Chapter 9: A Union, July 4th

I looked out of the command center at the distant mountains. They were not so distant as they had been. Coffee mugs were spread across the map as the officers gathered. The meeting had started an hour before dawn and the sun was clearly making tracks to rise into the sky.

"Colonel… with such rapid expansion…"

"I know… our disguise as a PMC will be laughable…" I replied to Ivan's caution.

"I don't want a repeat of the siege though… unfortunately this damn system of mine that thinks taking breaks is for losers…" I looked at my catalog of quests now…

'Quest issued, (series quest). Expand your survivor camp to 500 survivors. Reward 20,000xp. 463/500'

'Quest issued, Secure essential infrastructure. Secure or build a water treatment facility, a power plant, and transportation hub. 2 /3. Reward, 10,000 xp, 8,000 credits.'

'Quest issued, Establish outposts. Build 3 self sustainable outposts. 0 /3. Reward, 5,000xp, 4,000 credits.'

'Quest issued, Rescue and recruit. Find and recruit potential specialists to bolster the camp's capabilities. 0 /50 Reward advancement to technology from 1995.'

'Quest issued, (series quest) establish an economy for your camp. Ensure food/water/clothing/housing is available and that a currency system exists. Reward, 50,000 credits.'

'Quest issued, Assert naval dominance. Remove or kill all hostile aquatic undead from within 100 nautical miles of your main base. Reward, 1 Udaloy II Destroyer.'

'Quest issued, Assert Aerial Dominance. Remove or kill all hostile aerial threats within 150 miles of your main base. Reward. 12 Mig-23ML.'

'Quest issued, Assert Ground Dominance. Kill, Remove, or integrate all survivor groups and zombies within 25 miles of your main base. Reward, 1 MP company.'

The others looked at the updated list I'd written and placed it on the table for them to read. We'd already put some of the quests on the back burner, they just were not possible to do in the near term… but some others we could quickly knock out, a pair practically went hand in hand.

We basically had secure essential infrastructure done, we just needed to make a water treatment facility, which was something on the agenda anyway, it just hadn't been a major concern due to the city's water treatment facilities still being in limited operation.

The expansion of the camp was all but done anyway, there were a few nearby survivor groups we could integrate, then that would also count towards Assert land dominance…

As for establishing outposts… that was a little on the … subtle side of what we'ed been discussing all morning. The massive expansion of my forces, i'd push several new BTGs out into the LA metro area to secure a few points of vital interest. LAX, JFTB Los Alamitos, and Manuel Dominguez High school. The last one wasn't really for a tactical or strategic reason, but that it was a relatively large series of structures that could easily be fortified roughly halfway between the airport of LAX and the military base Los Alamitos. That and it would also screen Firebase Fyodor.

But the critical factor came into play when we laid the rang circles out. With the exception of LAX were easily within range of 2 other bases, LAx could only receive supporting fire from Manuel Dominquez though, and only on its southern and eastern sides. Because of that a fourth location was under discussion but not yet decided upon, the El Camino College.

Regardless, Firebase Fyodor was being expanded, the wall extended down Anaheim Ave to those blown bridges. Plans were already being drawn up to repair those blown bridges to reopen Terminal island for the future, though that was also a backburner project. The expansion would be turned into sprawling warehouses and supply dumps for the growing military needs going forward. Not to mention the massive sprawling car port that could be used to summon whole Regiments in a go if needed. That would be where I'd be summoning several new BTGs in a few hours actually…

"Captains, before we start our little shit show and give poor Tanya a heart attack. Do any of you have any concerns?" I asked the gathered officers.

"Well sir, since we'll be summoning four regiments over the next four days with the support battalions to follow we should have the new arrivals immediately start establishing the forward bases…" Erik countered.

"Colonel, it is unlikely that all of the FOBs will be able to hold entire regiments. We should consider either expanding the scale of some of them, or expand Fyodor to house some of our strength back here." Joseph added.

"I think that we should only have the first two Regiments build the FOBs sir, keep the other two back here as a reserve." Luka said.

"We will soon possess overwhelming combat power sir, but it would be best to remain cautious until we better understand what is happening in the greater LA area, I second Capitain Luka's recommendation." George said.

"It will be difficult to integrate all the survivors, we barely speak their languages and they don't speak ours, it will likely be for the best if we send them here, our FOBs remain purely military bases." Erik said, bringing up something else that had prompted much discussion. Looking around the room I could see much agreement.

"Allright, we'll relocate all civilians here, the screening process stays, the whole nine yards, we don't want anyone infected to slip through." I said and a wave of relief washed over everyone.

"Alright, we'll skip the formalities. Let's fix our upper rank structure a bit. I hope you all have lists of who will fill your previous positions and a few extra. You are all hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, effective immediately." I said as I dropped a bunch of epaulets onto the table. I placed a few more boxes with several hundred more ranks next to it. There were going to be a lot of promotions. I'd rather promote Luka, Erik, Joseph, and George, to full Colonel, but the system wouldn't let me promote anyone to my own rank… so I was going to have to deal with some mismatch in the regimental command.

"Let this be the day we establish the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics again… but with less corrupt communism this time." I said to a bunch of wry chuckles.

"Alright… let's get this clusterfuck started then shall we?" I said as everyone started standing. We headed downstairs and got into the gaggle of UAZ jeeps before driving off, heading out gate 2 before driving the short distance to the massive empty car lot. We pulled to a stop at the entrance, a few scattered cars were near the loading station for the autoracks. I opened the system, the rest of the Regiment was already lined up and I hit purchase, a grid appeared in my eye as I looked. I was a bit surprised at first… or was this car lot just that much bigger than I'd thought?

33,675 credits were deducted as a large bluish light enveloped the area. Hundreds of vehicles appeared, and thousands of soldiers. I turned to lieutenant Colonel George. "Organize your men."

He nodded and saluted. "Yes sir."

We spent hours assisting George organize everyone into their new BTGs working on the chain of command and various logistical units. Probably the only upside to the current system was that every unit was self contained, able to handle itself in any situation. Whether that be from fire support to direct close quarters combat to supplying itself.

It actually went almost better than we thought, by mid night the massive sprawling lot was empty, the thousands of soldiers now enjoying some brief reset before George would begin his half of operation Fortitude, LAX was his primary objective, but if he felt resources could be spared then El Carmino was on the cards as well.

I looked at my tired and bleary eyed staff. We called it a night, re-convening at 0700 at the lot once more. The Sappers had made great progress, enclosing this new area into Firebase Fyodor's walls and just for the sake of getting it over with, I summoned the next two regiments, copies of the existing unit. The carport finally seemed filled to capacity. Granted a staggering 89,800 credits just vanished from my account… but there was now under my command a fighting force comparable to my previous division…

The day wore on, and I was forced back to the command center, I was then forced to sit in the corner while the headquarters company was busy renovating the CIC. I was generally able to piece together what was going on from the stream of radio chatter and staring at the map pinned to the wall, the table having been removed. Currently they were removing yet another wall, in that distant room they were busy covering a whole wall in screens.

Currently 1st regiment was streaming out of Gate 3 onto highway 110, they'd take the left onto 405 where the last BTG would split off at Redondo beach boulevard to start clearing El Camino, the rest of the Regiment would continue to LAX.

Joseph was already staging his units to begin rolling out, though it would likely be another hour or two before the 2nd regiment began departing.

"Sir, the event center is ready, the civilians will start being directed there after lunch." A Lieutenant informed me. I nodded and grabbed Luka, currently without a command and drove to the event center, a large building at the northern end of the newly renamed Artillery park.

A lot of the buildings opposite the park had shattered windows from the constant firing. Not much to be done about that though… we'll probably seal the windows and use the building for storing artillery ammunition. 

There were a few hundred people crammed into this auditorium. A few soldiers, unarmed for once directed people to take seats and wait for my presentation to begin.

I peered from behind the stage curtains at the handful of bilingual soldiers. I wanted to curse inside. Why hadn't I thought about this more? No wonder I was always getting so many complaints…

Major ivanov walked up to me and handed me my speech. I thanked the Major then walked out onto the stage. Lights dimmed and voices hushed while I walked to the podium, my boots sounded far too loud in the silent room.

I placed my speech on the podium and tapped the mic, a loud tap resounded through the room. I looked at the crowd, spotting my wife and her family near the front left as well as a few survivors I had personally saved.

"Alright, greetings everyone. For those of you that forgot who I am or have yet to meet me, I am Andrew Reichenbacher, commander of all forces operating out of Firebase Fyodor." I started.

"This meeting was supposed to be held on the 1st… but we were busy cleaning up, but I'll lay out the goals of this meeting so you'll be able to understand what the general plan is."

"This town hall meeting is going to happen the 1st of every month, should it be unable to happen on that day it will be rescheduled to the first available day. Today I'm going to go over a few proclamations, Operation Fortitude, Operation Guardian, and Operation Shield." I paused for a moment and flipped the page.

"Operation shield is our civilian initiative we are pushing forward. We will be creating a voluntary militia which all civilians are eligible to enter. Member of the militia will patrol the civilian areas of firebase Fyodor, Santa Catalina island. they will also assist in the defense of the base, and patrols outside the walls as additional forces. Corporal Digen is your point of contact if you are interested." I pointed to the corporal in the back of the room before I continued.

"Operation shield will also have a transfer program, if you wish to move to Santa Catalina island you may, be aware that spots are limited and you'll be working with Falcon squadron in rebuilding and maintaining their facilities and aircraft on the island." There was a ripple of talk spreading across the room as I shifted to the next topic.

"Next on the announcements is Operation Fortitude. I have no desire to have a repeat of the siege of Wilmington. Operation Fortitude's goal is to construct several forward operating bases to intercept and destroy any horde before it can pose a threat. As we speak my soldiers are already moving to make this happen. We have identified up to 4 locations, and are looking for volunteers to act as liaisons. In other words you'll work with the soldiers on the ground to communicate with other succor group. Anyone on performing this duty will receive double rations and be on a week on, week off work cycle. See Lieutenant Fild for more information."

"Lastly there is Operation Guardian. Now I'll preface this. If you want to leave after these announcements, you have till the end of the month to leave, no questions asked. If you leave, you will not be allowed to return. Be aware that leaving is an option."

I waited a moment to let the disclaimer sink in. Then I continued. "As far as we can tell we are the largest organized force in the Los Angeles metro area, our scout flights from Falcon haven't turned up any survivor groups larger than all of you within this building. Maybe there are more out there. Maybe not, but they are not within Los Angeles."

"As such we will establish a new government." People started talking, protesting.

I waited for everyone to quiet down. "For now I will be temporarily in charge of all matters within this fledgling nation until proper elections can be organized, for the people, by the people. Welcome to the first republic… the Republic of Southern California, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

"That being said. We've a rough draft of the new constitution and bill of rights, these will be approved by the people, to govern the people."

"I'll take some questions now…" I said as the crowd erupted. A man stood, grabbing the microphone a soldier offered him.

"I fought and shed blood just to live through this apocalypse! Now you want to create some dictatorship with you at the top? You'll just change the rules when it suits you." He caused, his Spanish accent coming through heavily.

"You have every right to question me. Even under this new Union I am establishing you will always retain that right. We will not build a government based on lies, but on trust. Yes, there will be times when I withhold information from you, there will be times when you all doubt me. I can only ask you give me the benefit of the doubt. That I am doing it for the good of everyone here…"

I took a step back from the podium and began walking the length of the stage. "I want to build a government that has the trust of the people, that you all trust to protect you in these trying and chaotic times. This is not the USSR of the past, blinded by greed and corruption, carried long past its grave by the sacrifices of millions of slaves. This is a Union! Of the people, by the people, for the people!"

"We call ourselves soviets because that is what we are, the common man. We are socialist because everyone here stands on the same playing field. We were all reduced to nothing when the apocalypse started… now it is up to us to raise the banner of humanity once more, to prove our resilience and strength in these trying times."

Another man took the mic. "You'll just take our rights away like those communists always do! Then you'll work us to the bone for your benefit!"

"What was everyone within this room given?" I asked as a hush fell over the room.

"Everyone within this room has a gun. Whether you brought it with you or not. Everyone owns one." I said pointedly.

"Your rights are guaranteed because of that fact. You all have the right to keep and bear arms. That right shall not be infringed upon… California was different. The democrats spent decades blaming guns. Blaming everyone. But that time is gone. You have the right to defend yourself here, to protect yourself and your family from those that would threaten you."

"I would implore you to never surrender your firearms sir. Because when you do, that's the day you surrender your freedom…" I said, staring at the man.

"This Union is a government inspired by communism and the American dream. Think of it what you will. Every person in this room is free to leave, gate 4 will be open between the hours of 08 and 1600. You may leave without consequence. Take what supplies we have given you, a car and a few extra gallons of gas. I will wish you all the best."

"Or you can stay. Join this fledgling republic. Contribute to the survival of your families; of humanity… the choice is yours…"

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