World of Supernatural: I’m Raizel(Twilight,VD,Originals,Underworld..)

Chapter 5

Raizel remained silent for a while in the car before finally breaking the silence with a question directed at Frankenstein. "Frankenstein, Do you know about the biotech pharmaceutical company Antigen?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Frankenstein, intrigued by his master's sudden interest in a company run by mutated humans, nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I am aware of Antigen," he replied, his curiosity piqued.

Raizel continued to probe, "Do you know who is behind Antigen? Are they human ?"

Frankenstein paused, contemplating his response carefully. "Lycans," he answered finally, his tone serious.

Raizel's interest seemed to intensify at this revelation. "I need to know more about them, Antigen," he stated firmly.

Frankenstein couldn't help but feel puzzled by Raizel's sudden interest in Antigen, but he refrained from questioning him further. Instead, he simply nodded in acknowledgment, silently agreeing to assist his master in his quest for information about the pharmaceutical company.

Raizel fell silent once again, and Frankenstein respected his silence, choosing not to press the matter any further. The rest of the journey was spent in quiet contemplation as they made their way back to the mansion.


As they returned home from school, Alice was initially smiling and playfully teasing Jasper, while Rosalie and Emmett seated in the back of the jeep. However, their laughter soon faded into silence as Alice's demeanor shifted, her gaze distant and unfocused.

Jasper, sensing this, pulled the car to the side, concern etched on his face. Each of them turned their attention to Alice with concern, knowing that whatever she had seen in her visions demanded their attention.

They offered her paper and pencil to draw, but Alice regained her consciousness before she could accept, taking a deep breath as she struggled to discern her vision. This time, her visions were scattered, making it difficult for her to determine the outcome.

Jasper attempted to comfort her, but Alice remained visibly nervous, finally speaking up. "I'm okay," she assured them, though her voice trembled slightly.

Rosalie approached, her expression grave as she inquired about the nature of Alice's vision. "What did you see? Is there any danger to us?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern.

Alice hesitated before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "A tall figure with red eyes... and a cross-shaped earring. That's all I saw," she explained.

Rosalie remained silent for a moment, processing the information before speaking again. "Is there any danger to us?" she repeated, her voice more urgent this time.

"It's our choice to decide," Alice answered cryptically. "If it goes wrong, there will be no more Olympic coven. No one will survive."

Alice's warning leaving them all stunned and unsettled.


The whole day had been boring, with nothing to do but wander aimlessly through the lonely mansion nestled in the eerie woods. Books no longer held his interest, failing to silence the persistent boredom that gnawed at him. He couldn't fathom how Raizel managed to endure such solitude for many millennia before meeting Frankenstein.

But then again, how could he compare himself to an eight-millennia-old monster capable of wiping out humanity with a mere thought in the past? After all, he was akin to a living nuclear bomb, capable of unleashing devastation multiple times over.

Lost in thought, he reconsidered his former idea of visiting the Cullens' home, which he had put aside temporarily. With nothing else to occupy his time, it seemed like a decent way to pass the day. However, the only hiccup was that he had no idea where they lived, unless Frankenstein could provide him with that information.

Just as he pondered this, the sound of Frankenstein's car reached his ears. Deciding to seize the opportunity, he resolved to ask Frankenstein to drop him off near the Cullens' home. Raizel glanced at himself in the mirror, ensuring he looked presentable for his impending visit. Clad in his customary black attire, he exuded an air of elegance and mystery that suited him perfectly.

Satisfied with his appearance, Raizel made his way downstairs to wait for Frankenstein.

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