Chapter 7: The Siege of Wilmington, July 2nd

Sergeant Pavel commanded 1st squad of 2nd platoon, Bravo company. All around him fighting raged, soldiers ran from position to position, firing on the advancing horde. BTRs rolled to a stop, firing a few quick bursts before moving to another street. Various mutants sprinted without a care for his men. AKs and RPKs fired near non-stop the occasional whoosh of RPGs flying towards the horde was punctuated by explosions.

Pavel grabbed one of his soldiers, yanking him back from the outstretched claws of a mutant and emptied his AK into the thing. Blood spattered everywhere, goblets of flesh stuck to the building and blood stained the sidewalk. Pavel took a few steps back, pushing his soldiers on before him as they continued to give ground. He reloaded his rifle and took careful aim at the oncoming mutants, firing precise shots.

"Sergeant! 3rd squad is falling back!" his corporal called to him as he glanced down the road. Pavel nodded and continued firing. He waited for the fire team behind him to take up positions, the RPK barking before he turned and sprinted back, dropping to his knee and firing at the mutants that had been chasing him.

I reloaded again, looking at his squad, spread across the street. The dozens of single family homes that made up this neighborhood of West Carson. A BTR roared to a stop, a string of tracers from its heavy machine gun tore into the mutants, shredding them. A figure popped out of the hatch of the BTR, Pavel took a moment to recognize the captain, covered in oil and sweat as he was.

"Where's your platoon commander?" Captain Joseph shouted as I rushed over.

"I don't know sir!" I shouted over the growing din.

"Damn it… Fall back to the intersection of 223rd and Normandie! The machine gun platoon is setting up a strong point there!"

"Yes Sir!" I replied as the commander dropped back into the BTR and it roared to life, continuing to drive further west in search of the rest of the platoon. I glanced at the road signs, 221… Halldale ave…

About two blocks away. "Come on 1st squad! We got to move! Team 1 bound!"

Two riflemen and the machine gunner got up and started racing south. The other fireteam slowly stood and started backing away. The RPG was fired again, the rocket smashing into the chest of a runner and blowing it and its nearby compatriots all over the road. A burst of rifle fire from behind them was the signal and the rest of the squad turned and bolted back. This pattern continued for the short distance it was required, a pair of BTRs roared up to them from further west, slowing to a stop to slew their turrets and fire at the oncoming hordes. One of the hide hatches opened and a soldier popped out, holding magazines out. 

I directed the squad to grab as much as they could. Stuffing their pockets full of extra magazines and grenades. I looked down the street to the east. Several concrete barriers were sprawled across the intersection, sandbags piled between them. Machine guns faced the north and west, though the ones facing us were unmanned, the whole platoon was busily engaged it seems.

"1st! We gotta move, the gunners need some help!" I shouted over the noise of the BTR revving its engines again. The whole squad rallied and we sprinted the block to the intersection. As my squad vaulted the barriers several runners and berserkers vaulted the northern barriers, men disappeared, when the mutants and zombies lunged for another man all that was left was a brutally mangled body and blood smears across the pavement.

My squad didn't need direction, and for that I was incredibly proud. They fanned out across the interior placing careful bursts of fire into the undead as they scrambled across, pulling their fellow soldiers back from harm's way. I stood atop the barrier, looking at the lessening horde when I saw it… a massive beast covered in chitinous plates. The massive beast lumbered forward, knocking the barriers aside, sending some of my men flying. I raised my rifle firing at the thing's head, watching helplessly as my rounds bounced harmlessly off. The Sentinel roared, nearby glass shattering as it did. It flung its arms and several soldiers went flying. An RPG clattered to the ground near my feet as the mutant turned to face me.

It began lumbering towards me and I dropped my rifle and snatched the RPG from the ground. I quickly took a knee and aimed the RPG at the mutant that was towering over me, it raised its arms up and I closed my eyes… The half second lasted an eternity as my finger tightened around the trigger. The rocket's motor hissed, a loud fwoosh in my ears as the rocket leapt from the tube and at the beast a few feet away from me.

Everything seemed to move so slow, as if we were suspended in honey. I could see the rocket twirling slightly, the mutant's arms moving down to crush me. Its beady eyes staring at me with malevolent hate as the rocket slammed into its jaw, digging into its face for a thousandth of a second before exploding, then my world went dark.

Corporal Anya breathed deeply, her squad slumped around her. They'd been spending the morning as a last ditch reserve, running around and preventing the undead from breaking the lines. Now their BTR was out of fuel, finally silent after having dirven gods knows how long and far… the driver came out, cursing as he did. The gunner opened the side hatch and began passing extra ammunition to the squad. A few dozen yards away 3rd platoon was fighting a withdrawal. Runners and berserkers giving them a tough time. 

"Fuck…" Anya looked to her sergeant as he was examining the battle.

"Squad! Form a line!" The squad rushed to obey their sergeant, taking positions across the width of the street. I looked around, trying to figure out what the Sergeant had seen when she noticed.

Her squad was between the two companies, as they were withdrawing their flanks were pulling away from one another, leaving her tired and exhausted squad as the only thing in front of the horde.

"Fire!" The shout was crisp as she ordered her fire team to open up. The RPK rattled off on full auto, the BTR driver slammed into the car she was using as cover, slamming a few magazines and ammo boxes on the roof before running back to the BTR. the gunner slewed the turret, the BTR's machine gun spewed heavy rounds into the horde. Runners and mutants fell under the heavy fire, yet more seemed to take their place.

A grenade exploded amongst the undead, scattering their advance and sending several to their feet. The familiar recoil of my rifle brought a sense of familiarity. Yet the undead still advanced closer, ominously they advanced. The RPK jammed, my soldier cursing and struggling to clear the weapon.

I looked at my team, then back at the horde. David had just gotten a date with that hispanic girl last night… Gleb was seeing that girl that got transferred out of logistics for crashing her truck… my breathing became ragged as I slammed a new magazine into my weapon. I flicked the selector from semi to auto and grabbed the magazine atop the car, stuffing them into my pockets. I grabbed a grenade from my belt and pulled the pin, hurling it at the undead.

When it exploded I leapt over the car, a scream echoing from me as I raised my rifle and fired, rushing forward as did. Several undead lunged for me, being gunned down. I fired with abandon. Clawed fingers reached for me, drawing blood. The stock of my rifle cracked a skull open, my boot crushing it open, covered in bloody muck. A berserker clawed at me, ripping my stomach open

I emptied the magazine into it. Blood stained my uniform, I reloaded my rifle, racking the bolt. A zombie was too close, teeth gnashing as it reached for my neck. I kicked the monster back, turning my rifle on it, a short burst and it stopped squirming. I fell against a car, I leaned into it, letting it support my weight.

I fired at the undead around me, when my bolt locked back I grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin, a berserker slammed into me. Blood filled my vision as the mutant tore me apart. The world quickly began to fade away. The last thing I was aware of was the grenade slipping from my fingers, the spoon flying away.

Corporal Ivan complained bitterly to himself as he looked through the sights of the ATGM. The hum of the MT-LB below him did little to soothe his nerves. His assistant gunner waited a few inches away with the next missile.

The driver brought the vehicle to a halt, the MT-LB slid for a moment on the rails as the vehicle came to a halt then settled as it dropped off the rail. Several container well cars were just to the right and ahead of them one of Charlie's platoons was beginning to fall back from the rail bridge they'd been defending. Several mutant tanks and a sentinel were leading the attack over the bridge.

I continued waiting, the platoon's other vehicle slid to a stop, its gunner firing a missile that flew down the length of the rail yard, flying over the mutants heads by a few feet. One of the tanks leapt towards a BTR that was driving backwards, slamming into the vehicle. I shifted my aim to the other tank and pressed the trigger. The Konkurs missile flew downrange.

I bit my lip and slowly adjusted the sight slightly down, centering the sight on the waist of the mutant. I was rewarded by a flash of light, then the distant snap of an explosion as the mutant disappeared. Following doctrine the driver shifted the vehicle into reverse and started moving away from the firing position. My assistant aided me in reloading the tube and I quickly looked back into the sight.

The infantry were scrambling to get away from the mutants, an RPG hit the tank but it continued moving, it pursued a fire team, who desperately hosed the monster down. I put my face in the sight and watched as the mutant crushed an infantryman under its fists. The MT-LB came to a stop, rocking for a moment before settling. I snapped a shot. The missile sailed away. I spit the cigarette from my mouth and placed the center of my sight on the mutant's face. It reared up, roaring into the sky when the missile slammed into its torso.

The other vehicle fired a missile, it flew true. Exploding upon the Sentinel's armored arm, blowing it off. Both MT-LBs continued to reverse away while we reloaded. The other vehicle stopped first and fired, the missile flew, then suddenly the missile spiraled and slammed into the ground, throwing a cloud of dirt and metal debris everywhere.

I muttered a curse and continued staring into the sight. That damn bastard was there somewhere. I looked for the slightest bit of movement… nothing… I almost called to the driver to continue falling back when I caught a glimpse of the beast in the sight. I pressed my eye into the sight, catching sight of it again as it lumbered towards me.

A grin cleft my face as I fired the missile. It flew true, the mutant finally being revealed from the swirling dust clouds just as the missile slammed into its chest. Blowing a massive hole through it. The huge beast slumped then fell. The infantry had killed the other mutants already. Now they could escape without being threatened.

"Driver, next position!" I called into my mic. I glanced at the other vehicle. It was busy turning around. The gunner gave me a thumbs up and I waved back. Blood rushed in my ears. I scratched a few tick marks next to my sight… lets see how many more I can add before night falls.

Lieutenant Sergi, 2nd platoon Fox Company hurried his sappers to finish their work. The infantry was already falling back from their advanced positions across the Dominguez Channel, now all that was needed was to set the last charges, then blow the bridge.

"Come on! Hurry! The infantry has places to be!" he shouted as the sappers finalized the last charges and began running spools of wire to the detonator.

The lieutenant walked over to the MT-LB sitting in the center of the bridge. Spools of cable were being run to the various charges, once that was done, the vehicle would drive away, then blow the bridge. Looking through the back door the lieutenant saw the corporal and driver cursing frantically as they tested the detonators.

"What's wrong corporal?" the lieutenant asked, worry clear in his tone.

"The detonators don't work sir." the corporal said looking up… the two of them looked at each other, knowing what that statement meant…

"Get going corporal. I'll handle the rest." the lieutenant said quietly as the sappers finished their work and started evacuating the area.

"No sir, i'll stay…" the driver offered.

"No. Get going. That's an order." the lieutenant's tone brokered no compromise. The two soldiers looked at lieutenant Sergi one last time before they grabbed their gear and started running after the rest. The lieutenant grabbed several lengths of cord from the vehicle and sprinted to the series of charges on the side of the bridge. He quickly jammed a cord in each bundle of explosives before racing back to the vehicle and repeating the process on the other side.

Soldiers called to the lieutenant to clear the bridge, undead were starting to make progress onto the bridge. The lieutenant cut the cord at the back of the MT-Lb and grabbed his lighter, quickly setting the cords alight. He scrambled into the MT-LB, slamming the hatch shut as several undead started scratching at the hull. He crawled and scrambled to the driver's seat. All he ever saw through the vision port was a mass of flesh before the MT-LB was slammed aside.

A tank, having kicked the MT-LB, decided to further take its frustration out on the helpless vehicle. Lieutenant Sergi was by now unconscious as the track was knocked off and the vehicle kicked against the guard rail. Then the bridge ceased to exist.

Andrew stood quietly in the command center, listening to the reports coming in. the steady retreat of the infantry companies as the undead closed in on their positions. The artillery batteries were working overtime, firing constant barrages into the horde.

"Major, the Avalon Boulevard bridge was blown." Ivan informed me.

I nodded. "Good, have thunder shift its fire to the Wilmington and 223rd bridges."

Ivan nodded, informing a radio operator to pass along the new directions. My wife had left a while ago, she'd said something about feeding the survivors… I was more concerned with the battle being raged at the moment to care much if someone missed a meal. Across the front we were falling back. There were some casualties, but not many so far… I only hoped the final tally wouldn't be too high.

Fox was running frantically to and fro, setting up defensive locations across Wilmington, Container was racing about keeping everyone supplied with more ammo. The howitzers and mortars were chewing through their supplies like no tomorrow. Apparently Thunder was reporting several howitzer tubes were glowing, rounds going off before the gun was being fired.

Falcon was having to choose between spotting for artillery or returning to base to get more munitions. Hundreds of little choices, thousands of soldiers, aviators, and sailors, making little decisions. All mattered. Apparently there was some monster in the channel, the defense squadron was trying to deal with that.

I grit my teeth and looked out of the window just as the Grad battery began firing, streaks of smoke stabbing towards the distant horde. A soldier offered me a handwritten note. "Major… you need to read this…"

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