Worthy Core

Chapter 242: The Need for New Parties

"You lost your entire team!?"

"I was only under for like ten seconds! Tops! Couldn't have been much more, given my arcane armor wouldn't have lasted much more than that. It didn't even break my goblin illusion!" Tizzy cries out in response to Lei's questioning, as she recounts her tale to her true party in a room at the Lucky Bastard. It was a comfortable room, at least, the largest the inn had on offer. The new arrivals may not have had any of the local currency on hand, but they had gold and coins of other kinds aplenty, and finding shelter in a town used to travelers wasn't too much of a hurdle. Which meant that while the half-imp is squirming in her seat, it is at least a comfortable seat.

Thaddeus gestures with one hand for Lei to calm down as he asks a question of his own. "Describe to me how this slime monster fought. While they can certainly be dangerous in various ways, I've never been aware of one being known for being quick about it."

Tizzy nods, stretching her arms out across the table in front of her. "I'll admit, I fucked up bad with the Challenge Mode thing. Like, we coulda totally handled it if it was us, but it must have amped her up way past the Advanced-tier Challengers. I have heard that she's rated as 'Expert' tier, if she's not holding back, but combined with all of the mana flowing through her thanks to that mode thing...well, I dunno if it'd push her into Master territory, but she was way past the Red Talons, that's for sure."

Linda looks up from where she's sitting on the other side of the room, reading a book on local magic theory. "But she killed them how, exactly? Don't tell me she actually managed to digest four people in ten seconds!"

"Nah, she didn't fight like a slime at all. Used magic and melee weapons. Hells, she didn't even try spitting acid or anything - though she did have the arena doing plenty of that for her. I think..." Tizzy takes a moment to take a breath and clear her head before continuing. "Actually, now that I think about it, I think what I really underestimated was her experience. She's probably been fighting a couple of parties every single day for months, and we're talking literal to-the-death fights, here. She knows the weaknesses of every Challenger class, or at least the basic ones, she knows how to protect herself and how to hit where it hurts."

Her lord nods, but beckons for her to continue. "I can see how that would help, but the specifics of the battle?"

"Oh, right! Well, I had to piece it together from after the fact, but from the arrows scattered all over the place I think she neutered the Archers with a wind spell. That's aerokinesis, by the way, with her being an Elementalist. Looked like they went into melee after that and didn't do real well for themselves. Our Vanguard...well, to be honest, I get the impression Vanguards are usually supposed to be wearing more armor than Metz was, or using a heavy shield or something. That was probably a particular weakness of the Talons, he looked super crispy from a couple of energy blasts. And the orc just plain got melted by acid, that was definitely a Challenge Mode thing. I don't think it splashes that much normally."

Lei speaks up once again, his bare arms crossed over his chest. "But she posed no issue to you alone? I imagine she would hardly have put up a fight against the five of us, Challenge Mode or no."

The scout nods in agreement. "Yeah, or at least, not once you guys are adapted to the local mana. Just wanted to check in though before I go trying to find another team, since I'd like to have more than just two floors checked out before you all head in there."

The group's half-orc shaman, Pulg, interrupts his meditation next to the room's window with a grunt. "Starting over, huh? What color should we expect you to be tomorrow? Something in blue, perhaps?"

Tizzy sighs. "Unfortunately, I don't think I can just swap to another cover identity that easily. Another woman my size, showing up with my skillset? And no paperwork to my name? The Association clerks aren't that dumb. I think I'm gonna have to just soak up the reputation hit from managing to get a team killed on my watch. So...yeah, finding a replacement's not gonna be easy. It's probably still too risky to go in without any backup, though. I mean, I'm pretty well-rounded and all, but I ain't gonna call myself a one-woman squad or something."

The piercing blue eyes of her leader stare into her own, making the woman gulp nervously. "Remember, we're not here to be loved or respected. If you have to bribe the locals, lie to them, charm them, whatever it takes - we must not be deterred. I understand clearing the first five floors is something of a local milestone? Then I'd like to see you make it at least that far by time we're ready to join you."

The scout nods deeply, almost making it into a seated bow. "Of course, my lord! Don't worry - there's tons of folks hanging around there. I'll be back in there killing monsters tomorrow, my word on it!"

Thaddeus grants her a slight smile. "Then I look forward to your next report..."



As Raylin inspects his new living and working arrangements, the noble isn't sure whether to be impressed or disappointed. In only a few months the construction workers the Highbranches had hired had managed to work very quickly on managing to get something usable set up, not only for the Highbranches themselves but his own home on their new estate. The emphasis however being on 'usable', and not exactly at anywhere near the level of luxury the man might have expected from a ducal estate, even a distant branch one. Part of the matter was that his own furniture and belongings were still being moved in, but the large house itself was still only half-finished.

Rather literally half at that, with one of the building's two wings still being largely inaccessible except to the workers who were still completing it, and producing more than their share of noise in the process. His own bedroom was livable, at least, and a guest room was in good enough shape to be used as a temporary office. Taylim, who had escorted his new charge down to Grassbrook, would need to camp out in one of the reception areas downstairs for the time being though. Turning towards said newly-promoted Royal Sentinel, Raylin sighs. "I'm starting to question if we should actually have come down here so soon. Perhaps another few weeks would have been more suitable."

Raising an eyebrow, the taller man grunts. "Weren't you just complaining the other day about having been too late for the dungeon's big party, sir?"

"Indeed! Too early and too late at the same time! I almost wonder if Gilda was delaying informing us of the event on purpose...if so, it could be a bad sign for how things are going to proceed from here. At least I'll be much harder to cut out of the loop now that we're in town." The noble falls back into a large chair, one of the only pieces of furniture currently in the room, while Taylim peers out of a window facing the direction of the town in question.

"It perhaps may be wise to keep any accusations to yourself, for now. It'd be unwise to begin your new working relationship on a bad step, and it could be that Lady Highbranch genuinely didn't have more time to inform us of the event."

The comment draws a rather surprised expression from his employer. "What's this, now? Don't tell me your Master-level training included topics on diplomacy? Besides, if you'll forgive me for saying so, it seems like rather hypocritical advice from you, considering how prone you are to seeing enemies behind every corner these days."

"...It did actually cover a few topics that could be considered diplomatic, yes. As you know sir, my class title includes the 'Royal' prefix. That doesn't just mean that I have the same martial training as the king's protectors, but that the king could call on me to supplement his personal forces at any time. As such, I do need to know the formalities of how to act around foreign dignitaries, how to act during affairs of state, and so on. As for your other remark..." Taylim pauses, while continuing to stare out the window. "We may well have enemies around every corner, and the Highbranches may well be one of them. But if they are not, it would be very much to your benefit to avoid turning them into one. That would be my inexpert analysis, of course."

"Well, your new training's encouraged you to speak your mind a bit more at least, and I'm glad for that. It could be lonesome here without the rest of the family, and to be honest I was rather concerned I would have no one here at all to talk to." Taylim turns his head at that comment, and notices the smirk on Raylin's face.

"Is that so, sir? And here I thought you'd be too busy spending time with your new consort to be worried about such things."

"Hrnf. For the record, I am Gilda's consort, the term does not extend the other way around. Not that I expect her to hold me to it very closely, either...in fact I was thinking of perhaps paying Deylia a visit at the earliest opportunity..." The Marksman's thoughts are interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door, and when Taylim opens it, one of the other estate servants steps inside.

"Honorable Perlin, her lady has arrived to welcome you to the Highbranch estate. Shall I show her in?"

Raylin looks around at the state of his room, and quickly shakes his head. "No, this is hardly suitable for entertaining a lady of her stature. I'll go down to her, we can...walk in the gardens, I suppose. There's a few hedges and flower bushes planted, at least." Quickly rising to his feet, the man stops only long enough to gaze into a nearby mirror and brush his hair into place before heading on out, followed by his bodyguard. As he makes his way down the stairs he quickly spots Gilda by the door, although his attention first goes to her own attendant - the massive gnoll Sweet, towering over her like a rather furry statue.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Lady Highbranch - I would say my home is your home, except I suppose in this case this home does literally belong to you, does it not?"

The silver-haired half-elf nods. "It does, although you are welcome to manage it as you see fit. I hope you're not too tired from your travels to talk, I had a few things I wished to discuss."

"Straight to business, hrmm?" Raylin's smile remains, given that he's not terribly surprised. "By all means - shall we take a walk outside? The sound of hammers is unlikely to add much to our conversation." Gilda nods, and a few minutes later the two are walking through a somewhat-more-attractive portion of the still under-construction estate, trailed by their respective guards. Once the sound of construction has died down, Raylin attempts to begin the meeting properly.

"You know, I was just telling Taylim, it's too bad we couldn't be here a few days sooner. Tell me, just how was the grand event at Worthy Dungeon? I've yet to hear many tales of it, although I'm sure there's some to be heard."

To his disappointment, Gilda snorts at the question. "I'm afraid I'm the wrong person to ask - I did not attend myself."

"What? Surely the dungeon spirit sent you an invite?"

The lady nods. "She did, but I could not accept. It would have been a lose-lose situation, you know. I could have gone and attempted to stay out of the games and competitions, and put a damper on affairs by hanging around, or I could have taken part and rather sullied my image among the common folk, who of course made up the vast majority of the attendees. The only winning move was to not attend."

It takes a moment for Raylin to process that particular line of logic. "Really? Come on, surely you're overthinking matters! I've entertained myself among the common folk on many an occasion with no such issues!"

Before responding, Gilda shoots her consort a bit of a glare. "And this seems like a perfect example of the distance between our two stations. You're free to do as you please because you represent only yourself. I am potentially a future duchess - the reputation of House Highbranch hinges on my behavior. Few would judge House Perlin based on your activities."

Raylin eyes her, unconvinced. "Behavior including working a day as a barmaid? I did hear of that, you know."

"That was a matter of honor, I - " As her anger begins to mount, Gilda cuts herself off and begins again. "...Apologies. I actually came today, aside from wishing you welcome to the estate, in order to ask you a favor."

"Oh? Do tell."

Gilda takes a moment to examine a nearby rose bush before continuing. "...I intend to resume challenging the dungeon again in the near future. Not at an intense rate, but at least once every few weeks. I would like to request that you and Taylim join me on those expeditions."

The request takes Raylin off-guard enough that it takes him a bit to decide on his first objection. "Really? Are...well, are you sure you should be challenging in...your condition?"

The half-elf rolls her eyes, although it seems half-hearted, as if she were expecting this comment. "Please, I'll be fit for combat for months to come. I'm here because the dungeon wants a local leader who can meet it on its own terms, it would not do for me to take off a year or more before facing it again."

"I see...but why us? How about your sister, or other House Highbranch retainers?"

"Silva is still occupied at the capital and our family estate with other matters. But yes, I do plan to go with retainers in my party if it's needed. I do have a healer in mind to join us, for one." Gilda turns to look Raylin in the eyes. "But I'd be foolish to disregard talents like yourself and Taylim of Anchorfest while you sit here, otherwise occupied only with paperwork. Besides...Silva has been encouraging me to be more...open to the idea of working alongside others, including yourself."

It takes a moment of consideration, but eventually Raylin smiles. "Well, in that case...I believe Taylim and I would be happy to escort you to the dungeon. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's changed, these past few months..."

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