Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 108 The storm is coming

Just when the Executive Department was in chaos, two videos suddenly went viral on the Internet, causing an uproar immediately.

One of them is a video of "Su Mo" coming to take revenge on Grace and her son. There is no mosaic in the video. You can clearly see the fear and despair when Grace died, as well as the cruelty and violence of the little boy who was stabbed in the heart with a knife. .

The second video is a sad and angry self-narration by a man in prison uniform.

"My name is Osa, senior manager of the wildfire branch of the Protozoa Life Foundation."

Osa sat on the interrogation chair, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and his voice was like a wounded beast, full of hatred and sorrow.

"I am a scumbag and a beast. I have violated many women and forced a young girl to jump to her death... Not long ago, Executive Officer Su Mo arrested me and accepted the trial of wildfire law."

"I deeply apologize to the injured women and their families. I will spend 20 years in prison to atone for the mistakes I made!"

"But...but, my wife and my children are innocent!!!!"

Osa tried to stand up excitedly, but was handcuffed to the chair, making a rattling sound. His eyes were red, and he roared with grief and indignation:

"Su Mo, why, why do you want to kill them!!!"

"Grace is very kind. She often donates to the welfare home to help those in need. But my son is only four years old. You can do this to a four-year-old child, but you are still not a human being!!!"

"Is this the law of wildfire? Is this the executive officer of wildfire!!!"

The two videos quickly went viral on the Internet, instantly arousing thousands of waves.

"Damn, who is this person? Why did he kill his wife and children!"

"Executive officer, do all executive officers do this?"

"A strong criminal does not deserve sympathy, but his wife and children are innocent!"

"It's so cruel, even a 4-year-old child is not spared. He is more of an animal than a strong criminal, not a human being!"

"Poor child, I can only imagine how frightened and frightened he was at that time! Su Mo, you are just a beast!"

"Severely punish Su Mo, kill someone to pay for your life!!!!"

"Severely punish Su Mo, kill someone to pay for your life!!!!"

"Severely punish Su Mo, kill someone to pay for your life!!!!"

Countless people in the wildfire expressed sympathy for the dead mother and son, and felt extremely angry and dissatisfied with the murderer Su Mo.

For a time, terms such as "Beast Su Mo" and "Severely punish Su Mo and kill people to pay for their lives!!!!" entered the hot search, forming a tsunami of public opinion that quickly swept through the entire wildfire.


"Asshole, who uploaded these videos!"

Lu Fan was so angry that he was shaking all over. He gritted his teeth and said angrily: "What on earth do they want to do?"

"It must be someone from within the Executive Department!"

Ji Qiqi said angrily: "Otherwise, there would never have been a second video."

Jamie stamped his feet anxiously on the side, while Han Jia sat quietly on the chair, her beautiful eyes glowing dark red, and her whole body exuded a trembling evil spirit and chill.

On the side, Wang Defa's face was gloomy. Judging from this wave of online public opinion, someone wanted to kill Team Leader Su.

Annie sat in front of the computer, watching the video frame by frame, looking serious, trying to find some clues from it.


"No! Su Mo is in danger!"

Victor frowned, "Public opinion has become aroused now. Unless definite evidence can be found to clear Su Mo's suspicion, it is impossible for the Enforcement Department to directly release Su Mo."

"This is forcing Su Mo to die!"

"What on earth do they want to do?" Wu Yao said angrily with evil eyes, "Do you really want to kill Su Mo?"

"Caroline, what is the attitude of the Supreme now?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Caroline. At this time, only the Supreme could save Su Mo.

Caroline shook her head slightly and said, "The teacher just told me to be calm and wait for the results!"

"Ahhhh, I really don't understand what these big shots are thinking!!"

Wu Yao scratched his hair irritably, "What time has it been? It's time to calm down!"

"Caroline, did the Supreme tell you who is targeting Su Mo this time?" Victor asked.

"I didn't say it, but..."

Caroline said solemnly: "I was thinking of someone!"



"What, Chalmers?"

"How could it be Chalmers, the God of War? He has never had any contact with Su Mo!"

Victor frowned and said, "When you put it like that, I think Chalmers is indeed very suspicious."

"Think about it, if it's just Huang Limin, then Su Mo can be released with just a word from the Supreme, why would Caroline be allowed to calm down?"

"This shows that someone must be under the pressure of the Supreme to control Su Mo and make the whole wildfire. How many such talents are there?"

After listening to this analysis, Wu Yao, Xiao Jie, and Meng Shi also reacted.

"Indeed, my old man would never interfere in such a matter, and Luo Tang War God has a very good relationship with Amethyst Supreme." Wu Yao said solemnly, "It is impossible for the leader to target Su Mo. In this case, only Chalmers is the most suspect. ”

"But why did he do this?" Xiao Jie was very puzzled. "What good would it do him to frame Su Mo?"

"I thought of it a little bit."

Victor said calmly: "What do you think Chalmers has been doing these past few years?"

"What? Of course it's to survive..."

Wu Yao said disdainfully: "I am almost 200 years old, what else can I look down on? I really want to be a living bastard!"

"Victor, you mean..." Caroline suddenly woke up, her eyes widened: "He wants to take advantage of Su Mo..."

"That's right!"

Victor said solemnly: "Su Mo's superpower is Holy Light, and his cell activity is much higher than that of normal people, so I guess Chalmers wants to control Su Mo and use Su Mo's special physique and superpowers. , to extend his life."


Wu Yao said in horror: "He doesn't want to chop Su Mo into meat paste and use it for research, right?"

"It's not necessary to kill Su Mo, but wouldn't it be okay to draw blood, bone marrow, and stem cells?" The more Victor thought about it, the closer he felt that his idea was to the truth, and a deep chill could not help but rise in his heart.

Chalmers, this old guy, will do whatever it takes to survive!

"Damn, that won't work, we have to rescue Su Mo!"

Wu Yao was extremely anxious, "I'm calling my old man. I'm going to break into the dungeon now and I must rescue Su Mo!"

"Don't worry!!!"

Victor held Wu Yao down in time and said calmly: "This is all just our conjecture. If we rush to save Su Mo, it will make the matter even bigger."

"What we should do most now is to collect as much evidence as possible to help clear Su Mo from suspicion."

"Let's go, we have to go to Shelter 2."


Shelter 2

Somewhere secret club

In the private room, two men were sitting on the sofa. Although one of them did not have an outstanding appearance, his deep purple eyes made him look extremely mysterious and majestic. The other man looked about fifty or sixty years old, with a neatly trimmed beard. Neatly dressed, wearing floral pants, a floral shirt, and black sunglasses, he looks like a fashionable uncle sunbathing on the beach, chic and uninhibited.

"Amethyst, what do you want from me?"

The uncle leisurely crossed his legs, and at the same time pushed down the upper edge of his sunglasses slightly, exposing half of his eyes, and secretly glanced at the cheongsam maid next to him who was bending over to pour water, outlining her graceful figure.

After the maid poured the tea and exited the room, Amethyst Supreme smiled and said:

"Teacher Wu Feng, you still love looking at beautiful women so much!"

Hearing these slightly ridiculing words, Wu Feng not only did not feel ashamed at all, but became proud of himself, "Amethyst, when it comes to the study of beautiful women, your teacher and I are definitely an expert. I can see the specific features of a woman with just one glance." Three-dimensional, you can tell what kind of person she is by smelling her perfume.”

"Speaking of this, how old are you this year? Why don't you find a woman quickly? How about asking the teacher to help you choose a few?"

Amethyst Supreme smiled lightly and said: "You know clearly, this is not my ambition."

Wu Feng shook his head and said helplessly: "Oh, forget it, you are too boring. Tell me, why do you come to the Three Treasures Hall to find me for nothing?"

Amethyst Supreme looked at Wu Feng calmly, "Teacher, you should know who I am here for."

Hearing this, Wu Feng sighed, "I knew that your kid would never do anything good with me. That kid, Su Mo, is now locked up at the bottom of Dungeon No. 3, guarded by a total of 8 war kings."

Hearing these words, the corners of Amethyst Supreme's mouth curved.

He asked Zhuge Hong to send a message to Su Mo before, but he didn't expect that his people didn't even know where Su Mo was being held. So it was obvious that Su Mo must have been taken directly to a secret prison somewhere by Chalmers' people. .

In a short period of time, he would not be able to know Su Mo's whereabouts, but he knew that someone must know.

This person is his former teacher, the God of War Wu Feng.

Even though Wu Feng seems to be carefree and carefree all day long, no matter what happens in Shelter No. 2, no disturbance can be hidden from his eyes.

"Amethyst, what do you think, take the child out directly?"

At this moment, a serious look finally appeared on Wu Feng's face.

"No, I need you to find someone to give him a message to calm him down." Amethyst Supreme said lightly, "This time, Chalmers has gone too far. I just want to take this opportunity to kill him." Replace all the people, Wildfire only needs one voice except the leader."

"Tsk, tsk~" Wu Feng sighed, "Amethyst, you are still as domineering as ever~"

When he was young, Amethyst showed superhuman strategy, courage, talent, ruthlessness and domineering. As he gradually came to power, the characteristics of the superior were more vividly reflected in him.

Chalmers, you old guy, you are really going to be unlucky this time~

"Teacher Wu Feng, I have one more thing to ask you." Amethyst Supreme said, "You met Chalmers a year ago. Based on your observations of him, do you think he still has a few years left to live? ?”

"Hmm..." Wu Feng thought for a while and said: "Theoretically speaking, there is no problem for the God of War to live to be 200 years old. However, Chalmers was injured too many when he was young, and his blood and energy were severely depleted. His current physical condition is It's already very bad. I estimate that he can only live for 5 years at most."

"Five years, no wonder he is so anxious?" Amethyst Supreme murmured.

"in a hurry?"

Wu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "So, he did this to extend his life and survive? But, what does this have to do with the child?"

Amethyst Supreme said lightly: "I just learned that Chalmers got a life-extending potion a few days ago. The effect of the potion is very significant. It can make people look decades younger in a short period of time."

"Then, what does this have to do with that child?" Wu Feng asked in confusion.

Amethyst Supreme sneered, "The potion is provided by the Life Consortium. I can be sure that the condition of the transaction between them is that Su Mo will die in exchange for this life-extending potion."

"For Chalmers, getting this potion will allow him to live for decades longer. For the Life Consortium, if a few bottles of potion are exchanged for the life of Wildfire's most powerful genius, it will certainly make a profit."

Hearing this, Wu Feng fell silent, his face gradually became complicated, and he said quietly: "Oh, I can understand Chalmers's mentality. He was born and died for wildfires, and suffered countless major and minor injuries. Now, life is finally getting better. , but he himself... alas!"

"Teacher Wu Feng, of course I can understand that Chalmers wants to survive, and I also support it very much." Amethyst Supreme said calmly, "If he is willing to communicate this matter with me or the leader, Yehuo can even come up with something Use the most cutting-edge technology to make deals with the Life Consortium.”

"I believe that Joseph will not refuse."

"But look at what he is doing now. He is completely unscrupulous for his own selfish desires."

"I know, but... alas~" Wu Feng sighed and said, "You are still young, you don't understand. When people get older, their mentality will change. After waking up every day, they find that they are closer to death. You won’t understand the further panic and fear.”

"Amethyst, I know that you are domineering and strong, but this time, the teacher hopes that you will not embarrass Chalmers too much. After all, without Chalmers, there would be no Wildfire today."

Wu Feng knew that no matter what means Chalmers used, he would not be Amethyst's opponent.

In terms of strength, Chalmers is nominally the God of War's Perfection Martial Arts Master. However, with severe Qi and blood deficiency, how could he be the opponent of Amethyst, the strongest person in the mainland?

In terms of power, how could Chalmers, an old guy who had taken a back seat, defeat the powerful Amethyst.

Once Amethyst is really offended, Chalmers' fate will definitely not be pretty.

As an old friend he had known for decades, he did not want to see this veteran who had fought for Wildfire through life and death, lose all face in the last moment of his life.

Hearing this sincere request, Amethyst Supreme's face softened slightly and said softly: "Teacher, don't worry, I won't embarrass him too much."

"The Life Consortium has made such a condition because they want to see Yehuo fall into internal fighting. Naturally, I will not comply with their wishes."

"That's good!"

Wu Feng sighed softly: "I will help you pay attention to Su Mo's matter."

"Then thank you, teacher."

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