Worthy Core

Chapter 214: Re-Negotiations

Breathing hard, Wetears does his best to keep up with the longer-legged Bard. "Are you sure you know where our contact was supposed to meet us, Fatestealer? Another hour or two and it will be dark, and neither of us brought camping gear for a winter night in the woods!"

Lionel gives the man a smile, although it seems more than a little forced. "Exactly? No. Fortunately, we don't need to. I am certain I know which direction is south, and as long as we keep heading that way and manage to avoid any Rainlander patrols, we'll be fine."

"Fine!? It's days away to the closest Domain settlement! Are you sure you know much about spycraft outside of the parts that involve seducing attractive Challengers in bars, incubus?"

The demon chuckles. "I wouldn't claim to, to be honest. However, I do know that - " Whatever more he's about to say, he's interrupted by the stern voice of a woman from somewhere up ahead, between the growing shadows of the trees.

"Halt! You are entering the Domain of the Dragonlord. Identify yourselves and be recognized, turn about and leave, or be slain. Your choice."

While Wetears raises his axe and shield, looking around at the trees ahead for signs of a foe, Lionel's voice is calm as he answers. "Gambler Bard Lionel Fatestealer, accompanied by my friend and compatriot, Hordecaller Captain Wetears. We're here to turn over possession of a recovered relic - and to request extraction south, as our mission did not play out exactly as we may have hoped."

To Wetears' surprise a pair of cloak-wearing succubi seem to almost teleport into the snow before them, with only the slight shimmering of an illusion spell giving away their mode of stealth. One of the pair takes a step closer and inspects both of the new arrivals quickly. "With how fast you were running? I'd certainly expect so. But you did recover the relic? Are you being pursued?"

The Bard has to frown slightly as he reaches into the bag at his side and pulls out one half of the Dungeon Link. "Unfortunately, we only recovered one of the two pieces. We took casualties, however, so did our opponents. I'd expect a search party eventually but if their gnoll was still in a state to do any tracking I expect we'd both already be dead by now."

The lead succubus steps forward again and takes hold of the relic, checking it for damage. "...At least this was designed to be split apart and it isn't actually broken. I suppose we'll take what we can get, though it's not on my head if you screwed this up too much. If you're requesting extraction, then follow me - we have our camp not far away. We'll debrief you there, and then Yolani here can handle transportation of the relic the rest of the way."

Lionel nods, and is about to respond when someone else interrupts him. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to accept one more in your party, madame border guard?" The sound shocks everyone equally, and as Randall steps out from behind a tree he does so with an axe, a sword, and a wand all being quickly pointed in his direction. "Easy, easy - I come in peace."

Wetears is not particularly convinced of that claim. "I doubt that! Ladies, this man is an agent of House Highbranch! A lethal one, at that!" As he says that however, Randall responds with a sad shake of his head.

"Unfortunately, I have to say that is no longer the case. I determined it would be best if I took an unannounced sabbatical from my recent employment, before it could be terminated on my behalf."

The succubus is even more wary of the half-elf than Wetears, as her blade takes up a position for a quick strike. "Explain yourself. Quickly, if you would."

"Certainly. You see, apparently someone here decided it would be a good idea to cause a rather impressive amount of chaos, and one small part of that chaos apparently involved a version of myself slaying a noble scion. In front of witnesses, as well. Not that I don't occasionally make plans for such a thing, but I honestly don't know what I could have been thinking, to actually carry it out. Perhaps if I had also slain the rest of the Perlins as well..."

Lionel narrows his eyes as a hand itches towards his flute. "You also slew two of our own companions - the kobolds Barny and Passy. Perhaps you recall that as well?"

The man nods. "I do. You learn in my line of work that the occasional bloody deed is forgivable - but, sadly, within limits. And while a few slain spies may be within those limits, the son of a baron is generally not. So I counted the odds, and I've decided that I would rather throw myself upon the mercy of the Dragonlord, rather than the King."

The succubus steps closer, her sword still at the ready. "So you slew a Rainlander noble. Well done, I applaud you for that. But that does not mean you get free asylum within the Domain of the Dragonlord."

Randall nods again, this time with a rather smug look on his face. "I thought that might be a problem. Fortunately, before the fates had their final say, I was able to acquire something I believe should take care of that little issue."

"And that would be?"

Reaching into his cloak - slowly, so as not to lose his head - Randall pulls out an item with one hand. As he holds it out, it's easy to recognize - a bronze-colored half-sphere, identical to that currently held by the succubus in front of him. "How would you like a third half of that little relic of yours?"



The next morning Emma, wearing Xenia's face, uses it to give the people sitting across from her a rather unimpressed look. "Wow. You really screwed this all up, didn't you?"

Both Gilda and Raylin are too shame-faced to respond, so that duty falls to Silva, sitting in the middle of the trio at the shrine's conference table. "What occurred will be a national-level scandal, I'm sure. Domain agents enacted a plot leading to the deaths of two nobles, the grievous wounding of another, and one of those slain was a house heir. Diplomatic tensions are likely to ramp up to the point where even I would have trouble predicting their final outcome. Even more messily, neither of the slain nobility were actually killed by Domain hands. So yes...I think we'll admit that the situation has become tremendously screwed up."

Sincere raises an eyebrow at Silva's analysis of events. "And yet here we have Highbranch and Perlin sitting at a table together, rather than swearing a blood oath of revenge against each other. Don't tell me this case of shared adversity has turned you into friends?"

Raylin grunts at that question. "I'd hardly say that. But...the circumstances have changed significantly because of yesterday's events, and attempting to proceed as if things were all the same would be foolishly stubborn. Even by my own standards. And blaming each other for the manipulation of Domain agents would be exactly the sort of result the Dragonlord would be overjoyed to see occur. While I can't deny that it was my arrow that slew Kalin, I don't even remember firing it!" He eyes the women at his side. "While I have my complaints about the behavior of House Highbranch yesterday - and have certainly voiced them - it'd be hypocritical for me to blame them for the death of Arlon rather than the Domain's spies."

"Yeah, I can imagine." Emma pauses for a moment, before her smirk softens a little. "Ah...Xenia would like me to pass on her condolences. She didn't know Arlon or Kalin well, but your cousin seemed like a decent guy. And Deylia's not going to be happy to hear about Sansie's injury, I'm sure."

"I would like the chance to speak to her myself at some point, if I'm able. But in the meanwhile you can tell her not to worry too much. It will take time for Sansie to return to our house lands and receive proper healing, but I imagine by this summer she'll be throwing fireballs around again as if nothing had happened." With a bit of a frown, Raylin leans over in his seat to pull out an item from his bag and place it on the table. "Unfortunately, I also need to inform you that we'll be unable to fully fulfill our promise to you. Only half of the Dungeon Link yet remains in our possession, with the other presumably on its way to the Domain by now."

Gilda adds in a scornful interjection. "Although we can't be certain of that. We don't know where Randall fucked off to, or if he was the one who claimed the other half, and a man like that could be on his way anywhere."

Sincere takes hold of the relic and brings it closer, studying the runes marking the flat side of the half-sphere. "An interesting predicament. The link may still allow us to make contact with another dungeon - but only if the Domain chooses to give the other half to one of its own dungeons."

Raylin nods. "Normally I would say putting a Rainlands dungeon into touch with a Domain one would be a thing to avoid - but we did promise you this gift, and I'm not about to back out now. So please, in place of my cousin, I offer this to you in hopes of your forgiveness for our transgressions."

Emma's smile returns as she leans back in her chair. "Consider yourselves forgiven. You did manage to clear Floor Seven, and you bled for this, and that means more than the relic itself to be honest. But just to be clear - this is still a gift from House Perlin, yeah?" She points to the two sisters. "So what brings the ladies into this meeting, then?"

Gilda looks like she wants to say something, but almost literally bites down on her tongue, instead nodding to Raylin who speaks up again. "The ladies of House Highbranch and I have come to an arrangement. While House Perlin will still be seeking oversight of these lands, as a personal request, I would like to entreat you to throw your own support behind the claims of House Highbranch."

The reflection starts to respond to that, but she's suddenly interrupted by something to her side. With slightly widened eyes, she instead slides her chair a few inches to the side of the table. "Hold on. Sounds like the boss would like to speak to you herself."

That's the only warning given before Xenia suddenly appears, standing at the middle of her side of the table with both of her palms resting on its surface. While her monochrome black-and-white appearance had always been a little unsettling, the nobles are even more disoriented to see it next to the relatively normal-looking Emma, who otherwise shares her looks. That is, with the notable exception of their expressions. While Emma seems a little amused by this turn of events, Xenia's own eyes are narrowed with suspicion as she looks over the noble trio.

"You'd like me to support your competitors, bow-boy? You sure it wasn't Highbranch who kicked your ass out in that forest yesterday? Curious what brought on this little change of heart."

The man winces a little at the dungeon master's surprising appearance and her rough tone of voice, but he does his best to answer in an even manner. "A few reasons. For one, our expedition's primary party has been crippled, to some extent literally. Two of our original party are now deceased, and Sansie will not be combat-capable for months. We may have recently cleared the dungeon, but if you were to make further changes or expand its floors?" He looks over towards the twins, who are at least respectful enough to not be gloating in their victory. "I'll admit to it. I don't know if the remaining Challengers in our expedition are up to the task of Floor Seven, let alone a possible Floor Eight, and I'm certain we would not be able to keep up with the House Highbranch party. Being overtaken in the record of dungeon clears is nearly inevitable, at least within the near future. And plans for something as distant as this summer are worthless in this matter."

Xenia considers that for a bit before nodding. "Suppose that makes sense. You said there were other reasons?"

This time the Marksman is a little slower to respond. "There have been...personal arrangements. Some trading of house favors, as you might expect, but largely centering around...well, the matter of Lady Gilda's and I's expected child, which you are aware of."

"Ah, I see, I see." Xenia glances back and forth between the two, both of whom seem to be slightly embarrassed for some reason. "Well, that shit sounds personal, so I won't dig into it. Hrmm, here's the thing though. I don't really like nobles."

Silva raises an eyebrow at that comment. "My pardon? I've been under the impression that our dealings have been largely very respectful."

"Other than the cheating, and you challenging my guardians to honor duels for doing their jobs, and...well, not the point, the matter is I consider myself a dungeon of the people, for the people, yaddda yadda." Xenia waves a hand in the air. "Still, I know there's no avoiding you lot, so I was willing to entertain this whole affair. The competition was good, competition helps keep you honest compared to how it could go after one of you sits down your noble asses as a landlord and starts throwing your weight around."

Gilda's expression darkens as she begins to glare at the dungeon master. "Are you saying you never intended to actually support either of our houses?"

"Not saying that." Xenia meets Gilda's eyes. "The sort of offers you were making before - helping out the Church of Bounty, helping out with our 'applicant' process. I assume that's still on the table?"

The Enchantress nods. "They are."

"Good. I'm willing to support your claim for the lands around Grassbrook, but I don't want your house getting all snooty and dictatorial, and getting the idea it can start dictating terms - especially not to me."

The Diviner swallows her words a few times before speaking up. "I promise you, we would not attempt to infringe upon your legal rights, and certainly not how you run your own affairs."

Xenia chuckles. "Except you'd get to decide my legal rights, wouldn't ya? At least to an extent. So I need a guarantee. Something to make sure your house doesn't get too full of itself."

Gilda's suspicious gaze remains. "A guarantee such as...?"

"You can run the territory however you like, or however you Rainlander types do it. Manage the roads, the taxes, the guard patrols, all that stuff. But any decisions dealing with me, the Challengers, the Church of Bounty, or anything else that might affect my business?" Xenia takes a moment to look into the eyes of each of the twins before raising her left hand and pointing directly at Raylin. "They need to be signed off on, with full approval, by this dumbass."

As everyone on both sides of the table turns to stare at him, Raylin gets the feeling as if the temperature in the room has suddenly shot up. "...Well. Let's talk this over, shall we?"

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