Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 7 - Hunter\\\'s Betrayal

The fourth night in the Red Moon Forest.

The stars in the night sky shine.


Three crescent moons hang high above the sky, the night is like the day.

If it weren’t for the occasional beast howling from a distance, this is definitely a great place to watch the night sky.

Will, the thin man, the beard man, and the three surrounded the campfire.

There was a crackling noise in the bonfire, and from time to time a spark popped out of the bonfire.

On the bonfire, there were a few twigs of porcupine skewers.

Under the roast of bright yellow flames, the porcupine dropped a drop of sesame oil, emitting a fragrant and attractive smell.

“Speaking of it, Master Will, you don’t know our name yet. My name is Baoqi, and this is Gemma.” The thin boy Pauch paused. “The one lying over there is called Bate.”

Speaking of Bate, the thin man’s face looked sullen suddenly.

Luohu man explained: “Baoqi and Bate are very good friends. The two learned the hunting skills under the old game together from an early age. When they were attacked by Goblin, Bet didn’t have to die if it was not to protect Baoqi of.”

“It’s all my fault, it’s all me who killed Bate!” The thin man looked mad.

Will didn’t know what to advise.

When Will’s mother Delia died five years ago, Will also felt ashamed.

At that time, the whole world seemed to lose its “color” color.

Will even thought about “suicide”.

Not everyone will easily accept it in a strange world.

Will in the past life is not an orphan, not a cynical madman.

Will has parents, brothers and sisters, friends and confidantes and girlfriends, and has a promising future but a decent job.

Wilgang and his girlfriend considered marrying, and they quarreled with their girlfriends over the night to name their children.

Everything is so ordinary, so beautiful.

However, Will lost everything.

Will died, Will came to this world, Will had a second life.

But Will’s heart is dead.

It was Delia, warming Will’s heart.

It was Delia that made Will recognize the world.

It’s Delia, so that Will has what he wants to protect in this world.

At the moment Delia died, Will was almost crazy.

Therefore, Will can understand the feeling of Bao Qi at this moment.

Will wanted to speak out to comfort Bao Qi, but his heart was bitter.

Will remembered Delia, and his mood grew dark.

“Don’t be sad, the moment we decided to become a hunter, we already had this kind of consciousness.” Luo Qihu patted the thin man’s back comfortingly.

With that, Luo Hu Hu took out a jug of wine from nowhere.


The petite man, Baoji, took the hip flask and gulped.

“Haha, cool!” The thin man laughed loudly, as if to laugh away all the sadness.

The beard man took the hip flask and took a few sips before handing it to Will.

Will took the hip flask and hesitated.

Looking at the black-haired teeth of Baoji Jiema, they watched the stained jug and the spittle stars inside.

Will is not a cleansing person, but he can’t talk.

Will handed the hip flask back, “I don’t know how to drink. It’s troublesome to get drunk in the forest. After I go back, I invite you to the hotel to have a drink.”

“With us here, what are you worried about?”

“We are partners and we will protect you.”

“You don’t need to drink more, just a mouthful.”

“Don’t you treat us as friends?”

Both Baoji and Gemma persuaded Will, and Will was embarrassed not to drink.

“Then I take a sip?”

Both Baoji and Jema stared at Will nervously.

The hip flask’s account was about to reach its mouth, but Will put it down again.

The faces of Baoqi and Jiema “disappear” and “show” a disappointment that cannot be concealed.

“If I drink it all, don’t blame me.”

When he finished, Will covered the spout all at once, “Guru Guru” slammed into it, and Will’s throat squirmed continuously.

“Cough cough …”

Suddenly, Will coughed violently.

Drinks flowed from the corner of Will’s mouth, moistening his collar.

“Cough cough …”

Will coughed and handed the hip flask back to the man with a beard, Jerma.

“Hahaha, you don’t really drink too much.” Baoji and Jema laughed when they looked at Will in embarrassment.

“You drink slowly, I’ll eat meat.”

Will poses like he will never touch the wine again, causing the two to laugh again.

Next, Will eats roast pork.

After the farce just now, Bao Qi and Ge Ma did not drink anymore. The two sat side by side eating the barbecue, looking at Will from time to time, lowering their heads, invisible.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Only the fire crackled.

I don’t know when, even the sound of chewing is gone.

auzw.com Will ’s face turned red, Will shook his head, and his eyes seemed blurred.

“I seem to be drunk.” Will stood up staggering. “I’m going to sleep first. I’ll be bothering you tonight.”

Buchi and Gemma sat there, staring at Will motionlessly without saying a word.

The scene was strangely quiet.

Will didn’t seem to notice.

Will walked towards the cabin, his footsteps sloshing.

Only two steps were taken, and his body was soft. Will supported the tree trunk, but he couldn’t stand it.

Will leaned against the tree trunk, his body slowly slipping.

Buchi and Gemma stood up. The two stood in front of Will, squinting, and a strange smile was drawn in the corner of their mouths.

Will lowered his head, “I can’t walk anymore, you help me.”

“Help you? Okay!” The thin man kicked Will.

It was only then that Will seemed to react.

Will’s drunkenness seemed to be better, but his body was still so soft that even raising his head was extremely difficult.

“Bucky, what are you doing?” Will asked.

“Haha, this idiot, at this time, actually asked us what we are doing?” Jema grinned cruelly, “Boy, now, do you still want to put your young master in front of us?”

With that, Gemma kicked Will a few times.

Will finally understood what Baoji and Gemma were about to do.

“What are you doing? Are we not friends? I just saved your” life “, do you treat your benefactor like this?” Will angered.

“Angry?” Bao Qi has no guilt. “Why are you so high? Why can you get a beautiful woman without hard work? If I were the son of a baron, I must have done better than your waste!”

“Do you think we are willing to be a hunter? The hunters we know are only dead and dead. If it’s not to feed the family and pay taxes, we …” Jema’s eyes burned with anger.

“Bate was killed by a guy like you!” Bao Qi’s face was “scarred”, “Master Will, how does the numb” drug “that can poison a porcupine? Rest assured, we won’t let you be like this Dying. “

“I’m the heir of the Albert family. You let me go now, and I can forgive you.”

“Dead here, who knew we did it?” Bao Qi sneered.

Bao Qi was right.

If you die in the Red Moon Forest, you wo n’t even have a body.

Will will disappear from this world like the world evaporates.

As long as they don’t expose themselves, no one in the world will know that they killed Will.

“To prevent you from resisting, let me pick your hands and feet first.” Jema walked towards Will with a short knife.

A few minutes ago, Will used this short knife to cut through the pork.

“I saved you, why are you doing this to me? Can you make me die a little bit better?” Will seemed to have committed his life.

Baoji and Jema looked at each other similarly, and at the same time they both “exposed” a mocking smile.

“Why? Because you are Will Albert, Baron Leo’s favorite son, and heir to the Albert family, isn’t that enough?” Boucher looked at Will like a stupid pig.

“I was so excited when I thought I could kill a nobleman, a heir to a baron.” Jema patted Will’s cheek with the back of his knife. “Master Will, the night is still growing, hehehe.”

The two of them didn’t notice, Will’s cold and confident look.

“That’s it.”

A silver ray flew out of Will’s body and penetrated Gemma’s neck.

Blood “liquid” gurgled out of Jema’s neck.

Gemma covered his neck with both hands, but blood still flowed from his fingers.

Gemma stared at Will incredulously.


Gemma wanted to speak but couldn’t say a word.

Looking at Will, who stood up indifferently, Pucci jumped up, “How could you be okay! That’s a numb medicine that even a porcupine can” enchant “!”

Will’s eyes froze toward Gemma.

“I heard that the nobles will practice a method called knight breathing. After training, they can run faster than cheetahs. They have greater strength than wild cows and are more resistant to fighting than porcupines. Are you practicing knight breathing?” Bao Qi exclaimed.

Bao Qi is just an ordinary hunter in a remote village.

For Baoji, he has never been exposed to the knight breathing method. For Baoji, the knight breathing method is as remote as the magic in fairy tales.


Bao Qi knelt down.

“Master Knight, Master Will, Baron Will, forgive me, I will never dare, forgive me …” Bao Qi kept kowtowing for mercy, and his forehead was knocked.

Will stopped, “If you really repent, I am not not …”

Bao Qi face “lu” happy “color”, kowtow even harder.

Halfway through the words, Will suddenly accelerated.

Will rushed to Baoqi in one step, and punched him in the head.

Bao Qi’s head sunk like a piece of tofu.

Baoji was paralyzed and died immediately.

At the same time, Jema, who was pierced by Will with a dagger, died of excessive blood loss.

Will stared at the night sky melancholy.

The people were rescued in the forest.

Then he was betrayed.

Not because of financial interests, not because of the rights of beautiful women, tightly because Will is a noble, heir to the Albert family.

Jealous, it’s so ugly.

“People, it’s unpredictable!”


Gain seven soul power.


Gain eight soul power.

“… human encounters are always difficult to predict.”

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