World Of Athair Online

Chapter 22: massacre

Ikky checked the surroundings and finished off all the wounded. Although the act itself was cruel, killing creatures, weak, wounded, the boy concentrated on thinking that it was just a game, that they were not real living beings, otherwise his conscience and principle would have alerted him to the real vileness of his behavior.

The sounds of combat had also ended in the tunnel. Ikk peeked out far enough to see that of the more than 20 goblins that had left, only 7 returned, battered, wounded and dragging the body of the one who, given the quality of his half-armor and colorful clothes, must have been their leader.

Ikky anticipated their arrival before they noticed his presence by positioning himself perpendicular to the tunnel exit so they wouldn't see him. Although they were wounded, it was better to play with the element of surprise, and then improvise.

The group accelerated as they began to see the disaster their home had become. As the last of them breached the entrance to the great cavern, Ikky began his sneak attack, unlike his usual swooping or stabbing in precise areas to kill a single enemy, he used his spear again and again as quickly as he could to reach the three goblins further back with his weapon.

Of the five attacks he made in quick succession only three hit the target, leg, back and arm. The first two fell to the ground incapacitated, and the third managed to survive until he turned around and this time received the blade of a spear in the neck. The creature tried to stop the blood that was gushing out with its hands but it was clear that it was going to put up little or no resistance.

Data's voice was heard: "Multiple attack skill acquired. 1/1000*Combat*In exchange for a loss in accuracy and penetration, a multiple attack can be launched with the spear.

Encouraged by the new skill, he used the new spear skill again, trying to see what the limit would be. Ikky managed to attack with the spear 7 times against the next two goblins, 3 throws failed, but another three hit the first goblin, leg, arm and hip, and the next hit the goblin in the chest.

The other two goblins that remained, who by their equipment looked like the guards of the leader they were dragging along and who looked more dead than alive, had more combat experience than the rest of the group and each one went to one of the player's flanks to surround him. They had rough, round shields, probably made of wood and leather, one held what looked like a short sword, and the other a hand axe that at first glance was better than the one Ikky himself was wielding and that must have belonged to some adventurer like the dwarf at the entrance.

Having controlled one of his flanks with the shield, Ikky concentrated on the axe, unfortunately not everything could always go well, he dodged the spear with his shield and threw the axe at Ikky's chest. He narrowly missed, or rather he didn't calculate and neither did the player that the armor would absorb the impact and prevent a clean cut.

A bruise, nothing more than that, at such a short distance and within the range of the spear, Ikky had no choice but to kick him in the torso, sending his attacker several meters away.

However, this initially brilliant action had forced him to leave his other flank slightly open. They were not inexperienced, so the other goblin, seeing the opportunity, managed to hit me with his sword in the leg. If it weren't for the gladiator's glebas, the cut would have been serious; however, he escaped with a simple scratch, not very deep and not bleeding too much. He pushed that goblin away with a blow from his shield, throwing him on his ass to the ground. Although the monster protected itself with its own shield, the precise attack of Ikky's spear pierced its crotch, leaving it writhing in pain.

The kicked monster charged again, although with one less enemy to worry about, the boy could take the fight more calmly.

The goblin protected himself as best he could, but in a fight against a larger enemy, with more range and better equipment, and also in a solo fight, he was not able to exchange more than a dozen blows and feints before the spear pierced his defense and cut his arm holding the axe, forcing him to drop it. Data heard again: "Congratulations to the player for reaching the next level with the "precise attack" skill: Expert 1/5000 *In exchange for speed, the player can give a precise throw that bypasses defenses and penetrates deeper into the enemy.

The end of the fight was more unpleasant and not worth narrating; unarmed and wounded, the goblin tried to flee to end up skewered on the spear, after that he stabbed and finished off the dying with methodical coldness, for Ikky they were nothing more than bags of experience waiting to be collected. He did not stop to check the corpses or the loot, but entered through the remains of the palisade. He advanced, finishing off the wounded goblins that remained on the ground scattered throughout the area. After a curve, I found the body of one of the felines that was supposed to be a baby, a baby one meter long and one hundred kilos, but not an adult specimen in comparison with the one that had entered the goblin village.

He climbed a little higher among the shattered bodies of the green humanoids, and shortly after, a second body of a slightly smaller feline cub lay with its belly cut open, probably by a goblin knife.

There were no signs of the adult or the other dangerous feline, only a trail of blood leading to the tunnel where they were supposed to have left. Just before the tunnel, a goblin was dying, trying to beg for help with a face that didn't understand why such a misfortune had happened to them... Ikky killed it quickly, without stopping to think about how realistic the monster's expressions were before its death.

"Congratulations to the player for being the first to reach level 3 in the tutorial."

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