Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 213: Hell of One's Own Making

Chapter 213

Hell of One's Own Making

Soon, the center of the chamber was cleared, and Prince Mikael took Serin’s hand and began the first dance. After they were finished, one by one, couples joined by the hand joined them.

To no one’s surprise, Connie and Illumca, who had been standing with glass in hand were approached by many young men, who had braved themselves to introduce their names to Connie. As she was, to their eyes, a very desirable bachelorette with great riches and status.

Normally, Illumca would have scared them away. But tonight, she simply erased her presence and stepped away unnoticed as Connie had asked her to, though it burned her inside.

“Unless you are someone of a female persuasion, I’m afraid I am not interested,” Connie gave a firm refusal. The men were not deterred by this and pushed on, almost forgetting themselves due to the benefit they could have.

“Young men these days don’t know when they’re rejected, do they, old friend?” A haughty voice said.

“Excuse us, we wish to greet the Lady Duchess,” a jovial, but dignified voice added.

The young men immediately recognized the voice, turned around and bowed quickly before scampering away awkwardly.

“Greetings, Duchess Steelheart?” Prince Elhart said.

“Duchess Cornelia would suffice, Prince Elhart. We’re way past mere acquaintances.”

The man gave a wide smile at her words. “I thought I saw Lady Illumca just now. Are you two not going to take to the floor?”

Connie swirled the wine in her glass with a mysterious smirk. “Not tonight. It won’t be right for me to steal the attention from the star of the hour.”

“In that case, come with me. Let me borrow your time, I have some friends I want to introduce to you.”

Connie glanced around to look for her companions and could only spot Akula, who had found herself entranced by the musicians, who were very much not used to having a Centaur staring at them with such intensity.

“Very well. Please, lead on.”

While Connie was doing her best to socialize, Illumca spotted a man in drab clothing cutting himself a large piece of cake at the refreshment table. She approached him cautiously, and made sure that she did not do it from behind.

“Ah, my dear apprentice,” the man put a piece of frosted cake with a small flower made of sugar on top of it. “Would you like some cake? They are exceptional.”

“Are you here on business?” Illumca asked. She had learned his way of talking while she trained under him. “Also, I’m not your apprentice.”

“You learned your Skills with my help, and learned of some of my tools of the trade, that makes you my apprentice, whether you like it or not,” he replied. “And no. Not tonight. Tonight, I’m simply here as a representative of the Guild by request of Advisor Alrond. This war is going to be a big opportunity for the Guild as a whole,” he explained.

“…what do you mean by…as a whole?”

“Why, of course. Courandhel will employ the services of our Guild. And Vorzenny will also employ the services of the Guild on their side. Are you sure you don’t want to try the cake? They have apricot and raspberry jam in them. Absolutely phenomenal.”

“Wait a minute. Don’t the two guilds belong to one big organization?”

“Well, yes…and no. We are more like branches of the same organization that competes against each other,” he explained further. “That is why; to prevent confusion and distrust within the respective Kingdoms during time of war, we freeze all requests against local targets. After the appropriate documents are properly signed and stamped. Actually, we had just finished the formalities two days ago.”

“You mean…no one will target Connie during the war?”

“From our side, yes,” Mr. Butters stated, placing his fork daintily on the plate before dabbing his lips with a handkerchief. “From the opposite side? That depends on how much the clients are willing to pay.”

Illumca clicked her tongue in exasperation. “…If it’s not one thing, it’s the other. What a crazy world we live in.”

“My dear, choosing to make a living by taking a man’s life in the dark of night is already madness in itself,” the man commented in response. “Now, then. That fruit compote and clotted cream at the end of the table is calling for me. Don’t forget our deal!”

After the man made herself scarce, Illumca cut herself a piece of cake and took a bite.

“So sweet.”

She glanced at the person who had been trying to stalk Connie inconspicuously; emphasis on trying. Illumca would’ve liked to strangle her with her own hands. But she endured, because she had her own part to play in this farce.

On the other side, Julia, who had been marking Connie since the beginning of the feast, watched her doing her rounds around the party, making small talks with others, waiting for the opportune time. When she saw that Connie had broken off from a circle of Hero-leaning Nobles and approached the refreshment table for some rest, she decided to strike.

“Good evening, Lady Steelheart,” Julia bobbed slightly in a greeting.

Connie turned around. A glass of wine in her hand. “And you are…?”

This brusque reply caught her off-guard. “Surely you jest, Lady Steelheart. We…met at the Queen’s Tea Party a week ago.”

“Mmm…no, sorry. Doesn’t ring a bell.”

Julia’s eyes narrowed in displeasure, perplexed at the rudeness of the young woman before her. Relax, don’t be nervous.

“It…can’t be helped if you forgot. In that case, let me introduce myself again. I am Julia of House Wendell, daughter of Marquis Rowen Wendell. I am a close friend of Lady Serin Gladstone.”

“Hmm? My sympathy to you, then,” Connie said, theatrically putting her free left hand in front of her chest. “Must be hard being a friend of that immature narcissist.”

“T-that is uncalled for - !”

“Oh, relax, no one’s here to listen,” Connie said.

Be patient. I’ll just have to pretend to agree. Make her see you as a friendly young girl. Julia thought to herself.

“S-she does have some temper. Between you and me, she could do with a bit more etiquette lessons.”

Dangerous little vixen, aren’t you? Not hesitating to badmouth the leg you’re holding on to for the sake of the mission? I can respect that bit of insolence. How unfortunate you're standing on the wrong side. Connie grinned. “Ah, so you agree?”

Julia coughed awkwardly. “Actually, Duchess Steelheart, perhaps there have been a misunderstanding between you and Lady Serin.”

Connie sucked her teeth dramatically. “Misunderstanding…is an understatement. She went against me in a trial that questions my innocence against the Kingdom, you know?”

Agh! What in Junnaveil’s ever loving grace?! Why is she making this so hard?!

“And she deeply regret that!” she almost blurted the words out. “W-which is why…I am here as a representative of hers, of sort. Lady Serin wished to make amends.”

“Really? That’s hard to believe.”

“I know that you have been aggrieved, but I assure you that Lady Serin is willing to do anything to pay your recompense. She really does regret it.”

“Oho? Then how much is she willing to pay for my pain?”

“F-for that, I think you should talk about it with her. I am…just a messenger,” she said. “However, the more we talk, the more I found that we have a lot in common. Would it be remiss of me to implore you to be my friend?”

Connie grinned. “Why not? You know what they say, keep your friends close…and…”

“…And what, pray tell…?” she asked, curious as to why Connie seemed to have stopped mid-sentence.

Connie waved it off, it was a mischievous part of her that wanted to give her a hint. But seeing the quizzical face on her, she realized that they might not have that proverb here. “Never mind. Then, you may call me, Duchess Cornelia. Last names basis should not be used between friends, right?”

“Very well, then you may call me by my first name, Duchess Cornelia.”

“Then, to celebrate our new friendship, shall we have a drink?”

“To new friendship.”

“To new friendship.”

They both took a sip of their wine. “This is an excellent wine. Ah, have you tried the cake? They are quite nice.”

“Oh, I haven’t.”

“Then, let me cut some for you,” Connie offered. She put down her half-drunk glass and started to slowly cut a piece of cake from the table and put it on a porcelain plate.

Connie felt a slight pain on her scalp as Yao-er tugged on a handful of her hair, a signal that the silkworm had seen that the girl named Julia had put something into her glass of wine.

With a friendly smile, Connie turned around and handed the plate of cake to Julia. She politely took a bite and watched in anticipation as Connie took the poisoned glass of wine. Her eyes looked in anticipation as the liquid disappeared into Connie’s lips and down her thin, white neck.

Good. Now, to wait until she showed a reaction.

As they talked, Julia noticed that Connie began to shake her head, and her eyes started to blink more. Suddenly, the blonde stumbled backward, but she managed to steady herself by holding onto the edge of the table. “O…oh.”

“Lady Cornelia? What’s wrong?”

“I feel a bit…light-headed,” Connie said, holding her head with her right hand. “I think…I need to go and have a laydown. Can you…please call Illumca?”

“There’s no need for that,” Julia said, glancing around with palpitating heart. “I think you just had too much to drink. Here, I’ll help you. Please, go ahead and lean on my shoulder. I’ll take you somewhere so you can rest.”

“Oh, thank you. I thought everyone near Serin are…assholes. But you…you…aren’t…half bad, Julia,” Connie said with increasingly prolonged slurs of her words.

“It’s all right. We are friends, aren’t we?” Julia said with a kind, friendly voice.

Illumca, who saw what was happening from a safe distance away sipped on her drink. Control yourself, Illumca. Remember what she said. Control yourself. Stay…calm…

Lihua, who had joined the party some time after them, looked to be very much in her elements. She was enjoying the adulation being showered upon her by Bazit and some men who had been entranced by her delicate and exotic appearance. She felt the presence of her Mistress moving away from the party and turned her head towards Illumca, who was standing a few meters away from her.

The game…has begun.

Outside the chamver, Julia Wendell was furtively escorting Connie outside and towards a certain location.

Hoh. This is some nasty little monster. It's the strongest sleeping potion I've ever had. Even my will power is not enough to stave off the effect. But if you think this is enough to get me to sleep, then you made the worst mistake you can make.

“W-where are we going?”

“I know of a quiet place where you can get a proper rest. Don’t worry. Just follow my lead, Lady Cornelia.”

“S…sshure…” Connie’s feet began to drag. Suddenly all the weight of the body began to lean to the left and she slipped out of Julia’s arms. She slid onto the cold stone floor without a sound,

“Lady Cornelia? Lady Cornelia?”

Julia took hold of her chin with her fingers and inspected her expression. She was truly knocked out cold. “Good,” she said before calling out. “Marnie.”

The cruel-looking young lady that had been following them from behind came forward.

“Have you done what I asked you to?”

“Yes, Lady Wendell. The Knights assigned to this wing have been moved away.”

“Good. Now, help me carry her.”

The two dragged Connie across the hallway before they found the targeted room. Though Julia was not strong, Marnie had lived in the Junnaveil Faith nunnery for a few years before moving back to the Capital, and still retained some muscles from those days of labour.

She knocked softly on the door two times, pausing a moment before knocking again two times.

“Anyone following you?” A man’s voice could be heard from inside.

“No. Let me in quickly.”

The two dragged Connie’s unconscious body into the room and dropped her unceremoniously onto the floor.

“Marnie, you will hide nearby and make your report to Lady Serin in thirty minutes,” she said to the girl. “Do as I said and I will recommend you to Lady Serin myself.”

“Yes, Lady Wendell,” Marnie curtsied before taking off in a hurry.

“Lock the door,” Julia said as she took a moment to catch her breath.

The place they were in had two room. One bedroom to the right and the living room where they were in at the moment. Aside from the four clearly high-bred Nobles in the room, were two shady men that looked as if they had never done an honest day’s work in their lives.

“Just like you planned, these two will…take care of her properly. It was hard to sneak them in. And their smell. Gods!”

Julia pinched her nose with a frown.

Although the point was to take away Connie’s innocence and used it to blackmail her, it would be foolish to actually use any of the promising Nobles to do the deed. It’d make things complicated, that was why she opted to use lowborn criminals instead. And these Knights who held a grudge towards her were the perfect accomplice.

“So, is this the wench?”

“O, she’s pretty!”

The skinnier one of the two nearly drooled, a foul stench coming from his rotten mouth. “You are sure that once we did her, you’ll sent us out free?”

“Are you doubting the words of your betters, you filthy little shits?”

Of course, whether they’d live after the deed would be a different matter.

“This is the woman that just recently became an Unrestrained Candidate, eh? Looking at her now, she doesn’t look strong.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this!”

Julia tried not to think too much about what was going to happen and just wanted to leave as fast as she could. “Alright. The poison should keep her asleep for enough time for you. About an hour, give or take.”

“You know what? On second thought. There is a change we want to propose to the plan,” the Knight with short hair spoke. “Before they have her, me and my friends here, we are thinking of taking a turn with her first.”

“W-wait. This isn’t what we agreed to!” Julia said in a sudden panic.

The other Knight, a pockmarked man growled angrily. “She humiliated the White Dragons just to protect a lowly little Beastfolk slave,” he spat. “I’ll make sure she’ll feel the might of my white dragon!”

“You must excuse my friend; his brother was the man who this bitch traumatized in a duel last time. She reduced the man to a babbling idiot that screams every time he sees a sword.”

“It’s a pity I cannot hear her moan under me, but a lay is a lay,” the third one mimicked a rod in front of his crotch.

“B-but - !”

“Oh? Is there anything you want to say, Lady Julia? We are in this together, are we not? Surely you can let us have a bit of fun?”

Intimidated by the men’s hostility, Julia took a step back. She had miscalculated. She did not realize how deeply these people were offended by Connie’s action. However, what’s done is done. Time was of the essence, and the plan could not wait.

“F-fine. But make sure that you finish fast. Otherwise, things cannot go as planned.”

“Sure. Hey, drag the bitch to the next room!”

With lecherous laughs, two Knights took Connie by the legs and dragged her into the bedroom and closed the door.

Julia closed her eyes in exasperation and took a few deep breaths.

“Alright. This is fine. Everything will go as planned. I just have to take a separate path and join the party,” she grasped her dress tight and was about to leave when she heard moans coming from the door and she gritted her teeth. “How vulgar.”

“Leaving so soon?”

The door opened outward, and a wind went past Julia. A soft, supple hand clasped slowly over Julia’s mouth.

“Such a vile mind for one so young,” Connie, still perfectly dressed as if nothing happened, whispered in her ear with a low voice. “Shame. What a shame.”

Through the door, Julia could see the men ripping their own shirts. Eyes glazed and mouths drooling.

Julia tried to speak, but Connie did not allow her to. "Ssh...I have no need of your poisonous words and hollow intentions."

“Hot…so hot…!” The men started to feel the heat inside their bodies. Their skin reddened and their breathing become heavy. Blood engorged their members and a mere rub against their trousers made them feel like they were about to burst. This was caused by the same Pill that was used to heighten a man's vigor, only concentrated six times over.

“Now, fall into the hell of your own making.”

She then pushed Julia with her Energy, throwing her into the room filled with mindless carnal beasts, closed the door and locked it. She could hear her calling for help and forgiveness, took one look at the key and slipped it into the room through the gap between the bedroom door and the floor. If by some miracle she could escape, then so be it.

Connie got out of the room, looked left and right before spotting a small bat hanging upside down from a ceiling. She waved at it once before leaving.

Inside the Audience Chamber, Illumca, who had been drinking a bit too much from nervousness felt a tap on her shoulder. Lihua sidled over and whispered in her ear, eliciting a sigh of relief from the Dark Elf.

“Now, comes the next part.”

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