Chapter 24: looting the loot
The weight of the animal crushed him, but with great effort, pain and suffering he crawled out from under it, with inhuman pain in his leg and shoulder. Ikky had no time to waste; he tore off some shreds of the linen clothing he wore under his armor, and bandaged his shoulder, as well as making a tourniquet on his leg.
To stabilize the leg and stop the bleeding, he splinted the leg with part of the spear to immobilize it and used the other part as a cane to get up.
"First Aid Skill Created*Common: 1/1000
What if there was still another feline, even if it was wounded and a baby? He put away his dagger, sword, and axe, and with the help of his staff, he climbed up to what seemed to be a larger room or cave, where a little light filtered in from a ledge above to the right...
On the ground, another baby lay, breathing with difficulty, with its left earlobe and cheekbone completely sunken by a blunt blow from one of the goblins. Ikky approached the creature with the intention of bringing down the axe, but it was dying. It would not recover, not with that wound, even though its parents dragged it there to save it. So much blood, so much death was exhausting; it was not worth the effort, nor did Ikky have the mental calm at that moment to continue with the carnage. Somehow he felt sorry for the poor thing. beast.
The bones of multiple goblins lay everywhere, even the bones of other animals and unknown beasts.
There wasn't much that could be used, just an ossuary among giant feline excrement.
Ikky looked towards the light at the end of the steep slope.
"Congratulations to the player for being the first to discover the second exit of the dungeon. Do you want to continue with the next phase?"
Clenching his heart, which called for peace and calm, and to get out of there, Ikky made his decision, it was crazy but it was the best for his way of playing that infernal game: "I want to stay in the dungeon."
From the number of corpses and bones, and from the fact of the exit, it could be deduced that the felines had settled in this cave some time ago, and that the encounter with the goblins was a regrettable accident for the latter.
He dragged the body through the cave after not finding anything in the cats' den that was useful to him. Every time he came across a goblin's corpse, he searched to see what it had. It was a time to take a breath, and enjoy the loot.
It was a time to catch his breath, to take his mind off all those scenes of fighting and blood, to forget the pain he had felt with each wound and that he still felt. The drop in adrenaline was also a problem, he had lost a lot of blood and his body was weak.
The way back was neither easy nor pleasant, his improvised sandals were soaked in the goblins' blood, in the felines' blood and in his own, his face was sticky, his body was covered in blood. At that moment Ikky was a human wreck.
By the time he reached the goblin colony, he already had more things than his battered body could carry. The bleeding in his leg had stopped, but he felt weak... He looked more closely at the cave. In some darker areas, large mushrooms with a trunk the size of an adult man grew, like a mushroom forest at least three meters high; they did not shine like the others, they were of another variety, nor did he think that, no matter how fibrous they were, they could be eaten. After checking that there were no living enemies in sight, he stopped exploring the entire cavern that continued to narrow behind the mushroom forest towards the darkness.
Among the mushrooms there was a small enclosure, with some kind of sheep, although they had six legs, luckily they were peaceful, they chewed and ate moss. Having resolved the question of what the goblins would eat apart from mushrooms, he approached the bonfire in the center of the village. On the fire in a rough clay pot something similar to a stew was cooking that smelled of manure.
Hungry, tired and almost bleeding to death, he didn't feel disgusted despite the smell, and helped himself to some of the six-legged sheep's stew. He ate sitting down, with his hands, like a savage, and as soon as he finished eating he quickly fell asleep like a log.
The observers didn't seem very happy with the results of these tests, it seemed that the most useless and clumsy subject was managing to advance much more easily than the rest of the skilled warriors who had faced the cave with different strategies, but none as indirect and elaborate as that guy's.
"You know? We should make a new rule, the next ones that come should not have a version of you helping them..."
"I am not helping them, nor have I decided that this version of me, as you say, intervenes, if this has to be like this, none of us should intervene in the destiny of the precursors"
"Well, this guy seems interesting to me, I don't know, it's like he's different from the others"
"Different? He's an idiot with a lot of luck, but anyway, this is the second test, I don't think he can continue to have that damned and evil luck in the next one..."
"Shall we bet something?"
"If your boy wins, you can guide those precursors even when they reach Athair..."
"What happens if he loses?"
"In that case Vania, no one will be able to help them, neither here nor on the other side, they will be left to their own devices."
The woman smiled, she was not entirely sure about her bet, but it was true that the way that boy approached things was the most different and brilliant she had ever seen in her life. Things were getting interesting, perhaps these precursors were worth it and were not a waste of time like so many others.