Chapter 3: 3
** Zombo Stars - Chapter 3: The return to heaven **
Higuel ascended back to heaven, his journey marked by pain and loss. The clouds surrounding their path seemed tienned with lead, reflecting their inner state. Each beat of his wings was a reminder of the battle fought in hell, the fight against his own brother. Although he was the Angel of Light, he now carried the shadow of an act that had changed everything.
As he approached the heavenly kingdom, the golden brightness and the harmonious melodies that once brought him joy seemed distant, as a reminder of a simpler time. With a heavy heart, he made his way to Kick Palace, his father and creator.
When Higuel entered the big hall, Kick was waiting for him with the expectation in his gaze. The creator was a majestic figure, radiating wisdom and love, but the expression in Higuel's face left no room for doubt.
"Dad ..." Higuel began, his voice shaking. - Micael ... he… he won't come back. I couldn't save it. He died.
Kick's breathing was stuck in his throat and a heavy silence settled between them. The pain for the loss of his son resonated in every corner of the palace. The shock took over the creator's countenance, and the sadness reflected in the light that surrounded him.
"Oh, my son ..." Kick finally said his voice loaded with sadness. "It was my wish that we were all united." More than anything else, I wanted you to return with him by your side.
Higuel nodded, the blame crushing him. He felt a growing weakness in his heart, as if the weight of the decision he had made was shattering his essence.
"But, dad, I did what I could." Micael was far from who one day I met. I could not let him destroy the creation we love so much.
Kick looked into Higuel's eyes, seeing the pain and responsibility his son carried.
"You, my son, have a strength that few have." His determination to fight for what he believes reflects the true essence of an angel. The effort you made was not in vain. You have always been destined for something grand.
Higuel felt a wave of relief mixed with pain. His father's voice was comforting, reminding him of the purpose they had always shared. The brightness of hope began to be reborn in his heart, although he still carried the shadow of the loss.
"I'm proud of you, Higuel." Now you will become the leader of this kingdom, as it had promised. The throne awaits you, and you will guide our beloved heavens wisely, as I always dreamed.
Higuel's heart accelerated with these words. He always knew that one day would come to this moment, but now the weight of responsibility seemed even greater.
- Thank you, father, for believing in me. I… I will do my best to honor Micael and preserve the light that can still shine between us.
Kick approached Higuel and hugged him, a gesture of love that would echo all eternity. The creator's light involved Higuel, consuming him in a comforting heat.
"You'll never be alone, my son." Micael, although lost to us, will be part of the story you will write. There will always be light, even in darkness.
With a lighter heart, Higuel walked away and looked toward the throne. The room was full of light reflected by the splendor of the heavens, and for the first time since he had entered hell, he felt a renewed determination.
With firm steps and resolute heart, Higuel climbed the throne that one day had been destined to him. Upon sitting, he felt the weight of responsibility, but also a wave of power and hope that allowed him to look at the future.
And so Higuel became the Creator Angel of Darkness, a being who carried in himself the light of redemption and the shadow of loss. He was the balance between the ends, and his journey was just beginning. In his chest, a new determination grew, a desire to unite the two worlds that were once separated.
Looking at infinity, Higuel promised that from that day he would not only rule, but would also protect creation with the love and power he had inherited from his father, Kick. And even in the darkness, he would become a lighthouse, leading light and hope to all who crossed their way.