World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 34: Lyn

Van finally turned sixteen a month ago, and he still couldn’t wrap his head around the amazing device strapped to his arm. A vespera bangle, more of a small vambrace, from the vespera company. Also known as a SIB, social identification bangle, though it also has many other names. Mana communication device, or wireless mana receiver, plus many more names.

It all boils down to it being the coolest thing Van had ever seen. The thing was like a cell phone from his past memories but with magic. It even had a retractable slat that can be pulled off to be used almost like a regular cell phone. The bangle itself was more like a small brace, with many runes and small cores dotted around. When in use, holographic displays would pop up, showing the many different features and uses of the bangle. Communicating with other users, being only one of a myriad of options. And when Van didn’t want to wear it anymore, all he had to do was will it into his soul realm and pull it out again whenever he felt like it.

The first thing he ever did with it was to make sure to get his bangle linked with his father's. Who he was surprised to learn also had one, thought of a far older make. Van’s being more silver and black in color and his father’s being more bronze and smaller. So long as they are in a certain range of each other, they can communicate. It was also one of the prerequisites for Van to travel more in the future. And not just because it would mean that Van and his parents can be in touch. But because it also acted like a passport and id, containing information about the person that was using it.

He was so excited about it, that he was literally chafing at the bit to move out and explore the nearby countryside and adventure a little. But his parents instead insisted that he finally learn how to properly cultivate now that his body was so mature. Not only will he finally learn how to cultivate mana, but he was finally told what his parents were talking about with Katherine, back at the party.

“I’m going to have a teacher?” Van asked curiously.

Alvaroz nodded, “yes, it was one of the conditions and favors for our help, that we have someone properly train you. Someone who could also provide you a diploma after going through their training and teaching so that you would not have to go to school unless necessary.”

“Why would I not want to go to school?” Van asked, confused.

Alvaroz hesitated. “Lets just say… you would not like it. And you still may have to go to school for a few years anyway. I didn’t want to send you at a young age for fear of what may become of you… what… already has happened to you.” he finished sadly.

Van got the message, and a small tendril of worry wormed itself into the pit of his stomach at the implications. “And I won't have to worry about that with a tutor right?”

Alvaroz hesitated again. “No… you will. This tutor will also teach you not only how to be a proper vampire and how vampire society works. But she will also teach you how to properly… please a woman…” he said solemnly.

“Wait… then... what's the difference between me going to school and not!” Van said incredulously.

“The difference is… you're older now, and you're stronger. You won’t have to worry about people trying to force you to do things you don’t want to do. But that doesn't change the roles that we have been given at our birth. The roles we must abide by due to our gender…” Alvaroz then placed a hand on Van’s shoulder. “I know it's not something you want to hear… but it's the fact of life in the world. I just didn’t want you to face it before you're ready. I hope you understand.”

Van felt it was unfair. After everything that happened, it seemed he couldn’t escape from the prejudice or gender bias of this world. But he knew it wasn’t his father’s fault, if anything, his father was overprotective of him. “Ya… I understand.”

Alvaroz gave a small sad smile. “Why don’t you go. Lorenzo has been waiting for a long time to properly teach you how to cultivate mana. And once you have established your cultivation, perhaps we could go out hunting in the woods. Just the two of us. What do you say?”

Van smiled kindly back. “That would be wonderful. But… before I go, when is this new teacher coming?”

“She should be here in a month or so. When she does arrive, do everything she says. She is one of the most renowned tutors in Alcray. With over six hundred years experience! She has taught some of the most renowned mages, nobles and more, and is very influential because of that.” Alvaroz said seriously.

Van’s eyes widened at that. “Don’t worry, I will.”

Alvaroz smiled kindly at his son and gave him a hug before leaving. “I know you will. Now take care of yourself. I have to check a few things. We’ll talk later.”

After that, the two parted ways. Alvaroz was going to do whatever he was leaving to do, and Van just wondered what he should do for the rest of the day. “Perhaps I should take on father’s offer and visit Lorenzo to finally learn how to cultivate?”

With that in mind, he left towards Lorenzo's study to see if he was free, as well as to ask him a few questions on how he could evolve his little zapper.

Entering Lorenzo’s study, he found Lorenzo was indeed there but in the middle of one of his many alchemical experiments. Van decided to wait and enjoy the show of Lore’s hands weaving across the desk, filled with rare and useful herbs for potion making as well as exotic minerals and bones from strange beasts with fantastical properties.

After half an hour of waiting, Lorenzo finally seemed to have finished what he was doing. Nodding sagely to himself as he eyed a small vial filled with red liquid that seemed to bubble just so in a manner that pleased him. Turning slowly he gave Van a large toothy smile, always pleased to talk to his favorite pupil about new discoveries and other things. “How can I help you Van. Are you here for another one of my lectures on how to make the perfect healing potion that is both effective and cost-effective?”

Van returned the smile. Always happy to talk and learn something new that broadened his horizons. “Not this time. Sorry. I actually came by because I hoped that you could help me with something.”

Lorenzo tilted his head. “Such as?”

“Well… dad thinks it's finally time for me to learn how to cultivate mana. And I would also like to ask your help on how to evolve my zapper into a lesser storm fairy. If you are not too busy that is.” Van replied politely.

Lorenzo seemed shocked. Mouth hanging opened in disbelief. “Is it finally that time… is it finally the time to teach you the wonders of magic!” his voice slowly taking on a more giddy tone as a wider and wider smile took his face before more disbelief was shown. “And what do you mean evolve a zapper into a lesser storm fairy! Storm fairies are incredibly rare!” He genuinely seemed to be going through a range of emotions all thanks to Van’s simple questions.

“Well… I found out that I could turn my zapper into a lesser storm fairy. Though the process is a little convoluted.” Van then told Lorenzo everything he learned when he was in the soul realm. As well as all the ingredients that he would need for the process to take in order to turn his zapper into a lesser storm fairy. At the end of it all, Lorenzo was left in a deeper state of shock then when he first heard the absurd proposition.

“I honestly can’t believe it. Your soul realm sounds nothing like anything I have ever heard of.” he then shook his head out of it. As a burning passion filled his eyes and excitement filled his body at the thought of trying something so crazy. “Let's do it! To think we could create a storm fairy from a zapper, it’s… it's…!” he then laughed out loud at the absurdity of it all. “Not to mention I finally get to teach you how to cultivate mana!” he brought a hand to his eyes to wipe away a tear. “Am I dreaming? Or is this literally the best day of my life!”

“First I finally complete the potions I’ve been working on for years. Then I can help create one of the rarest and most powerful fairies out there. And finally, I can train my greatest pupil how to be a proper mage!” Lorenzo didn’t know what to do, he was so happy.

“Wait… have you finally decided upon a name for your familiar?” Lorenzo suddenly asked. “ it will be important that you have if we want to do this correctly.”

Van nodded. “I thought long and hard on the name I wanted to give her. Even going so far as to use some of the memories of my past lives to help. I think I finally found a decent name for her.”

“That's good to hear. Now. we won’t be able to do it today. I’ll have to get something prepared. But come back tomorrow and we’ll give it a go and see what comes of it.” Lorenzo, his excitement barely concealed.

Van was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to hang out with Lorenzo or learn anything from him today. But he was just as excited. So much so that the idea of doing nothing while he waited was not a pleasing thought for him. But decided to leave anyway so as not to get in Lorenzo’s way.

Leaving. Van played with Luna and Anna a few games as he waited for tomorrow. Telling his parents that he will be taking the day off of training and studying with Lorenzo for when they worked to get his zapper to evolve. they seemed very interested in this and asked many questions to which Van tried his best to reply, though he openly admitted he didn’t know much about these kinds of things to properly explain. This also explained the reason why Lorenzo was not eating dinner with them that night. As usual, when something piqued his interest, he would lock himself away in his study until he either grew tired of it or was satisfied with what he had learned.

The next day Van returned to Lorenzo’s study, zapper in tow. The zapper seemed to have a sixth sense of what was going to happen and so stayed on Van’s shoulder nervously. As Van entered the room, he noticed a very large circle filled with mana cores, mana orbs, and many other ingredients. No doubt to be used for the zappers ritual.

Turning his head towards the sound, Lorenzo gave a wide smile upon seeing who it was. “It will just be a minute. I have to make some last-minute adjustments and I’ll be done.”

Van paused upon seeing Lorenzo’s face. “Did you get any sleep last night?” he asked.

Lorenzo waved it off. “Don’t worry about me, I'm fine, I took a potion this morning so I’m as awake as I’ll ever be!”

Van looked unsure but decided not to comment. Knowing Lorenzo, he probably was fine thanks to the potion. But that still didn’t mean that he enjoyed the fact that Lorenzo took liberties with his health… again. “Just make sure not to over do it. We don’t want a repeat of what happened last time when you took to many of those potions and stayed up for a week straight.”

Lorenzo paled at the thought, as memories of being unable to sleep that one time took control of his head. He violently shook them away, not wanting to think about it. “Don’t worry, I’ll sleep properly tonight. Promise. Would you place your zapper onto the circle please.”

Van gave him one last look before walking over to the circle and prompting the zapper to take its center. Reluctantly it did so.

Lorenzo nodded. “Alright. First. We will impart some essence and mana into the zapper until it is just about full. It will take a few hours, but it's necessary that it uses the energies to get as close to its next evolution as it can. Afterward, you will give it its new name and its evolutionary process should begin. As it evolves I will use the ingredients and blood in the circles connected to this one and have them join and become a part of the zapper as it goes through its evolution. Affecting it on a fundamental level that should, in theory, allow it the options to evolve into an insect-kin, then chimera and then a storm fairy later on.” he continued to explain a few more things as he worked, with Van nodding along.

“What happens if something goes wrong,” Van asked, now worried that something would happen to his little friend.

“Don’t worry, I have already prepared for that,” Lorenzo said, trying to soothe Van’s fears. “Are you ready to begin?”

Van looked back to the zapper and back to Lorenzo again. Slowly, he nodded and Lorenzo began the ritual to evolve the zapper.

As usual, the magic circle began to glow and slowly mana and essence poured into the zapper. The zapper closed its eyes and stilled its body, seemingly as if it was trying to cultivate the energies into its body. After a few hours, Lorenzo nodded to Van, and taking his cue, van moved towards the zapper up to just outside the circle.

Taking a deep and nervous breath, Van said the zappers name. “I bestow upon you the name… Lyn…” which in one language of his past lives meant lightning.

Immediately that seemed to have an effect. Van felt his mana pool being drained as a deeper and more personal connection formed between him and the zapper. Immediately Lorenzo started pulling the mana from the cores and orbs, as well as the herbs and blood into the stream of energy that was converging onto the zapper, making her glow. Van felt pain through their deeper connection. He never realized that doing multiple evolutions at once could be this strenuous.

The zapper's body began to change right before Van’s eyes. It morphed into a larger version of itself, and just as it seemed to finish, more energy flowed in, forcing it to change again. This time into a more bipedal form, with some chitin. This too looked like it was about to finish before even more energy flowed into the zapper and even greater pain was felt through the connection. For the final time, the zapper morphed and changed and the glow of power and energy became almost too much for Van to see.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the flow of energy seemed to calm down and the glow of his little friend finally seemed to dim, revealing a truly amazing form.

Lyn was a small diminutive figure. Young but beautiful. Her wings were a mix of black lines on a color of blue Van wasn’t sure off with electric blue veins, they were like butterfly wings but if they were a little pointy. And speaking of electric blue, her pupils were electric blue, with her iris being a deep black and her sclera also being electric blue, with a blink it seemed she could reverse this order at will. Her hair was long and the same blue color he couldn’t put a name to, dark blue but bright. She also seemed to have black and electric blue hairs mixed into it, giving a truly alien but fascinating beautiful design. She had a black and dark blue fluff around her neck. This fluff was also on her legs but shorter and finer, beginning around just above the ankles and ending on her thighs almost like stockings, just high enough to give her that absolute territory, she also had the fluff from her wrists to just shy of her elbows. Her hands and feet looked like a human’s, but black, as if they were covered by some extremely soft chitin, ending in some sort of claws, with a will by Lyn they turned into normal hands, except for her feet. On her head were two soft feathery looking plumes of black and dark blue, almost like antennae. Her entire body seemed to crackle with electricity.

Van could only stare at the creature before him. He was mesmerized by her, and he wasn’t the only one. Both he and Lorenzo could only watch as Lyn looked her body up and down and side to side. Flying up and down and twirling around, after getting some confidence she started to do some acrobatic moves, showing how graceful she had become. Slowly a small smile formed on her face as she almost seemed to dance through the air.

“Lyn?” Van said quietly, almost as if he was afraid to ruin the strange moment that his little zapper was having.

Lyn paused in her flight to look at Van, she tried to open her mouth, but no words came out. Realizing she still couldn’t communicate with her master, as she never used a mouth before nor learned how to speak. She instead, immediately flew right into Van’s face to give him a hug.

“GAH!” Van shouted as he was tackled. He felt her naked form squirming all over him and was surprised by how soft she was and how soft the fluff-like stuff was as well.

“I know you're happy, but you really should wear some clothes first.” Van said.

Lyn moved away and gave Van a pout, unhappy that her hug was turned down for something as silly as clothes.

Lorenzo, giving a small chuckle at the sight and decided to interject before things could go any further. “Congratulations Van. you have a lesser storm fairy as a familiar. I can tell you right away that you would be the envy of many mages and nobles around the world for that alone.”

Lyn seemed to puff out her chest at that while Van seemed concerned at the thought that many mages and nobles might take interest in his Lyn.

“But before we celebrate. I would like to ask you if I could keep Lyn for tonight. I would like to have her go through a few tests, both medical and magical to make sure she’s healthy, I hope you don’t mind.” Lorenzo asked.

Van felt a little disappointed at that. He really wanted to show everyone Lyn, but he realized that Lorenzo had a good point. It was best that she was healthy and okay first before anything else. He gave a reluctant nod. “Okay… but I can stay and help right?”

Lorenzo smiled. “Of course you can.”

Lyn was a little upset at first, thinking that her master was already leaving her. But became happy again when he decided to stay. She didn't know how to speak yet, but she desperately wanted to learn quickly so that she could talk and play with her master. Now that she was a lesser storm fairy, and was stronger, faster, and smarter than before. Her mind had expanded, and with it new ideas and thoughts she had never thought about before and wanted to share with her master.

With that, Van decided to stay with Lyn and Lorenzo well into the night, turning in late. Excited for tomorrow and the surprise he planned to show everyone in Lyn. He could already see the looks on their faces when they lay eyes on her. With such thoughts, Van went to sleep.

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