Worthy Core

Chapter 221: Unbidden Desires – Explicit


An F/F/F scene tonight, no major plot points. One more smut chapter in this arc but there'll be a bit of a break before the next one.


"Ooooh! Ah, too fast, too fast!"

"Easy, Brightsky! Slime lube's pretty damn good, but it doesn't mean everything just works out at any pace!" Sable's voice has a warning tone, but she can't resist the smile on her face as she watches the green-skinned elf's hands pulling on the bare waist of the paler local elven woman. On the other side of the pillory Lilly's face seems a little less amused in the dim light of the Floor Three-themed, dungeon-style rental room, but not so much so that Sable feels overly concerned. Brightsky, though, turns immediately apologetic.

"Apologies! When you picked out this...strap-on for me, I thought you were picking one your companion would be comfortable with." Opal releases her hold on the other elf to gesture at her own body, and Sable has to take a moment to admire it from where she's standing a few feet away. The woman had finally been convinced to shed her light armor, and was now garbed in little more than her shoes and the harness holding the moderately-sized, highly-crafted dildo in place. The woman's breasts were slight, more humble than Sable's, and much less voluminous than the proud mammaries hanging below the restrained Priestess, but their perky dark-green tips were still quite eye-catching to the quarter-demon. Her abs were another story though, a display of divine musculature that put even the prideful Paladin to shame, and Sable has to shake her head to banish the thoughts of licking her way up that glorious stomach from her mind.

"She is, but technique still matters. Ah, not to pry, but have you ever been with another woman before?" Opal's eyes darken, and Sable worries that perhaps even that question was too much.

"I'd rather not discuss my...prior experience, if you don't mind."

"Sure, sure, no pressure. Oh, but you don't have any issues with like, vows of chastity or anything like that, right? You said you were a priestess too, I know some orders have rules about that sort of thing. Ours doesn't, obviously."

This time the elf narrows her eyes at Sable. "You're asking me that question now? Isn't it a little too late to be worrying about my virtue? You didn't seem so concerned when you were running your hand along my leg and whispering words into my ear back in the lounge."

The red-skinned woman grins, unable to feel any shame at the comment. "Sorry. When I see a beautiful woman, I tend to move first and start thinking the next morning, if ever. You certainly weren't complaining, though."

Opal's cheeks flush just a little. "Well, you're certainly far more seductive than your family patriarch, how he's claimed such success is a mystery to me. But to answer your question, no - my lord is a martial one, the virtues that concern him are of honor and defending the weak." She lifts a hand and brings it down with a slap, leaving a red impression on Lilly's backside. "As long as a partner is consenting, he would take no issue with this. Although it is hard for me to imagine someone willingly allowing themselves to be restrained in this way."

"I don't mind giving it a go once in a while, but Lilly here's really got a thing for letting others take charge." Sable plants her hands on either side of the pillory boards and leans down, looking into Lilly's eyes. The Paladin herself is stripped to the waist, allowing her tits to hang free as she bends over, and the woman enjoys the way Lilly's eyes struggle to meet her own as she does so. "After all, Lilly here is just a poor, sweet little virginal elf priestess, who needs to be educated in the ways of pleasure by those who are more experienced in the ways of a woman's body, isn't that right, Lilly?"

"Hrnnh, oh, you. Purveyor of falsehoods..." Lilly closes her eyes, even as her hips begin to squirm, slowly pushing back towards Opal. For her part the Valkyrie looks down in a bit of confusion, where clear signs of creamy fluids mark the dildo where it still sits half-planted within the Verdant Priestess.

"She certainly doesn't seem very virginal from where I'm standing."

"Oh, nonsense. Lilly here is as pure as the driven snow, and would be even if I invited everyone in the inn to join in and come through here in one big line. And haven't I been tempted to do that once or twice." Sable walks her way around the pillory, and reaches down again to massage one of Lilly's breasts, making the elf moan yet again. Without letting go, Sable turns her attention back towards Opal. "It's called roleplay, you know? Sometimes fantasy adds just that little something special to a situation. That was the point of the safewords we mentioned earlier - someone says one of those, the fantasy stops. But until then?" She leans back in Lilly's direction before continuing. "This prisoner here is just a poor little elf, waiting to be broken in."

Opal looks down at where her hands are once again gripping on to Lilly's hips, while conflicting emotions run through her. After a moment of that she steps back, and looks back up at Sable. "Could I...just watch, for a while? See how you do it? You seem very comfortable with this."

"Hells, after watching you getting her ready, I was having trouble holding back! Sure, I don't mind stepping in for a bit. Just let me know when you want to join back in." With that said Sable pulls down her pants before heading back in the direction of the pillory's front end, but Opal goes still at the sight of what reveals itself as she does so.

"Is - is that a...a...?"

"What? Oh, this?" Sable waggles her hips a bit, making her rapidly-erecting cock bob back and forth. "Never seen a dick before?"

"Not on a woman! Is that a demon thing?"

"Nah - I mean, some succubi do pick up illusion spells that can temporarily give them a little something extra, sure, but I was born with this." Sable lifts her hands to her breasts and jiggles them in Opal's direction. "These I had added on later in a Change, along with a voice shift and a few other cosmetics. Nice, aren't they? You don't have that back where you're from? I'm pretty sure what we've heard about you isn't the whole story, but I get you're not local."

"I've never heard of such a thing, no. It's, ah...well, you do pull off the look well, I'll grant you that."

Sable grins, teeth shining brightly in the torchlight. "Thanks! It's not all bought and paid for, you know, the muscles are all personal hard work." She leans down once again and mock-whispers into Lilly's ear. "And strenuous exercise."

The elf whimpers slightly as Sable finishes moving around the pillory, taking up position directly in front of her, and there's a slight mumble of 'showtime' before the part-demon starts slapping her nearly-erect cock against Lilly's cheek. "What do we have here? Another elf virgin, fallen into the hands of the Dungeon of Lust. Didn't the Giant D outside warn you, little elf? Your chastity was forfeit the moment you walked into these halls."

Lilly speaks in a pleading voice. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fight your master! I only came here to help the innocent souls you keep trapped away, forced to dance for the pleasure of your monsters!"

"Maybe you'll still get a chance to help them out - by taking a few of their shifts! How would you like that, Priestess? We could collar you to one of the poles with a chain, and make you bare yourself to everyone who walked by. Perhaps let them get a feel while they're at it? To taste your cow tits and sink their hands into your pasty assflesh? Of course, I wouldn't want them to have a turn until I've had the chance to break you in myself."

The talk stops as Sable slips her cock into Lilly's lips, and Opal finds herself puzzling over the whole situation. Obviously, she's aware that the two are acting - if Lilly was actually afraid the Valkyrie's soul-sense would see it, and clearly the primary emotion driving her at the moment is anticipation. Indeed, it doesn't even require magical senses to be able to tell that much. From the way the woman's thighs are rubbing against each other, Lilly is clearly trying to do her best to give herself a hands-free orgasm, and failing. No, it's the why that confuses Opal the most. Why would Lilly be feeling such pleasure, taking on the role of a prisoner? And why is Sable so clearly enjoying the mocking torment of a woman she clearly cares for?

And why, Theolif damn it, does she suddenly feel so much heat building up between her own legs, beneath her leather harness?

It's not long before Sable's again moved her hands onto the pillory boards, using them as support while her hips continue to thrust forward and facefuck the restrained elf. The quarter-succubus continues her string of insults, a mixture of ridiculous threats and mocking insults, although their quality and uniqueness appears to diminish as more of the blood flow redirects away from Sable's brain. It still remains a more-than-arousing show despite that, but Opal soon finds herself wanting more.

"I...think I get the general idea. May I join back in, Paladin?"

Sable gestures at Lilly's shaking rear end with one hand. "By all means, there's plenty of elf fuckholes to go around. Take your pleasure, the prisoner's in no position to complain."

Opal nods silently as she steps back into her former position, one hand pressing forward to spread the other elf wide. The woman's anus seems to wink at her almost lewdfully, which is not a thought that would have ever passed through Opal's mind before, but after a very brief moment of consideration she instead slips her strap-on back into Lilly's slit. A plentiful amount of slime lube remains, but even without that Opal could tell that the shaft would have little trouble sliding into the heavily-aroused woman. Remembering her earlier misstep, the Valkyrie begins off with a gentle thrusting, but at the same time she decides she ought to add her own contribution to the scenario being played out.

"Yes! You - you like that, you elf slut? Enjoying the first taste of dick, are you? Trust me, you'll have many more meals like that waiting in your future!" She looks up at Sable to realize the red woman is giving her a grin and a thumbs-up, and somehow that manages to embarrass her more than anything else, heat flooding to her cheeks. "Ah, you - you should consider yourself lucky, to have such a specimen given to you! Any woman would find herself wet before such a beast, and you're as sodden as a marsh!"

There's a squeal and a moaning sound forcing its way around Sable's cock from the other end of the pillory, and Opal realizes to her surprise that the Priestess is actually climaxing to her words. Opal had barely even begun to actually fuck the woman yet, and yet clearly her thighs are trembling in orgasm, her hips rising and pushing in an attempt to get the dildo deeper. After her body finally goes limp Opal slows down, to give her a few moments to recover, but she's surprised when she looks up to notice that Sable's walking back in her direction. The woman's spit-soaked dick thrusts out before her, and it takes an intense application of will to look up into the woman's face instead. "Does your companion need a rest?"

"Oh, the slut will be fine in another minute or two. But I wouldn't want you to go unattended yourself, now would I?" Sable slips behind the Valkyrie, standing just slightly taller than the divine champion, and wraps her heavily-muscled arms around Opal's waist. The strap-on harness does absolutely nothing to block the feel of Sable's erection against Opal's ass, and the elf finds her breath hitching as Sable whispers into her ear. "Would you like me to attend you, Guardian?"

Opal wasn't exactly expecting this when she allowed the demon to 'seduce' her back in the lounge, but here and now, she can't imagine answering in any other way. "Please...please do."

"As you desire." A hand slips between her legs, slightly teasing her before pulling aside one of the harness straps, and before she knows it the Paladin's cock is already pressing its way between her folds. For all her mocking of Lilly a moment later, the Valkyrie is hardly any less aroused herself, and Opal finds herself groaning as inch after inch of ridiculously hot cockmeat presses its way inside. Once Sable's fully driven herself into her new partner, she whispers once again.

"Now...how about we fuck this slut together, hrmm?"

Opal can only give a silent nod, and then groans again as Sable's hips thrust into her. The groan is echoed as it drives her strap-on back into Lilly, making the Priestress moan in pleasure, and a new light suddenly fills Opal's eyes. A slap rings out as Opal leaves a stinging handprint upon the woman's ass, and she once again resumes her act from a moment before.

"You...you slut. Moaning when someone takes their pleasure from you. Moaning when someone delivers you pain. Is there anything that doesn't make you damp?" She pauses, eyes closing as Sable thrusts into her once again, but she's speaking again a moment later. "You really would spread your legs for anyone Sable brought in here, wouldn't you? You serve the Church of Bounty, isn't that right? Is that the service you truly dream of? Being seeded? Being plowed, as if Sable were your farmer and you naught but her fertile field?" Another pause for a moan, this one coming from both elves simultaneously. "A field never serves a farmer just once, you know. They - ahh - they get plowed again, and again. By the farmer, their laborers, their descendants, every season a new harvest - ah!"

It's not long before Opal completely loses track of her own words, her own voice, her thoughts, everything fading away as Sable continues to thrust into her, the demon's muscular body pressed tight against Opal's back. That doesn't mean she stops talking, but more as if some restraints had been lifted from her, her words becoming more derogatory with every statement, a heat to them that Opal almost doesn't want to be able to remember when all is said and done. It only seems to inflame her companions more, though - Lilly climaxes again before long, a literal puddle appearing on the stonework between her legs. Meanwhile one of Sable's hands slips beneath the harness and begins to stroke at Opal's clit, in a pattern that almost makes it seem as if Sable is rewarding her for every time she insults the imprisoned Priestess.

It's a reward that pays off, as after a few minutes more Opal feels her own climax begin to wash over her. Sensing it coming, Sable picks up her own pace at the same time, one arm wrapped around Opal's neck and pulling her back while her finger rubs at a rapid pace that her hips almost manage to match. Just as the Valkyrie's orgasm is nearly over she feels the pulsating throb of the woman inside her, pumping her with the seed she was just mocking Lilly with, and a sudden aftershock almost takes the strength from Opal's legs.

Fortunately Sable's strong arms keep her in place, her tight hold slowly coming to feel more like an embrace. "So...you feeling good, Brightsky?"

Opal silently nods, until her voice finally returns a few moments later. "Could...for the next round, could...I be the one in the restraints?"

Without even turning her head, Opal knows the quarter-succubus is smiling. "Guardian? I would love that."

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