Chapter 17: shit killer
The second phase was simple: escape the dungeon alive or die in it. There were no rules; nothing told you what else to do; simply survive inside a dungeon.
Ikky listened to Data's explanation, and although he asked the assistant, he refused to provide any other information that could be useful. A dungeon, the first thing Ikky thought of were monsters, traps, and surely some kind of puzzle or hidden piece, he would have to be very attentive to all the details.
When his body was teleported, he appeared in the middle of the darkness. Only in front of him could he see a dim light or a glow. Thanks to his newly acquired ability, he could faintly see his surroundings. It wasn't in great detail, he could only see gray shadows and outlines but it would have to be enough, other people would be in a worse situation.
Behind him, there was what looked like a collapsed passage. He was in a dead end, he could only move forward; the cave was natural, without excavated walls or masonry. The worst thing was not the walls, it was the floor, with different levels, with ledges, this was not a dungeon built by a race, it was a natural cave with all the inconveniences that this had.
The tunnel was about 2 meters wide for the most part, although it narrowed to a meter or so near the end. The walls were damp, and slippery as was the floor.
The floor was damp and cold, and his feet hurt when walking on the uneven stones. Ikky made a first mental note: get some shoes as soon as possible. Many would laugh at that detail, but walking barefoot was something the man was no longer used to and even less so in the middle of a cave or wild place like that.
He advanced little by little towards the light. That corridor reached another wider tunnel, and it was clear that the light was not from a fire, nor from a torch; it was the glow of some kind of mushrooms, pale, but enough to say by comparison that that area was illuminated.
The passage curved slightly; to his left, it seemed that other lights illuminated the path; to his right, everything soon plunged into darkness.
He could feel the contours, but it seemed that the tunnel extended well beyond the reach of the faint light of the iridescent mushrooms.
What should he do now? Was the light or the dark better? The first instinct is to do the easy thing, to play it safe, but if he were a monster, wouldn't he go in that direction? Wouldn't he lay an ambush there, knowing that any intruder would go towards the light? That was what Ikky was thinking as he made the decision to walk into the shadows.
Groping his way into the darkness was not easy. The tunnel was narrowing, so he hung his shield on his back and advanced step by step, almost dragging his feet so as not to fall or misstep on the uneven ground.
Ikky held the spear with one hand and leaned the other on the wall as he guided himself through the darkness. He could see that the tunnel had a slight upward slope, not at all complicated but enough for him to notice that he was going up. Soon he reached what was another crossroads. The path forked into two again, though he couldn't detect any light coming from either direction.
He couldn't rely on his sight alone to make a decision, he had to use all his senses to decide. In the end, it was a smell and a noise that guided him.
While the tunnel on the left went up and still smelled of mold, the second one smelled... literally smelled of shit. Have you ever farted in a small room...? That trumpet echo was heard on the right. A latrine? What better than to know what monsters I would face if I caught one off guard? That little plan began to take shape in Ikky's head.
He headed to the right, trying to make as little noise as possible. About 7 meters in front, the figure of a child the size of an 8-year-old but more muscular was on his back, shitting, his silhouette barely illuminated by the light of a mushroom that the being had pulled out and held in one hand. He had a sparse head with a few locks; he didn't have much clothing or armor; only the slight shape of a knife protruded from his left hip.
He placed the spear on his left forearm to stabilize it, and held the spear a hand's length from his lower body like someone holding a pool cue. I'd like to say that Ikky was aiming for the head, but as they say in a movie, "small target, big mistake, big target, small mistake," the easiest thing was to aim for that shadowy mass that was the body of that being.
He concentrated as if he were playing pool, and in a quick movement, he stuck the spear under the shoulder blade.
He pushed with all his strength until the small body crashed into the wall. Despite being impaled, the being tried to turn around, but the meter-long spear stuck in the walls and stones, making it difficult for him to move. I grabbed the axe that was there, hanging between the adjustment straps of my leather breastplate, and lifted it. The first blow hit him in the back between the collarbones because I slipped on the feces on the floor, but the second hit him on the top of the head. It sounded like "Clock", a coconut breaking…
"I am the shit killer!!!" Ikky shouted to himself while laughing. However, the problem is when he thought that that small body was like that of a child, really in that story he was the invader, the attacker and above all the bully who had just killed a weaker being without thinking about it.