Alaska.”


Angela’s mouth was already watering. She discreetly wiped the drool from her face. “Hmph, well...it’s easy to make things look pretty, but let’s see how it tastes!” 


Without preamble Angela took a knife and cut herself a slice. The moment the dessert hit her tongue…











The slice had been carefully placed onto the table.  The room had turned dead silent. With furrowed brows Aiden wondered if something was wrong. And then he heard it.




The very next instant Aiden received a notification that startled him.


--Favorability with Tomosa Angela has drastically increased!!--


All of a sudden Angela was on her knees. She clung to Aiden’s leg like it was her only lifeline and shouted, “PLEASE WORK FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” She cried.

....Aiden's grin must've been downright terrible. He grabbed the woman by her cheeks and lifted her to face him.

"Let's talk benefits."


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