Xian Xian

Chapter 92

Chapter 91: revenge

After Li Chaoge and Mo Linlang were far away, Mo Linlang couldn’t hold back, and said anxiously to Li Chaoge: “Princess, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t make trouble for you…”

Li Chaoge didn’t wait for her to finish, so he stopped: “It’s not your fault, why do you say sorry? Those grandchildren deserve it, because no one takes care of them, they are becoming more and more sophisticated. You do your business as usual. Don’t worry about them. I want to see, from now on, no one dares to keep their hands and feet clean.”

Ma Linlang heard these words, some were shocked, and some were confused. She has been beating and scolding since she was a child. When she grew up, her father called her a broomstick star, and her stepmother called her a money-loser. Neighbors in the neighborhood also said she was lonely and strange. Mo Linlang has always blamed herself for killing her mother because of her light fate. Later, she personally threw Mo Dalang into prison, although she avenged her mother, the Mo family also fell apart because of her. Ma Linlang thought, maybe she was born with an ominous birth, so she would continue to bring disasters to the people around her.

Including today, if it weren’t for her, Li Chaoge would not have a conflict with the prince’s maiden family. Ma Linlang felt that she was ominous, even that she shouldn’t have this face. If it weren’t for her face, Lu Saburo wouldn’t get excited, if it wasn’t for her fuss, he wouldn’t make things big. Shouldn’t Mo Linlang hold back when Lu Saburo touched her face?

Mo Linlang was blaming herself, and suddenly heard Li Chaoge say that it was not your fault. Ma Linlang was stunned. For the first time in her life, someone told her that beauty is not your fault, weakness is not your fault, and the fault is the person who gets excited and bullies the weak.

Bai Qianhe quietly fell to Li Chaoge’s side, lowering his voice? The voice asked, “What happened just now?”

Bai Qianhe and Ma Linlang searched separately. When Ma Linlang and Lu Sanlang had a conflict just now, Bai Qianhe was on the other side of the garden. Ma Linlang pursed her mouth and lowered her head silently. Li Chaoge didn’t want to say more in this situation, saying, “There is someone who is not serious or serious, and I have already been taught by me. That dog is the brother of the prince. Be careful? Don’t act alone anymore.”

If Mo Linlang had Bai Qianhe by his side just now, how could he not fall into isolation and helplessness. When Bai Qianhe heard this, his face immediately changed: “What?”

Ma Linlang quickly grabbed Bai Qianhe and shook his head desperately: “It’s okay. This is in the palace, don’t make trouble. I’ll be more careful in the future? That’s it.”

Bai Qianhe has rich experience in Jianghu, and he can’t guess what happened just now. Seeing Li Chaoge’s face, Bai Qianhe reluctantly pressed his breath, but he had already wondered how to retaliate privately.

The reputation of Bai Qianhe’s thief was not for nothing. The proud guards of the aristocratic family were like nothing in Bai Qianhe’s eyes. Bai Qianhe doesn’t have any moral restraint. He really wants to get someone who can definitely make him feel restless.

Li Chaoge glanced at the sky and said, “The banquet is about to begin, let’s go?”

The emperor hosted a banquet for Tubo envoys in Shangyang Palace. Today is July 14 and the emperor arranged a Zhaigu dance. The sky was sinking slightly, and the palace ladies put down the river lamps by the water, the water was sparkling and shaking, and everyone sat on the water pavilion among the dots of river lamps.

The fifteenth of July is the Chinese New Year, and July is also called Ghost Moon by the people. According to the Taoist theory, repeating the same way, coming and going back and forth in seven days, there is a long way to go. Seven is regarded as the number of resurrection, and it can be resurrected seven days after the yang qi is extinct. And July 14 is the double seventh day, the people will worship ancestors and burn paper on this day, and the palace will also hold sacrificial ceremonies.

The Zhaiguwu arranged by the emperor was to give alms to the lonely souls and wild ghosts, in order to pray for the smooth flow of the year and the prosperity of the country and the people. Zhaiguwu is a sacrificial dance. It should be set up in a dark place? The emperor abandoned the magnificent auditorium and led people to set up a banquet.

The dancing pavilion is in the center, surrounded by the lake, and surrounded by water pavilions of different sizes depending on the terrain, connected to each other by a cloister. Guests sit in the pavilion on the lakeshore, watching singing and dancing across the clear water. The water pavilions facing the stage are tall and magnificent. These are the seats of the emperor, queens, and Tubo envoys. After the emperor’s seats are arranged according to their power and whether they are favored or not, they will wait until the main water pavilions are full before the next water pavilions on both sides are in turn.

On this occasion, the seat is a reflection of status. Whoever is closest to the emperor and who has the highest seat position can tell who is the best at this time. Li Chaoge’s seats were pretty good, not far from the emperor’s queen, and near the fence, sitting by the water, you can comfortably watch the stage without worrying about being blocked by the people in front. After everyone sat down one by one, singing and dancing began.

Musicians from the Jiaofang Division are wearing green robes and white masks on their faces. They are chanting words to pray to the Sifang ghosts and spirits for the coming year. Li Chaoge looked at it for a while, and Yu Guang glanced slightly, and found that the princess came back lightly from the outside and sat down with her dress. She moved very lightly, and did not alert the emperor and queen in front of her, but she couldn’t hide it from Li Chaoge.

The crown prince tried to conceal it, but she could still see that her face was not good and her hair was a little messy, as if she had just been angry. Li Chaoge thought of Lu Sanlang who had been kicked for half his life, and smiled softly.

The Lu family should have come to see the princess just now. Li Chaoge didn’t know how Lu’s family described today’s affairs, but looking at the face of the princess, I am afraid that Li Chaoge has been added to his life.

According to the position of the princess, the younger brother came to attend the palace banquet in a graceful manner, but in the blink of an eye he became more out of air and less out of air. If it is because of something major, then? And the source of the matter was just a maid. Which sister can accept that the younger brother just touched the maid? And he was beaten as half disabled?

The crown prince might hate Li Chaoge to death.

Li Chaoge doesn’t care much? After she sits upright at the table, the red dress is piled up on the floor, and the sleeves are pressed against the skirt, dignified and grand. She has a beautiful face, the steps in her bun are not moving, but her eyes are sharp and sharp, she looks like a national color peony from a distance, and the beauty is overwhelming.

There are not many beauties present, some are as soft as peaches and plums, some are gentle as white lotuses, and some are as sweet and delicate as wild chrysanthemums, but Li Chaoge is like a peony, whether they like it or not, she won’t glance at you. At a glance, it is beautiful and domineering.

This is the style that an imperial princess should have. Since it is in full bloom, there is no need to fight for favor with those in power like other women, because she is in power.

The people at the banquet more or less looked at Li Chaoge’s table, Princess Sheng Yuan exuded an “not easy to mess with” atmosphere all over her body. They marveled at the beauty of Princess Sheng Yuan, but did not dare to take the liberty.

The colleagues noticed Gu Mingke’s actions and immediately came over and asked, “Shaoqing, Princess Sheng Yuan is very good-looking, right?”

Gu Mingke retracted his gaze and said coldly, “I didn’t watch it.”

He was not looking at Li Chaoge’s appearance, he was using his spiritual power to observe whether Li Chaoge’s injury was healed. In this sense, he did not watch Li Chaoge.

The colleague sighed, showing a kind of “I understand” eyes, and said: “Well, Shaoqing sits still and has no chaos, and is never moved by femininity. But also? No wonder, who is the beauty? Don’t you like to watch it? How many people have you not seen? The eyes of the Tubo people are straight. This is the courage of the Pearl of the Tang Dynasty.”

After the colleague finished speaking, it was a long time without seeing Gu Mingke agreeing. He glanced back and saw that Gu Mingke’s face was pale, but his eyes were not very happy. The colleague thought that Gu Mingke had been exposed by him and was becoming angry, so he didn’t take it to heart, and continued to sigh: “It’s a pity that Mingzhu is beautiful, but it must be killed by life. I heard that today’s Lu family’s Langjun is only for Princess Shengyuan’s side. The maid made a joke or two, and she was kicked to pieces by Princess Sheng Yuan. Tsk tsk, this temper, who would dare to be this messenger in the future.”

Gu Mingke didn’t answer, his colleagues took it for granted. The colleagues looked at the singing and dancing on the stage. Their angle was a bit biased. The colleagues had to stretch out half of their body to see the whole stage. My colleagues admired for a while, and vaguely heard Gu Mingke say: “I disrespect the imperial order officer and act as a staff. As a commander, although the use of force in the palace is not good, it is nothing to blame.”

The colleague was stunned, and turned around inconceivably: “Shaoqing, what are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing.” Gu Mingke glanced at him extremely lightly. His colleagues only felt coldness? An instant spread all over his body. My colleague was disturbed, and heard Gu Mingke say: “It’s disrespectful to talk about the imperial family’s indifference to relatives. I will not hear it this time. From now on, don’t talk about the princess’ private affairs.”

My colleagues were so shocked that they couldn’t speak. He instinctively thought it was weird, but looking at Gu Shaoqing’s stern and noble profile, he felt that he was saving the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain. My colleague scratched his hand, thinking that it was probably his own idea? It was too complicated, and I blamed Gu Shaoqing. The colleague shrugged uninterestingly, stopped mentioning the princes and princesses, and set his sights on the stage again.

The Zhaigu dance in the water pavilion continues, because it is a sacrificial dance, the music sounds strange and weird, and the musicians wear masks and cannot see their faces, making all kinds of strange movements with the drum beats like dolls. The queen looked at the dance, suddenly? asked Wu Wang and Li Xu: “Wu Wang, what do you think of this dance?”

Li Xu didn’t expect the Queen to call him suddenly, he paused, and replied: “The dance arranged by the Jiaofang Division is natural, very good.”

Tianhou smiled, and said unhurriedly: “This dance is called Zhaigu, which means fasting to sacrifice to lonely souls and wild ghosts. Lonely ghosts are not like family ghosts and have descendants to support them. They can’t eat incense and can only live in the world. Hanging around and begging. The saint took pity on them, so he concentrated on offering sacrifices to them so that they had sacrifices to eat. Thinking about this, Concubine Xiao Shu also left for a long time. For these years, I wonder if King Wu and Concubine Wu have given them to their biological mothers. Sacrifice?”

After the divine queen had finished speaking, there was silence in the water pavilion. Li Xu clenched his fist unconsciously, he lowered his head, and a moment later filled with indignation, “No. The Xiao clan used witch Gu to disturb the harem and framed Zhongliang. Fortunately, the Queen of Heaven set aside the chaos anyway. I wish I had nothing to do with the Xiao clan, so how could I give it to her? How about burning sacrifices?”

The Queen of Heaven was very vindictive. After the Queen and Concubine Xiao Shu were killed by her, the Queen was still unwilling to change her surname to “Python” for the Queen and “Xiao” for Concubine Xiao Shu. Li Xu publicly acknowledged the contempt of his biological mother, and said that he would never pay homage to Concubine Xiao Shu. Li Xu’s practice? It made Li Chaoge not know whether to lament the queen’s ruthlessness or Li Xu’s ruthlessness.

However, this shows the deterrent power of the queen. When everyone talked about the Queen, they were much more scared than when they talked about the emperor.

The Queen smiled lightly, her tone of voice? I don’t know if it’s sad or regretful: “Wu Wang? Didn’t you worship Concubine Xiao Shu? This is troublesome. Nghe’an lived in the palace every year, except for the one at the age of fifteen. After that, the paper was never burned for Concubine Xiao Shu. If King Wu didn’t burn it, wouldn’t Concubine Xiao Shu become a lonely ghost that no one worshipped? Fortunately, the court held Zhaigu every year, or else? Concubine Xiao Shu served her Majesty. There are sons and daughters, but in the end there are no people to worship and the incense is cut off. That would be tragic.”

After the diva finished speaking, Li Zhen’s face also changed. When Li Zhen was fifteen years old, she couldn’t stand the feeling of thinking about her mother, and despite the prohibition, she quietly burned paper money for her birth mother. Immediately after Li Zhen was imprisoned in the court, she couldn’t find the opportunity anymore, so she could only give up with heartache. Li Zhen thought it was a secret, but the queen actually knew everything.

She can even tell exactly which year it is.

Li Zhen’s lips faded, she suddenly understood why she was imprisoned in Ye Ting after quietly burning paper for Concubine Xiao Shu. It turned out that the diva knew everything.

The eyes and ears of the Queen in the harem were terrifying.

Li Zhen felt terrified, but he also felt sad. After the elder brother said that, Tian Hou did not refute it, which shows that Li Xu has never worshipped. That was their biological mother, who obviously had sons and daughters, but ended up with no one to sacrifice.

At this time, the sacrifice is extremely valued. If no one burns incense after death, it is a very serious matter, even more serious than ruin. Everyone heard Li Xu’s words, and sighed silently. Concubine Xiao Shu was the daughter of the family, and gave birth to the eldest son and eldest daughter of the emperor. When she was most favored, she had threatened the position of the queen, but now But it fell to the end of a lonely ghost. Life experience is really embarrassing.

The atmosphere of the banquet solidified, and the Tibetan envoy did not know the situation, but felt that the expressions of the people around him seemed wrong. The Queen of Heaven mentioned Concubine Xiao Shu in front of foreign envoys, not on a whim, but on purpose. She clapped her hands and motioned to the lady of the court to come up with a cat. That civet cat was only three months old, and was pinched by the queen, only meowing in a low voice.

The needle falling in the water pavilion can be heard, and only the ancient and boundless sacrificial music on the stage can be heard. Everyone looked at the queen and did not dare to act rashly. Tin Hau touched the hair on the back of the civet cat, the civet cat seemed to feel danger, his back stiffened, and a threatening cry from his throat?

Of course? And its teeth are not straight, what deterrence can it have. The Queen slowly touched the kitten’s thin back, and said softly, “I thought cats were noisy in the early years, and I didn’t like keeping cats in the palace. What about it? King Wu came from afar, and there is nothing to give to King Wu, so let’s give King Wu a cat. I heard that before the death of Princess Xiao Shu, he wished to be reincarnated as a cat in the next life. King Wu should keep this cat well and said Uncertain, it has a lot to do with you.”

After speaking, the queen smiled and presented the cat to the maid, and asked them to send it to King Wu. Except for the Tubo envoys, everyone in the room knows the curse of Concubine Xiao Shu before his death. However, the Queen wants to tell everyone that she is not afraid of those? Rumor has it that Concubine Xiao Shu couldn’t fight her when she was alive, and that she became a cat when she died, so she wanted to pretend to be a ghost?

It seems that the wine in the jar of Concubine Xiao Shu is still not strong enough. After so many years, she is still dreaming of spring and autumn.

Li Xu was humiliated by the Queen in front of so many people, but he couldn’t say anything. He had to respectfully take the cat over: “My son thanked the Queen.”

After Tianhou stretched out her hand, the court lady immediately knelt down beside her, and carefully wiped her fingers with her kerchief. Tianhou looked at Li Zhen and asked slowly, “I almost forgot about Yi’an. Yi’an, do you want to keep a cat?”

Li Zhen’s face was completely pale, she tried to conceal her hatred, but she couldn’t control it at all. Li Zhen lowered her neck, bit her lip and said, “The Queen just gave her son a marriage, and the son has not adjusted to the new life, so he has no energy to raise a cat.”

“So that’s the case.” After wiped her fingers clean, the queen took her hand back and said, “It’s okay. Wu Wangyuan is in Shouzhou, but Yi’an will stay in Luoyang. You will have a long time to enter the palace in the future. Ruo Yi’an When did you change your mind? Remember to tell this palace, this palace personally? I will pick you a cat of noble blood.”

Li Xu and Li Zhen’s faces are very ugly. The Queen was threatening them. Li allowed to go to other places, but Li Zhen stayed in the East Capital forever. If Li Xu did something, the queen would be able to cramp Li Zhen immediately.

The Queen talked to Li Xu and Li Zhen, but the others were silent, even the emperor didn’t want to interfere. Li Chaoge kept looking at the stage, but shook his head slightly in his heart. Offending the divas is really a terrible thing, and it is no exaggeration to say that life is better than death.

Fortunately, Li Chaoge is the daughter of the Queen of Heaven. If she is reborn as the children of other concubines, this princess is not appropriate?

Li Changle and Li Huai also felt deeply. The prince Li Shan couldn’t bear it. However, this was at a banquet. He couldn’t speak easily, so he could only hide his expression with his eyes down. He still feels that his mother has acted too viciously, and Li Xu and Li Zhen have done nothing wrong, so why bother to insult them like this? Li Shan originally proposed to marry Li Zhen out of good intentions, but now it seems that I don’t know if it helped her or harmed her.

Only sacrificial music can be heard echoing on the water. Musical dancers jumped to the ritual part, tangled together and danced in pairs, their movements became more and more weird. There was no sound inside and outside for a while, everyone was staring at the stage, no one was drinking or talking. The Tubo tribute theory didn’t know why the people on the Tang emperor’s side suddenly stopped talking. He thought about the purpose of this trip. He took the initiative to raise the wine bottle and said to the emperor: “Zampo admires the Tang emperor as a person. Marry the Princess of Tang Dynasty. I hope that the two countries will be the same and the marriage will be better.”

The head of the Tubo envoys in this trip was the last big tribute theory. Da Gong Lun was called Da Xiang in Tubo and was equivalent to the chief of the Tang Dynasty prime minister. During this trip, he brought five thousand taels of gold and many jewels to propose marriage to their monarch Zanpu. The prince of a country took the initiative to be the emperor’s son-in-law, but the emperor’s face was still faint, saying: “It’s a big deal, and we will discuss it later.”

The Tang Dynasty is the sovereign state. There are more small countries that come to celebrate the Tang Dynasty every year. How can the princess of the Li family be so easy to marry? Moreover, judging from the appearance of Da Gong Lun, they still want to marry a real princess this time.

Although marriage is a birth and separation, it is no different from death. Once the princess was married, she would marry another country and have no relationship. She could not compare with Chang’an Luoyang for food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and she would have to endure bitter cold and wind and sand every day. The emperor had three daughters in total, how could he agree to such a thing?

Seeing that the emperor had the intention of refusing in the Tubo Dagong theory, he raised his hand and said again. Because of the affair with the kiss, the attention of everyone present was concentrated on the emperor and the messenger, and Li Chaoge was no exception. She glanced at the stage at random, her face changed drastically, and she immediately drew her sword: “Sage queen, be careful!”

Tian Hou was listening to the translation from Honghe Temple, and suddenly? I heard someone yelling to be careful next to her. She instinctively looked up and saw a dark figure rushing towards her.

It was a black cat with dark hair, green eyes and sharp nails. For some reason, the diva actually saw human emotions in the eyes of a cat.

Is that strong hatred?. The Queen was in a daze for a moment, remembering that when Concubine Xiao Shu died, she also stared at her with such a look.

Obviously, the death is approaching, and Concubine Xiao Shu still has a hoarse voice, and said sternly: “A Wu demon is cunning, still so! May I be born as a cat in the next life, and A Wu as a mouse, and strangle his throat.”

The ladies on both sides screamed in panic, yelling “Help” everywhere. However, the black cat moves like electricity, and no one has time to step forward and rescue the queen. The black cat came straight at Tianhou’s throat, and Tianhou thought that she was going to die here. A gust of wind flashed before her eyes, and a section of her clothing belt fell off. Contrary to the slow hem of the skirt, her movements are very agile. Li Chaoge drew out the Qianyuan sword, and the sword flew horizontally, squeezing the black cat’s nails.

Li Chaoge was scratched by this black cat when he was in Princess Ngee’s Mansion. Afterwards, she sent someone to look for it for a long time, but no trace of the black cat was found. Today, she brought someone to the Yang Palace, and she had already thought of guarding against black cats. Unexpectedly, Li Chaoge’s guess was correct. The black cat has indeed been hiding in the palace.

Even if Li Chaoge turned Dongdu upside down, who would dare to search the palace? The black cat is hiding here, really cunning.

Li Chaoge stopped the black cat with a fatal blow. The black cat’s strength is not small, its nirvana is stopped by Li Chaoge, and Li Chaoge’s arm is also sore. Where did the right arm get scratched? It started to faintly hurt again.

Li Chaoge thought she had suppressed the demon poison, but now it seems that this poison is far from simple.

The black cat didn’t get a hit, he screamed fiercely, and jumped into the darkness. The emperor led the crowd to watch the dance by the water. The lighting was insufficient, and the demon cat was covered in black hair. At this moment, he was so fascinated that he could not find where the black cat was hiding.

Li Chaoge held back the pain on his right arm, turned around and asked, “Diva, are you okay?”

Tian Hau breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt scared. The others reacted slowly, rushing forward, and yelled: “Guardian, there is an assassin, come and guard him!”

The banquet scene that was still singing and dancing just now suddenly turned into a mess. The music dancers dancing on the water pavilion hugged each other, shivering, a green dance dress and a mask with a weird smile fell on the ground.

They also? I don’t know what’s going on, the sisters dancing together suddenly? Become a cat, swish towards the waterside pavilion, the goal is still the queen. Now the water pavilion is shouting for help, some are busy fleeing, some are busy protecting the emperor, everything is in chaos, no one has the intention to appreciate singing and dancing.

Li Changle rushed to Tian Hou anxiously, with tears in his eyes, “Aniang, are you not injured? You scared me to death just now.”

Rao is the queen, her face is pale now. The Queen shook her head and said, “I’m fine.”

Li Huai and Li Shan also? They rushed over to ask. Li Shan was impatient and out of breath, so he couldn’t help coughing just as he spoke. Li Huai worried: “It’s dangerous here, quickly **** the Saint Queen back to the palace.”

The guards surrounded the emperor and the queen in a group. Li Huai and Li Changle stood in the inner circle with the queen, yelling for escorts and taking care of the prince. They looked loyal and brave. And Li Chaoge was silent? Leaving the noisy scene, she stood in the dark, holding the Qianyuan sword in her hand, listening attentively to the surrounding movement.

She had a hunch that the black cat did not leave. If this black cat is not resolved, it will be useless to send many guards to protect the Emperor Queen.

The cat moved silently, but the outside world was very noisy at this moment, and everyone’s panic screams and footsteps covered all movement. Li Chaoge listened attentively, but was always interrupted. Suddenly? She felt something and immediately attacked with a sword. It was a pity that it was still too late, and the black cat flew out like a ghost through the noise and darkness, and his paw relentlessly caught Li Chaoge’s arm. Li Chaoge knew that he was a step too late, so he didn’t hide at all, and directly attacked the black cat with his backhand.

Li Chaoge’s style of attacking the enemy by hurting one thousand self and eight hundred, the black cat felt the killing intent behind his back and could only hide behind. The black cat’s paw swept across Li Chaoge’s arm. Although it was not able to scrap Li Chaoge’s arm as expected, it also scratched her body. Bai Qianhe and Ma Linlang ran over to help, but in the dark? Their sight was blocked. Coupled with the black cat’s appearance, Ma Linlang and Bai Qianhe could not play their advantages at all, so they could only hide in embarrassment.

Li Chaoge held the sword tightly, and said in a cold voice, “This demon cat is not waiting for an idle monster. You can’t help. Go away.”

Before she finished her words, the black cat rushed towards her again. Li Chaoge was only fortunate that the black cat hated her more than Bai Qianhe and Ma Linlang, so most of the attacks were directed at Li Chaoge. If the black cat attacked Bai Qianhe and Ma Linlang, I am afraid they would not be able to escape.

Li Chaoge was afraid that the black cat would hurt others, so he jumped to the top of the water pavilion. At this moment, most of the lights in the pavilion were off, and the glass table case was kicked down and the floor was messed up. The eaves stood tall, and instantly separated from the noisy world below. On the fourteenth day of today, a full moon hung in the sky, and the water under the pavilion was sparkling and fluctuating. Water and moonlight intertwined and fell on Li Chaoge’s face, her face in the swaying light? It looked ethereal and unreal.

In the dim halo, somewhere, there was a slight sound of moving tiles. Li Chaoge didn’t hesitate, and immediately attacked that direction.

The black cat took advantage of the darkness to hide, and took a big advantage. How many tricks did Li Chaoge and Black Cat have done, and several times they almost got scratched. A gust of wind blows, and the light under your feet suddenly works, and the river light in the water, as if attracted by something, actually rises into the air, floating high and low beside the eaves where Li Chaoge and the black cat are fighting.

Li Chaoge’s disadvantage was suddenly reversed. She saw the black cat’s movements clearly, held a sword flower in her backhand, and hit the black cat.

The author has something to say: repeat the same way, come and go in seven days, there is a lot of interest in the future. ——”Book of Changes”

Wu demon is cunning, still so! May I be born as a cat and Wu as a mouse in the next life, and I will be strangled. ——”Zhizhitongjian”

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