Chapter 29: Choosing skills, building the future
As I've already mentioned, Ikky has always been a clumsy person, with little physical ability, poor reflexes and little intuition for combat. He decided to limit his choice to choosing one skill from these three: Lightning Reflexes, Sixth Sense and Eyes in the Back of the Head.
Lightning Reflexes: *Common:* Character's ability to react to surprising and unexpected events increases (Dexterity +2 during the event)
Sixth Sense: A common character gains a vague intuition about unknown events (combine Luck, Perception, and Wisdom rolls to determine intuition)
Eyes in the Back of the Head *Common* Character cannot be easily ambushed or attacked from behind Temporary increase in Perception and Dexterity stats during the event (+2 to Perception and Dexterity stats)
While all of them were useful to him, Sixth Sense was something that would allow him to guide himself or get rid of dangers based on his instinct, which was something that he really liked, so he initially chose this skill. Although he wouldn't give up the others in the future if he were able to obtain them.
Because of his professional training as a cheater, he knew that it was with hidden missions and side events that the biggest difference was made in a game in which you had no real skill, so he chose the Detect Secret Doors Skill, as a step to be able to advance on that path.
Detect Secret Doors *Common* When passing near a hidden door, the character gains a boost in luck and perception stats to locate the door (+2 to luck and perception rolls).
He decided to use his last skill on one that altered the mental state, since changing the psyche, relaxing, leaving the mind blank, had always seemed difficult to him in his daily life, and once he looked at the stats with empty mana, spirit and Qi he thought that the obvious choice was meditation. It is true that we all have notions of how to meditate, but are we sure that we really know how to do it? Are we sure that we have the ability to enter that state of calm and communion with ourselves and the world? Ikky was honest with himself, if he started meditating without knowing how he would most likely end up falling asleep or distracted by something.
Meditation; common. The character can calm his mind through breathing techniques; this allows him to be more sensitive to external and internal energies.
Now came a strange moment: what would special abilities be if they weren't combat-related? He read the list, which was as small as it was strange: Mimicry*Special*The player can learn a common ability after seeing another player or other players activate it three times.
Mana Body*Special*The player's body is especially sensitive to mana, increasing the growth rate of their mana cores by 1.5.
Mystic*Special*The player is sensitive to the spiritual world. Energy Vampire: *Special:* The player can regain strength after each enemy kill (+0.1 stamina per kill).
Vital Vampire*Special*The player can regain health after each enemy kill (+0.1 health per kill).
Combat Maniac *Special*The player gains a +1 to all their stats while in combat.
Parallel Mind: Special: The player can carry out two different mental processes perfectly. Other special abilities locked during the tutorial.
The most complicated skill was Mimicry; although it only served as a starting point for common skills, it had unlimited growth prospects. The problem was that he wouldn't have contact with anyone throughout the tutorial, it could be a gamble for the future. A chance to feed off of other's victories.
The next skill he liked was Mana Body. He had just gained an affinity for certain types of mana, what if in addition to being the first, it grew faster than the others...?
Having decided on this part and still not fully understanding how magic would work in this world, he continued with the combat skills; most were active skills like shield bash, blunt blow, charge, block, parry, dodge, deep slash, however he filtered the list to see only passive skills that could be useful to him. This was my shortlist:
Combat Awareness*Combat*The player has good combat instincts and can perform basic defense and attack operations naturally.
Spear Expert*Combat*The player knows how to handle a spear naturally and gains a +1 attack in combat when wielding one.
Weapon and Shield Expert*Combat:*The player knows how to perfectly combine the use of a weapon with the defense provided by a shield, gaining +1 to defense. Longsword Expert: The player knows how to handle a sword naturally and gains a +1 attack in combat when wielding one.
The last choice might sound strange, but precisely, he did not choose to use a sword before because picking it up, holding it and handling it was not as easy as with the spear, the axe or other weapons, to be able to do a good job in combat with a sword required a certain skill, and he had always been very clumsy, as he kept repeating to himself over and over again.