Chapter 5: Deal
The conversation lasted more than three hours, so we'll summarize. The company had developed a device to transfer the player's consciousness to an online server, although with limitations. The assimilation rate with the avatar is currently 95%.
Seen like that, it was an incredibly realistic result, even if there was that five percent mismatch.
The device, unlike what appeared in many mangas and comics, was not a helmet, nor did they stick an iron to your brain; the surgical intervention consisted only of installing electrodes and sensors, superficial pathways, an interface to connect to the sensory deprivation tank, and a small subcutaneous microchip in the temple... All removable with minimal intervention, all safe...
The problem was that once the test began, it could not be disconnected until the test period ended or the character died. In the meantime, I would have intravenous feeding and electrostimulation to avoid the problems of spending 3 months without moving. This raised many doubts for Ikky, as he did not see why a game required being always connected. While it might be good for realism, it was clearly a drawback.
From the explanations the woman gave him, it seemed that the key to why this company was succeeding where others were losing was because instead of trying to make a connection with an awake mind, which was dangerous, and generated many problems due to the duplication of perceptions, they did it with a sleeping mind.
The problem was that inducing a state of coma or sleep on a daily basis in a sustained manner for many months would be dangerous for the body, plus there was the risk of an unwanted awakening; it was best to keep the players in a coma for the duration of the experience, which required a specialized medical care team, which partly explained the apartment complex in the back.
The company's business plan seemed more focused on offering "a vacation in a fantasy world" than the traditional business; it was strange, because this would make it exclusive, expensive and only affordable for people with a lot of money. It was not a conventional business model in the video game industry.
Ikky was as puzzled by the project as he was fascinated by all the technology they had developed; a part of him did not want to miss out on that experience.
The salary would be 50,000, calculated proportionally to the time spent on the game; however, the participation bonus was another 50,000 just for starting the project and as compensation for minor medical interventions. If he finished the entire period without dying in the game, it would be another 50,000 euros in bonus.
The amount was succulent, and in addition, there were several insurance policies in case something went wrong (not in the game or with the device, which would surely not fail according to Nasha) but in case some catastrophe occurred at the facilities.
They were in Iceland and it was already known that it was an island with recurring problems of volcanic eruptions... They even checked a map to check that the volcanoes were quite far from the facilities.
The game was a typical sword-and-spell RPG, albeit with the perma-death feature, and the fact that it didn't follow the pre-established class scheme, but rather the growth of skills. It had its leveling and experience system, although Lion insisted that they didn't give him many more details; they said that it was part of the experience to discover it.
From what I had been told, the time in virtual reality would be in proportion 1/12, so a month in Real Life would be equivalent to twelve months in the game; The period in the game would be a total of 36 months, not counting the time in which the tutorial would be completed, since it would not really start until 2000 participants had completed it...
The idea of living three years in a parallel world without being able to leave was not pleasant either, but it is true that as an adventure it was unique...
Ikky was not stupid, so he checked all the medical insurance and all the conditions again. This adventure could mean reaching new levels of comfort in his life.
But with all this, why did they need a cheater? Ikky had no combat skills, neither in real life nor in games; why did they want to hire him? That question had been bothering him since he left his house to go to the airport.
"Sorry, but there is something I don't understand. Why do they need a cheater in a game where the actual control is going to be 95%? Isn't he perhaps more of a nemesis than something I can be useful in?" he asked, not so much out of self-doubt as trying to understand the situation he found himself in.
"Don't worry, Leon, the entire Athair Company council asked themselves these same questions; however, if the game has to be as realistic as possible and then it's going to be played by normal people, isn't real life full of cheaters? Does only merit win? What about skills in real life? Or isn't the ability to cheat a skill in itself? Besides, what we're most interested in is your point of view on the game once you come back from living the experience. Likewise, we could also say that we want to know what chances a normal person has of surviving in that environment." The argument didn't sound improvised, but like a logical answer that she already knew she would have to tell him.
But it was not the first interview that Ikky had attended, nor the first absurd proposal that revealed the great need that the company had. There were times when you had to feel your way around so as not to miss opportunities...
"Forgive me, Mrs. Mintsk, but if you want a detailed report, I think... I know you understand exactly what I'm trying to say..."
"I understand, Leon, that a report has its own value, in addition to your time in the game."
"So I thought..." Ikky began to say with some confidence but with caution.
"Would an additional bonus of another $50,000 solve your doubts?" She interrupted him while Ikky smiled openly. It's possible that she could have pressed harder, but Lion was not ambitious, he was already fine with the preconditions...
Ikky as we had already said, was not a greedy man, he was simple, he had no great ambitions, and he was a person who took things easy. That is his way of life, but this salary could make his family happy and make things easier for him in the future. Anyone in his situation would have been convinced by that ridiculous amount for his services.
With so many secrets and so much money, Ikky ... incongruity, he was curious, and with a final cache of 200,0000, what did he have to lose? If he held out for three months, couldn't he buy my mother a beach apartment earlier than planned? So he signed without thinking much more about the consequences, and about what he would do in the game, well, he would see how he approached it when he got there...
However, the most important thing had been saved for last, the game's tutorial would start in just three days... That was too hasty, one more mystery about this strange project.
"My mother is not going to like this," Ikky said to himself.
"What were you saying, Leon?"