World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 66 Lyn’s Lust (nsfw)

“Good. now that's done. It's time to get to the mating session.” Amie said, writing on her clipboard.

“Wait. what?” Van asked, turning to look at the fairy, while Lyn seemed to go berserk with excitement, almost like a dog who lost control of its tail.

“Lyn has an appointment in forty-five minutes. So please proceed to the designated coupling area I made beforehand. It’s in a clearing surrounded by one of the few forests we were able to grow here. I know it’s no five-star hotel, but we make do with what we have, and you will find many comfortable blankets and cushions to protect you from the hard ground.” Amie said, pushing up her glasses as she wrote on her clipboard.

“How did you? When did you? What!?” Van said, feeling completely lost at the moment.

“You promised a mating session, I penned you in for one, now please follow me,” she said as she put her clipboard away and began to fly in a direction that was probably the clearing location.

“Now hold on here!” Van said, trying to keep up. “I said soon. Not now!”

“This is soon,” Amie replied. “‘Now’ was fifteen minutes ago.”

“I said within a month!!”

“This is ‘within a month’.” Amie said matter of factly.

Van wanted to argue with her about that, but for some reason would feel like A child if he did.

Lyn then flew up to him with a big shit-eating grin. “Amie isn’t just my secretary and adviser. She’s also my lawyer…” then giggled. “And every good monarch needs a good lawyer after all!” then tried to suppress a laugh at a joke that only she seemed to get.

After a few more minutes they landed in the clearing that Amie set out for them. Looking like multiple picnic blankets were laid out everywhere and layered over each other several times. Making a surprisingly soft-looking area that covered the grass below.

As they flew. Van couldn’t believe all the plants, trees, and even the few birds and animals that were thriving and growing in the greener part of his island. His soul realm really has developed far in the past many months he had been focused on studying.

“Here we are… Now please commence copulation.” Amie said once they landed.

Van blinked at her. “Wait. Are you... going to watch?”

Amie arched a brow at that. “Would you rather I join? If so, please give me a moment while I move my schedule around and pen myself in for this copulation.”

“No. no. that’s fine. I’m good.” Van quickly said. Then turned to find Lyn already naked with a massive beaming and excited smile on her face.

Van Stared and was reminded once more how much Lyn had matured and grown. Her long legs, her fuller breasts, her shapely figure.

But he still felt very uncomfortable about this. Still, he realized that doing this was what a good male… a good husband… would do. Lyn was at least right about that, even if he felt like there were underlying motives about what she said. It didn’t change the fact that she was right. He had a duty, as a male of this world, to help his wives with their needs. For they had their own duty, to sacrifice themselves for him. He could hold the ideals of both his past lives and the duty of this one’s, without conflict. Or so he would like to believe.

Van took a deep breath, and let it out. “Alright. Let's do this…”

---sex scene!---


--- end of sex scene-

Leaving Lyn to her… afterglow… Van went to look for Ren. he had some choice words to share with him about what he had been teaching Lyn. as well as a few questions about the echo he became fused with. Surprisingly, he found him right outside the inner layer of his island.

Van landed in front of him, confused as to how this was possible. “How are you outside the barrier? Shouldn’t you be unable to leave the communion?” he asked.

Ren shrugged. “I have my ways,” he said with a mischievous smile before it turned into a frown. “And besides, this is an emergency.”

“Emergency?” Van asked, more confused than ever and now a little worried.

Ren nodded once more before he took a sip of his cola and sighed. “Yes. emergency. Like that ticking time bomb of a focal core, you brought in here. Or at least, the essence of one.” he shrugged once more.

Van’s eyes widened. “Are we in danger!?”

“Not immediately no. but soon? Who could say?” Ren said, taking another sip.

“Well, what do we do about it!?” Van asked, now a little exasperated by Ren’s seemingly uncaring attitude.

Ren sighed. “I was hoping you would save all that essence in the vault for a rainy day, but it seems like you will need to use it to upgrade your soul realm once more,” he said, taking another sip. “Honestly, I’m not mad. If we could take advantage and restore that focal core, we could put it to good use as a training ground to grow and gather passive essence. Just next time you try something like this, maybe ask me first.”

“Wait,” Van said, a little panicked. “I don’t have enough for another upgrade!” I only have 27.5 thousand essences from last time!

Ren rolled his eyes. “Your soul realm has matured a lot since then. 27 times faster than what a normal soul realm would mature at. Of course, once you upgrade it, it will be fully mature and won’t grow at such a fast rate anymore. But at least you won’t have to worry about not having enough essence.”

“What will happen to my soul realm once it’s mature?” Van asked.

“Like I said, it will just grow slower, just because it's matured, doesn't mean it can’t still grow or be upgraded. Now stop wasting time and get to it!” Ren said, a little annoyed at Van. turning around to walk casually towards the core of Van’s soul realm.

A little annoyed himself. Van ran towards his core, jumped up, flew, and landed center stage. He then took his seat and opened up the menu to his soul. Pressing buttons, he got to where he needed to go.

“Lets, see… upgrade soul realm… here it is! Hmm… Whoa! It went down from costing forty thousand essence. To twenty-two thousand! Another few years and I could have gotten a free upgrade!” Van shook his head. Now was not the time for that.

He immediately pressed the confirm button for the upgrade and sat back as the process did its work. Absent-mindedly he wondered if he should have been so quick to trust Ren when he said he needed to upgrade his soul realm. But he didn’t feel like he was lying, and more importantly, as Van got closer to his core. He felt the effects of the focal core more and more, so he at least knew that Ren was right when he said it was like a ticking time bomb.

As he laid back in his seat to enjoy the show and the feeling that would follow it. His entire soul realm shook so hard he felt like he was in the middle of an earthquake. Soon, power flowed from the core that was the center of all existence of his soul realm. Bathing everything in shining light. Reality warped and changed, and his island grew.

It’s size, doubling, then doubling once more. The compass-like layout of his inner layer, turning and changing, soon it was all gone, leaving nothing behind but a flat black surface. Then rose hard black rock walls and buildings from the ground. Slowly his inner layer turned into a castle, and he was in its throne room. With a large open window so that he could see out of his tower, over the castle town and the lands beyond the inner layer. Which now grew trees, mountains, rivers, and more in rapid fashion.

Once done, Van felt euphoric, like he was a king or lord. He looked towards the inner layer and saw it could clearly be improved upon, just like Ren promised.

In the distance. He saw Luna’s, Anna’s, and even Leah’s, thought that the last one was a bit farther, island’s come very close to his own. Great stone bridges formed between his island and thiers, allowing one to cross from one island to another on foot except for Leah’s.

Small islands also formed from nothing, to either hover next to his island, or even above it, allowing a cascade of water onto the greener parts of his outer layer.

“Holy shit… this is my castle and castle town… and everything beyond that is tamable land… I can feel it… I can bring people in and settle them here… grow my power, my rule...I… I…” Van had no word to say to this feeling. He had a little kingdom in his soul realm. Now all he needed was subjects.

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