World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 10: Escape (Part 1)

Ren examined his surroundings.

‘I have to be quick…’

A sense of urgency filled Ren.

It was not just the common Pokémon around him that scared him.

The Charmander and Gible were not the only high ranked Pokémon on the beach!

There were others out there.

He had been feasting for a while.

By now, some of them were sure to have smelled the blood of the Charmander and Gible.

They would be attracted to his location and his life would be in danger!

He had to be wary.

He could scare away most white tier Pokémon with his advanced skills but higher tier Pokémon…

He observed his surroundings carefully.

The Gible and Charmander were the two overlords of the immediate area. He could see a few large figures in the distance.

None of them were approaching him. They remained tens of meters away.

‘They noticed these corpses… so why aren’t they coming closer to investigate…?’

Rather it seemed as if they were moving away from him.

It was strange.

‘Maybe they don’t want to risk fighting each other.’ Ren concluded.

Not dwelling on the question any further, Ren quickly slithered towards the Gible.

Ren’s body made his way through the sand.

He could not help but feel excited.

He was going to level up soon!

The system had stated that in order to level up to level two, he needed to fill his bioenergy to the limit.


A screech resounded from far away, interrupting Ren’s daydreams.

It sent shivers down his spine.

Ren’s instincts started screaming out. They were telling him to run.

He had never felt such strong feelings even when facing the Charmander.

This was not some enemy he had a chance of fighting.


He heard the piercing screech again. This time it was closer to him.

Something was coming!

He glanced in the direction of the screech.

To his left he could see a shadow rapidly running across the beach.

Its legs nimbly travelled across the beach.

Gradually its figure became more and more visible.

A bi-pedal body and an angular head with horns sticking out. Its body was a shade of green. Not an overly bright nor overly dark tone. Its figure resembled that of a Praying Mantis.

What truly caught his attention were its arms. The monster did not have arms. Rather it had blades (Scythes) for arms.

The sight of them filled Ren with dread.

This was a true killer.

 [Ding! Target: Scyther will give you 15 Bioenergy points]

He did not observe any longer.

15 bioenergy? He was dead if he stayed any longer.

This was a Yellow tier Pokémon!

After his battle, he confirmed his speculations about the differences between Pokémon.


At birth, Pokémon were divided into tiers.

First were white tier Pokémon, the most common Pokémon. Ren was a White tier Pokémon

Next were blue tier Pokémon.

After them were Red Tier Pokémon, like the Charmander that he had just battled.

Finally, there were yellow tier Pokémon.

This monster provided more than double the bioenergy of the Charmander.

This was a Yellow ranked Pokémon!

He finally understood why the other high Red and Blue tier Pokémon had backed off from the area.

Ren could see the other Common Pokémon fleeing the area. They too had detected the Scyther’s presence.


Ren hastily tore through Gible. He wanted to be fast but he also had to conserve spirit.

Ren bit into the Gible meat, disregarding the amount he took in.

‘I’m not letting you take all of it…’

His goal was simply to consume as much as he could.

 [Ding! You have gained 1 bioenergy! You have reached 10 Bioenergy. Would you like to level up?]

[Ding! You have gained 1 bioenergy! You have reached 11 Bioenergy. Would you like to level up?]

[Ding! Spirit has increased by .1. Spirit has broken through the first barrier! All stats have now passed the first barrier!]

Ren instantly felt a warm feeling beginning to surge inside of himself. His mind became hazy. He was filled with the immense desire to go to sleep.

Ren forced himself to stay awake.

He could not sleep here! It was a battlefield.

‘How long does levelling up take?’ he asked the system.

There was no response.


Ren backed away from the Gible’s corpse.

It pained him but he had no choice.

This was a yellow ranked Pokémon! It would crush him in an instant!

Ren rushed away from the corpse, towards the direction of the Jungle. The jungle would provide him with cover.

Ren’s body skid across the sand.

With his improved control of spirit, he directed small amounts of energy to the bottom of his tail, allowing him to propel himself further, faster.

All around him were other common Pokémon.

A group of Pokémon fleeing from a single monster.

‘It’s probably not going to follow me…’ Red concluded.

It was probably going to take some time for the Scyther to consume the Gible. By the time it was done, he would have escaped from the beach.

Besides there was no guarantee that it would even chase after him in the first place.

Ren has more important things to worry about.

The strong sleepy feeling had disappeared.

What replaced it was pain… rapidly growing pain.

‘What’s happening to me…?’

Ren’s body rapidly began to heat up. His heart rate began to increase.

His flesh began to move around.

Ren’s thoughts raced. What was the cause of this phenomenon?

Realization dawned on him.

The Bioenergy limit was not there as a decoration. It was an indicator of a limit… a very limit.

It was the limit of how much bioenergy a body could hold.

Ren thought of it like a jug of water. The body was the jug and the water was the bioenergy.

When the jug was full of water, he would need a larger jug to hold more water. Ordinarily this would not be a large problem.

He would sleep and evolve or put it off for later.

The problem was that he had gained too much bioenergy. He had 11 bioenergy stuffed in a vessel that could only hold 10 bioenergy.

His body was going to burst!


The Scyther had reached the corpse of the Gible.

It stood there for a while staring at the corpse.

It was puzzled.

It had clearly sensed two distinct smells but there was only one corpse present. The more appealing smell… it could not find the corpse that it came from.

The Scyther sniffed around the place.

Its eyes landed on a pool of blood.

The appealing smell came from the pool of blood.

Anger struck the Scyther.

The corpse of the prey it wanted… it was gone!

Something had eaten it.

The Scyther turned its head towards the Pokémon fleeing from it. Its eyes landed on one particular Pokémon… a snake Pokémon.

It had seen it near the corpses. It had even seen it eating part of the Gible corpse.

The snake must have eaten the corpse that it wanted to devour.

The Immature Scyther screeched in anger!

Its eyes locked onto the snake. A common Pokémon dared to take food from him?

The Scyther’s leg muscles bulged. Veins became visible, pushing blood into its legs.

It launched itself of the sand and in the direction of the snake.


The subarc is nearly finished! I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride so far. The next subarc will definitely be more focused on training and evolving.

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